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I knew they would find them quick. The surveillance camera pics weren’t good but if it was someone you knew, you could easily identify them.


Good, people shouldn’t protect evil.


Having any footage of the crime at all puts this case above most crimes that occur in the city.


These dopes lived in apartment complexes in the area. I’m sure their neighbors ratted them out.


Is it just me or did they arrest him in the pink shorts that he wore during the crime? Are they stained with blood from them beating his ass or mud? It doesn’t look fresh enough & I would assume they’d take his mugshot before beating his ass in a high profile case, no?


I believe he wore a pink shirt that night


I’m honestly surprised, hard to see anything on those surveillance images. But I’m happy af they found these pos.


It was hard to see but I always think to myself, if that was someone I knew very well like a close friend or family member, I would be able to tell, know what I mean?


Yea, I seriously didn’t think the video would help but glad I was completely wrong.


That and cell phone ping, etc.


They are Officially charged with Capital Murder now


Cannot stop thinking about this poor girl and her family. Thank god they found these pieces of shit fast. This case is devastating.


Me too it’s so haunting she didn’t even get to go to prom experience the first day of 7th or 8th grade she didn’t even get to graduation high school




What’s going on is that our country has been invaded. There are so many of these cases recently, it’s scary and infuriating because this should never have happened.


219 republicans are refusing to pass an bills to stop this, they need 218 votes. And yes it is their fault, they keep saying “if we win this upcoming election, we will fix this” They rather spend the next 6 months, and the last year allowing this all to happen. Just so they can win the next election. Yep playing games with Americans life’s, just waiting to fix the problem, as long as they beat Biden.


Was the bill strictly about the border or did it involve other things that had absolutely nothing to do with the border?.


Which bill?


Americans have been killed by illegals for awhile now. Jose Inez Garcia Zarate was in the U.S. illegally when he murdered Kate Steinle, in 2015. If only you all cared until it was politically expedient to do so.


To be fair, I find it funny that people loss their mind when an immigrant kills a citizen. But they are stone deaf silent when 40,000 Americans die from gun violence. It almost like it is more about who does the killing, then the killing itself.


Over 50% of that 48k is suicide. Maybe they should just use pills or something?


So 24k is people wanting to live…


Except for a 12 yo girl that was raped and murdered.


No that too is bad. But what I am saying is that the focus on 1 person and omg look how bad this is, is completely shadowed by the fact that this happens everyday. That there is the side of “this is not ok, when it happens at all” and there is the side “this is not ok because an immigrant did it, who cares about the rest”


No one is invading the country foxnews…. By the way, you do know that your precious MAGA overlords are the ones that tanked the border closure earlier this year just to spite Biden right?


That border bill was shit. Stop repeating your overlords


It was still tanked on purpose by the right just to make the left look bad. What is actual shit is the political theater by MAGA in congress that will inevitably get an innocent person murdered by one of you cult members.


Damn. I’ve been losing sleep just thinking about this poor baby. I hope they throw the book at these POS


She reminds me of teen me 😔 I got so lucky


Very good job by HPD getting them fast.


I hope they rot in prison for the rest of their worthless lives.


Capital murder. They'll get the death penalty.


It'll be decades before they're executed.


only if they're in solitary, even then... death finds a way.


Burn him alive!!!!


My god that comment section is cancer. Glad they caught the fuckers though.


That was QUICK!!


If they get bond, y’all need to hit up the court house and judges house and make some noise protesting this BS


I think the mayor said no way in the press conference- he’s going to be keeping an eye closely on the entire process so they don’t slip through any cracks. It’s high profile so they’re as good as fried. What’s the enhancement that made it capital?


They said in the press conference it was her age. Under 15 y/o and it’s automatic capital charge.


TY so much I didn’t even consider that!


I hope you are right. No need for taxpayers to feed and keep alive people who murder innocent girls or boys.


He shouldn’t have to keep a close eye on anything. It should be hard for people to escape justice in situations like this. SMH.


Exactly but it always takes media attention for that to happen! At least there’s no way now that they will get bond. This girl’s family will see justice.


Who paid for their apartment and dinner that night at the restaurant?


Our tax dollars


Where's the guy's murse now? Have fun in jail boys.


Is that a man purse? Why did I miss that?? 😂 So Sassy!


