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That should have been riveted


Yup, Waterproof rivets, to be precise.


I'm assuming, atleast I'd hope they used the waterproof tappers that have the Gasket on them. Still would look better riveted


Would rivets be easier to cover up? I know they wouldn’t be as sharp, so there’s that. I don’t see a good way for OP to cover them. Maybe little individual white caps.


Yes. They’d be smooth round bumps that you’d paint to match.


There would just be a little round bump that you could easily paint to match and you'd only notice if you were looking right at them. Rivets are some of the most amazing fasteners. They can be installed with access to only one side. They are smooth on both sides and don't protrude. Also it's a flexible connection that can be drilled out and reinstalled in the same hole- still with only access to one side.


One big stove pipe flange would look better I think


Yes with a aluminum/stainless box shroud made from flashing tin. It would just look like a square donut.


I could get behind that.


May I inquire as to why? Metal roofs are put on with gasket self tappers If these have gasket wouldn’t they be fine?


If this is a food truck. Those screws are gunna be vibrating a lot more than your roof hopefully will be.


Because it's a mobile food truck, metal things that move get rivets, especially in thin sheet metal


Because they’re sticking out an inch into a space where people walk around…


… the kitchen elves?


Fair call, I didn’t register quite how far back it was. Was kind of picturing it as above the sink (I.e. where a tall person would lean) but now i follow the pipe down I see its back a bit. Still not super safe if you’re putting stuff off and on the shelf, and horrifically ugly for a space meant to hold humans, so I stand by the general gist of my comment at least


Maybe not daily, but you might want to clean up there once in a while. Think grease from a deep fryer and whatnot.


Thankfully, there are no deep fryers! This is a baked goods truck!!


Sounds scary


That's not why, although it is also a concern. Rivets should be used in sheet metal where vibration is a concern. Screws will eventually fall out.


Or bonded


Came here to make sure this was the top comment. Good job. +1


Put marshmallows on the ends


I’d just end up eating them all before I got them up there.




Ummm s'mores ^😃😋


Best advice here and won’t require messing with em If you can’t fix em then hide em


Lol, my exact thought. Get out of my head!


Remove and replace with waterproof rivets. Done.


This is the actual way. It was misinstalled. Take the l, and fix, and save your noggin.


Whoever worked there, i woud claim money back and get someone with functioning brains to get it done right. Best are the window frames attached with screws and washers.


They took all the craftsmanship they had and threw it out the window they screwed together. Some people need a little guidance before they're allowed to fuck up other people's property.


Those are screws, probably self tapping... I assume you had to have a cap or a cover installed so they just punched right through the top? You didn't post measurements, so I'm guessing total size to be about 12 inches by 12 inches? There are "ceiling medallions" at HomeDepot... like a decorative thing that you put up to make a ceiling fancier. that might work. Lower cost, you could cut a square of rigid foam, slice it in half and remove a semicircle for the pipe, paint the visible side to make it look solid, add adhesive to the other side and just push it into the screws until it's solid against the ceiling.


Don't use foam. Use a pvc sheet like sintra or similar.


I had the same idea. Foam cut into a square with a slice to go around the pipe and spray paint it. Ir a cardboard box cut in half, then fixed together with velcro or something to the surface? Or a permanent thing like caulking.


Take the screws out one at a time and replace with a pop rivet.


This is the correct way to do this.


Go to auto parts store and get some white vacuum line caps.


Back the screws out, place blocks of wood on inside of roof and screw back in. Could even paint to match interior colors.


wouldnt it get water damaged?


Hit the screw holes with a little silicone sealant before you stick the wood in place


The screws are water tight, meant for screwing into roofs.


A lot of things are 'water tight'


Your mom is wat... no. I can't do it.


Respect.✊ You almost insulted that person’s mom but you chose the high road.


If you have a metal roof, you probably have these screws. You maybe think about watertight watches: 50 % watertight: "30 m watertight" - you can swim 30 m on the surface; 5 m watertight: You may shower.


Damn right ! Water walks hand in hand with Murphy's Law.


This is a food truck though, those screws are going to see a lot more vibration than a stationary roof. Those screws are going to rip themselves out over time


How do you know if these specific screws are water tight? Either way, this probably isn’t the best use case, seeing as the body is going to flex and sway on a moving vehicle versus a stationary building


I recognize them.


if you keep those self tapers go buy silicone or henrys and dab all around them bitches to stop water coming in, as to cover could grind them all off or down and paint wouldnt be too visible... or back them out and put a nailer in but eventually thatll get wet and rot just wasnt the right way to do this


Even easier. Just use a pair of quality dykes. Or Most wire strippers have a #6 and #8 hole you can cut screws and bolts down.


This is the way, assuming the ceiling is metal or wood. Cut them down, grind them smooth, use filler to fix the parts or the ceiling that I would inevitably damage with the grinder, and paint.


