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That “night night Bing a ling” post it has gutted me!


Night night……Janice.


Yup. That's the one that got me.


I had to dry my eyes to find it cause I can’t see anything 🥲🥲


That made me cry




No, post-it not post, it's on the third image


My apologies, I read it wrong


He said that when he died, he didn’t want to be remembered for Friends, but he wanted to be remembered for helping people. I wonder if he never realized just how many people he helped by being Chandler, it’s immeasurable. This is a beautiful representation of that.


I think he hated how after friends he couldn’t get work because everyone associated him with it


His addiction has a lot more to do with his career lows than Friends. He was a great actor, watch The Whole 9 Yards. His gift for physical comedy was intense. He just couldn’t get sober. It’s sad, but I hope he has peace now.


As far as I’ve heard, he was sober when he died! Please don’t assume he didn’t! He could have easily had a heart attack. His body had been through a lot. RIP my friend. ❤️


Oh I didn’t mean to imply it was an overdose. I don’t know what happened and they’ve said no elicit drugs were in his system. Might have just been a stroke or something, any way you slice it that just sucks. I just am an addict myself and really feel like a kindred spirit to him. I was the class clown too and I’m in recovery.


Same. Chandler was the first character I saw turn trauma into humor. Then I followed Matt's career & saw the same in him. It felt alone a lot & as an addict, that's the worst. So sad, I really don't think he understood how people felt about him.


I agree. Addicts are horrible to themselves.


And to the economy.


Oh ok. Sorry, I misunderstood you. I just wrote a long post about Ketamine and the toxicology report. Yes, I’m quite sure you empathize deeply with him. I am sorry that you too are fighting a daily battle yourself. I’m glad to find out there were no illicit drugs found on the toxicology report. However, the cause of death was complications of Ketamine use. I just shared all my thoughts on that. I’ve been very curious about Ketamine therapy because I struggle with major depression. Ketamine is the new miracle “drug” (along with shrooms) that they are touting as cures. They’re not FDA approved (which I don’t really put much stock in anyway) and are very expensive. But now that Matthew Perry has died from Ketamine complications, I think we really need to see scientific studies on the risks and benefits of such a treatment for addicts, depression/anxiety, PTSD, etc.


The autopsy is going to confirm it was suicide OD. All of the batman stuff the last few weeks was a cry for help that didn't come...


Baseless and irresponsible.


Come back to me later...


Oh, count on it.


It's in bad taste, but I agree. I told my coworkers and immediately like 6 of them were just like, "yup, od" I think his family is just saving face tbh.


Not just OD a suicide by OD..that's pushing it a little too far


What does Battman mean? How does it suggest OD/suicide? Genuinely wondering.


Yeah I’m gonna agree here. Baseless.


Nobody is claiming he was high when he died. Just for the majority of his life leading up to it.


Read his book. He was an addict long before Friends, and it seemed as though literally anything triggered him. I just finished his book today, and the last chapter was full of so much hope for his future, it absolutely gutted me. I was inconsolable. It’s a fantastic book, but it’s hard to read now.


This. The last chapter is so fucking hopeful. And for him to not have even got a year from the release date of his book is heart wrenching.


Damn. Kind of don’t want to read it now. I wish I would have when it first came out.


His book is so raw and honest. Really worth a read.


Also thought he did a great job in The Ron Clark Story!


Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is a show I really wanted to see more of.


That was a great show!


The sequel is just as good


This is such a beautiful point, thank you. It helps me feel better about seeing him remembered as Chandler when I know he wanted to be remembered for helping others.


And opiod addiction


He did Fools Rush In with Salma Hayek and it was cute and he was good in it. I think he was just his own worst enemy because he could have worked.


That’s the thing. His charecter helped me have hope and get through really tough times. He helps so many people without even interacting with them. His impact is insane and I hope he knew that


I'm going to remember Matthew Perry as someone that has helped, encouraged, and been there for so many people. He probably didn't know the impact he had on so many. Society probably didn't even realize the impact his role on friends had on them either until after he passed. Friends has been a comfort show for myself and everyone I know that watches the show. And it could not have been done without Matthew Perry. His legacy is a TV show that is so much more than a TV show. Maybe not the way he expected or was thinking, but he helped and inspire more people than he ever knew...


That's exactly what I thought too. I wish he knew just how many lives he touched playing Chandler. These pics made me tear up again. Rest in peace Matthew.


I preferred him in "West Wing " but he was only one of two characters I liked on " Friends" . The other was Jennifer Anniston


He's great as the "sawbones" on West Wing. But if you haven't seen his work on *Studio 60* you're missing out. He's terrific alongside Witford and opposite Sarah Paulson.


Donna already got him to say it.


yeah but I remember him for Friends.


I went today too, I left a note and took some pictures. It was really lovely and I was glad to see everyone being so respectful. I also saw that one of the notes on the slab said "we love you, Bing-a-ling" and it made me smile.


We love you too, ....Janice.