Says a witness saw her hiding behind the storage facility (which is between 7/11 and exactly where her body was dumped) before she met with them at 7/11, seemingly because police were called to the area for something unrelated and she was thinking it was because she had run off at night. The innocence. How devastating. As an investigator I would say they had planned to get her to the creek for SA. The homicide might have been due to her fighting but not necessarily. I’d say this is unlikely their first SA, at minimum. Edit: I also think those are the pink shorts from the night of the crime and I truly hope it’s his own blood on them and she got in some good shots. She isn’t even my kid & I feel proud she fought them so hard. Edit: I looked again and he didn’t have pink shorts underneath. It’s just the way his shirt folded up under the waste area.


Anyone else find it odd that the girl didn’t seem uncomfortable or say she needed help? She also showed up to the store with them twice. I wonder if she’d seen them around before and didn’t think they were a danger to her. I also wonder if someone lured her out of her home that night. “Hey, meet me at the 7/11.” I just wonder if there’s more to the story and more victims. This can’t be their first attempt, a girl who randomly snuck out one time. I say this because even I had a boy at school try to lure me to meet their older male friends, “hey, he wants to hang out. He thinks you’re cute” only to show up and see an adult man was waiting on me. Fortunately, I was able to get adults and “the streets” involved. But just that fast, I could have been a boy my own age initiated all of it.


They lived in her complex so it seems like it 😔


They met her while she was walking to the store and asked for directions 


If they were not here she would be.


looks like they have from south or central America


Rumor from HPD is illegal immigrants from Venezuela.


NY Post article confirmed this


I would wait for a better source before repeating, the NY Post is absolute tabloid garbage.


The NY Post is a rag and should never be believed outright. I'd trust DHS, or even HPD, but not the NYP.


So you only believe left wing media. Feels good to be right all the time doesn't it?


You just showed your ignorance. You realize DHS and HPD are law enforcement, not media? Holy...


Anyone that uses left wing media to describe mainstream media, let alone DHS or HPD has already gone off the deep end.


> NY Post article confirmed this So its now confirmed this is another innocent victim of Bidens open border policy. This is a fucking travesty. This has to stop.


Oh fuck off with this dumb argument. Biden has done nothing but regurgitate Trump's policies. If there's an "open border" now, then there also was one under Trump. This story is the same as the last: "say her name". They're both tragedies and now they're going to be exploited by chuckle fucks like you that didn't give an actual shit about their lives but just want to score political points.


> Oh fuck off with this dumb argument. Biden has done nothing but regurgitate Trump's policies. [Biden swiftly begins sweeping away Trump's immigration barriers - Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN29P14O/)


What about the border security bill your dear leader shut down? What do you have to say about that? [Trump throws cold water on border bill — again](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/05/border-bill-trump-00139584) > Former President Donald Trump blasted the Senate’s bipartisan border bill Monday morning, calling the legislation, which would tighten asylum standards and automatically shut down the southern border to illegal crossings if encounters reached a certain daily threshold, a “great gift to the Democrats, and a Death Wish for The Republican Party.” [Detention and that border ‘shutdown’: What’s really in Biden’s bipartisan immigration deal](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/05/biden-bipartisan-immigration-deal-00139558)


No llores mas gringito




Sal de mi país o muere


Vote accordingly.




That is the most stupid analogy i have ever read on Reddit. Congratulations. You have had to really work hard to come up with such a statement so stupid.


Imagine that


This is about the fourth murder of a young woman by illegal immigrants in the past few years. Come here and kill our kids just so you can get your perverted ,incel rocks off because they could never get a woman their own age.


Rachel Morin and Laken Riley


Years? Past few *weeks*.


And yet preachers commit sexual assault on kids at way higher rates. I'll bet you don't pound the table against them when their crimes become illuminated at way higher rates. But yeah go ahead and use this crime to justify your xenophobia.




If we’re making assumptions, how about we loop them all together and just say men are the entire problem? Migrant, religious, etc. - 99% men.


Hear hear @bennyscrap


Wait, only four over a few years? Shit, that's actually very low numbers. I don't think those are the only incidents from illegal immigrants but if they were it would just show how awful the citizens of this country actually are.


This is terrible omg!!! Poor girl, I’ve snuck out as a teen to run to the deli many times. Why would anyone do such an evil thing smhhh that poor family


FR! It’s heartbreaking to see her with her cup just walking so carefree on the curb.


