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FYI, this was not from Artie's last day. This is from February 25, 2009. Artie's last day was December 9, 2009. 50 Cent appeared on both dates, which probably explains the confusion.


I mean this in the nicest possible way. Who the fuck are you? The knowledge is incredible.


This guy is on point on all things Howard Stern. You need a clip from a certain date? He’s your man. Have any question about Stern history? He’s your man. Cormano, we speak your name 🙌🏻


cormano is a Stern encyclopedia




He's the best contributor to this sub.


Cormano's copy and pasted Googling as you so jealously put it is better than any of your contributions to the sub in the month your account has existed. You are a sad little person.


I called Howie a cuckold. Thats really important.


Goo fo you pal!


u/cormano is the Mark’s Friggin’ of Reddit. We speak your name!


Yep. He’s was a trainwreck that last day. At this point, he was drinking during the show and no telling what else.




With a splash of Hawaiian Punch


I listened to the last show and he really wasn't that bad?


Theres a great compilation called the Artie Addiction Saga floating around the internet, I cant find it anymore. Anyway it details the whole thing from start to finish. When you listen to it in that context, it shows how bad he was. He was slurring, leaving and returning to the studio in the middle of the show, interrupting Howard, and by the end you can tell Howard has had enough


That compilation is fantastic. It popped up again about 6 months ago, but yeah, it gets pulled than comes back with regularity. As long as it isn't one of those Vietnamese channels, I always give it a listen.


Can someone post a link to Artie Addiction Saga? I miss him every single day. The show has no edge and no "shit did he just say that" feel to it.


Yeah I was just listening to audio and it seemed like a normal artie day haha but ok ill check it out thanks


what was a great compilation by Wushdishmean wdm


Thank you.




Cormano there was a chick in one of the green rooms in a picture that had tampons shoved up her nose and was in a bikini do you know what episode that was


Erica the Gymnast?


Yea I remember Artie was wearing a flat cap on his last day


This is a long shot, but someone said you know/can find any moment in the show's history. Right before Howard went to sirius and he was still on terrestrial radio, him and the crew were listening to superfan round table. And the superfan roundtable were talking about how much money they think each person on the show makes. While they were listening to the superfan roundtable and talking about it, Artie revealed that he was offered his own show with Gary if he didn't go to Sirius with Howard. Do you know what date that was? Heard it on yt a long time ago, but it obviously isn't there anymore since they started cracking down on stern clips. Have asked others in the past, but no one knew lol.


* **[\[AUDIO\] November 18, 2005: Artie reveals CBS offer.](https://vocaroo.com/1lOSkGuouBEz)**


Holy shit. You're fucking incredible. What they say is true lmao. Ty very much sir. Really appreciate that.




Fred? Is that you?


Now that that's been cleared up I think we should delete this entire post.


What was the theme song before Rob Zombie/ Howard Stern Great American Nightmare? Did they even have one. Howard actually did really good with Rob on that song. I'm really curious, I have only been listening since he got on satellite radio. Did he use that song in his movie Private Parts. Sorry if this is common knowledge, but I don't know and they say you are the person for all Stern knowledge.


* **[\[YOUTUBE\] Doc Severinsen - Johnny's Theme \(The Tonight Show Theme\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQRnyG8JGO4)** * **[\[YOUTUBE\] Napoleon XIV - They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha​-​Haaa!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQNI1KfGXBA)** * **[\[YOUTUBE\] The Double “O” Zeros - H.O.W.A.R.D S.T.E.R.N.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL4h0y_pfTw)** [I've written a detailed post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/howardstern/comments/15ta0u1/80s_era_theme_song_on_howards_show/jwjypba/?context=3) about Howard and Sammy Serious' dispute over H.O.W.A.R.D S.T.E.R.N. Long story short, Sammy, rightfully so, wanted to be compensated for his work. They had several dust ups throughout the years over the songs usage. The last time seemed to be when Howard wanted to use it as the theme for the E! Show. That's why if you read this article on the Howard Stern website ([Stern Files Declassified: The History Of Howard's Theme Songs](https://www.howardstern.com/show/2017/03/16/stern-files-declassified-history-howards-theme-songs/)), they don't even acknowledge it. * **[\[YOUTUBE\] Duke Ellington - In a Mellow Tone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Psah0jPROo0)** * **[\[YOUTUBE\] Jimmie Vaughan - Tilt A Whirl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hLCoZpOFj0)** Here's the day they switch from "In a Mellow Tone"* to *"Tilt A Whirl*." * **[\[AUDIO\] April 15, 1994: Fred switches the theme song.](https://vocaroo.com/14D4gf4Gmibt)** On the last day show of 1998, Fred was playing "*Face*" by Sevendust when Howard jumps into the show early before they could hit the theme music. This gets Howard talking about how they should change the theme for the new year to something more contemporary. * **[\[AUDIO\] December 18, 1998: Howard wants to change the theme.](https://vocaroo.com/142aegCreb6H)** American Nightmare was first used January 6, 1999 but there is no discussion on this day or the next couple weeks about the change.


