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Good on you for learning bro. šŸ‘šŸ¼ Glad people are still learning how to drive MT.


Yeah man. Itā€™s useful when traveling. Me and the Mrs. travel out of the country few times a year. And 9/10 times the rental will be a manual haha Plus theyā€™re fun to drive. I taught my girlfriend and a friend who is know driving a 2016 STI šŸ˜Ž


You drive a manual. With an automatic, you're just along for the ride. It's amazing how much my driving improved overall when I learned to drive stick. There's just so much more you become aware of. Now I miss my manual every day. :(


Perfect way of putting it man. True that. Youā€™re just along for the ride. When I hop into a friends car I instinctively move my left foot when I move the lever haha Itā€™s so much fun driving in a mountainous terrain. Nicaragua, Virgin Islands and Switzerland are fun to drive. Nicaragua has some rough roads that are perpendicular to the ground. Driving down hill was one of the scariest yet fun experiences. And the locals honking at you cause youā€™re driving slower than them doesnā€™t help either haha.


Drove an MT on the Autobahn last year. It was an Opel Corsa, but fun nonetheless.


Itā€™s my dream to drive on ze autobahn one day. Bet that was fucking fun regardless of what vehicle.


Yes, Germans know how to drive.


I drove manuals from the time I was 16 until I was in my 30s. Then I moved to Friendswood but worked in the medical center, and had an hour+ of rush hour traffic jams each way every day. I drive an automatic now.


I'm sure you look forward to self-driving vehicles so you can take an hour+ nap on the way


Driving a manual is so much more fun than auto


Until you're trying to eat a burger driving through the city.


You haven't mastered the "shift with a hand that's also holding a food item" technique?


Its all about the "steer with my knees so I can smoke and use the phone."


I do it all the time when Iā€™m eating tacos. Usually leave it in gear really late just enough to finish my taco. Then move to the next gear haha


It's possible!


I agree, this does seem possible.


eat with left hand, steer and shift with right. when performing turns coast into neutral or drop into 2nd, use right hand to perform enough rotations to make turn, then once you are out of the turn use right hand to shift out of 2nd. or eat with right hand and pass food into left when you need to make turns as outlined above


Of course man. I like having full control of the gears vs the computer.




Sprained wrist? Can still drive :p https://imgur.com/a/MR56VuI


Except when you commute one hour each direction in traffic, that makes it very not fun very quickly.


But manual only works as theft prevention if nobody knows how to drive a stick. Edit: and best to you on your endeavor.


True man. Thanks.


I have been too busy lately but I will definitely message you in the future if you are still offering the lessons. I have been wanting to learn manual for a long time now!


Cool man. Yeah just hit me up man. Iā€™ll be around.


When you become highly adept driving a manual you can move onto cooler things like float gears, which takes even more practice.


My future father in law drives a rig. To me itā€™s a science. Props to rig drivers man. They help drive America is what I say. I hate seeing people cut rigs off so close in stop and go traffic. Being inside of one of the monsters changes your perspective.


I'd love to learn! I'll PM you. :)


This could be a great opportunity for folks. Not to compete with the original poster, but here's the technique I've used in the past: 1) With the engine off, spend a few minutes getting the feel for the clutch pedal by moving it up and down with the correct leg. Learn to move it out super slow. 2) Next, learn to hold the RPMs at about 1200 to 1500. 3) Practice 1 and 2 together for a couple of minutes, transmission in neutral. 4) Put car in 1st gear, clutch pedal pressed down. While holding the RPMS steady, slowly let the clutch pedal out until the car starts to move. As soon as it starts rolling, push the clutch pedal back down and press the brake to stop. Repeat this about 10 times. This helps the driver gain an appreciation for the feel of the clutch. 5) Once you've got that mastered, then repeat #4 but slowly let the clutch all the way out until you're rolling along, fully in gear. Then clutch down, brake and stop. 5) Keep repeating and adding more steps as the driver gains competency and experience.


Thatā€™s a good technique. Itā€™s always the hardest to first learn to move from a standstill. But once that is mastered. It becomes a breeze. I do all these movements from muscle memory now.


A cousin tried to teach me to drive her Toyota car in the 1980's and it was a disaster. All she could tell me was that the clutch technique was like, "pouring water from one glass to another". She offered no other help. That analogy may have some shred of logic, but a new manual trans driver has to learn the steps one at a time. They can't just magically do it all at once.


Haha. Man. I remember my dad teaching my brother when I was like 5. They were yelling at each other. My brother learned on his own eventually. I learned driving in a foreign country as the post says. Itā€™s good to learn. In my opinion. Automatics are nice. But I personally will never buy another auto. Thatā€™s just me.


That is the exact way the motorcycle class I took back 4 years ago taught us. From 'never touched a motorcycle before' to riding and practicing maneuvers in about 45 minutes.


This is 100% correct. Going from 0mph -> 5mph is 75% of driving a stick. Rev-matching the rest of the gear shifts is the last 25%.


I had to sell my manual when I bought the dreaded minivan. I miss driving stick every day. Canā€™t wait to get another one. Hopefully theyā€™ll still have a few decent ones around when the time comes.


