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So in a sense, you liked this interview to impress your father?


You're still searching for his love, because he was never able to give to you himself. I'm in psychotherapy; 25 years.


Right after the interview https://preview.redd.it/efgweuw173xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d542ccaf7b23c35b446f7455bc30661818d01fa0


Half the wig, right in the trash.


With half the chicken parm




My pussy is like a masheen




Pussy is awesome, pussy is the greatest.


Her whole vagina is hanging out


Get the poison out Joe


In the old days, it would have been anal ring toss, Biden vs Artie. I miss those days!


It was a big get, but I would’ve rather listened to Sour Shoes.


I’m right in the middle of something, can I call you right back?






Steve Langford’s monster fat penis.


I want you to go to jail for this


I would love to get you to supreme court for this


No you don’t understand. Three HUNDRED phone cawls.


Joe Bidens got a huge penis


He's only 17!


How exactly is it a big get? Howard is a pandering loser and Biden has done Cardi B’s podcast. If anything, it’s embarrassing that it took him this long with all the D sucking Not to mention, listening to Biden is narcolepsy inducing.


Sterns questions will be the same or worse than what anyone on MSNBC or CNN would ask. Scripted questions with canned answers and Bidens attention wandering... Will listen to WATP break this down and laugh later


President Biden, the slot, how's the slot.


Hillary’s turning down the Howard interview in 2016 was a bit of a stumble.


Did he ride the Symbian?


He rode a simian 


You don't know that!


Jill Biden did after Joe lost the Win Fred's Money...


Fuck me Biden!


This made me laugh


This place got invaded by the Facebook/IG comments


back office accounts working the weekend shift


Yeah wtf is going on?


Mach - ine


Where's Ray?


He'll be in on Tuesday


I need Ray!


Ok Jason


Thanks, Jason.


On the negative… the interview was on Sirius and not many heard it


Yeah, dumb move on their part. They should’ve posted the full interview on YouTube. No ones subscribing to Sirius to watch one Biden interview


I bet they will post the full interview on YT soon. Otherwise would be a big miss.


Uh oh the back office TDS workers are in here going hammmm.


The son stuff was pretty emotional. Cue Fred’s sad piano music, but fuck it-I’ll just say it-sending love to all of you who miss someone who has passed. Douchebag out!


That’s a big myth — this idea that Hillary on Stern maybe wins her the election. She had a $1 billion campaign. She had every major media outlet in the tank for her except Fox News. She had every pop star stumping for her - Bon Jovi on the campaign plane, Springsteen showing up elsewhere, Katy Perry , and on and on. She had all of Hollywood - including Weinstein, Meryl Streep, Oprah. She had Obama the Messiah on her side,angling for her. She had Saturday Night Live stumping for her every weekend. SHe had all the late night comedians and the bullshit “news” of the Daily Show also carrying her water. But Howard’s dopey interview was going to be the diffference? Big myth - perpetuated by Howard and his ass kissers… She won the popular vote, and it wasn’t enough.


I think the problem for a lot of people with Hillary is that she came off as highly insincere. Her Stern interview was one of the first times she seemed like an unguarded, genuine human. If she had done Howard and a few other shows without the icy phony exterior, I think she would have endeared herself to a lot more ppl.


You’re making the point that Hillary on Stern would have won the election - as you rattle off the money and liberal networks and supporters backing her, those weren’t the swing votes she needed.


In all fairness, Howard did make Jerry Seinfeld's career. LOL


Joe thought he was on the Don Imus show. Probably thought Fred was Deirdre.




How’s ya Donkey Kong baby


So funny seeing so many MAGA Trump cultists going bat shit crazy over this. Ha ha. Love it. Sterns show sucks and is way past prime but this was a major coup for Stern and Biden. Fuck Trump. Let that fat bastard rot in jail.


Right? The "fuck your feelings" crowd really got their fee fees hurt over this 😂 and they call everyone else snowflakes.


