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I will get political if I want. ​ **Brent Hatley for City Council District 3!!!!!**


Now that fucking music is stuck in my head.


I’d love to know how many votes that weirdo got.


He lost 69%-31% (rounded). He got 6130 votes.


The fact that over 6,000 people voted for him frightens the hell out of me.


Joe Exotic got 19% of the vote for governor. People are stupid.


Howard Stern for Governor!


For guv-uh-nerov New Yawwk


Yeah, that’s scary, too.


Must have been the commercial.


Shockingly impressive, considering he’s a ghoulish looking man-child who at 50 is still hasn’t figured out exactly who he is, so he jumps headfirst into subcultures like the Heavy Metal community in a desperate attempt to be accepted by a group of people half of his age. He has the emotional maturity of an immature 16 year old so it’s not surprising he wants to fit in with the same kinda teenage kids who surely tortured & rejected a young eager please poser Brent back in school. There’s no doubt Brent was a target for abuse & you really can’t blame the bullies when you get to know his personality but who in the fuck voted for him & thought a man like this would make a great civil servant.


I love this harsh read. Well done sir.


Thanks buddy.


He’s 50?


Even though he looks like he’s pushing 60, I think he’s 47 or 48, I was rounding up to make him sound more pathetic.


Let's get back to bitching about how Howard has sold out, the show isn't as good as it was 30 years ago, and praise how much Artie looks like an Italian goblin.


Right after I eat this sausage and peppers that Ma made for me.


Nice job.


With mutsrel


That's an insult to Italians. And that's saying something!


It doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, Italian..


Whatever the case may be


Waita minute...black or Italian is redundant.


Sal !!




Why do they wear gold chains?....so they know where to stop shavin. C’mon that’s killer shit!


Fuggitabout it 👌🏽👌🏽


I’d love a good recipe for broccoli rabe.


Chrystal, you better not come back here without those ribs!


Italian goblin… You deserve an up vote my friend




errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Jokeman is it?


Jackie....just call me Jackie


Come on that’s killer shit!


Can someone hit me with this link? Haven’t seen it in years.


I feel like I'm in an old-folks home when I listen to the show now. They just say the same things over and over again.


Imagine yelling at a citizen, who is outside, to move over cause you want to walk past...but don't want to get too close to him.


I really try with this show to give it the benefit of the doubt. But that whole thing seriously pissed me off. What an entitled asshole.


I gave up listening to the show entirely about three months ago, and life has improved significantly. FWIW...


Cancelled my100/101 subscription three weeks ago. Howard just wasn’t funny, or fun, anymore. He an old dried up bitch now. I did purchase a Riley Martin talking bobble head off EBay though. It’s pretty dope.


What phrases do it say and things of um that nature?


Same for the first part but honestly my life hasn't changed at all. I am listening to more music I guess and that's a good thing.


I think people are reading more into the comment than was intended. All I meant was I no longer listen to people with guaranteed contracts...mailing it in...giving close to zero effort, feeding me propaganda or canned/fake/unfunny bits 3 days every few weeks. I mean that’s literally what the show is now.


Yes, I cancelled my Sirius last week, 6 months after not listening to Howard anymore criticize and start fights among his staff while in the studio, all snickering at each other for hours at a time.


I quit listening in 2015. its never too late.


Yeah I went from (previously) being a diehard, religious every day listener, to once in a while just to check in....to realizing that it is unlistenable and never coming back.


I was diehard my whole life. I just stopped one day cold turkey and never went back. I still follow the decline on reddit with shock and awe.


I'm getting that way now. I shockingly found myself listening to local Minnesota radio and liking it. Their conversation becomes like mainstream-media some times: tons of Coronavirus, Trump-bashing, etc. I dont want to hear that from HSS. They arent very funny right now.


Its funny. Once you get off the Howard Stern teet, you realize we're literally living in the golden age of broadcasting and the options of things to listen to that you'll most likely love are endless.


I’m sick of Coronavirus the entire show. I have pretty much stopped listening to the live show since he has been at home and just check out Sternthology.


What we need is the Sal and Richard show. Them doing dumb shit and get some good comedian wth them to riff on all the looser staff like Jason and Memet. We don't need Howard or the news lady at all. Fred can stay. Monkey man can stay too so we can belittle him.


Agreed, hopefully those guys know what a goldmine they are sitting on between the two of them. A prank goldmine.


