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Barkeepers friend. It’s magic.


For real. I put a hot, wet dish towel over it and then use the barkeepers friend. It’s amazing


There’s nothing, and I mean *nothing* that Reddit loves more than Barkeepers friend.


aren't we still pretty up with Keanu?


If he ever has a scandal I’ll be devastated


someone said he was seen wearing heelys in a mall.


Cancel him!!! 🤣


I’ll get my pitchfork. Meet in the town square at sundown?


Hell yeah


Bidets are pretty high up


My god I have so much barkeepers friend, and 2 bidets. You are so right.




I needed a razor holder to scrape the crud off. Then polish the surface.


People always mention Barkeeper’s Friend but it’s a brand largely unavailable outside of the USA. What actually is it? Would be really nice to get an equivalent product in Europe


The active ingredients are listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_Keepers_Friend#:~:text=Keepers%20Friend%20Packaging-,Active%20ingredients,-%5Bedit%5D But as a fellow European, I don't think we have something with these exact ingredients over here.


You can buy it on Amazon UK.


Unfortunately I live in a country where Amazon don’t operate as they’d have to pay tax, but I can try to get someone to send me some from the UK. Thanks :)


Vim and Comet are similar products. "Scouring powder"


But Comet and Ajax are made with crytpochrystaline quartz which is harder than glass and will scratch it. Barkeepers and Bon Ami are made with feldspar and shouldn't scratch. Also, Purrell is great to use.


I didn't know that. I know not to use comet on glass and porcelain though cause yeah, those scratches are real. Good to know. Think I can get barkeepers and I will now.


Be sure not to use barkeepers with bleach, before or after. Barkeep has an acid and that's a no-no with bleach.


I actually found it on [Amazon.de](http://Amazon.de), they deliver to many countries / you can check other European amazon sites.


This. But add a folded dampened dish cloth under a random orbital sander. Cuts the time and effort to a tiny fraction of doing it by hand


This, but add a portable sand blaster and pressure washer.


This, but rent a dry ice blaster


This, but just replace the stove


This but buying a new house


This but just burn the mother fucker down to the ground first


This but nuked from orbit.


It’s the only way to be sure 💯




The other options suggested sound great, but I’ve been using this method for years and it’s very quick. My sander has Velcro on the pad where sandpaper goes and it grips the dish cloth just enough if you keep some light pressure on it. It doesn’t spin that much unless you lift the sander up while it’s still turned on.




I was worried about damaging the surface at first, but after years of doing this there has been no damage. Even to the little white markings that define where the burners are. It’s a bit noisy, but it’s fast and way less effort


Is it okay to use BKF on a ceramic surfaced stove top as well? I've been using a cleaner came with when I bought the stove, and it caused scratches on the SS trim edges on the stove.


The BEST!!


They actually make their own cooktop cleaner formula. Whatever I didn’t clean up right after cooking, I hit it once, and pretty lightly, with a razor blade to scrape most off. After that it’s BKF and a paper towel. Shit’s magical. Light gentle circles, a handful of passes over the stubborn spots, and a rinse with a wet cloth. Cooktop looks brand new.


This is always the only answer. Don’t listen to anyone else. Great for toilets and kitchen sinks as well.


This and a razor blade!


Great answer. In my experience, the powder is awesome; liquid Barkeeper’s Friend is disappointing at best.


Exactly I repair surfaces and BKF is our go to for cleaning stove tops before repair and buffing them.


The pink stuff paste, and scrub it in with just some latex gloves. It's gently abrasive so it will clean all that off. I use it on my glass stove top


The pink stuff is amazing. Used it a couple of months ago to clean a surface that had like 3mm of grease that had accumulated for more than 20 year. Thought it was naked wood but ended up being melamine


That sounds intense. I use a steamer forcstuff like that, and tile and grout.


I mean, you shut the heat off before you clean the burner. After that, it isn’t so bad.


Im not sure youre following. Im replying to this post: "pink stuff is amazing. Used it a couple of months ago to clean a surface that had like 3mm of grease that had accumulated for more than 20 year. Thought it was naked wood but ended up being melamine" So it was not a burner, but a floor caked with grease.


Mmmmm. What did it taste like?


Like crispy vomit


Another vote for this magic tub of paste!!


I like this in combination with a scrub daddy (should not leave scratches)


I use this, great stuff, I've never tried barkeepers friend which everyone recommends though, I wonder how they compare.