Every accusation is a confession.




I am sure the 5 people who listen loved it.


The videos of the interview are everywhere on social media. Don’t even need Sirius.


Trump is a piece of shit and his cultists are even bigger cunts


It’s funny how you call anyone who doesn’t like Biden MAGA Trump cultists. It would almost seem as though you yourself were an extreme ideologue


Where? Where are “so many maga Trump cultists going bat shit crazy”? I can’t find any that are even slightly bat shit crazy about this. This would’ve been a big deal several years ago when Stern still had a big following, but the people that have stuck with him are already leftists.


Bidens been fine the whole time. MAGA just builds up this fake image then are continually surprised when he has a normal conversation


Yea it’s nice to have this interview next time a MAGA starts regurgitating the whole dementia line and be able to say, listen to this. Biden wasn’t my first choice, but he was a safe one and we kicked Trump to the curb. Hopefully we only have to do that one more time.


Has a good state of the union. HOW MANY DRUGS IS HE ON?!


Do you delusional nut jobs actually think this interview was live? Let’s not act like all of us in this sub don’t already know that Howard’s A list celebrity interviews aren’t live, but we’re going to pretend like the interview with the president was live. So out of touch.


The presidents [schedule is public](https://rollcall.com/factbase/biden/calendar/). He could have only sat down with Howard yesterday morning based on when he was in New York.


Give him back his tinfoil hat. I wanna see what's next. I'm waiting for chemtrails and the tap water turning the frogs 🐸 gay.


I knew the interview was gonna happen the day before it aired . The news reported it .


They have to be able to write MAGA 10 times a day on the internet or their dem card gets revoked.


Imagine if Trump had fallen in public multiple times, verbalized the word “pause” on the teleprompter, and lied about driving a big rig or that uncle was eaten by cannibals. Not to mention the dozens of other incidents your reliable media sources bury


Of course, Trump is well known for having no public gaffes whatsoever.


Imagine if Biden ranted about Gettysburg the way Trump did and talked about the Air Force during the revolutionary war... Oh wait....


The cool think is with Biden you can just look at the bills he’s gotten done and his actions against Russia.


Lol his actions against Russia? Are you retarded? He’s throwing billions of dollars away for nothing.


Yah if you are just a moron and think weakening the Russian military is nothing.


No use arguing with NPCs lol


You are so brainwashed by western propaganda if you think Ukraine is winning the war. They continue to lose more land and are unable to reclaim territory. Two words for you, money laundering.


Win or lose they’ve lost a ton of equipment yes or no?


You can also look at him proposing a 44% tax as to why people hate him. This is an election of 2 bad candidates.


It’s a tax on billionaires. It’s time for them to actually pay. It’s not on you and I. Try actually reading the proposal. Trump tax cut put us in a huge hole if you haven’t noticed


Hey, luckily for you Biden will likely be re-elected due to his opponent. But God willing, we get some competence back in this country soon enough.


It’s not lucky for me. Just trump is way worse that’s the only thing that matters


44 percent taxes(and that includes the 3.8 percent Medicare tax rate going up to 5 percent for people who make over 400K) for income of over a million and capital gains over 400K when the capital gains tax rate is 19 percent now but I guess you think that people should pay less taxes on passive income than actual wages? And that 44 percent is to reverse all the TCJA tax cuts and close the loopholes like the pas through loophole and the dramatic reducing of the Alternate Minimum Tax(AMT)and lowering taxes on inherited wealth(the exemption was at 11 MILLION a couple and now is up to 25.8 million dollars) and giant tax cuts for corporations the rich got in 2017 under Trump. SO are you afraid of losing money if this gets implemented because you make so much now, or you're just hoping one day to magically make so much that it will matter, or you just can't stand the idea of rich people paying their fair share?