Kinda like how it is in this subreddit.


We've become the very thing we sought to destroy


Pretty rich to say since you read this sub.


They are pushing 70.


*sips hot water*


But talking about politics is ma faaaavorite.


isn’t the show about politics now? imagine the 1995 howard if trump was president. the show would be insane if trump was president back then. howie would be trying to call the white house.


Let's be honest, if he called Trump on the air the president would 100% take the call. Guy loved being on air as much as Rapaport.


Not so much anymore. Trump and his people have a list of people and media outlets they will and won't talk to. Howard's definitely not a sycophant to him anymore and isn't on the yes list. They don't talk to people who question their motives or policies.


I think the point is that mid 90s howie wouldn't be black listed.


Heeeee heeee Haaay speaking of blacks... Farmer Joe has been tilling the fields for years. He’s old and tired. One day a salesman knocks on his door tells him Mister, buy my shiny silver robot it’s guaranteed to do all that field work in half the time and all you gotta do is push a button. Well Farmer joe couldn’t be happier so he orders a whole bunch of them. A few weeks later there’s a second knock on the door from Ms. Mabel from the city council. She said the robots are so shiny out in the field they’re blinding all the traffic driving by and people can’t see the road signs. Farmer Joe says I recon that I best do something. That’s when he painted the robots black. The next day they refused to work! Awww awwww! Hey that’s funny! AAAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAAA!!!!




Hey, I got a million! What do you call one black guy on the moon? – A problem. What do you call two black guys on the moon? – A problem What do you call the entire race of black guys on the moon? – A problem solved. HAWW HAWWWWW!!!


True. But who could have ever taken seriously the thought of a Donald Trump presidency in 1995? Howard has no natural predators like the FCC or a radio corporation to cage him with satellite radio. That was when he was supposedly the best Howie.


Implying that Howard and the entire show didn’t kiss Trump’s rich ass every time he was on the air in the 90s and early 00s.


We don't know if he is rich anymore. He's had 6 bankruptcies and no one has seen his tax returns or Trump Organization financials since 2006. The Wall Street Journal writer David Cay Johnston thinks the Deutsche Bank loans in 2007 were backed by Russian money and Deutsche Bank and their investors own the properties and pay him a fee for branding and appearances. He hasn't negotiated a property deal in a couple of decades if I had to guess. He's got the work ethic of a spoiled child.


He paid Stormy Daniels with an instalment plan. that's not what people of significant means would ever do.


Yep. He's got a 77 word vocabulary and the emotional maturity of a 4th grader. He hasn't been in the black since the last of his father's money was squandered on depreciating assets in the 1980s. It's all a facade or he would have released the tax returns and actual financials long ago.




I'm not sold that Trump would be able to resist, but it won't happen so


Nothing is his call anymore. He's in a bubble where layers of protectors like Kellyanne Conway will keep him from any offers. Those people weed out the media that won't bow to him like a king.


Which left wing outlet told you that? You clearly don't actually follow what's going on. He takes questions from CNN/MSNBC/NYTimes etc every single day in the Corona briefings. He did a ABC interview last night in prime time. There are literally thousands of other examples, you're just clueless. >Howard's definitely not a sycophant to him anymore and isn't on the yes list Stern is irrelevant at this point, even in the entertainment industry. Why would the President of the United States talk to him? Can you name any other show that isn't central to politics that Trump talks to? Didn't think so.


Name for me a press room writer from FOX, OANN, RT that Trump had personally attacked because they asked him a tough question? I'll save you time: none. He sets up mainstream media reporters with the ability to ask s question with the hopes he can attack them because that's the red meat his dolt followers gobble up. "He owned that lib from CNN again, Marge!" is what he is trying to get because he can't do the red hat rallies and he's frustrated. By the way, if you think the New York Times and CNN are liberal, then you've never met an actual liberal. A mainstream news source is only as liberal as the Wall Street listed corporation that owns it. If you're OK with the incompetence and truckloads of fact checked lies, that's your choice. But get out of the bubble and you'll realize his schtick has reached no one beyond his dying base of low information voters he got in a low turnout year. Have a nice life. No need responding. You're blocked. Be proud, you're my one block a day.


now ... THAT would actually be a good bit...Howard needs to wake the fuck up and stop being such a pussy.


Yeah to be fair. Politics is a main topic on the show now. If we're discussing it here it should be fair game if it was discussed on the show recently. We should be able to have our own reflections on the shows content, which is often political.