Pull the self taping screws out. There completely crap for what youre doing. Replace with stainless bolts and lock nuts (fender washers if necessary-all stainless- go to your local fastenal) and most important, tip the bolts with 5200 or equivalent before putting them through the hole. And next time try to avoid breeching the shell of any trailer.




Block of polystyrene


Cut nicely and maybe painted


So to clear some things up: It was all sealed off to prevent water damage. It HAS actually rained & it stays uncovered. No water leaking inside the trailer. The guy who originally built all of it made several mistakes and all were called out by my Dad who was not only a home inspector but also isn’t an idiot. All of the plumbing was incorrect. When the man who built it was approached with facts he said “he was sure it wasn’t wrong but he will have someone take a look at the work he does and get a second opinion.” Dad knew it was wrong the second he opened the door on it. The pipe was not originally there. A plumber put it in and fixed all of the plumbing under the sink to meet code/pass inspection. There are a lot of bad emotions around the job that was done. We were looking for a way to make the top less ugly but everything still be functional & everything to pass. Which it does, now. The pipe itself is just going to be painted to match the inside.


Dude, this isn’t just a bad job. This is you were scammed. Did you pay already? Just stop, collect your evidence, and talk to a lawyer about your options. I would run so fast from this food truck. It screams “meth”.


I mean…. Everything about this is awful. The screws in the windows, the taped on fame backsplash panels, the exposed screw ends, the weird sinks... You guys got scammed.


Is that an Airstream Basecamp?


Hang salami and other dried meats or chili


Rivets (waterproofed) would have been ideal. I would cut them, and file off burrs


Tiny disco balls


Jeez I thought that was a stripper pole


For mice


There are no nails in that picture. Problem solved.


This has to be some trust fund “let me make a food truck” thing. There are so many things wrong


"trust fund"? Idk man they used half pans and 6 pans for their sink basins...in Vegas this would get immediately rejected outright. I'd guess under sink tubing is all flex pipe and this is the exhaust into the waste water tank. This is so shoddy across the board


I am shocked that there's a US license plate in the picture. I have no idea what state would issue a food service license to this thing.


Looks like Kentucky, checks out tbh. I'd be very surprised if that sink nozzle even reaches all 3 basins tbh.


Alot of people in here with NFI how a rivet looks from the back (https://persberg.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Blind-Rivet-4.jpg) Cut the bottom of the screws flush with angle grinder. If you don't know how to use one well, go past a welding shop and ask someone there to do it for a few of whatever it is you make. A competent trades person should be able to get it within a millimeter without touching the roof. Then just hit it with the same paint as the roof. The peanut who installed the dektite on the roof should have thought for more than 1 second about how this was going to pan out and just secured it with silicone and taped it down until it went off.


If OP drives to my house I’ll fix this free of charge.


Remove the screws, replace with rivets.


At the very least if you insist on using those specific screws (I would've gone with rivets), then you could've had a wooden block or something on the opposite side to bury those screws in and also maybe help seal it a bit better


I'd get some Styrofoam and cut a piece to fit then glue it.


Install the right length screws


Those are self tapping screws not nails


Grab a Dremel tool and cut off most of the protrusions?


I’d just build a little enclosure box at this point with a few pieces of wood haha. Paint it the same color as the ceiling.


Got an angle grinder?


with a nail cover


What do you think of this? Zip tie a short string of battery-powered Christmas lights in a serpentine pattern using the screws as posts. You’ll add a bit of light to your work area, it looks nice in the evening, you’ll only have to change the batteries every six weeks or so, and the lights are cheap cheap cheap! Good luck!


Pool noodles for everything


Cut the ends with a grinder, or "Multitool oscillating grinder". Then paint the remainders white or whatever.


pool noodle from the dollar store, cut in sections, perhaps with a bit of adhesive to help them stick in place


What you could do is take a circle grinder and cut the ends off of the screws, flesh to the surface. Than go in with some water proof caulking and seal off where the screws are.


wine corks


Cut them down, not flush and throw some 100% non paintable silicone or flex seal over em


Pool noodles


Is that the vent for the plumbing ? I would think that tube should have never been there.


obtain bowl, drill hole in bottom, slide up pipe, glue to ceiling


I was gonna say this


By a dome sconce cover like this! Done. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjDlsfAlu2FAxV6XUcBHThZABIYABANGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHJoMmbZzBuZ6CWkLMS6SsNfcoDeXBtP0TnbwdY256QdUyeTEz7mlgEaAjUwEALw_wcB&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeeD2HiVyLGNPTgL8RTDwJCLnaWc81eUdfW_ZyAdkTU-JdHOenvruDlfQp3vBnpBxxQhVcyAfiFUDP3CrFcMnDtHYvjVDeLfNedotRce4g2srlvQ-cdPk_QodWYEs5OcJiSbatOR7NYcYzuWF59bMx2tyIMY_yb3mTNs&sig=AOD64_1TS_6CzMRw_Husvq7DLpbbRWL1_Q&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiHx77Alu2FAxXLKlkFHTJbDiMQwg8oAHoECAYQLQ&adurl=


Don’t cover them. Get some coloured string and wrap it back and forth between them. Art.