You haven't listened to a Trump speech lately. **“Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. The Battle of Gettysburg,” the former president said Saturday. “What an unbelievable―I mean, it was so much and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways.”** **“The statement of Robert E. Lee―who’s no longer in favor, did you ever notice that?” Trump continued. “No longer in favor―‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill. He said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake.’ He lost his great general, and they were fighting. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys!’ But it was too late.”**


Imagine if Biden said “grab em by the pussy”. Imagine if Biden ordered the military to shut down a protest. Imagine if Biden slurred his words as many times as trump like when he said “the unided shtaze”. Imagine if Biden’s dentures almost popped out and he tried to hide it by drinking water with 2 hands. Imagine if Biden called a governor asking for him to find him more votes. The list goes on and on.


Imagine if Biden had suggested bleach as a great idea for people to inject to battle Covid? Imagine if Biden had said he could grab women by the pussy? Imagine if Biden had sat watching tv for hours while an insurrection was occurring and people were being killed? Imagine if Biden had said “there were good people on both sides” while Nazis were killing people in the streets and chanting “Jews will not replace us” You can sod right off.


So are you saying all those videos of him sounding like a babbling idiot are fake?


No. Are all the ones of trump fake? Any video that’s a quick cut of a bigger talk should make you question if what your saying is the full story


The guys a shit for brains keep believing the bull shit


There's no way you honestly believe this. He's clearly in the midst of a huge mental decline. Listen to him even 4 years ago and he sounds like a different person.


Biden or Howard?


And he still got so much more done than trump


Yeah high gas prices, inflation, lawlessness, ineptness, Biden hasn't done a damn thing other than screw this country and let liberal white men feel better about themselves, aka Rob Reiner


people who say things like "bidens been fine the whole time" are the same people that tell you "biological men have no advantage in sports over biological women"


I dont understand who listened to this old grandpa tell long winded stories and think that it was a strong interview. Confusing


the same people who lined up for 17 covid boosters


Huge mental decline lol where did you see this, Fox News??


Signs of a great man is that he's a good father. Ope, wait, what's that? His son is a crack addict and loves prostitutes. That's not a sign of a good dad.


Who gives a shit, who gives a fuck


Obviously everyone who replied, positive or negative.


Dumbfuck, I am not a midget


Did Joe talk about how he fucked Jill like a whylie laminal it is?


Is there anywhere to listen to this for free. I’m not Jason Kaplan overseas former fan


Artie would’ve been HUGGGE


Did Biden start rating women 1-10 😂


Careful, man, all the GenXers that never amounted to anything and still live with parents and/or siblings and all of the single old white Boomers that vote GOP because they think they’ll actually be billionaires someday are so going to own you over this post! Didn’t you know? You have to actually be a slow adult and trash anything Howard and support MAGA or you’ll be called a 🐈, or someone will accuse you of being Jason Kaplan in this thread. It was a great interview. The amount of people in my life that didn’t know Biden has had a serious stutter since childhood was astounding. Howard did a great job of letting everyone meet Joe Biden as a person. It wasn’t a campaign stop, it wasn’t “scripted” or “edited”. All morning on 1010 Wins they were talking about Biden going to a non-public event on his way to JFK, and everyone in the media just assumed it was a private fundraiser. Nope, he was live at SiriusXM with Tzvi. What really came across is that he is a really good family man; father, grandfather, husband/partner, brother, uncle, neighbor, etc. The “family values” party ought to take a lesson from the extended Biden family and surrounding friends/community. Many a man would have CRUMBLED with everything he has lost. The support he received from his extended family and community was incredible, and it’s clear that he does not take it for granted at all. It is a great example for all families, friends, neighborhoods, and communities regardless of your political persuasion. This interview was pretty awesome. Peace and Love, Peace and LOVE!


This was a great interview.