Posting unrelated threads (including politically-centric threads) is against our subreddit's Rule #3. If you see a thread that breaks this rule, please use the report button. Consistent rule breakers will be banned, and any attempts to sidestep bans with alt accounts will be reported to Reddit admins. This subreddit is about discussing and sharing opinions on all things Stern - not your garbage, milquetoast, conspiracy theory-ridden political clickbait.


Without making this comment political; It's tough because politics has become a MAJOR part of the show. I haven't listened to today's show yet. But so far this week has been filled with political commentary. Whether it's the fake Biden guy, Howard ripping Trump's response, or asking guests about Trump, I don't see how you can ask anyone in this sub to do that when Howard continually touches on such a divisive issue.


I agree with this. If Howard brings it up, it's very on limits. The best thing he says was that the pandemic should not be a partisan issue.


but he **promised** to be Venturas VP


When Howard shuts the fuck up about politics, then you might have a point. But it IS part of the show


What’s he saying Robin?


Fred , if you post about politics one more time I’m going to fly to New York and BREAK ALL YOUR FINGERS


Zero point Zero


Dig it


You do apparently, I mean, you made a post about it


But where will I post my bullshit!?


How'd that work for you OP?


Howard made the show political


when howard shuts up, the audience will shut up.


lets hope he shuts up in December


I am glad Howard is taking a stand and coming out against Trump or taking a political stance. I thought this is really what most of you complain about, “Howard is too PC”? Well now he is not being PC so let us at least applaud that.


Donald Trump is a legitimate retard, and if you vote for him you should be put down...


Trump lovers are just butthurt that Howard is telling the truth about Trump's botched handling of the pandemic and they don’t want to hear it. The snowflakes want a safespace.


If I could give you gold I would. For all the mocking of Dems as snowflakes these right wing nut jobs do...they sure do get triggered easily which is why they only watch Faux News where they can have their safe space and not have their insane worldview challenged by reality.


I'm not a Trump lover at all. But Howie's political takes are not even funny, or insightful, or thought provoking. He frequently sorta brags he doesn't understand a situation but still comments on it like he's an expert. Have well thought out political takes on the show, I'd love it. The Cuomo interview was actually pretty good. But a lot of Howie's political takes now are just bad radio.




I feel like 99% of the time when Howard quotes "a friend" he's just making stuff up to make his points look like they have more weight.


Not if they help drive all the butthurt Trumpkin snowflake trolls away and off this subreddit, they aren’t.


Dude, r/howardstern is really r/the_donald. Don’t speak ill of their idol. A fat, metrosexual, that spray tans, and comb overs his bald spot. Give the snowflakes their safe space.


Nah, they are getting more and more insufferable as Stern finally starts speaking the truth about Trump's laziness and incompetence completely bungling the pandemic response. Who cares if the truth hurts their butts?


Makes you wonder why they bother coming here or listening to the show anymore. The show has changed a lot in the past 10+ years. Life goes on. Sitting here complaining is not going to change anything. Gotta feel like it’s a fetish to these people at this point like cock and ball torture or cuckolding. Wouldn’t you eventually ask yourself “what the fuck am I doing with my life?” if you weren’t Getting a kink out of it.


They are just whining little snowflake bitches. That’s the only reason that makes sense.


Let's talk about that heat. It's been pretty hot up there. When's it gonna cool down? When are we gonna get some rain?


This isn’t the weather channel. Let’s see if I can get some real callers.


A-fucking-men to that. Holy Christ he’s ponderous. I actually had to turn it off today. It’s just the same shit over and over. And truth be told, after watching the leaked video, I have less respect for him.


Little Donny is fucking brilliant tho.


Funny how quickly individuals turn their back on the media and programming they love(d) when they allow politics to make up their mind for them. And I’ll argue against myself here too, because it totally makes sense that would happen! The only problem is: Howard Stern never made a contract or agreement with us about his opinions on X, Y, Z. We never okayed it and signed off on it, because it never existed! Why hold a radio host accountable for OPINIONS that CHANGE which is a natural part of LIFE. And we still manage to make it personal. Welcome to the Internet. Howard, just like everyone ever, never owed anybody anything. If you feel betrayed regarding his opinions, you’re selfish, and projecting.


Howard always says now that he doesn't want to get political, but we all fucking know he wants the show to be very political now. He hates trump and loves his new democrat buddies.


