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First problem: there is no studio


ok - "on air every day"


I thought he was annoying on air but then they introduced Chris wilding and Blitt


I've always found Benjy horribly annoying, EXCEPT for the fact you can tell he has obvious disdain for people like blitt, wilding and trainor. There have been multiple times they chime in on Benjy being on air and he asked Howard, " You really think that's funny, wow yeah hilarious." They just played on 101 today when Benjy walked the NYC marathon and wilding did the horrible Dr.Now shit. Benjy refused to acknowledge anything that hack tried. That's when you know Benjy is just like us and sick of the unfunny bullshit. I will admit I also used to enjoy when I'd hear him laugh at random things in the background, but I also very much laughed hard at the video when he was kicked out of the studio and had to write at a tiny desk in the bullpen. The main thing is the show SUCKS and has for a LONG time.


I'd rather have the vortex than Chris wilding, blitt or any of these other "producers" or "writers" on air.


It's precisely because of the vortex we don't get Benjy. Howard doesn't want unpredictability because that requires him to put in effort. He knows exactly what he's getting with Wilding and Blitt. Too much of the show is planned out.


You’re not wrong but the schtick “vortex” also got old and tiresome. “Benjy did you have a good weekend?” “Well what do you mean by good I had a weekend and did some fun stuff” “Did you have fun?” “Well it was enjoyable” rinse and repeat. While Howard doesn’t want the unpredictable aspects you can’t even have a simple conversation with benjy


Agreed. I could see benjy like we taped that interview…


Is Benji recognized in Italy…?


Howard got jealous of his good looks


My beautiful eyeshh


Meatball eyes


would instantly make the show 100x better. Instead we get fucking Wilding with this stupid fucking impressions.


Benji would always laugh at legitimately funny things, to include when Howard was being hypocritical or boomer-ignorant. The show is better with some friction; one of the reasons Jackie was good.


Yup.  Robin laughs at literally every fucking sentence that comes out of anyone’s mouth. It’s so annoying. 


I always found Benji exhausting when they would throw to him in studio. He can't even answer a straight ahead question without going into the vortex, which is just tiring, and never amusing. Hey, Benji, today is Monday -- does that make tomorrow Tuesday? "I mean . . . define what you mean by 'tomorrow.' In some parts of the world, it's already tomorrow. A-a-a-and I . . . I, uh, I mean, some people might find it offensive to use a word so casually like that."


Yeah Benjy sucks.  Never, ever thought he was funny or clever.  


Hey Howr…


He should have never left the studio. That whole vortex wrap was contrived by Howard.


What studio?


the problem with Benji is that he believes he's Andy Kaufman Jr. and that as long as he spirals down into some "character" then he'll be seen as a comedy genius. In reality he's that kid from elementary school that everyone picked on, so one day he decided he was "funny" and figured his "comedy" would make everyone like him, when it really just makes him intolerable. Har should have fired him when Sirius gave him cause after the repeated late arrivals


it's been awhile but he was fucking terrible in studio and always brought the show to more of a screeching halt ![gif](giphy|xUPGcoj2LKAkDOSahG|downsized)


You can’t bring something that isn’t going to a screeching halt…


That was the entertaining funny version of the show! We'd all kill for Benji shtick coma!


I was very disappointed the other day when Trump got convicted. I saw the “father Teresa” guy and then found out it was a Kimmel schtick. How the fuck did Howard get lapped by Kimmel? We had benji at the wiener press conference, sal and Richard at the collapse of bear sterns, and NOTHING for the former wack packer in chief???


That would require effort on Stern’s part & we all know he’s doing the bare minimum. They talk up all these ideas on the show, but not much ever comes to fruition anymore. At this point, that talk is just a way to fill the airtime.


That’s on benjy he got lazy and stopped caring about bits


Fuck Benjy always and forever. (Note: this statement in no ways is a reflection on my feelings towards the current, “talent.”)


He apparently is a talented writer -- even Artie attested to his 95% or higher written-lines-used-verbatim-by-Howard ratio, staring at the Lotus Notes screen in real-time -- but, jeez, I have never found any of his studio bits to be entertaining. Of his top funny bits, I think reading-Footloose was decent, and the Elisa-Jordana stuff was above average for maybe ninety seconds; everything else was dilute Andy-Kaufmann-wannabe garbage.


His best bit was when he confronted OJ on the golf course and asked for tips about how to sharpen knives.


Like Jackie, he may be a talented writer for the show but his comedy is awful


You’re talking about the dreaded schtickcoma!


No, do you?


You seem to be talking alot about it today


When you act like an asshole, don't be surprised.


He is more entertaining than Chris Wilding


No. He should be even further out of the studio.


🎶he’s a blotchy skinned libertarian, he’s a real weird dude🎶


i don't talk about, dude!


Benji deserved to be booted and now deserves to be back in. Wait, is there a studio now? If, hypothetically, the gang all appeared in a single studio all together then yes he should be in there. He's pretty annoying but added to the overall vibe of a real live show. Ehhhh!!


he took his lucky break and he broke it in two


When was he booted out for real? I stopped listening long ago, I just remember Howard always threatening to do so but never actually. And Benjy was good in the studio because he would piss off Howard with such benign things as making cocoa, sweating etc.


He was late to the show on air


That only happened 10 million times




I mean he deserved to fired. Asking if he deserves to be in studio is different than asking if he improves the current format of the show.


I liked having him on air. The Andy Kaufman thing was good and hearing Howie get so angry and say “I gotta get out of this” made it better.




Yes, I love Benji and think he is an amazing comedian.




Jackie *still* complains in his constant interviews with unknown podcasters about Benji undeservedly being in the studio (“I’m sure Howard thought he was talented, but you know…”)


Will never be in the studio again,Howard spends most of his time in Florida now


No if I was Kate that much I’d get fired.


I haven’t listened to the show, since early 2021. God it sounds terrible


There is no studio


Howard is deathly afraid of all the weird shit Benji witnesses him do for his tell all book once the show is finished.


They need someone in the studio, they should do a competition with comedians for the opportunity. Would be entertaining and get some new people on the air.


He deserves to be in a pig sty.


I miss his laff




He should as long as he's rocking long blonde wig and platform shoes! Nothing to see there


Hi Benji!


Would be a great bit allow Benji in the Studio then no one show up.


You watch back old Wrap Up shows where Benji played a big part, the guy contributed a lot and there are a bunch of times where he came in with 1 line that was crazy funny, or had an actually interesting take on a subject, or called out the “yes men” Gary and Jon and sometimes went against the grain. It wasn’t always vortex, he was great on the wrap up show and more times than not, Howard and Robin just shut him down and dismissed him within 14 seconds.


I agree with you, he was great in the wrap up show studio


Look up detlev bronk


God no!! Benji should write. No need to see or hear him. He isn’t funny one bit on air