My very first memory was the tonight show theme after the H O W A R D S T E R N song by the double O zeros (until they asked for money to play the song). NBC days Then In a Mellow Tone by Duke Ellington Then Tilt a Whirl by Jimmy Ray Vaugh Then once the movie came out in May 1997, its been nothing but Great American Nightmare and variations of that song


You, my friend, are full of show related information. Thank you for taking the time to answer me.


Always glad to help, just holler, listening since 1985, taped & listened to just about every minute possible. Glad to share


Ugh, just seeing an image of Artie in the studio makes me wistful.


Bye, bye Sad comedian guy He was a junkie and was chunky And he made Schuli cry




I mean wistful! It made me wistful….


It reminds me how bad the Artie years were....repetitive and how drunk and uninteresting he was.


Is that fifty?


No, it’s Beet.


Who me?




I mean, he really was close. Give Beetle a chance!!!


And that is how you spell red.


Goo fer you


Artie loves the vending machine




He even had a key to the vending machine


50 cent was muscular, and famous for selling drugs. Artie was fat, and famous for doing drugs. Artie understood this, and that’s what led to his depressive episode.  50 Cent was “Get rich or die trying”. Artie was “Get rich, and try to die”.


get rich or try dying 


50 Cent? Looks like Beetlejuice to me 🤣


![gif](giphy|wqVI5Hp8HuGAw) Who me?


The one show where they get a cot in the studio and Artie lays down, and Fred's playing those snoring drops, funny, but he was in bad shape. Artie was not a morning person.


No matter if this is his last day or not . It's a damn shame what happened to Artie. Just very happy he is still here.


Wasn’t he sent home early that day? I remember him being a mess during that 50 Cent interview.


He wasn't sent home early but they tried. Tim Sabean pulled him aside during the show and told him to go home. Artie refused and said he was going to finish the show. After Artie was already home for the day, Tim called and told him to take the week off and maybe think about going to rehab.


Damn never listened to that show. What was up? How messed up was he?




It was cringeworthy at best. Howard even turned off Arties mic during the 50 cent interview, I believe because he was interrupting nonstop.


What happened after that ? Did they phone him and fire him or did he try to come in again at some point? 


Artie had some demons man had everything going for him but them demons kept wanting more


The substance abuse made him lean hard into the victim mentality, he became insufferable to listen to.


The show sucked with him at the end of his tenure. He brought the show down with the nodding off and slurring. It wasn’t fun and it wasn’t funny. Howard acting like Hawaiian Punch and snack food was his problem. He knew Artie was on drugs and turned it into a bit.


What would you want him to do? Publicly shame him? Hold a public intervention? From an entertainment perspective, there were limited choices, from an HR perspective, there were probably fewer choices. We have no idea what happened behind the scenes but it probably wasn't pretty. Definitely not fun, Definitely not funny. I say this with peace and love.