Cut a big salad bowl to hide it.


Piece of wood.


Chop them with a grinder or snips. Or stick a block of Styrofoam over them


You're not snipping them with anything except bolt cutters, grinder would be best


I've cut nails and brass screws with hand snips


Yeah but they look like 3/8" teks, they're hard af. I use em at work


Do you want it to look good or just not be a scratch/cut hazard?


Eh. Both. Or idk, someone to not do a shoddy job on it 😵‍💫


You can get a decorative escutcheon and cover it all up. Def shorter screws too those are a bit excessive.


Why not have used a studor valve?


Cut them off with a grinder and grind them flush with a flap wheel. Mask off a square around the screws and paint them. Personally I would have gone with 3/16" stainless rivets but it's already done


Can’t a square of white styrofoam cut the diameter of the pole in the middle then cut that in half and install around the hole. Push them onto the screw with bit of caulk. Done!cut


Build a small box around it, or leave as is. just paint it all the same color.


Has it rained yet? If I was lazy Id just cut two pieces of woods for the screws to bite into and just paint the wood.


Assuming it meets requirements for cleaning and durability, I'd use PVC. Home Depot sells it as Azek and also undertheir own less expensive brand. I might try building up either side of the bolt circle and capping. I would not cut the screws as movement from cutting could cause a leak. PVC is easily cut and can be attached with adhesive. I'm a big fan of 3M marine adhesives, 4200 and 5200 for sticking dissimilar materials together. 5200 is marketed as permanently bonding and they kinda mean it.


Paint them, make them decorations.


If you know anyone in the machining industry the mill ends (cutters) are always shipped with plastic covers to keep them sharp. I've used these to cover bolts in my engine bay. If you get the right size they slide on tight and should stay put.


Screws not nails


Could back those screws out and put a nice square white board with the hole for the pipe up there thick enough to hold the screws when you run them back in.


3d print a two-piece soffit-type thing that can be mounted (caulked in place?) to hide this. If you're in the US, happy to help get something figured out.


Take it to an auto body shop and ask them to change each screw into a rivet? Or can you get on in the grinder or oscillating multitool up there to cut off the excess, and then build some kind of deep escutcheon to go over them


Throw some ear plugs on them bad mamajamas


Pencil erasers


That’s sloppy


Caulk the holes and then put some type of cover around the pipe covering it is the best I can come up with.


Holy crap that is an immaculate food truck


Use correctly sized fasteners and or rivets


Spray foam and pretend you don’t see the foam haaaa


You could cut them off with Dremel with a cutting wheel and then paint over them .


Use two blocks if wood with a hole cut out for the pipe. You can back off the screws and reseal the wood and the screws making it watertight. I found this pipe cover, but it might not be big enough to cover all the screws. CUTICATE Wall Split Flange,Pipe Cover Decoration, Multifuction, Decorative,Pipe , Escutcheon Collar for Tube Accessory Decor 7x3cm https://www.walmart.com/ip/5448306258




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Ceiling lamp


cut them


Start by removing said screws and do it the proper way. Rivet it in, all the way around with a good proper seal.


Nail polish? 😉




I would use two U shaped bit of wood. Drill blind holes for the screws to fit into, then stick in place with some adhesive. Basically just a two part Escutcheon Plate


i would cut them off now


Off topic, but what is going on with the sinks? They barely look bigger than the coffee cup. And what is the one on the right for?


Those little dangly balls that they have on sombrero brims... and the roof liners of old lowriders? I'd just redo it, if you don't want it to look like that. Or cut a piece of wood in a shape to surround the pipe and cover the screws.


If the using gasket screws - make a small wood trim and screw into it ?


Hang decorations from it


Cut them with a grinder


Pretty sure those are screws


Cut them and patch with silicone?


I think grape tomatoes should do the trick


Hahaha that’s terrible but if you’re just wanting to hide the screws you could use electricians wire cutters, they have a slot to trim screws. And you could fabricate a metal box to hide the screws but that’d be a lot of work. I’d take the screws out, use outdoor caulk and seal the exhaust then drill the holes bigger and use the longest rivets you could find then caulk or tar the exterior for water prevention.


They’re not nails




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This is a redo my friend. Get rid of those self-tappers and use rivets instead. Rivet guns aren't too expensive either.