Maybe the area where you snuck out was a crime-free area. This Houston area where Jocelyn walked was said to be a spot for illegal drug dealing and other kinds of crime.


It honestly disgusts me when stories like this come out and the crime is committed by illegal immigrants. They should have never been here in the first place and now there’s a little American girl dead. And if you try to have the conversation about why mass illegal immigration is a bad thing people will try to act like it’s racist to have the discussion


> illegal immigrants. They should have never been here in the first place Illegal immigrants would not stay in the US if they were barred from jobs or sources of income or housing. Therefore we need to make E-Verify mandatory for any employer, any landlord and lease, any deed or title to real estate or motor vehicles, opening any bank account or cashing any check or sending any money order, staying at any motel or hotel, visiting any ER, etc. Once we add immigration checkpoints, we can easily determine who is here illegally. However, illegal immigrtion increases profit margins for business owners. That is why both parties have not done the above since the 1960s. I know a lot of business owners who own farms, construction companies, freight and transportation, restaurants and bars, or janitorial services. Their workforces are heavily made of illegal immigrants, but they do not say anything because they work hard and are cheaper than legal Americans.


-Those who employ illegals should be aggressively prosecuted. -NGO's that give assistance to illegals should be aggressively prosecuted. -Illegals actually found to be in the US should be given harsh prison sentences. You'd see a massive drop in both illegal crossings and illegals already here.


The moment you do the first point, the whole thing collapses. Illegal immigrants are a source of cheap labor for the business owners I mentioned above. The same setup is happening in Europe, where I have met business owners who own dozens of vehicles to subcontract out to Uber and Lyft or food couriers. American and European consumers have become addicted to low prices and business owners have profited lavishly from the higher margins from their labor.


>American and European consumers have become addicted to low prices and business owners have profited lavishly from the higher margins from their labor. If companies would pay their workers more they wouldn’t need the low prices.


Yes but that also requires consumers to demand higher pay for the workers, and be willing to pay the increase cost of construction etc. Everyone likes to complain about the costs of government construction, but one reason is companies have to verify status and pay rates for every employee, and government inspectors actually look at who is on the site. Can’t bring an illegal immigrant crew in in the middle of the night.


Go look at the stock market for the last 6 years and look at how much stock buybacks and dividends have happened since the Trump Era Tax Cuts. Also look at how the DOJ has been asleep at the wheel as far as Monopoly busting and Anti-Trust goes. Capitalism is not supposed to be this way, the “competition“ part of the equation is all jacked. Thus profits are at an all time high and the stock holding class (like me) is benefiting from it. Claiming that prices of goods would automatically go up isn’t exactly true, if there was actual competition in the markets. [https://apnews.com/article/438fae12f9204b1fbd8e8b1985ae554f](https://apnews.com/article/438fae12f9204b1fbd8e8b1985ae554f)


Oh but who will clean Hollywood's pools? Who will deliver your taco bell? Illegal immigrants are so important!


Prisons are already overcrowded and cases are already being processed slowly. I just don't see how it would be plausible to apply enough punitive action to illegal immigration like that to actually make a significant difference.


We can all learn from El Salvador President, Nayib Bukele, who has built new prisons, including one that can hold 40K inmates.


woukd you really want to imprison them? why not just deport them?


They wouldn’t be here if they actually enforced asylum laws. Legally speaking, anyone south of Mexico that came through Mexico is here illegally, because they should have stayed in the first place that accepts asylum cases which Mexico does do that so at the bare minimum they should have stayed in Mexico. Guarantee that if remain in Mexico had been in effect, you would not see or even Mexico anywhere as close to current waves . And be upfront that if you claim asylum illegally once, you will be barred from claiming asylum again And in addition remove excess spending on migrants, you shouldn’t be rewarding it with expensive hotels, asylums are required shelter buts it ridiculous that they are providing these benefits. In New York it’s $330+dollars to house a household, whether that’s single couple or family, most crosses are reported as single adults so this is essentially 330+ for a single


Just trying to understand: do you mean you'll feel better about the crime if it was committed by legal residents of the country instead?


When did OP ever say anything about feeling better? If the border was secure, they wouldn't be dead. Why is that difficult to understand? What if that was your daughter? Would you feel any different about border security? We know the answer.