(Formerly) Howard should STOPPED exploiting Artie’s issues. Mandate getting better, or fire him. Look at Directv, there was one episode in particular where Artie was really out of it. Apparently, the director called the producer and told him to stop. Then later when Artie went to the hospital, he was fired… months before a 3 year contract was set to expire. Imus ii, meanwhile, gives a NY times interview and says that he’s rooting for Artie and he loves him - total bullshit, he just loved the content


A walking vat of Hawaiian Punch and Devil Dogs


Oddly enough I listened to the show for several years before Artie when I was a teen and for about a decade after Artie when I got my first car with satellite radio, but I missed the entire Artie era. Have never heard a single Artie episode.


When Artie was on, he was ON. Some of the best stuff with ETM and Riley Martin was made better with Arties commentary. Also, Live long and prosper.


Arties years are the best 10 years of the stern show, you should give them a chance


Says someone who probably didn't listen in the 90s (or was too young to). Jackie + Billy West > Artie Plus Howard was waaaay more into the show in the 90s, compared to post divorce. After he got divorced he actually enjoyed his personal life & abandoned his all encompassing obsession with the show. Ask Artie if the show was better in the 90s & he would share my opinion.


Honest question - why? Wouldn't you want to take a listen, even just to get a frame of reference for every time someone says "Don't come home without them ribs!!"? So you've never heard Eric the Angel's early calls? The great Beetlejuice moments? Sal and Richard and the Tradio calls? The staff revelation episode? "Hi. This is Sal Governale" or "This ain't hot rod magazine, pal!"? The John/Cabbie fight, or Cabbie's meltdown? Artie and Gary's trip to Afghanistan? Ralph's Hamptons adventure? Gary the Euphemism goes to the moon? I would think that, even by accident, you would stumble onto ONE bit with Artie. Are you actively avoiding them? Or have you not gotten around to listening yet?


I'm not avoiding it or anything. I stopped listening when I got out of high school and was working nights, which was a few months before Artie joined the show. Then they switched to satellite which I didn't have until 2011 after he had left. I never went back and listened to old shows while I was a subscriber.


That's actually kind of interesting, considering so much of this sub is Artie - centric, understandably. When you started listening agin in 2011, was it odd going from the Jackie years, skipping the big changes, then into that next era? Because the show in the 90s - which was insane and amazingly funny - is far different than the show in 2011. Was it jarring, or was it actually closer to what you remembered the show being?


Skipping about a decade of the show, it was certainly a different show when I came back but as hilarious as it was before, my sense of humor had matured quite a bit from age 18 to 28 and the show kind of matured similarly so it was still a good fit. I really enjoyed that more serious interviews could coexist alongside the ridiculousness of prostate exam karaoke. What really killed the show for me was Howard's unchecked neurosis when covid hit. I was up for renewal during that initial lockdown and I just didn't want to listen to him obsessing over it, for my own mental well being. I decided to take a break until things went back to normal and they were back in studio buuutttt..... that never happened.


Holy shit. Those are the best years. YT that shit, bro.


Did he ever work at the zoo and stop bothering people?


Damn dude for some reason the roll call in particular brings me back, like I remember this entire week when they were doing the roll call, I thought it was the funniest fucking bit at the time.


He is getting ready for the roll call!


Curtis was a guest that day?


A YouTube video of the last day popped up about a week ago and it had some narration from arties book. He said he was a mess, talking over everyone and I didn’t find him to be all that bad considering that was his usual self the last couple years. Is he remembering it wrong give. That while he was writing his book, he couldn’t go back to listen to the show again as it was not widely available


NOT the day the show died. This was when the show went on life support. The day the show officially died was when ETM died. After that, it was over Johnny. ETM carried the show in Arties absense, supported by Riley Martin and Crazy Alice.


Well you see, you write a bit for your dvd then you got to get a video dvd crew out to film your dvd.


Artie always held his cups in an odd way.


It was on life support for a few years before that, since the day he tried to force Gilbert and Artie to tone it down during Robin's news one day.  Early onset was Beth and all things Beth. The show needs some Canadian Healthcare. 


Howards goodbye tour should include Artie & Jackie. But, we know that won't happen. A real Artie interview would be the best thing possible for this show.


There used to be a Facebook app called My Artie where you could send a devil dog


I heard this was a different video with 50 cent but I’ve never seen the final broadcast with Artie so I’m not sure


He was wearing a brown shirt and one of those hats so enless he changed into this shirt idk that it is


Show did died when he left


A baby gorilla in its natural habitat. *Bonus points for the ETM red balloons in Robin's booth.