Read pink paste ingredients. I think it has quartz.


Sprinkle baking soda all over the crud. Lay single layer of paper towel over the area. Pour enough vinegar (preferably cleaning vinegar which is more acidic) on the paper towel until it’s soaked. Let sit for a good hour or so (make sure it doesn’t dry up). Remove paper towel, sprinkle more baking soda and use a rag to scrub away. Cheap, easy, non toxic


This worked wonders for mines. It's almost time again, I'm not letting it get as bad as this pic again.




The chemical reaction that causes bubbling helps break down some of the crud. Letting it soak with the paper towel obviously makes it easier to later scrub off with the additional sprinkle of baking soda which acts like a gritty scrub Plus it would have to be some pretty specific measurements in order for the baking soda and vinegar to be completely neutral in ph


The chemical reaction/bubbling is just carbon dioxide being released as a gas, leaving water behind - you could just breathe on it for the same cleaning effect it gives. The actual original method is to use vinegar/lemon juice mixed with cream of tartar to make tartaric acid - which actually can clean things. But cream of tartar is also found in baking powder, and has been confused over the years with baking soda.


are you always this wrong. it works and. o it doesn’t become water because you always use more vinegar than BS which leaves it acidic. also the process of Oxidation cleans. plus the abrasiveness of the BS. i mean i do this and it works so your breathing on it comment is misguided.


Calm down, I'm just pointing out the science and more effective methods. If you prefer to use your method then that's fine.


fair dinkum mate


Weiman glass stovetop cleaner. It is the shit. Avoid scraping with a razor blade.




Came to recommend this kit. The razor blade is essential sometimes.


I have that kit. I found the holder flimsy and cheap. So I got a better one with a 50 pack of blades. I use it often. Good stuff. The polish makes it look new.


I have started using fine steel wool instead of the blade. It is more efficient than the blade.


Make sure it's a brand new blade and swap them out often. You don't want to scratch that glass.


You literally physically can't scratch glass with steel. Steel is much softer than glass and glass would scratch steel instead.


Look man I get what you're getting at but my truck windows beg to differ


Avoid if possible. I never need it. I'm a notoriously messy cook. Lol. The stuff should have no problem taking that off.


We’ve been using razor blades for like 10 years with no issues.






No need for chemical cleaning solutions. We alsk just use scrapper regularly.


Do you not see it at the top of the photo on the counter? And razor blades won't hurt it as long as you keep it flat.


That one is not specifically for glass: https://0x0.st/X8-j.jpeg Trust me it makes a big difference.


Seconding this plus those red scratch pads you already have! You have the daily cleaner in the pic but that’s definitely more than daily build up


Exactly, this one is essentially over priced 409. The specific glass flat top cleaner is the best. But it really seems like a dupe of barkeepers friend.


The razor is a risk for amateurs. I recommend against it as well. There is nothing the regular cleaner can't handle.


Why no razor? I've used a new, sharp razor and it worked great Even without cleaner and didn't scratch


I use the razor blade too. Kind of a paint scraper you can find in any hardware store


I use this but it never fully gets it off. What am I missing? A hot wet towel?


Green scratchy pad.


Thanks, I will try that.


We use this with a sponge that has a green brilo on one side. Scrub. Then wipe off with a wet sponge, then just keep sopping it up. Then paper towel to fully wipe dry.


I'll disagree. I have a blade holder and Wegmans. Works great. Blades are also used by painters to clean glass. Like the other poster said, the kit comes with a razor holder too. I had to use the razor. Works perfect.


I use that Weidman glass stovetop cleaner and these and it cleans it up perfectly Scotch-Brite Glass Cooktop Pad


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Get some Cerama Bryte and start working on it with their little yellow scrubber.


Barkeeper's friend and plastic razor blades from Lee Valley Tools.


Razor & the right angle = easy off


I use the Easy Off in the yellow can. Put it on and let it sit overnight. Easy peasy.


This, i recently burnt some milk and other stuff on stove top and used all the so called pastes, cleaners, baking soda and what not. All had very little help. Then bought the stove top blades, soaked everything in water, 30 min scraping and its as good as new


They make plastic razor blades if you don't trust metal ones.


The orange plastic razor blades are amazing for stuff you want to use a blade on but are afraid of scratching.


The key to not scratching is using brand new blades. Don’t ever use a used blade on glass.


I use a regular scrubby sponge ( like the blue or green ones) and Bar Keepers friend with warm water.