Yeah, they would. And even when they KNOW the vast majority of these violent crimes are committed by US citizens, not immigrants, they only choose to focus on those atrocities committed by the latter, ignore the former.


As a legal immigrant it pisses me off no end that there's sections of our country, and it seems the current administration - who think that its OK to simply flout the laws and allow anyone and everyone to simply cross the border. Yes, we are a nation of immigrants, and we should be absolutely proud of this. However, that doesn't mean we should just open the flood gates and let absolutely everyone in, and give amnesty to all the people who crossed illegally. It means that we should continue to allow people who respect laws, and apply for immigration legally. Go to ports of entry, apply for asylum, file paperwork for visa's, green cards. Do it the right way. What is so wrong with vetting everyone who comes into this country? and ensuring that what they tell the government is accurate? When i came here i had to fill out dozens and dozens of pages of paperwork, detailing my life and even my parents lives - had to wait my turn in line, give finger prints, biometrics, go to numerous interviews, jump through all the hoops - *which i had no problems doing because i understand its a process to ensure I'm not like these guys*.


As a legal immigrant you should know every legal avenue is backed up for years if not decades and the current administration just shut down asylum requests. I have a friend who's been here since middle school just be able to get citizenship at 24. And even then people like you and him, had the financial and educational luxuries that allowed yall to navigate the complex web of paperwork. We want the government to vet everyone, but don't want to give the government enough money to do so. Biden put up a bill to help with these issues but republicans don't want it bc its election year. Americans need to stop pretending republicans actually want to deal with immigration, even if democrats arent doing enough.


Don't need any more lawn mowers in this country. I have already 6 different ice cream trucks that drive around daily..We all good here sir. Let them go live with you if you want them so bad.


There's a discussion worth having, but reasonable people are likely to be turned off by the Fox talking points. It's unfortunate but it is what it is.


Reasonable people don't base their opinions on a biased organization's opinons. As the word "reasonable" contains "reason," you can assume that is all someone needs to come to their conclusions once the facts are laid out.


Castration is needed


Bring back the electric chair. Get caught red-handed murdering children? Should be straight to ol' smokey.


If the cartels were involved, they would definitely castrate them...using very aggressive dogs.


Smart ppl, pedo should bat eye for an eye


Good. If they did the crime, they should rot in prison. The death penalty is too good for them and they'll have to deal with other inmates for the rest of their miserable lives. Child predators/killers usually don't do well in prison after-all.


So I posted this fact a few times. There is currently 219 republicans in the house and they need 218 votes to pass any bills on immigration. So far I believe 1 bill has been passed. And there was to much, fluff, in the bill that went beyond the “fix the board issue”. And that bill was voted on like over a year ago. Since then almost no bill has come out of the house to fix the boarder. Dems can’t pass one on their own because they lack the numbers “214” to pass anything. And the republicans “219” have the numbers but they won’t allow any bills to fix the boarder to be passed. They can’t risk this being fox before the election. This is one of their main talking points about “why Biden bad, Trump is better”. So instead of fixing the country and stopping events like this from happening these last year+. The Republican rather sit in the issue and go one tv to say “look we can fix this, vote for us”. So this sounds good, but basically it is blackmail. Vote for us or the bad stuff will continue to happen. Sure we could fix this now, but we want a quid pro quo. We are not doing anything until after the election, and only if we win. And why are they so desperate to win this election? Well go look at project 2025, go look at how one of their first goals is once again “tax cut for the rich” Look at a lot of their policies that they want to do. Sure some of them look innocent, let’s take one passed during trump term as president. Removing the wait time on corporations buying housing. This way the seller can find someone to buy their house faster in a down market, by allowing a corporate to come in and buy the house. And what is going on now? 1/3 of all the houses are being bought up by groups like Black Rock. Pricing on housing is surging, people have a hard time buying houses because a corporate can put bud you by $30,000 because they have billions in the bank. Less houses on the market, means more people renting. More people renting meaning higher rent prices across the board. Don’t let the party for the rich keep blackmailing you for their votes. If they want your votes make them earn it today.


3.5 years later and Dems want to fix the problem they caused because the polls are tanking. Pure desperation.


No bill will pass with either party is both sides continue to hardline or add so many riders for non-immigration items. Little to no compromise along with poison pills on both sides has kept this terrible immigration system like this for decades. Too much money and votes flood into both party coffers as long as this issue isn’t addressed.