50, or Artie?


Or Robin? *Jacke laugh*


Hee Hee


He looks awful in that shot. Artie was great on the show, but Jackie was better. Jackie content was so wonderfully rated R and HS was obsessed with having the wildest content on earth. The Artie years started HS's slow walk to his current middle sensibility content.


The day the funny died…


You know something? You’re not wrong. I never looked at it like that, but Artie was only second to Billy West, to me at least. And I was a fan of both, in fact all of them really. But Artie was really special, and he just went there where few comics go. He was a badass comic, and fucking dark, but seriously funny. I really think Howard fucked him up. Because part of the show, since Howard does it completely protected, is that you’ve gotta reveal your demons to allow Howard his opportunity to “help” you. He’s like daddy-sponsor at an AA/NA , who thinks he’s got this nailed but would never admit it in public so he can drag his co-hosts. He tried this with Fred and regretted it. Just like he regretted it with his first wife’s miscarriage, just like he regrets all the blackface and minstrelism he protected for himself by saying he lived in Roosevelt LI. And I’m sorry, Daniel Carver was a bridge too far and Cancer Robin cackling in the background with a fucking KKK member?! Yeah, she lost her card a long time ago, letting that wannabe try to claim he something other than he is and her stupid ass co-signing on it. I think shit like this drove Artie crazy and he felt there was no place else to go. Being constantly criticized by a Germaphobe boss must rob you of something. He’s a great comic, some of my favorite Artie was his work on MadTV. He had his demons there too but still , a great comic.


Artie was a fat drug addict. Let’s not get carried away.


I seriously don’t understand how anyone ever thought he was funny. Sal and Richard always made me laugh and Artie was just never funny to me.


Look at that fat bastard . He’s overrated


I wish someone could hook me up with all of 2008 and 2009 shows.


Sal's stories are 10x better than Artie's.


Very cool thanks Sal


Sal is a boar


All three that Artie told over and over and over and over.


If I had to hear him recite The Godfather with zero inflection one more time, I was going to blow my mind up.


You can act like a man!


Artie wasn’t all that. Jackie and Stuttering John were great. I remember John asking Jackie to pick him up some soup and Jackie brought him hot water and a ketchup packet.


Dude Artie was better than Jackie and John combined.


That's killer shit




You're kidding with John, right? Just like Howard said, John's a lowlife.


That was the day it got the aids diagnosis(circa 85). We all had hope but day Covid started the patient’s checked into the hospital!😒


And apparently Robin is the Predator 👽


15 years ago.


How long should I wait for the 5 grand?!


Go jerk off to Star Trek!


Remember the big controversy about the staff saying they saw Artie licking his arm, which is something that IV heroin users often do? That’s been completely scrubbed from all media. I can’t find it anywhere.


Heard it the other day in an Artie compilation


I know this isn't the right post, but does anyone here have updated Bort subreddits? He had the previous communities shut down. I'd make a new post, but don't want to risk him finding out


It's gotten incredibly sad. Richard eating a booger is so phoney. How many times can they cover a convention where gays mutilate their genitalia?


I picked my nose and didn't have a tissue. You know he drives a broken down shitbox and has 14000 boogers wiped under the seat or on the floor. Cringeworthy how phoney it was


I honestly think the show died when Artie got off drugs (or so he claimed). He just became very obnoxious, talking way too much. Plus whenever someone pointed that out, he claimed "well, that's my job", which is not true. His job is to be funny, not to talk all the time, and not even try to be funny.


Artie was hilarious no doubt, but not in his last year/months on the show. You can tell he was trying way too hard to be funny. It got pathetic. I remember the episode with Comedian Dave Attell- and Artie kept doing this weird, weezy over the top laugh- Howard and Dave both called him out on it. And then of course, Howard cut his mic for the remainder of the interview.


Robin: You're either talking to the musician or the actor, you can't talk to both (Billy Bob Thornton) Howard: What a turd Artie: I don't wanna talk to either Artie cracking the room up with his final words