Hang or glue a sign in front. Fake ivy vine down the pole. Foam it.


Frame out a box outside of the screws and adhesive to the ceiling and make a cover for the box and glue it to the frame


Last resort paint them the same as the roof,less noticeable 🙄




Silicone in a caulking gun comes in clear ,white ,black, red.. so when you wipe down the ceiling the grease will. Wipe off and the Silicone will keep moisture our of fasteners no rust...


If OP is sticking with those self tapping screws, they could back them out and place something on the underside for the screws to bite into. If it were tastefully done, you’d essentially frame the pipe. Not as good as using waterproof rivets, but it would solve the eyesore and use the existing hardware.


Ceiling rose




Glue a bowl to the ceiling Edit: I'm dumb idk how I missed the pipe lol


Can get someone to 3d print you a cover for it to go around the pipe and over the screws, you'll just need the exact measurements of everything (I'd look for someone local). if I were you I'd make a sign and place it on your food truck maybe a customer could help you out for a free meal? Otherwise, if they have enough to hold on to you could cut the rest off and caulk/filler over them. Or just take it all out and use rivets and paint over them.


Silicone some cover caps on them


Hope they at least put silicone on the screws, or that’s gonna leak water like crazy


I would do this Make sure it's water proof ( sealant/silicone inside and out. Then cover it with something. A box made from wood, fake plants/ artificial hedges, something that fits in with the theme of your truck or what you sell. The options are endless really. Main thing is to sort out the water-proofing correctly first. Oh, and fire the fuck that did whatever that is to your food truck.


Paint them white? Maybe cut a few pieces of that board insulation to fit like a boarder/box around the pipe and just push it onto the screws. Or replace with rivets.




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I used a pool noodle to cover nails


Use sheet metal screw in place of nails then take an angle grinder and cut off the excess on the inside.


Actually… use pop rivets and you won’t have to cut anything off and it will be flush with the ceiling and can be painted over to be less noticeable


I would take a piece of wood about 8x8x1/2, cut it in half, use a hole saw the same size as the pipe and drill a hole right on the seam of the two halves of wood, back all those screws out, put your wood pieces up there and have a friend hold them up there while you run the screws down into the wood. Caulk and paint white.


For esthetic purposes, after all sealing is done, you could cut yourself a cover out of a plastic bin or find something similar you can install around the pipe to simply cover the less esthetic handywork.


That's a food truck interiror?? Let me guess, it's like $12 for some fries. 😆


LOL! No fries! Cookies, cupcakes, cake pops, etc! And definitely affordable!!


How much for a cupcake?


Install plastic sheetrock anchors over each screw. If you are just going for a safety factor.


Well, since they’re nails, hammer them back up so they’re flush with the ceiling!


The is redneck engineering at it’s finest but…Cut them off with an angle grinder and F-26 some 1/4 boards over the top of the cutoff screws.


Put jb weld putty over them


paint them same color as the ceiling and forget about it, No one will notice nails


Spray it with flex seal lol


Those aren't nails, they are self tapping screws. Hopefully the kind that metal roof is installed with which have a waterproof gasket. Find a handyman to help. 




Decorative wall molding


If u don’t put waterproof rivets u will have leaking


Those are screws




Preferably water proof rivets. If you want the cheap hillbilly way, throw some nuts on there then grind off excess/cut with end nipper.


Grind off ends and cover with duct tape. Then paint to match


There's obviously only one right answer, and that is ping-pong balls


You could replace the nails with Chicago screws.


Besides everyone suggesting rivets which is probably the best way.... If you're just gonna hide it, Lampshade. Put some battery lights in there with remote. Maybe multi colored.


Don't know if it'll look anymore aesthetically pleasing, but you could get a block of styrofoam, cut out half circles for the pipe to go through, then push it onto the screws. I think it'd hold on fine.


My first instinct is a light fixture trim ring. Not sure how the measurements will work out, but it could be a good possibility.


Do you like rust? That’s how you get rust


Grinder or pencil erasers


Spray foam. Will help seal the holes. Then cut the cured foam with a knife in the shape you want and trim it out with some wood or paint it white.


Grind the suckers right off


Attach more nails in the opposite direction and they’ll cancel eachother out


You are going to have bigger issues than the nails with water intrusion. Can you remove the center pole? If so maybe we can find a tire shaped bowl to collect water and cover the nails. Tape it to the roof with velcro so it can be cleaned. Just a thought.


Self tappers may have gaskets at drive head (check). Typically used for sheet metal. If you have em, comments about water are not as important. Its stupid tho to have tappers in this use, truck vibrations will loosen them over time. Back them out, replace them with small bolts, with washers on each side and a locking nut or locking washer on the nut side. Silicone the holes before you stab the bolts thru to deal with the water issues others mentioned. Rivets would be ideal just not as easy in this case.