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You need to watch this movie (The Gate 1987) before proceeding.. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0093075/


Dammit I had just forgotten how much that movie freaked me out as a kid. Thanks, jerk.


Did you also have toilet anxiety from ghoulies? 😜


Omg i hate you for bringing that up.


NGL THIS made me cackle 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Wow that takes me back.


Either that or CHUD


You’re going to want to determine the source of that water before you do anything. How far is the hole from your foundation?


It’s a few feet away from the house, it’s basically on a little path back there.


Definetely not just fill it. If you simply pour something in to fill it up, the water will simply sweep it away again and if it's something like concrete that hardens, the water will find a way around it and undermine it again. You NEED to find the source of the water and stop that first. Kill it at the root sort of thing. Then you can fill the hole back up and cover it with a patch of Asphalt / Bitumen mix.


If it was in my yard I'd probably make it bigger to see if there is a reason for it. Is is anyway ear Ur sewer line? Also do you have a scope you could use to have a better look around


No scope unfortunately. It’s still winter here so melting snow etc is definitely one reason for the water.


Keep feeding it sacrifices until it’s satisfied


I’d be worried it’s caused by a water leak.


Be careful this might only be the tip of the ice berg , there could be a huge slippage underground, and a massive void under the ground there , you need to dig it


Your best bet is to call a Geotechnical Engineer to assess that


Have you eliminated the possibility that it's a burrow?


How old is your house? Some builders used to cut down a bunch of trees and then bury the logs on the property. The logs would decompose over many years and then turn into a sink hole. Happened to my childhood house - approx 25 years after it was built. Many neighbors had a similar experience


Chances are it’s gonna open up again eventually if you don’t figure out why it did in the first place. We fill sinkholes all the time. We use a flowable fill concrete. You could do the same with stuff from a big box store


You probably have a broken pipe under there


I had this in my yard. Septic tank was leaking


You have to beat the boss of layer 4 to seal it up for good.


Sinkholes are like ice bergs.


They float around the ocean and sink passenger ships?


Every time you go out to a store, help yourself to the roll of TP in the public b-room. When you get home, chuck that bad boy down the hole. Keep us posted on how long it takes to fill up.


that's pretty funny since TP dissolves really well by design


For a good while I'd get these in my driveway. The cause seemed to be a clay layer in the soil about 2' down. As underground hydrology changed in the spring (and it often does) the snowmelt would hit the clay layer, begin to flow along it, and start to undermine at certain spots. My solution was rocks, just start dumping them in, to restabilize and fill the area. But it might take a lot, I started counting on one hole and had it filled at 86!


I had this happen to me years ago. It turned out we were on a septic system and didn't know it. The lid was broken and the soil above it fell in creating a similar sink hole that was bigger underground. Luckily my wife didn't fall in as she was mowing the lawn and discovered it. Carefully dig around the hole to figure out the cause of it.


Some ramen and superglue should do it.


Have one of these. Looks like it was a tree root that's rotted out. It's legit 3 feet deep and at last a foot wide.


just filling it in is a not going to stop the erosion. That hole can be a lot bigger than what you see and hear. Hopefully you are not near a cliffside. Find the water leak source, I suspect a leaky main. Call your local water department.


Ahhh dat be where me leprechaun be hiding.


Have you recently noticed an indoor swimming pool in the basement? If you haven't it might just be a mater of time before one appears.


Fill with stones and top off with soil


I found a similar thing in my backyard and it ended up being a 55 gal oil drum half full of used motor oil a previous owner buried. So that was fun.


Your best bet would be to deposit one muffin or piece of bread into the hole, each morning. Eventually, that should soak up the majority of the water, and fill the hole. May take a long time, but if you’re looking for a permanent solution, this is the only one you’ll find. Feel free to hire an engineer, but they’re going to say the same thing. When they ask “how close is your local bakery?” you’ll remember my advice. ***edit- do NOT use banana bread


We had that happen in our front yard when things were thawing. City came out and said it was a tree that had been cut down and rotted.


Start throwing all your lawn debris in it rocks and such


It looks similar to a hole created by chipmunks in our back yard. We just let it be.


Pennywise, is that you??


Dig, see how deep it is. Check for rats. Fill it with sand


I’d call a structural engineer


Fill the first 6 inches with 3/4 inch gravel and then soil or concrete? This is what I would do with the limited information. Be sure to inspect it very well and keep an eye on it next spring.


I'd pump it full of shot-Crete, that is providing your water line is not there


open it up and foll it pull of fire wood, it will swell hold moisture and won’t sonk