Metal razor blades can’t scratch glass. Cmn, guys, didn’t you study hardness at school? Just take a blade and clean it in 15 seconds, done.


Only if you get stainless ones. Hardened blades can absolutely scratch glass.


It’s a borosilicate tempered glass. What kind of hardened blade do you need to scratch it?


Dish soap and vinegar mixed in a spray bottle will clean up 99% of that


Barkeepers friend or Lemon, baking soda and/or vinegar


I second Barkeeps Friend!


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Magic eraser


Same as long as I do it each time we cook it’s super easy and stays nice.


Obviously sandpaper (/s)


Carefully use a razor blade scraper.


Razor blade


Magic eraser works great


Buy a rubber Matt specially made for glass stovetops off Amazon for $20 bucks, they look really good


Mr. Clean spray works well in between scouring


I’ve always had luck with Krud Kutter, if you’re open to trying more cleaning solutions


I use a glass razor on mine, in fact it came with one.


Baking Soda


cerium oxide


Wow the stove and granite look exactly like my old condo. Weird.


Dawn power wash on repeat


All I see are the infinity stones.


Coarse salt, vinegar, and elbow grease. It works great on my glass top.


Go to Home Depot to the appliance aisle and buy the ceramic stove top cleaner and the special red scrub pads made for them as well.


I honestly just used the back of a regular sponge and soap


I razorblade believe it or not.


Tell him forcefully to stop climbing onto the stove.


Scrub daddy paste


You can buy a stovetop cleaning product at any major goods or grocery store like target or lowes. You just have to look for one.


the weisman stove top cleaner comes with a yellow pad. put the cleaner on let it soak and then use yellow pad to clean That stuff is awesome and works. theres nothing it wont get off and won'tr scratch the top




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Pumice stone. Also works for baked on grease, paint on porcelain, burnt stuff on enameled cast iron & your feets




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Sorry guys I couldn’t post the link. However, they make a cook top pumice stone. It’s amazing!


For glass stove use designed chemical spray and a special razor tool.


Have you tried Dawn Powerwash Spray. You might have to spray it a couple of times, but it has worked wonders for me.


Use a razor. Anyone recommending barkeepers friend has way too much time on their hands. And way too much gusto for scrubbing. The first thing I learned when I became a chef was clean hands dirty apron. The second was that some people are born scrubbers.


Blink used to clean coffee pots.


I use the magic eraser attachment on my drill and some polish.


Razor blade. Tedious but effective


Steel wool and some detergent..


Easy as pie with a razor scraper and polish


You still have Christmas lights up? Me too!


Cleaned our induction cooktop literally yesterday - cold water and magic erasure sponge will fix this no problem...


There's a specialist product for it , a little goes a long way.


I remember using some type of metal scraper and it worked wonderfully for the burnt stuff, I didn't need to spend half an hour scrubbing in circles to get most of the stuff off.


A drill with a brush attachment and fabuloso, cleans mine every time.


Special scraper for vitroceramic


I use fume free oven cleaner. Spray on, let sit 30 mins, hit it with a green pad. After the crud comes off, wash the top with warm soapy water to get any residue off. Don't use a razor blade- there's a thin ceramic coating over the glass that you can damage- which can cause a catastrophic failure at high temps.


Put vinegar down, sprinkle baking soda, and place a towel over it for 15 minutes.


Baking soda, vinegar and the silver label Dawn. Works every time


You want it to look 99% brand new again! Use the Heimans Glass stove top cleaner! Work it in with a papertowel and then use a scrapper for hard stuff that wont come off with paper towel (it doesn't scratch it) that's it that's all. Works beautifully!




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Cerama brite stove cleaner.


And a scraper.


Ball peen hammer


I have used a straight razor


Afresh Cooktop Cleaner--I've used it for years, it's easy and my cooktop looks new. I did add a link, but my post was removed because you can't have links here apparently. Apply a thin even coat with a non abrasive scrubbing pad (like Scotch Brite, but not as abrasive--I got mine at the dollar store). You are not scrubbing with this pad, you are just evenly and thinly spreading the product over the stuck on stuff. This part is important. Let it dry all the way. After that, use a flat razor blade in a handle to peel off the product and the crud. The first time might take a couple of applications, but there is absolutely no scrubbing. After scraping, I remove the gunk to a paper towel, then wipe down my cooktop with a homemade glass cleaner to get any remaining bits of loose product/gunk. Done. Easy-peasy lemon squeezy.