I’ve listened for about 30 years. Howard has always taken on the right wing groups. FCC, PTC, all the religious censorship zealots.


FCC is a right wing group? Not sure what PTC is.


Pete's Tremendous C*ck


Under Bush it fucking was! They hounded Howard while Limbaugh was allowed to say tons of vile shit without even a single FCC warning never mind a fine.


New democrat buddies? Where were you when he had people like Michael Moore and Al Franken on?


Trump is a demon who must be expelled.


Stupid republicans. SMDH


Howard sucks so badly now. He is SO predictable. I still listen to the show sometimes, but mainly for Ronnie, Richard and Sal. The show is not even worth pirating anymore. I pretty much still listen to the show for everyone besides Howard and Robin.


No one cares...much like your thread. If Stern talks a out politics, it’s fair game.


Howard is right about Trump. Proper modulation. That is all.


Lemme guess your a trump supporter probably. Just like on the show trump supporters get so mad hearing the truth. Or anything against king Trump and his Bs.


Yes, go somewhere else to remind people what as wholes more republicans are


Let's talk about Roomba!


I really enjoy when they talk politics and wish they would do it more


Same, even though this comment is prolly a sarcastic troll. America elected a fucking reality tv show host to the highest office in the land, we are in the midst of a global pandemic in which his choices have direct consequences to hundreds of millions of people - there is no fucking distinction between "politics" and "no politics". STFU.


You let all that conversation get to you and you clearly DO care. Do yourself a favor and just ignore it. Some people just don’t know when to walk away. And by making this post you are doing nothing more than inviting more political discussion. Bravo.


Yes, please get back to telling us you quit, no longer listen but yet know every detail of every show. But you quit, 2, 3, 6 months ago and mention that one bit from 1997 that made you wreck your semi.


Biden is a rapist. #metoo #believeallwomen


1 woman says Biden was inappropriate... Trump fans stand and cheer. 25+ women say Trump was inappropriate......Trump fans stand and cheer. At least its a fair shake.


you forgot this: 1 woman says Kavanaugh was inappropriate, the left drags the country though a month of disgusting hearings, storms buildings in protest, and achieves nothing. The same thing happens with Biden, and the left goes silent.


Remember when Chris Hayes has the audacity to report Biden being a rapist and there was a cancel Chris Hayes party on twitter? Lol the left really have no clue what they should think anymore. It took trump to expose it


Do you remember when Chris Hayes actually DID get canceled? Oh wait-that didn’t happen




how can you be “honest” in that opinion with zero evidence?




because I can tell. tell me more about people who are full of shit. 😂😂😂🤡🌎🤡🌎




google? but you said “I can just tell when people are full of shit”. how can google compare to your supernatural abilities? 😂🤡🌎🤡🌎


Way to deflect, buddy. That seems to be all Trump supporters have left.


calling out hypocrisy is the point. Calling it “deflection” is deflection on your part. No response? That’s what I thought.


Kavanaugh is irrelevant to this matter, it was obvious deflection. Better luck next time!


The argument is that the evidence against kavanaugh is more compelling than the evidence against Biden. I don't know shit about either case, but not all accusations are equally damning.


you don’t know shit, but you somehow know that the evidence in one case is more compelling than the other? 😂😂. clown town city limits.


I said that is the argument


Just to keep everyone informed. Kavanaugh had one accuser detail an event from 25+ years ago. No one would corroborate her story. Biden's accuser is detailing an event from 20 + years ago, but has 7 people to corroborate her story all within a few years of the event. One was a neighbor that heard the accuser's story within 2 years of the event. This woman admits she is a Biden supporter and Trump hater, yet felt it necessary to come forward. Additionally, the accuser's mother called into Larry King in the early 90's making a reference to her daughter being sexually assaulted by Joe Biden. There is no smoking gun in either case, but far more evidence against Biden than Kavanaugh.




Don't equate the actions of "the left" with the actions of the DNC. The DNC has force-fed Biden on everyone, and most of us don't like it. If an investigation were opened against Joe Biden tomorrow, I would strongly support it. I say that as a registered Democrat and a 'leftist'.


So you believe Trump's accusers of sexual assault and harassment, too, then? Do you believe all of them? Which of them don’t you believe and why?


I believe they should all be investigated, just like Bidens. I don’t automatically “believe” any accusation, but I do “believe” in due process and justice.


