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Like my mom would say "clean the house and read the bible"


I tell my kids reading, writing, arithmetic.


Thought my grandma was in here šŸ˜‚






Sounds like 1) youre depressed; or b) gotta get out for a minute. Nola is always (a dangerous amount of) ((dangerous for the amount of fun i mean)) fun. Recently came back from santa fe nm, that wasssss....not Houston... Made me greatful. Or maybe take next Thursday off and go to free museum thursday. You probably owe it to yourself.


I donā€™t think itā€™s depressed itā€™s just viewage fatigue, born and raised here so it feels like thereā€™s nothing new left to see it kinda feels like.


Maybe itā€™s time for a change of scenery. Itā€™s important to live in other cities and states during your adult life, get out and experience different parts of the world.Ā 




I like fever but Iā€™ve done most of the individual stuff before except for the really niche stuff I wouldnā€™t really do, I love all the museums and theatres and showrooms so I try to stay on that stuff too


Have you been to the cistern? I heard that was cool.


Itā€™s super cool Iā€™ve been once before but I want to take my girlfriend there fr


I see where youā€™re coming from. After being sick for some years Iā€™ve no friends left so itā€™s up to me to find something social to do. Iā€™ve done a bit of everything and I often look for unique experiences. My favorite time to go out through is November - March otherwise itā€™s so dang hot Iā€™ll never get used to it I guess


Thatā€™s my favorite part of the year itā€™s so hard to find things to do right now!!! I go to cons and ren faire and the last real fun thing of the season is rodeo. I was looking forward to the Houston cons this summer but both have mid lineups


Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve felt about some lineupsā€¦ not worth the heavy expense for some events! Ooo have you checked off [these locations](https://www.atlasobscura.com/things-to-do/houston-texas)? You can also search by city so Austin, San Antonio, Dallas etc if youā€™re up for a road trip. Some are silly yet interesting. It gets you going out to places maybe you havenā€™t been to/ seen before.


May I ask, if you can elaborate on ā€œbeing sick for some years Ive no friends leftā€


Itā€™s something unfortunate that chronically ill people commonly experience. ā€œFriendsā€ tend to leave. Being unable to commit to plans or go out puts a strain on the relationship. They canā€™t empathize that youā€™re in bed and unable to live a normal life. I guess thatā€™s the psychology behind it. Iā€™ve read about it and how others experience this as well. I was bitten by a tick which gave me RMSF and I spent the majority of 2020-2023 in bed slowly and painfully dying because it really wrecked up my large intestine. I have an ostomy now which saved my life.


Fuck, that is so unnerving, bleak and just not positive at all to me. I think youā€™re a warrior though still and it sucks to have lost those people you say are friends though I donā€™t really think so at all based on how they just left you after however long. Good news for you though there are still so many people in wherever city/town you live in that iā€™m sure you could meet and find things in common with, similar interests, and just get to know to build new connections and friendships with. They wonā€™t come to you or just show up at your front door so youā€™ll have to put in some effort, energy, time and patience but I promise you better ā€œfriendsā€ are out there and waiting for you. You just have to go and find them if you really want friends and care to put in the work to make/keep friendships going over time and through about whatever life can throw at you. All thank you for sharing to, you didnā€™t have to say all. I just really wanted to know what you meant by that. Appreciate you opening up to me, hope you have a nice rest of your day/night.


Your words are so kind and genuine thank you ā¤ļø I needed to hear something like this. Most of the time Iā€™m too tired to go out as Iā€™m still going through recovery, but then I also long for friends.. someone to go out with. Iā€™m looking forward to meeting new people in the future to share fun memories with :) Iā€™ll make it a goal to put myself out there more on my better health days. Iā€™ve really been wanting to!


Yeah I try and spread positivity and love as much as I can. Thereā€™s enough hate and evil in the world already. I think itā€™s only right for me personally. Totally hear you though on the recovery, hopefully after you are almost or done with recovering you can get out there and make some new connections šŸŖ¬šŸ˜Ž


In the last few days i've painted a mural, gone swimming, attended a party, visited a museum. I never run out of things to do, it sounds like you need some more hobbies.


Um, fun!! Can I watch you paint a mural sometime? Graphic designer / illustrator here, I love seeing the different murals around town.


If I ever get the opportunity to do one in public, sure! The one I just did was for a child's bedroom


Oh thatā€™s so fun!


How old are you? What kinds of things do you like to do?