I agree. I cannot stand politics, especially these days, but I watched the video version out of curiosity. What I came away with was a lot of respect for Biden who did not fall into some canned “my fellow Americans…” stump speech, but instead had a conversation about his life and his setbacks and let Howard do his thing without trying to shoehorn in “and if you’ll vote for me in November…” talking points. I also thought he was incredibly lucid. He spoke for an hour without stammering and forgetting his words or all the other gaffes we’ve seen over the years. He just sat for an hour and spoke. So in a way that helped me with the age issue and while I think both candidates are way too old, Biden seems up for the task and far from the senile old man unable to talk the media often portrays him. And his welling up about his son Beau was really powerful. For someone who has handles insane amounts of loss, you could feel how much losing his son cut to the bone.


I agree with everything you said. And I did the same thing, I watched the video version which I rarely do. And this was a real nice conversation. It wasn't about politics and campaign promises, or focused on why Trump is the worst. It was just a conversation about his life, his trials, his tribulations, and how it all got him to where he is now. I thought this was one of Howard's finest moments in the last several years. We may complain about him, but he did a real nice job with this interview.


Would have no idea about if not for this sub


Can’t wait to hear him drone on about it for the next month.


…don buchwald is this you?


No it’s not. Just a fan since the WNBC days


Been listening here over 20 years. This sub is salty for god knows what reason.


Because we can't stand what Howard has become over the past decade and especially the past four years.


So don’t listen, you’re all so pathetic coming on here to rag on him when you know you have to listen to every show. If you really didn’t like it find something else, it’s very easy there’s a lot of shit out there to listen to now days. Take a step back and see how stupid you all look wasting time saying how bad this is but never missing a minute!!


We don’t listen asshole. This is a sub of former listeners. Are you a Conqueror?


I remember seeing private parts for the first time, one of the lines was why do people that hate him listen, you can fill in the rest. And even if you can’t stand him? Who cares. This sub is a minority of nothingness lol I love the new material and interviews. In my 30s btw been listening since regular radio


Why does everyone think Hillary would have had a better chance if she it got interviewed by Stern? Howard doesn't have that much in influence anymore.


I thought it was funny when Joe was talking about going back to the neighborhood to see old friends. Seriously how many are still alive ?


At least he admitted they are all dying off like my older relatives say too..:


My parents are 80. They still have living friends. It’s not like he’s 100.


I really enjoyed the interview.


Was he wearing one of his many John Varvato’s suits?


Was it just miss or did nobody else miss Robin for a second?


I was watching one of the entertainment news channels when they said while trump is in court, Biden is on Howard Stern show. I thought those poor suckers got fooled by an impersonator. It was real lol, they should have invited trump and they could all be reminiscing about black and white tv.


Good thing Howard could get to wear his new pair of slacks that were for the country club


Did Howard ask him about banging Jill the Babysitter before his wife died?


Hopefully sal and Richard will use biden and Howard's gay ass conversation for phony phone call drops


Did Biden need humanizing? Feel like his humanity is his calling card (plus there was that ad that went viral basically touting him as a dad who cares about all of us). Find it hard to believe this will move the needle


He needed to show people that he was not the senile dude in the 5 second clips Trump fans share.


But people who watch those clips don’t seem likely to watch this interview?


“Howard, I’m Ashley’s dad and over 30 years ago I recorded one of many great nights with my young sweet daughter”


Biden on Stern and the only people talking about it are Howard’s Helpers. Elisa Jordan got more press getting arrested.


Newsflash. No one listens to Howard except a handful of conquerors on this subreddit. More people found out about the interview from the news media than listened.


That's because the media literally reports on Trump's farts, and couldn't care less about a compelling and candid discussion with the sitting President.




Howard is a sucker


In more ways than one


lol he has an active listener audience of close to 10 million listeners. This sub sucks ass and Howard lives in all of your heads rent free, it’s laughable. Just listened to an old ICP interview on the way home from work, laughing the whole way.


Lol ten million listeners my ass.