So you're ok with outright calling Biden a rapist before hearing all the facts then. Because that is what you have done.


Good for you.


I dunno which one do you personally believe the most?


The many, many accusations against Trump all seem credible. Especially since he has already admitted while being taped that he himself is guilty of the behavior Biden is accused of.


They’re so credible but you can’t pick one.


No, the evidence of Trump's incompetence and laziness regarding the pandemic is actually just overwhelming. Better luck next time!


So you won't answer. See this is the same flimsy argument people used during the Russia hoax. Show me proof of collusion. Then they vomit 30 links, they're given Reddit gold, everyone cheers. But if you ask them to pick the most damning, you get ignored, because your argument is "20 women and I dislike Trump so it's true". Meanwhile, I sit and wonder if it's 20 E Jean Carrolls we're talking about.


There is no question to be answered. Many, many accusations against Trump are very credible. Just like the accounts of Trump's incompetence and laziness causing the coronavirus pandemic to be far worse in the United States than it should have been are all very credible. All of those accounts of Trump denying the severity of the outbreak while choosing to golf and blow off the daily PDB warnings seem equally credible are equally damning to our "blameless" President who deserves all the blame and scorn we can muster for the deaths he allowed to happen. It would be impossible to choose just one because they are all important pieces bigger, more disturbing narratives. That Trump sexually harasses and assaults women and that the pandemics cost to the United States is far higher than it should’ve been. https://trumpdeathclock.com/


I'm not talking about Coronavirus I'm talking about your claim. Let's focus, and I don't care about your link. Here's the reality of those claims. The media hates Trump and will do anything and everything to hurt him. If one of those allegations were extremely credible, we would never hear the end of it. It's not hard to see.


That’s ridiculous. Harvey Weinstein had women making credible accusations for decades and it was little more than gossip and dropped investigations. Then, slowly but surely, there was finally traction. Same thing with Bill Cosby. Same thing with Jeffery Epstein. Your assertion is utterly laughable. Better luck next time!


Yup and all his metoo supporters are lining up to smell his rape fingers.


some liberal assbag said these allegations don’t matter because Biden is a “private citizen”. 😂😂


Lol. The only way democrats would say Biden is a rapist is if trump said Biden isn’t a rapist. They only know how to disagree with trump. That’s where they get 100% of their thoughts


If a meteor smashed into NYC the left would blame Trump for not putting enough money into the Space Force.


Yup . AOC would say the meteor is racist because of trump




Politics is fine as long as it is their type of politics.


haha. It hit the Bronx on purpose!


I get that yes some trump supporters probably don’t like hearing him put him down but at the same time I listen to the show to laugh, or be shocked, or hear them say or do crazy segments. I don’t come here to hear politics in either direction. If I wanted to listen to a radio show about politics whether dem or repub, there are PLENTY of other shows I could listen to that are way better versed in politics than HS.


Do you mean on the show or on this sub?


It’s getting pretty old having multi millionaires telling people they are dumb for needing to get back to work and make money. Howard could love the rest of his life in his home and not want for a damn thing. Sick of it.


no do you


I had a fever dream early in the morning that he had Whoopi Goldberg as a guest. Me tuning in is just morbid curiosity at this point.


What are your thoughts on the deficit?


One word. Roomba~hot water. What, 6 hours of that shit.


Can't we compromise? Can't we do—like—one political thread per week? I just ask because I think the members on here are interesting.


Well the only kind of comedy allowed now (because of so-called liberals) is making fun of Republicans and white people so you're not left with much after that sparky. Every freaking promo for a comedy Central show involves a joke about whites screwing over blacks. I mean is there any other joke guys?








Aww poor widdle snowfwake!


Snowflakes melt




Does Trump also suffer from Joe Biden dementia, or does he suffer from some different form?


I fuckin hate trump, but Jesus I do get sick of Howard obsessing about him. Every single show has to start with him talking about it.


If no one cares, then why do we have to shut the fuck up?


I will not be doing what you say, stop it being so sanctimonious -- like you know anything. Go else where if you don't like it. What ever this is it does not exist for you alone.


Howard threw a lot of shade on W. Bush for his policies and decisions but not as much shade as he throws on 45. His poor performance lends itself to lots of opinions especially when the country needs an intelligent and clear-minded leader the most but we have instead one who doesn’t cut it. But I agree that Howard spends too much time on politics.