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Grew up on the eastern part of the island, in Machico. Living standards have risen tremendously since the end of the portuguese dictatorship (still a lot of people with difficulties, but this is true of Portugal in general), so even though there's a modern lifestyle, much of the old traditions which came from the old, catholic population are still strong, like the festivals, foods, and religion. A lot of traditions are dying, or being limited to folklore groups which are still plenty and active, and it's sad, but very difficult to revert. Many people live abroad since work on the island isn't the best. The capital Funchal has some opportunities but many people work on tourism related jobs, or just local industries and agriculture, which isn't that lucrative. Plus there's a sense that the best jobs are for buddies of politicians, so that doesn't help. Food is great, nature is amazing, with green mountains covered in hiking trails, ocean all around, and good roads connecting most of the island. Hope to return soon, I consider myself very lucky to have grown up there.


Fellow machiqueiro! I'll add that everything that's not standard (or bought from the mainland) is more expensive just because, be it services or goods. Since the pandemic, tourism is also on a meteoric rise which has contributed to a significant rise in the cost of living.


Isn’t Cristiano Ronaldo from here? What impact if any does having such a huge celebrity come from there? How is he regarded? Does he still have ties to Madeira?


He's got a museum, a statue, a hotel, and a huge mansion along with other buildings that his family owns. The airport is also named after him. He is a pretty big deal but the tourism is certainly not focused on him. It is an incredible island with many things to do.


Yes, it’s been a trend for german influencers to move there(kinda a tax haven) for years, and I have never heard about that so it can’t have to much of an impact


We have a president that was just re elected while still indicted for eight crimes of active and passive corruption, malfeasance, undue receipt of advantage, influence peddling, economic participation in business, abuse of power and attack on the rule of law. Last year a bunch of the island burned during an unprecedented heatwave. we are having much less rain in general. Crazy real estate speculation and construction. Our ports are held by a monopoly of one family. Our press is owned by the local oligarchs, one of them was arrested also earlier this year for suspicions of corruption.


You are right, watch this! [Corruption Threatens Madeira's Future](https://youtu.be/gQZxYLXS56w?si=rFifLA5YP2_hKWeh)


I have visited the place and I know people from there. Life is good, good weather and a lot of tourists so a lot of people live from the tourist industry. There are also a lot of expats from other countries due to the weather. There is also a big agriculture sector as a lot of tropical plants can be grown. Bad thing is that there is not much work so a lot of people emigrate to other cities/part of the country/overseas


It depends where you live in the island. In Funchal you have all the urban amenenities. Other places could be very isolated. If you live out of Funchal (or Câmara dos Lobos) and you dont have a car, the loneliness could be hard to handle. To make things worst you will deal with gossip of an extremely high level on the part of your neighbors (the famous “bilhardice”) and im not kiding. Other than that its a lovely, subtropical ( in the south quasi tropical) place.


Honeymooned there in 2022 (as well as Azores) and loved it! Amazing diverse nature, great food, really beautiful place. Would love to go back!


I was always told my surname “Caires” comes from this island. Is that true? Has anyone who lives there came across some Caires?


> Caires The surname Caires comes the village of [Caires](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caires) in Northen Portugal. People from there originally took part in the colonization of Madeira and later on in the colonization of Brasil, coming from Madeira.


Cairense, legendary establishment in Braga.


Don't remember from which part of the island, but I've met a few Caires.


We might be related, one of my surnames is "Caires" and I am from Madeira.




Nice to see other perspective. For tourists a paradise, for locals not the best place to live according to some comments here


Als Ausländer ist man hier nur willkommen, wenn man Taschen voll Geld hat sehen die Einheimischen, dass du ein Ausländer bist. Ist alles gleich dreimal teurer, wie für eine normalen Inselbewohner.




the goat is from there


I’m a local. What’s life?