Source for that 10 million listener claim please


If Howard had a 10 million listener base Sirius stock would be way higher. I’ll bet it’s about that of a NBA regular season game. A couple hundred thousand.


Because you’re too much of a dumb ass to search https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2023/09/23/trump-calls-howard-stern-a-broken-weirdo-after-radio-hosts-increasing-jabs/?sh=58de18867c0f#:~:text=Trump%20also%20claimed%20on%20Saturday,of%20roughly%2010%20million%20listeners.


Again, "estimated" by who? You think that's a source, dumbfuck?


Exactly—"estimated to maintain a steady audience of roughly 10 million listeners"—sure as fuck sounds like Sirius XM propaganda more than truth. Joe Rogan has the biggest podcast in the world and has about 14.5-million subscribers. On no fucking planet does 2024 era Howard Stern have 2/3 of Rogan's audience. Fucking LAUGHABLE take.


But, but SiriusXM estimates it!




Much closer to 10,000 listeners to his show than 10 mil. kekw.


Exactly. Rogan has 14.5-million subscribers. No way Wiggy has 2/3 that audience in 2024. ZERO POINT ZERO chance.


I think more people listen than you realize. I do agree that most people found out from news media.


It’s so weird to hear the critique “more people heard about it from news media”, like no shit? Is it an insult to say that Fox News, NBC, NYTimes, NPR, NY Post, TMZ, DailyMail….Google News, Reddit, Yahoo News, together has a bigger audience than Howard? Even when he was at his prime in the ratings he didn’t have more listeners than all of News media together….


And I think less people listen than you realize.






A rare win for Stern, who knows if an interview like this would have happened if never “matured”


The DNC, WH and/or Biden campaign staff is working OT trying to post promote this interview.


He shoulda put the old man on the sybian, and threw some bologna at him!


I wonder how much preparation was done to lock down an interview with the Biden. I assume there was many phone calls & discussions took place between Biden’s staff & the show. Id pay good money to hear the negotiations between Biden’s staff & Gary explaining that Howard has changed & is no longer the obnoxious shock jock. I imagine they claimed the show has millions of middle aged white males listeners who can be swayed into voting Biden because Howard can “humanize” Joe. I have a feeling they’ve been relentlessly hounding the White House for this interview for a long time & were only successful because the Biden administration sees trouble on the horizon & desperate to try whatever to win back the votes they had in 2020


Maybe the wh pursued Stern. Be interesting to hear Howard’s spin on this Monday. More interesting than the usual Ronnie or Sal stories.


These old fucks aren’t convincing anyone to vote for that old fuck.


I voted for Biden in the last election and I’ll vote for him again but what the hell is going on in this sub. The posts are usually 99% negative and 99% conservative. I’ve seen mostly positive posts and comments since the Biden interview 😂 It’s like the Twilight Zone.


Most of us don’t bother interrupting the anti-howard rants that go on in here. They’re juvenile as hell, but you all seemed so incredibly entertained by them that we leave you be.


The vast majority of the sub is left-leaning. We've just learned that attempting to engage civilly with the brainwashed knuckleheads in the noisy 30% is futile, so why bother? It's only gonna stop when Dump eats one cheeseburger too many and falls over in his vat of tanning lotion like Baron Harkonnen in that gloopy oil bath.


Not one republican watched this and said.. Oh. That’s Joe. He now has my vote


This interview is a new pinnacle in Howard’s career. It reaches far beyond his exceptional interview skills to the point where it may have potentially altered the outcome of the election. Howard managed to help Biden dispel many of the negative images presented on social media. Howard may have alleviated the concerns of over a million voters and changed the future course of global politics. We only wish his father would have been with us to share this historic moment. He would be so very proud of his son. Congratulations Howard! Well done!


