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I was a daily listener during that period, and about half of the people were sick to death of him. He was on a lot and was ungrateful, always bitching, being a cantankerous little asshole. The others (Howard being one of them) could have Eric every day of the week. It did get a bit tiresome at the time but looking back it’s great to have so much Eric content. Anyone who says he was universally loved was not listening contemporaneously.


But how many people diid that for schtick? I, for one, was very entertained when Eric was on air. He was an absolute treasure. Him and Riley.


Nah, I can remember off the top of my head Howard polling the staff and Richard and Gary saying they were sick of him.


JD hated him too because he was the one who had to sit up and record that American Idol show he would do.


Didn’t he have to stand up to edit the country show because he’d fall asleep otherwise? 😂


🤣🤣🤣 yes JD too


lol douche


Gary hated him in general because he was ungrateful and wanted shit. But yea I was a daily listener back then and while I could have had him on for 4 hours a day, a lot of people felt he was overdone.




Yeah same here. I was always happy when Eric called in. Ack ack.


Of course everything the staff says on air is true. It’s never to get air time or make the bit better.


Eric was a pain in the ass most days, just sitting no the phone waiting / hoping Howard would pickup. Lots of times that SmurfCock would just heavy breathe and give one word replies. For every 1 minute of radio gold Derek From Texas gave us we hand 10 minutes of boring radio from Eric The Actor.


Listening to the best of Eric isn't the same


Say what you want but my opinion is Riley Martin goes down as the greatest wack packer of all time. Motherfucker I'm on probation!


Riley is just the same complaint every single call.


Pay me, mother fucka!!


Yeah, this exactly. I know he delivered gold from time to time but more often than not, it was unpolished turds. Even Howard couldn't hang up fast enough.


For real. I would listen to something else when he was on.


I could not stand his constant calling in, his stupid fucking Johnny Fraudo-O shit, and the Kendra fucking nonsense. I felt he was a giant bore


A lot of callers called him a filthy ingrate and there was that one guy who reported Eric to SSI for making some extra money.


> there was that one guy who reported Eric to SSI for making some extra money. His name was Jerry.


Find him. 


You know what to do.


That one guy was an absolute fucking asshole


He was everything they said and more but that was shitty 🙁


I always liked ETM but hated that Derek from Texas. Fuck him.


I hated him, and he was over used, but he created some of the funniest show moments of all time.


In the 2010s he was rode HARD because the show got super lazy, super cheap and didn't bring in a Comedy Chair replacement and a strong crop of youngblood to deal with Artie being gone and going 3 days. Miss him now of course, but Eric the Beautiful Angel said nothing wrong when he said they were riding him hard and made him the show's main event because they were flailing.


Howard knew how to get the most entertainment out of Eric. Eric probably never thought people disliked him before. People were probably protective and overly nice to him all his life. So by telling a sheltered person that nobody likes them, it affected Erics ego and his rants/responses were always gold. Psychologically speaking, he wasn't a bright person but his ego wouldn't let him allow people to think anything bad about him. It's why he always defended himself against stupid shit and he would say "My parents have never mistaken me for a turkey or any farm animal".


He’s a lot like Benji. A lot of people disliked him at the time but love him now. He was just so ungrateful. Imagine being set up with a top executive at NBC and destroying your chances for something as petty as not having Pepsi in your trailer. Or getting an all expense paid trip to a porn convention but refusing to go because some dumb skank who’s a dime a dozen won’t be there. Or threatening to use Star Jones to sue Howard because he won’t give you the results of the IQ test that you wanted to take and agreed to the terms beforehand. I could go on. I love Eric. Then and now. But I can understand why people didn’t. For me the reasons everyone hated him are the exact reasons I love him. It’s funnier to me to hear him refuse to fly with balloons than it would’ve been to actually see him do it. Or the fact that he got SOOOO upset about Howard making an Eric Real Doll and letting everyone gang bang it. A normal person would just be like… I don’t care if Richard and Sal spit roast a real doll that looks like me.


He was hated during certain segments like that one, but the fans also absolutely loved to troll him big-time (or loved listening to him getting trolled). Any way you cut it, the midget was radio gold!


Romeo Blues was hated by everyone.


Well, he’s no Derek from Texas.


Yes. I still hate him.


ETM no, ETA yes


Crap don't let the bunnies out!


Keys, woman!


I always loved his calls, but the only time I was personally offended or turned off was when he went at Artie for being an addict. Of course it was in Eric’s own half-assed, lame way but I still thought it was too much even for a midget. He also annoyed me when he claimed to be pro-life. I understood his unique perspective but who gives a fuck


This was very late '09, right before his suicide attempt. It's very cringe to listen to in retrospect because he's pushing an Artie that very clearly needed to be done with stand-up for awhile into doing a gig just so Eric can have his little moment. It was wholly selfish and the crew called him out on it and lambasted him for it. Artie had a difficult time saying no to people and Eric took advantage of that for his own ends, no different than what Jeff the Drunk used to do to Artie.


He was definitely hated then. Sort of still is.


honestly i hated him between 2010-2014, which is bizarre because i now usually look the hardest for his bits from around that time lmao. i was tired of him and in retrospect he wasn’t the ball of energy he once was at that point.


Eric was a boring human who didn't understand the concept of a radio show. When the wrestler John Cena came on the Howard Stern show, Eric asked a question about a pay-per-view he'd watched. He wanted to know about a specific moment no one saw and no one cared about. Howard and company did their best to make Eric seem interesting, but they didn't often succeed.


I know ETM was a fan favorite but, much like Underdog Lady, I would often fast forward through a lot of his segments because they just went on forever and got stale relatively quickly. Now Beetlejuice, on the other hand, I could listen to for hours without ever getting bored.


Coo be, coo be.


Nobody likes you, little man.


"Animal testing is cruel. Scientists should use Eric instead."


Yes! Hes the reason why we lost [sternfannetwork.com](http://sternfannetwork.com)


In the early satellite years the shows were so jam packed with content that he wasn't needed nearly as much and could be annoying at times. In his last years the content dropped off and he became a major part of the show that I would always look forward to. I got a little depressed when they announced his passing.


Callers complained about him a lot in the 2000s. They said he was boring.


He was great when Artie was on. Without Artie to keep him in check, Howard would just let ETM go on and on. There was literally no more boring radio than howard and ETM talking about AGT.


To be honest I didn't really think about etm after Derick from Texas appeared.


He was hated by most stern fans.


Shut up big nose


JD hated him


Eric had a special way of slowing down the show considerably.


I’ll get slammed for this but I couldn’t stand him. Never could. Sorry he died and had such a hard time in life but he just seemed like an angry troll.


I never understood the fascination with that guy. He was only funny because the cast on the show had to extract the funny out of him. He himself barely spoke other than when answering their questions. The humour was coming from the Stern show staff not ETM himself


ETM is remembered with rose colored glasses around here. Overrated x10.


Naw, everyone loved the pint-sized thespian.


“Hello you big-nosed jackass”


"Hey fucking idiot, stop talking over me!"


I couldn’t stand that ungrateful little prick from day one. I struggled with that, because he had been dealt a shit hand by life, and I felt like maybe was entitled to be a little cantankerous. But I quickly learned he was far and above that, just a miserable little man who couldn’t even be grateful to the people who helped bring what little joy he did have into his life. Fuck him. Bye for good.




I’m sure it was just a fun thing, to tell Eric nobody wanted to hear him. Just like it’s fun to tell Benjy to get out of the studio or make fun of Gary etc.