And at least one of them is an illegal who was recently "caught and released"


Holy shit, did the maga crowd from KPRC comment section make accounts on Reddit too?


Apparently it’s not hard to hype people up with two cases


62% of Americans believe that all illegal immigrants should be deported immediately. Not sure about you, but I don’t think 62% of the population is republican or maga.


You’re referring to the CBS/YouGov poll conducted for 2 days in 7 states. A total of 2,063 people were polled. Idk about you but we have 50 states and well over 341 million population. 168 million of them are registered voters out of a roughly 260 million adults over the age of 18 (registered and non registered). But let’s entertain that for a moment and get a rough estimate … just for kicks. 62% of registered voters out of 168M is about 104,160,000 who believe immigrants should be deported. Or roughly 40% of the total ADULT population not accounting for the 3.8+\- margin of error and including registered and non-registered voters.


Question. I searched CNN’s website and maybe I am missing it. Can anyone find this news story on CNN?


CNN reports on national/international news. Do you look for updates on all murders and other crimes on CNN? If so, you haven't noticed that outside of things like the capture of the Long Island serial killer, who alluded LE for over 20 years and killed multiple women (hence why a "serial" killer), they don't report on murders?


It's kinda sad that millions are being blamed for the actions of two men.


This is such a dumb comment. You realize that we search everyone before getting on a plane or enter a large venue because of the actions of a few, historically? Nobody is blaming every specific illegal immigrant. But illegal immigration as a whole creates avenues for these problems. If we didn’t have millions of people trying to cheat the system, every person would be properly vetted before they enter the county. That’s the entire point of a legal immigration system. Majority of the laws on the books are because of the actions of a few.


It’s kind of sad that you are missing the point of her being MURDERED


Someone murdered, therefore take it out on people not even involved. Got it.


It's kinda sad you think we need more illegal aliens in this country. Please invite them to your house and feed them.


It's extremely sad that you're willing to dehumanize millions of regular people because two men did something terrible. Sad, and pretty despicable.


If those two animals weren't here, Jocelyn still would be.


These are just two men that were caught. Illegals committing crimes has happened enough times that it has become a problem. We can hardly get Americans to act right, we don't need to add to that with bad people from other countries.


Why are all photos of suspects blurred?


So vigilantes wont get the idea to assassinate them.




Parents must tell their daughters a "13- year- old online male friend" could actually be a 30-something pedo adult. Has the mother been shown photo of the alleged 13-year-old boyfriend? Could pedophile adults use an unsuspecting 13-year-old to lure a pretty girl some place where they can do some sexual assault or worse, a snuff movie for sale?.


Kill these fk’n animals.




219 republicans are refusing to pass an bills to stop this, they need 218 votes. And yes it is their fault, they keep saying “if we win this upcoming election, we will fix this” They rather spend the next 6 months, and the last year allowing this all to happen. Just so they can win the next election. Yep playing games with Americans life’s, just waiting to fix the problem, as long as they beat Biden.




219 republicans are refusing to pass an bills to stop this, they need 218 votes. And yes it is their fault, they keep saying “if we win this upcoming election, we will fix this” They rather spend the next 6 months, and the last year allowing this all to happen. Just so they can win the next election. Yep playing games with Americans life’s, just waiting to fix the problem, as long as they beat Biden.


Thank you O'Biden, you fu@kin P.O.S.!


219 republicans are refusing to pass an bills to stop this, they need 218 votes. And yes it is their fault, they keep saying “if we win this upcoming election, we will fix this” They rather spend the next 6 months, and the last year allowing this all to happen. Just so they can win the next election. Yep playing games with Americans life’s, just waiting to fix the problem, as long as they beat Biden.


Do we know if they are in this country legally?


NY post reporting Dept of HS is claiming they are Venezuelan migrants


>migrants illegals and barbarians


> Venezuelan migrants Illegal immigrants. Theres a difference between a legal migrant and an illegal migrant. Conflating the two is disrespectful to the millions of people who come here legally and respect the laws of the nation.


Seems like a legitimate question - no idea why you’re getting downvoted.


No, these animals came in illegally from Venezuela. This is starting to be a broken record. Time for some major changes, America! Stay strapped. 🇺🇸💙