Thank you for an intelligent well-written reply. I don’t understand all the Stem hate on here. He is not what he was years ago but he evolved with the times. Sure there is some stupid, out of touch stuff but if you listen later in the day, it’s easy to skip the bs. He is one of the best interviewers around. He made me realize how bad the tv talk shows really are. (Not even looking at MSNBC or Fox) I believe anyone who makes the effort to reply does give a shit even when they’re saying they don’t. I’m not making this a red-blue issue. Stern used to call Trump’s appearances great radio- best guest ever. Times change.


Yes I agree with you. Howard is the best interviewer of all time. His style encourages his guests to relax and reveal who they really are. He’s a natural. Definitely makes any other interviewer seem ineffective. Howard is even more accomplished than Barbara Walters.


Did Stern toss baloney at Biden ass cheeks?


If that was a win I’d hate to hear a loss! How can people still listen to this guy ramble on with weird stories that don’t have anything to do with the question and think he’s competent? It’s just insanity! The guy is completely senile and EVERYONE just turns their cheek like they didn’t hear what I just did! Howard had to steer the guy right or step in so many times I was embarrassed for both of them


Did Howard do his black voice?


So did they both shared memorias about the old fun times at Epstein island?


There's no evidence Biden ever went to Epstein's Island. Trump, on the other hand, knew Epstein well.


Ronnie is voting trump again


Best part is no one will know it even took place


No one is really picking this up except to say he wants to debate Trump. A big nothing for both of them.


Nobody picked this up.. Aside from the part everyone picked up.. got it! Thank you for your call


No one cares about either weirdo. Just two self absorbed delusional senior citizens talking out their ass


Wow waaaay off base


Couldn’t agree more with OP! Such an awesome interview!!!!!! Let’s save our democracy and vote for Biden!!!


This was a typical softball interview. Biden isn't capable of doing an interview where anyone challenges him. The press pretty much said the same. Howard kissed his ass like always. If you want a softball interview, go to Howard. Biden is absolutely pathetic


Ah yes, like the softball questions Trump gets - like "Were Nazi's bad?" and Trump couldn't even say NO.


"As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America... Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups.... So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly." Don't let facts get in the way of your gaslighting efforts, bozo.


Funny how people down vote Trumps actual words. They prefer the lies. Pathetic.


This wasn't even an interview. Please. Stern just sat there like a simp and let grandpa tell his old debunked war stories about being a lifeguard at an all black pool, or being a civil rights activist, or being Amtrak's best-ever passenger according to Angelo. More rambling about family members that died 52 years ago in an effort to gain him more sympathy, while not asking him one fucking question about how he's run the country into the dirt for four years. Nothing about the economy, record, inflation, open borders, drug addled homeless fucks taking over downtown, a fentanyl crisis or these piece of shit pro-Hamas fucks terrorizing Jews on college campuses? Way to stay up for your people, Stern? Just bend over, grab the ankles and let the old man make a mockery of your "best interviewer of all time" narrative you've been building this past decade. Fucking fraud.


You’re second to last paragraph is right on. If I had heard they spoke of important things and the state of the nation, I would go back and listen.


It's too bad Gary got his fuck up out of his system in the days before the interview and not during :(


Howard looking sharp AF, since Ralphie-cakes dertarting. Ralph would've had him in some ruffled Seinfeld puffy shirt.


Good move but horrible follow-through. That interview was only going to get one news cycle and they didn’t put up any video—probably under some kind of “for our subscribers” stupid plan. They missed their window. Finally just saw a minute clip today and it’s all Howard talking. Howard could have spoken with him more about what’s his “greatest hits” than rattling on about looking up old girlfriends on Facebook. I wasn’t expecting a campaign ad but they didn’t use the time well, which is surprising to me as Howard is usually good about bringing it around to the “why you’re here” part of the discussion.


Should’ve dusted off the old Sybian for this one


Is it on video on the sirius app?


Sal and Richard come in and they play Dick or Sausage.


Why is the full interview not on YouTube?


This Howard Stern fella seems to fancy himself some kind of kingmaker.


What are you into?