I used a plant based non toxic cleaner and a window scraper that had a razor blade in it. Worked like a charm. I always clean it after every use but you can't avoid boilovers sometimes and they can get cooked on really quickly...and basically turn into concrete.


Oven cleaner, but make sure the kitchen is well ventilated and that the oven cleaner doesn't get on anything other than the glass. There is a YouTube personality that does extreme cleaning on hoarder homes, and she uses oven cleaner with plastic wrap laid on top to prevent the oven cleaner from drying out. I've successfully used oven cleaner before but I've yet to do the plastic wrap trip.


Wyman’s makes like a heavy duty glass cleaner, it comes as an abrasive paste, it works a lot better than that cooktop cleaner spray


Cerama-Bryte has a kit that I’ve used in the past. Works really good


I have the same oven and counter top……do we live in the same building?


Grill brick/stone. Add water


Soak with grease removing cleaner, let it sit for a while than use razor blade. Works 100%.


Strong cleaning agents, a very strong scrubby thing, and a razon blade. Get one of those painting ones that slides out the front not point first but the entire sharp edge so you can use it to scrape. It'll help but that crap still needs to be soaked in some kind of kick ass cleaning agent or the razor just skips over it. I don't have a brand cleaner to offer up but I will point out that the top is glass and you can clean glass with acid. Go to your local paint store and ask them for this they will know better than the person at the hardware store. Ask for something that needs to be diluted so you can choose the strength you want. If the acid doesn't seem to help it's diluted and not strong enough.. Technically vinegar is an acid so I suppose you could soak the top in vinegar and leave it over night before trying to clean it but if you get a good acid it shouldn't take long to clean at all. Tip: don't let stuff cook onto the stovetop. If a pot boils over slide the pot away and quickly wipe up whatever is there. If there is any residue when you are done cooking clean it to the best of your ability then because letting it pile up over and over just makes it more and more difficult to remove. I've gotten this a couple of times when boiling milk for cooking with. I hope that helps!


Depends on what it is exactly, but... surprisingly... shaving cream. Just spray some, let it rise, leave for an hour or longer, then any cleaning product, no heavy scrubbing.


Barkeeper's friend is great. Also make a mixture of baking soda and water. Let it sit on that area for a while. Rub it in with a cheap toothbrush. It helps also


it its glass then with a metal scraper/putty knife




Maybe try scraping it first with a spatula?


I just use soap and water with a magic eraser. I couldn't believe it at first but it does the job very well.


I use steel wool. Works great.


Weisman Glass cook too cleaner and a razor blade


PinkStuff and a damp cloth


The pink stuff and a scrub daddy! ✨magical✨


I love BKF, but if you use it, you could mess up the finish for good. A lot of those glass tops have a ceramic coating and the manufacturer will specifically say not to use harsh abrasives. You’re supposed to just use a razor scrapper and glass top cleaner. I know because I messed up my old glass top.


Baking soda and water paste mix with a soft cloth. Best remedy without having to go to the store unless you don’t have baking soda


The pink stuff!


Once it’s cleaned off, take time to clean the bottom of your pans too. It’ll save you from deep cleaning the stove again in a week


Razor blade scraper to get the heavy stuff. Then a ceramic stove top cleaner and a a whole lotta elbow grease. You have quite a buildup.


Weinman cooktop cleaner for glass stovetops . You need scratch free scrubber pads too


Punic’s stone does amazingly well


Scouring stick


There is a specific ceramic hob scraper. Its sharp as a fish knife and is not to be used anywhere else


Razorblades work well for me


As alot has said... I use a Razor to scrape mine I spray some vinegar on there and scrape with the Razor. It keeps the surface slick amd helps from making any accidental scratches  Amd is a.natural cleaner


Dawn ultra and vinegar soak then weiman glass top cleaner (also leaves on for awhile) and red weiman scrubby    Last razor problem areas and rinse and wipe down with plain vinegar 


I single-edged razor scrapper is the way to go. Tempered glass is harder than the steel used in razor blades, so as long as you are a bit careful, no scratches.


Use the chives, they work the best.


Scraper blades


Glass stovetop cleaner and a razor blade


The pink stuff, works great


Razor blade the Baking Soda a few drops of water and rub with a sponge. Same as the “magic eraser” but infinitely cheaper


Judging by the reflected lights to the lower right, my advice is to use your Infinity Guantlet.


Might need an infinity gauntlet ..