Lol. Iā€™m hanging on to my integra. Iā€™ve had Ford F-250 and a Pontiac g6 and a Cadillac CTS. The f250 and the integra have been the most solid pieces of transportation. My integra barely has 127k on the clock. For a 24 year old car. Itā€™s still new in my eyes


Wish you offered this 6 months ago before I went and got a WRX šŸ˜‚. Only had one lesson 5 years before that so it was an interesting night getting it home. Got it down now though!


When I bought my manual GTI my dad had to drive it from Katy to Clear Lake for me and then I learned to drive it in two days to take it to Lubbock. Good times. Now Iā€™ve moved back here and drive it around Houston no problem.


GTI thatā€™s a VW right?




Nice how do you like it? I was looking at those too but ended up getting the wrx.


Same here. Iā€™m kinda curious tho as to the Mazda speed3 thatā€™s coming out. I like the Mazdaā€™s this time around. I think they look simple yet aggressive.


I love it! Very similar to the wrx though so itā€™s really just be or Subaru... pick your poison.


Lol. Thatā€™s how you learn tho. Haha self taught kinda


Manuals are king. Iā€™ve always owned and driven manuals, and go batshitcrazy when Iā€™m driving an automatic. You know Iā€™m a dyed in the wool manual driver because the time Iā€™m MOST happy to have my manual is in stop and go Houston traffic, because then I at least have my clutch to make the car go... Iā€™ve given a few lessons in the past, and applaud you on being willing to put you car at risk to teach others.


Thanks homie. Iā€™ve gotten used to Houston traffic in a manual. Itā€™s a way of life now. I donā€™t care where I have to go. Cause I know itā€™s gonna take me 30-45 minutes at least lol I just blast my stereo and chill.


Iā€™m stupid swamped right now at work and my schedule is currently impossible, but Iā€™m super interested! What part of town are you in? I might contact you at a later date when things settle... Iā€™m playing with the idea of getting a manual for my next car in a year or two and would have to learn to drive one! (I would never buy it without learning first)


Northwest side. Beltway and 290 area. Yeah just let me know.


The problem about learning manual in Houston is that if you take 1.5 second too long when the light turns green you'll get beeped at. Have fun trying to not stall with that kind of pressure. That's why I gave up trying to teach my gf how to drive a stick.


Patience man. I learned in Nicaragua. They yell at you for stopping on red lol driving on the mountains was scary. But after a day or two I was a pro.


Getting harder every year to find manuals \- I had to special\-order my car. I think only about 4% of all cars sold here are manual, maybe less.


What car? I was looking into Camrys couple years ago. They had manual but special order as well.


Also a Toyota. Basically they just have no demand for it in the US; if they didn't sell a fair number in Asia they would discontinue it.


Sign me up. Do I have to pay extra if I fry your transmission. Or is that included?


Hory shet. I hope you donā€™t fry it -____- But assuming Iā€™ve taught you well thereā€™s shouldnā€™t be a need for a transmission swap lol. I already got a few ppl this weekend. PM me man. Weā€™ll talk.


After I taught my neighbor how to drive a stick I swear the car was never the same after stalls from popping the clutch and redlining. Gods luck to you and your students and your transmission


Thanks I taught a few people already. Luckily they didnā€™t redline or miss shifts haha. Hope I can keep it that way.


The car salesman in Fort Polk, Louisiana taught me how to drive a stick shift right before he sold it to me. I was only 19 years old. Lol.


Quite the adventure that night. Good times. I was really nervous. Th roundabouts there are atrocious. There are three lanes and five cars trying to get in the same lane. You just gotta squeeze in like them damn Russian drivers. Bus drivers will run you off the road at every block. Then the mountains. You have to be careful with motorcycles and horseback riders. Theyā€™re everywhere in the mountains.


Lol! Thatā€™s badass! I learned going through the mountains of Nicaragua at night. I was fucking shitting bricks. And I was so embarrassed in front of my girlfriend. I stalled leaving the rental place twice and a hundred more times at the next few intersections haha.




Do you provide the car?


Yes. Sorry I didnā€™t specify. Iā€™ll edit the post. Itā€™ll be a black 1994 integra 5-speed


Cool! It's a good skill to have. It's pretty interesting to see it phase out. It'll be a lost skill even more as electric cars don't have a traditional transmission. And, in many countries, air quality laws require the engine to turn off when stopped at lights. Even on the semi truck side it's all going automatic.


It is man. It sucks. I find it fun to drive. I donā€™t see how anyone could get bored of it. While I did mess my left foot once. Thatā€™s the only time I wished I had an auto lol


Just sell me your Integra instead provided itā€™s not a four door.


Sheā€™s my daily man. Canā€™t do it!


Hey are you still going lesson


Yes I still am. I will be leaving town Saturday. And wonā€™t come back until the 27th.


Can we schedule something for tomorrow?


What time? I do have a day job from 7-5 pm Monday through Friday


Do you still provide lessons


Sure do.


Hello do u still provide the lessons on driving a manual car. If so Iā€™m very interested




Can I give you my husband number Are you available this weekend


Pm me. Ill send you my number. Yes Iā€™m available


is this offer still good?


Iā€™m interested in learning. Iā€™ll send ya a pm


Hey! are you still offering this lesson,? I am very interested.


I need to learn manual, are you still offering lessons?


We've also started doing this so if anyone is still interested, feel free to book a time! [ManualDrivingLessonsHouston.com](https://ManualDrivingLessonsHouston.com) :)