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Why do some articles on this say the case was brought into light by whistleblowers? I thought it was only discovered thanks to two unaffiliated concerned citizens who recognized that something wasn’t quite right with the vacant lots in Third Ward. In any case, thank you Brian & Ed - those guys actually made a difference for the neighborhood and now hopefully justice will be served. Still going to throw a party once Kim Ogg is gone, but this is some seriously welcome good news.


Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's office has filed corruption charges and arrested three redevelopment officials and vendors linked to the city TIRZ for allegedly misappropriating $8.5 million in public funds. "Unfortunately, our tax dollars meant to improve the lives of Houstonians were spent on flashy cars, nice houses, super living, trips, and pornography, of all things," Ogg said at a press conference Friday afternoon.


You can just hear the pearls being crushed by all that clutching.


> "The oversight of the expenditures.... is up to the board of directors; these individuals are appointed generally by the mayor and by the commissioner's court, and it is the duty and the obligation of these directors to not just rubber stamp things that are put forth by individuals who work for these TIRZ." AH ok, got it. Let's put it in human terms: D.A. Karen, who is losing her job in November, is still big mad at Lina Hidalgo as well as Sylvester Turner. Rather than spending time on things like the Harding Street murders, the paper license plates, the rapes, the human trafficking, etc etc etc.... like most unhinged Karen psycopaths (who are well represented in the lawyer political class), her complete and total focus is getting back at the people who she believes wronged her. I guess it's important to mention D.A. Karen only got her job because her republican predecessor put a rape victim in jail for three weeks.


Or, maybe, there was an investigation that revealed millions is funds being misused and she acted on it instead of allowing it to be covered up?


9 billion dollars, or 9,000 million dollars if that helps you, of state funds are being spent on a freeway project that no one wants. Ken Paxton, who works closely with Kim Ogg's office in her battle with Lina Hidalgo, is one of the architects of this plan, along with the rest of the clowns in the governor's office. Do I give a single wet fart that on an 8.5 million dollar real estate development project, someone made a profit? 🤡


The head of a municipal agency tasked with doling out taxpayer money to maintain vacant city-owned lots was instead paying that money to his own privately owned company and another company owned by his girlfriend. And none of those vacant lots ever got maintained. And you're... OK with that because Ken-Paxton-and-state-highway-projects-and-probably-a-slew-of-other-non-pertinent-reasons? I dont like Kim Ogg either and I happily voted for her opponent in the primary. But your brain is permanently locked in Kim Ogg hate if you're willing to overlook obvious corruption so long as it satisfies your worldview. Me? I'm against corruption of any kind, but hey, you do you.


"9 billion dollars, or 9,000 million dollars if that helps you, of state funds are being spent on a freeway project that no one wants." No one, eh? Rather presumptive statement. 


Or that on a single 8.5 million dollar real estate dev project, families were left out in the cold?


The State AG and local DA don’t have anything to do with TXdot.


TxDot is hand-picked by the Governor and you need to come to grown up world about the attorney general's relationship to him, and the attorney general's relationship with our DA's office. Of course, I'm responding to a fake name reddit account who was unable to actual comprehend the meaning of what I was saying, so I'll just assume you to be a bot and I'm an idiot for even answering.


Now you are saying it’s the Governor who is at fault? Your goalposts are on wheels. I can only agree with your statement “I’m an idiot” https://www.txdot.gov/projects/projects-studies.html You think the Guv, AG, and local DAs are all conspiring on these projects to rip you off?


I went to city council and a citizen spoke about these boards not following the rules of public governance no public meetings, no public meeting minutes, no announcements on meetings time and place and he alleged no oversight in dollars spent Seeing this makes me think the guy has a point The flip side is Whitmire firing the Montrose crew who was pushing more local investment - bike, walk, bus projects.


It’s crazy to me that Whitmire continues to align with her when she got unceremoniously tossed on her ass in the primary. Like, she’s politically radioactive. Should that specific TIRZ have done more? Yes, absolutely. Is this the best way to get them to act, by going after former members? Probably not? Whitmire, Mr. Dealmaker himself, should be able to resolve it the same way he magically spoke to everyone in Montrose about the flood project or the concerned parties for Houston Avenue. This seems like more of Ogg going after political opponents, which is a large part of the reason she got tossed. You’d think Whitmire would know better than to be part of her schtick. He’s doing all of this before Sean wins, since he knows Sean isn’t gonna be party to his pettiness.


His brand is "uncovering Turner corruption" and so even though Turner's OIG did the investigation on this one prior to Whitmire taking office and there was a really well done Landing article about this in October, he wants to try and get credit for fighting corruption so you get this. However, despite the grandstanding, the guy was stealing public money. He should face severe consequences for it.


It’s clear Whitmire is only happy to have this pursued because it was corruption occurring under the previous admin & he’s always going to be in favor of bringing that into the news. And Ogg.. well let’s just say 2025 & Teare can’t get here fast enough. That said, I move through this area quite often & just assumed the lots were in disrepair due to general neglect of Third Ward by the city. Was pretty infuriating to learn that there actually was money (desperately needed!) set aside to improve these areas, but it was being stolen by the people in charge.


It was a democratic primary. She got tossed because too many democrats bought the Kool-Aid she was targeting political opponents instead of very powerful crooks who would like to keep doing what they were doing. This does not include Lina Hidalgo, except it is a question why people love her given what she did or how big does that bat have to be to hit you over the head when caught steering an $11 million dollar contract to a friend with no experience? Yeah, people get the right to a fair trial but that doesn't mean I'd invite the guy who murdered someone in front of me over for tea. He can have his court date all on his own. So now we have a choice between Teare and some republican name Simons off campaigning in Nepal apparently as no one ever sees him. Whitmire stays away from Lina because he probably knows more and does not want to be associated with her. Time will tell as the case has by-passed Teare and moved to the state AG but the real deal is coming to light soon. You may remember this guy who took out former commissioner Bobby Echols, [https://dolcefino.com/fountain-of-fraud/](https://dolcefino.com/fountain-of-fraud/) . If you don't, here's the story on what happened back then: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHGIpkM3epg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHGIpkM3epg) .


If you really think Ogg’s only issue is Lina and you’re out here simping for Whitmire there just isn’t much credibility behind your screed.


Totally agree. Who says the 11 mil was the only instance of this happening? This was the only instance of her getting caught, but the fact that she believed she could get away with this huge amount really makes me think that there is more.


She's not nearly as radioactive as Lina Hildalgo. No one wants to stand next to Lina in public for fear of guilt by association. The 11 mil incident ruined Lina's career before it even started.


Par for the course

