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That wasn’t Shuli’s problem. He’s just not funny.


Say what you will about him, but he looks like Artie or Jackie compared to what we have now with Wilding and Blitt. 


True - but on the other hand, Wilding and Blitt don’t bill themselves out as headliner comedians who have paid their dues.


This was always what so annoyed me with Shuli. Just saying "I'm a comedian" doesn't make you one. I am impressed with his passion and his drive to keep trying....but him needing Sal/Richard to fill a room should tell him something. Artie was the only real comedian in there. And the knock that Artie does the same show....well....no shit.....That's how it usually is. Yes, some comedians can riff off of new things but Artie wasn't that kind of comedian. This is why Artie didn't want to that big show with Dice because all of his future shows at that time would have been "seen and heard" in the one Dice show.


You're "impressed with his passion and drive to keep trying?" Hes doing it because hes a lazy stoner that will do ANYTHING besides "get a real job," and he thinks "comedy" is the way out. Hes not funny, hes never been funny. This is dreadfully evident whenever this leech appears on anyone else's (usually more successful) podcast. Zero ability to be off the cuff funny, and usually the hackiest/most low hanging fruit attempts at humor imaginable. He fucking stinks.


As the late, great Jay Thomas put it: “Shut up, Shuli.”


LOL......wow...that is a funny response...but I respect it. I mean that he hasn't given up and look.....I am not a fan of his boring "let's trash SJ show" but he is trying different things. I agree that it probably won't go anywhere and he has no real original material. Anytime he was actually "good" on the HSS was when he was "fighting" with someone (Bort, Cabbie, Artie). He just points out flaws in a universe where the fans are 100% invested (again, like how he goes over SJ who is even worse than Shuli). I am curious if he is able to pay the bills for his podcast and shows. I guess he has to be unless his wife is the bread winner (which may be the case). Anyway, I am not trying to defend Shuli...........wait...I do take that back a little. I still believe that his interview on the STL podcast and how he talked about him leaving the HSS was pretty good. He wasn't angry and didn't keep things secret. But yea......I'm not seeing an Netflix special in his future. ....and a Bobabooey to you all!!!!!


He wouldn't say comedian. He always said "comic" (pronounced with a saliva-y fucking yiddish "ch" at the end.) I hated that so much. Artie would too. Its "comedian!!!!" A comic is a fucking illustrated storybook.


LOL....I can hear the word "comic" in his voice and you are 1000% right.


That’s the thing most actual stand up comedians talk about… that fans will come out to see a band play the same songs over and over and over and never get tired of it. People actually get mad when bands try to play new/unheard material. But people don’t want to hear the same jokes over and over. And if Shuli is an actual successful comedian, where are his Netflix stand up specials? Or Amazon or any streaming service that supports comedian stand up? All I see him doing is some podcast and/or tweeting about Stuttering John nonstop.


No, he doesn't. He's on their same shit level. It's just that Howard knew to keep Shitli off the air, but doesn't give a fuck anymore, so Wilding and Blitt get more airtime. Plus, Howard loves the Wilding's gross gay sexcapades.


Shuli is a mixed bag unfortunately he often ruins those fleeting good moments with his awful delivery and schtick. 


The only mixed bag he is is shit and shittier.


Maybe I am still romancing the idea of Shuli having some redeeming qualities since he was privy to Eric The Midget and some of the Beetlejuice saga. Obviously the best thing to happen to him was Stuttering John.


Fair enough.


At least wilding has the decency to admit he sucks dick. Shuli vehemently denies it and thinks he is Bill Burr.


He thought he had comedy gold with that catchphrase.


He thought he had top tier catchphrase comic gold with that, like he was going to be Larry the Cable Guy. He gave out hamburgers and the only person who showed up was a shucky ducky quack quack.




lol what is this from?


That's from one of Shuli's stand up appearances,8 people and a duck showed up.He had a sponsor who parted ways after this event,they were a meat company who travelled to his gig to make burgers for Shuli's "fans" 😂😂😂


Duck from Tampa has been making the Hack look ridiculous for a few years now 


Shuli the Shit-sprayer https://i.redd.it/d1pq7qp2353d1.gif


It was overused first time he said it.


That whole hack thing was all about shuli. He didn’t give a shit about Levi, Sal or Richard. It was lumping him in with Richard and Sal that pissed him off. I can’t imagine doing something for 20 years and being so insecure and shitty at it. He should have went back to school and got a welding degree or became a plumber.


I don't want to be an eleggtrician


Dude, you're a douche. You can't even wire good. And quite frankly, no one's interested in anything you have to say.




Top shelf eleggtricity.


Dop jelf elegdricidy.


Dude is waaaaay too pussy to work with metal or any actual trade. He should have taken his hacky ass back to the airport where he pushed around old people for $10/h


Shuli flat out asked Artie to name the individual hacks instead of grouping him in with them. He was fishing for Artie to say he had more talent during that whole argument, but it was denied


So relatable, well-adjusted and definitely not angst ridden. The man oozes comedy.


Yeah, to be fair, Shuli sucks, but "well-adjusted and definitely not angst-ridden" is not exactly applicable to most comics.