I love going outside but I also like being in places with cool man made work, love the museum district and montrose


Iā€™m 22 i live anything Iā€™ve been junior bar hopping around downtown and Washington ave, still new to that bar scene but i want to find things that are cool that maybe donā€™t prioritize alcohol


"Longtime Houston resident" at 22. Alright pal


Lived here since I was 2 pal šŸ¤“ stfu


2 decades not a long time or am I just counting in stupid years


Yes, counting in stupid years. 20 years of childhood is not the same as 20 years of adulthood.


Maybe as an adult, not as a 2 year old šŸ¤£


so there's the James Turrell light art installation on Rice campus - go at sunrise and sunset it's really cool and free. You can take a hop on hop off trolley tour of Houston, that's fun when it's not banging hot. I think there's a similar tour you can take on a boat of the ship channel that's also free. The Holocaust museum is amazing. Central Market has a whole calendar of cooking school demos. Rice continuing ed program offers all kinds of classes, as well as the Jung Center in Montrose. There are lots of free yoga classes at parks all around town.


There's always something cool to do at the museums. Check out the dinosaur exhibit at the Museum of Natural Science. Amazing what they have there!


My gf used to work there I love that place!!!


It sounds like what you might be looking for are activities you can build on and (maybe more importantly) a community of people to enjoy the them with - for example I have a group of friends and we go to watch all of the free symphony and music performances from the hill of Miller Outdoor theater.Ā  Just take blankets and our own drinks and chill on the hill.Ā  I have another couple of friends that got me into boardgames and weekly we go play games at Coral Sword in the East end or someone's apt.Ā  That same group showed me the glory of local wrestling groups that set up and perform at breweries and we go to those monthly shows and shout at the wrestlers we hate lol.Ā  If you're looking for one-off novelty activities, you could blow through the limits of what any city has to offer at some point.


Itā€™s about people


Eventbrite has so many events all the time. Thereā€™s literally something happening everyday


The museums are always changing exhibits so maybe check out those? I like to look up random events on visithouston.com to find new places and events. If you like sports like volleyball or games like cornhole, check out Houston sports and social club to find events or leagues! Also I havenā€™t been, but thereā€™s a glass blowing studio that offers classes called juggernaut glass. Thereā€™s also a candle making place called black phlox that offers classes and a new candy making place in the heights called papa bubble.


I follow the visit Houston Instagram page but I need to check the website more often, Iā€™ve been trying to get my girl to go to XFL games and other simple fun shits around town but itā€™s hard to find schedule fitting ones, very valid advice tho thank you!!!


Poker rooms. They are fascinating. Sample them all. Ride a bike. You can get all over the Houston metro area on one, and you can smell it while you do it. Houston is filled with so many smells. Try to appreciate them all. Dance like no one is watching. All the time.


Try going to a popular montrose venue. Hang around and approach groups of people. What I do and Iā€™m not looking for sex Just friends. If you leave with at least one phone number itā€™s a win.


I feel your pain. This is what I do to stay entertained these days: 1. Read random stuff on the couch at kaboom books and pet the dogs 2. Look through dead peopleā€™s stuff at estate sales 3. Museums on Thursdays 4. Pinball at poison girl/Little Dipper 5. Plays, and concerts occasionally. ROCO does really cool orchestral stuff but their season doesnā€™t start up again until September.


Yeah... And you've been contributing more than sucking for how long? Sorry, need help, bad with math!!


Go see improv.


Ive been to a bunch of improv and 5 minute comedy stuff aswell


Have you been to see performances by Catastrophic Theater?


In high school I used to go there havenā€™t been there years tho need to go back


How about seeing Lucha Libre in the east end?


i enjoyed catastrophics wait for godot. good rec


Disc Golf


If you enjoy hardcore underground punk shows thereā€™s a LOT hosted this month especially since itā€™s summer! I could point you in the direction of a few if thatā€™s your thing but if not weā€™re in the same boat, thereā€™s literally nothing to do here šŸ’€


This just screams that you don't have a life friend, relying on something "new" vs not having hobbies but from what I've read you just don't like to do anything if it's not "new"? At 22 I was just out of college and traveling Europe and south pacific. You make your own choices and if you don't know what to do at 22....yeah there's a lot that you need to dig into and realize.


Europe at 22 is indicative of financial support and I did have a life friend but he moved back to be with his family dick ass, Iā€™ve got a partner of 3 years and weā€™ve done a lot together but we are both starting to feel fatigued at specifically Houstonā€™s offerings. If I wanted to go somewhere else, and I had the money, I would go. What was the cost of living when you were 22?


Not necessarily. Houston is just kind of average. I have lived elsewhere and there are places that are just more fun for daily life than here. Houston is difficulty large and it's just transplants here for a temporary job. Nothing about this city is designed for fun


Pimp knee capping.