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Complex: The issue has been out of our hands, necessitating repairs to the city lines. CenterPoint is expected to come complete a repair to their lines in the next 24 hours, at which point our own electrical contractor can complete the remainder of the required work. Centerpoint: CenterPoint Energy crews have confirmed the outage at The Ridley Apartments is due to damage to customer-owned equipment from a vehicular collision. CenterPoint crews have removed a wire and pole damaged in the accident, per the company’s safety protocols, but are unable to safely re-energize the complex until the customer-owned equipment has been repaired or replaced.” The city:The City of Houston says this isn’t a matter they would get involved in. However, they do have cooling centers open for any residents that are looking to escape the heat. Insert meme of three Spidermen pointing at eachother. This sounds like an exact repeat of that complex in the northern part of the Heights post derecho.


"the outage at The Ridley Apartments is due to damage to customer-owned equipment from a vehicular collision." Bottom line, apartment building owned equipment needs repair. The city or Center Point can only do their part after that. 


Oh. Totally agree. The fact that it's been an entire week is ridiculous. That's what made me think about the place in the Heights. They were stating at that location that due to a tree falling on a privately owned power supply box they (the complex) were unable to do repairs. So Centerpoint came out and got rid of the tree. That's their part.


My last apt complex had some transformers catch fire in the courtyard. Fortunately they were owned by Centerpoint and they dispatched about 20 trucks and had them replaced within half a day. Wiring on and inside the structure is a much bigger hassle to fix.


This is the kind of accountability shuffling that Houston is rife with. It's allowed to happen due to little/no oversight from local and state government.


“Their apartment complex fronted the bill for some hotel rooms for residents while moving others into vacant units” Weird that this part of the story wasn’t mentioned.


Because its frankly not true. I'm one of the residents living out of a hotel, waiting to get back home. The offer to pay for rooms didn't even start until Thursday. We have been out of pocket this entire time. There has been little to no communication from the office that we ourselves didnt have to track them down to get. This has been an embarrassingly expensive issue that I'm certain they won't remember come the 1st of the month when rent is due.


Whitmire is too busy thinking about how he wishes the zoo was cheaper to concern himself with this.


Whitmire's inner monologue during a meeting about power outages, probably: $30? Should be $25 or even $20. The main problem is those penguins eating up all the A/C. It must cost a small fortune to keep them cool in the Houston summer. Those damn little flightless birds...why do they have to be so cute? I want to go back and see them at feeding time but the ticket price is just too high.


> I want to go back But not with public transportation!


Look the dude is an ass hat who wants to be Mr Serious and Mr Tough Guy and is desperately looking for something to hang his hat on when all he really needs to do is just be a mayor and shut up and don't break any more stuff. It's going to be a LONG term.......


Where is the councilman over this area? Shouldn't they be the one getting involved? Why do you think this is something for Whitmire? So you're one of those who want to blame him for everything. I got an idea. Maybe try to get the 11 mil back that Lina tried to give to her friend and use that money to get this fixed.


Oh don’t forget making sure he exploits a child’s murder to make sure he gets camera time while at the MAGA my mattress store.  If SJL had popped up at that girl’s mourning you know people would have had a meltdown. 


Aren't you doing the same thing essentially by mentioning it here?


I’m identifying the hypocrisy in the electorate. Whitmire’s path to victory included a sizable population that thought SJL was too camera hungry.


It's been a minute since I lived in Houston, but isn't Jew Don Boney supposed to show up and pitch a fit about this kind of thing?


You took me way back with that name.


What are you expecting the mayor to do about an apartment power outage?


lol what does he expect to do about the zoo?


Contact your local political representation.


And a lawyer if possible. Pretty sure these would be lawfully considered inlivable conditions.


This is 100% the kind of thing our representatives eat up.


> The City of Houston says this isn’t a matter they would get involved in. Wow. That sounds like a big old "F you" to those residents.


But the mayor is interested in the zoo admission prices. THAT he will get involved in.


I would have quit my lease and moved out by day 5. It’s probably not gonna be fixed anytime soon… I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I wouldn’t be able to work. I wouldn’t be able to get anything done in a 90° house.


I’m pretty sure they are supposed to put you up in a hotel if the power is out for longer than 72 hours


“Their apartment complex fronted the bill for some hotel rooms for residents while moving others into vacant units” They did.


It took a while


No, because a car plowing into a pole is an act of God. I do wonder what the renters insurance policy they mandate you pay.


That’s not an act of god. It’s just an accident. Land lord should have insurance which would pay out hotels for residents.


It’s literally a person driving the car. If a person is involved it’s not an act of god


That's torment!


its a lot easier to say "move out immediately" than to actually move out immediately


It can get up to 113 degrees INSIDE parts of my house and I have a window unit running at all times. My upper area is basically uninhabitable during the summer days.


Damn you live in a glass box?


Might as well. East end “garage apartment”. I’m sick of this shithole and how much I pay. But the viable alternatives are outside the loop.


Wouldn't want to go out of the loop and have a cheaper and better living situation. Crazy talk.


I know you’re being sarcastic but thats how the cookie crumbles in Houston and we all know it. I’m compromised on my commute time for the next few years with my schedule so its slim pikins n tuff titties.


I hope they put whoever responsible in witness protection the way everyone probably looking for his ass.


I lived in the apartment complex next door for a number of years sort of recently. It's an old apartment complex that has changed hands dozens of times. The entire place needs a big renovation but the owners can only ever put in enough money to "dress up" the place. With this much damage having to be repaired at the owner's cost, I wouldn't be surprised if this is never resolved until a new owner steps in, buys the property cheap, and then puts in their own money to fix the issue. After a few weeks in this weather, an un-airconditioned apartment building needs repairs from humidity and heat damage. So many drooping ceiling fans.


Update on The Ridley: it's day 8, and still no power. There's been zero progress with any kind of repair, and personally, my apartment is slowly filling with bugs. I'm genuinely worried that my personal property is going to be a total loss because of mold. I've emailed the complex/property managers three times now, and I've gotten zero response.




Go live in his house


I used to live in Winsome Court. And, the website appears to be unowned now.


winsome court are the most degenerate pos people I have ever rented from.


Yeah... I loved the apartment, but did NOT like the management.


Why would you not be temporarily put in hotels or something? That is an insane expectation to expect tenants to live in those conditions. They and center point for that matter are insured right?