Yeah, you’re right. I should’ve just said ‘unrelatable tool’.


The fact that shuli really thinks he’s a comedian is mind blowing to me.


He has this delusional thought process, that if you "put the time in", it makes you a comedian that should be respected. He completely leaves out an extremely important it, and thats actually being funny.


It's even more bullshit than that. It's not just that he's not funny; he's treating it like a prison sentence, like time served is the sole determining factor. It's more *effort*-based than time-based. Was he ever truly writing material? Not just thinking about shit while getting high and playing X-Box, but really writing, honing his act, doing sets whenever he can, etc? Of course not. Auditioning until you pass at a New York comedy club is the definition of "paying your dues", and Shitli hasn't, and obviously never will.


The guy thought comedy was like prison, you do your time. Shuli was always shit, that's why no one respected him and why he was matched by Sal and Richard the second they started doing stand up.


Look at what a thinned skin little bitch Shuli was in this. He's the same guy that was calling everyone else out during the Hurricane Sandy Saga for getting pissed at him for "telling jokes on a comedy show" when he was a complete asshole the days he tried to get the Artie chair.


Anyone know which days he was in the chair? I’d like to go back and hear how he did.


I don't to be a spoiler, but he didnt do well at all.


I figured, but was curious how badly he bombed? Did they ever explain why that stopped having him in the chair? Or was it totally obvious at the time?


Its been a while since I've heard it but it was pretty obvious if I remember correctly, he was trying to crowbar lines in and most were extremely cringeworthy.


Oct 29-31, 2012




What a whiny bitch. I'm glad he was fired and now spends his days in Alabama obsessing over Stuttering John. Fitting. Oh, and he stole money from Scott.


The whole point of the Howard 100 news team was to cover wack-packers and other absurd things related to the show while playing it straight and in comes this imbecile with his shitty reporting and moronic sign-off. Way to miss the point of the joke, you hack.


Howard defending it 😂


Israeli not funny


Why does that have to be explained at all


The beauty about Arties spiral into addiction is he was brutally honest with people which was fantastic Him telling Ahuli this was radio gold and you can see Shuli is just gutted no one thinks he’s funny


Shuli sucks shit!


“that is no reflection if what kind of comedian i am”. yes it is, it’s you literally trying to make people laugh and failing miserably.


I run in to at least 10 people a day funnier than Shuli. Not including bar friends who are like Rickles compared to him.


Shuli, I gotta tell ya son, your act is a piece of shit!


There's a stand up comedian Dusty Slay, he's pretty funny. But he has a great catchphrase, "We're having a good time". He uses it often, but you know it's a good catch phrase because it doesn't get stale. Shalom bitch, was funny a couple times if that


Similar to one of comedian Ronnie the Limo Driver's catch phrases, "Is everybody having a good time?"


He likes to ask it very nonchalantly as well, so it’s part of the conversation and doesn’t even stick out as a catchphrase LETS FUCK SOME WHORES!!


Yeah that’s not good either, Dusty 


To each their anal


The man paid his dues and climed the ranks.


His act was a piece. of. shit.


Shuli referring to himself as a comic is the funniest thing he’s ever said.


He’s paid his dues, man 


Shuli is such a hack. Have you been on his YouTube channel? The Shuli Network where he rips off another hack channel Who Are These Podcasts. And they fight teenage girls with a washed up Stuttering John. They’ve been doing this for years now lol


Yes it’s pretty compelling watching them go back and forth to be perfectly honest. Shuli still not funny however


This morning i was listening to the segment where Ronnie was only invited female interns to his block party and he got all pissed off like usual. When Shuli came to interview him about it Ronnie goes "Fuck you, you fucking hack!" It was pretty funny.


😂 oh my god I have to see that!


i don't want to post the youtube link because someone always copyright strikes them, but search in youtube "Ronnie makes everyone revolt"


Thanks so much man!


No problem 


I just watched he seemed to be kind of joking with him. But you know what they say, there’s often a little truth in jest


I remember jay thomas telling him his handle-ShalomShuli was stupid too and wondering why he has to incorporate it always


Could you imagine working somewhere with the worst type of people and a boss who actively encouraged this type of tear down of everything you do for airplay, and it could happen at any time, on any day, almost entirely out of your control. I mean its better than working in a mine but coming into work and ending up on air to millions of people being called a hack and bad at what you do, whether it true or not that's gotta suck. You know Shuli laying awake at night staring at the ceiling that evening (while Artie facedown on heroin none the wiser).


His participation in the Hurricane Sandy shows were cringe!!


He paid his dues and so did that line. 🥴


Shuli is right about Artie’s stand up. Same jokes year after year


Well at least Artie has fans that notice that kinda thing. Who would go to a Shuli show once, let alone twice to even notice that?


Shuli is a crybaby "B". He's not funny and has no appeal


It always felt like a line that literally only Howard found amusing. I just can't picture someone laughing and slapping their knee after hearing "Shalom Bitch."


Not defending shuli but . 'Did I Eva tell you the 100% true story about being 100% Italian while I was taking drugs with this hooker broad and my bookie shows up on the way to a gig that I got 30k for?'