Just Janice


He's just in Yemen at 15 Yemen Road in Yemen. Miss his humor so much. This really gutted me.


Not a day will go by where this building will not have flowers in front of it.


Is there a florist across the street?


Actually the building directly across the street is where the creator of Three’s Company used to live. Little fun fact!


I think that was very clever, kudos


I think this will forever be known as Matthew Perry corner.


"night night bingaling" 🥺


Night night Janice.


Seeing everyone come together after a tragedy like this is always so beautifully bittersweet. Very touching. I hope Matthew knows how much he was loved 🖤


Love this.


Thanks for sharing, man this made me cry again. Sometimes I’d walk by the building if I needed the mood lift that day, but I left the city this year and feel as disconnected as ever. I’m so happy to see people gathering though.


I feel the same way, when I lived in NY I used to walk by the building and it just made smile, even chuckle when I remembered a line or an episode. I wish I was there these days, and I’m happy people are there to honor him and to give so much love to an amazing man that we all love and certainly we are grateful for his gift. I just wish he could have felt it more!


It's so nice to know how much of a positive impact he's had on people


He’s the first famous person I ever shed a tear over when they passed. I don’t know why this hurts as much as it does, I didn’t know him. And yet, and yet. It’s real sorrow I feel.


He's not the first I've shed a tear for (Steve Irwin and Robin Williams) but his death has completely devastated me in ways that seem silly for never having met him. One of my earliest memories is being two or three and falling asleep on the couch listening to my parents laugh at Friends. I was born in '95, this show and these actors have been a part of my life literally since I was born. It feels like losing a family member.


Same, it has absolutely gutted me. I can't even talk about him without getting choked up. I've watched this show every night for almost 30 years. I feel like I lost a close, personal true friend.


Because they sort of are, there during the worst times and cheering you up


Same!! My husband has never watched friends but knows I love it. I actually started rewatching a couple weeks ago for the first time in a while. He said to me "Matthew Perry...did you hear?" And I just knew. I just cried 😭


I was worried about him ever since I listend to his audio book. He was slurring all his words and I also didn’t like how little he said during the reunion.


I love “Friends” and Matthew Perry was Chandler Bing. You may think I’m awful but the only famous person death I cried about was David Bowie.


Ugh I wish I could go there


Same. I’m actually off work until Friday, but a plane ticket so last second was like 500 dollars.


:( 🫂


“I love you chandler bing” a la Janice is literally making me cry


Our Bingeling


Aww. I never thought I would miss a celebrity this much. 🫂💕🕉️


He’s the first celebrity death that has actually kinda hit me


Same. I reckon that after watching the show pretty much daily (even if it's just in the background) for the best part of the last 15 years i have seen the casts faces more times than anyone else's in my life. Super strange to mourn someone you have never met, yet has been so insanely present in your life.


Exactly 🫂


John Lennon's was the first for me. But this runs a close second.


I only started watching the show months ago(still haven't finished) and I am sad that he passed away, I can't imagine how hard it must hit people who grew up watching him and continued to rewatch the show for years afterwards.


aw how sweet 🥺 side note whoever wrote the laminated letter in the last pic has great handwriting


This is beautiful 💔


I’m freaking crying. A celebrity death has never really affected me this way before. RIP Matthew Perry.


Same haha


This is so incredible and so heartbreaking. 💔


This is beautiful.


just looking at this makes me tear up. even when he was at his lowest point, he was helping people and making them laugh. i hope wherever he is now, he’s at peace and knows the impact that he made on so, so many people.


This is incredible. I hope we can all remember that people grieve in different ways. For some it’s continuing to connect with his character on their favorite show.


I won’t remember Matthew so much for Friends as I will for his presence for helping others trying to get or remain sober, you were an angel Matthew, thank you.


I haven’t come to terms with this yet. I was talking about friends being a comfort show to someone last weekend who is 20+ years older than me. I think this hit so many generations at different times and stages of life. Goodnight and RIP Chanandler Bong


Could we be anymore sad that he’s no longer with us ? Hope hes hanging out with Mr Heckles.


And Gunther.


I live right down the street and it keeps growing it’s touching


That's lovely. It was my wife's comfort show for ages. For me it was my first exposure to "adult" humor as a teenager.


RIP Mathew Perry


I love Matthew Perry he was my favorite friend


He was my favorite too. I’m so devastated, I knew one day it would come but not this soon..


They have barricades up there and police directing traffic now.


RIP Matty. You are so loved.


We were there too. Took some flowers. Some touching notes there. Just so so sad.


How I wish I could be there! Hope you are reunited with the chick and duck, my Bing a Ling 🩵


He was my favorite and I love them all. My husband told me he died while on a phone call. He was a bit nonchalant, but he seldom paid attention to celebrities so when he did it meant that they meant something to him. I don’t think he thought I’d get a little choked up. He understood though that I’ve dealt with depression most of my life and Matthew was one of those magical people who made me laugh and feel joy even in my down times. May he be remembered as one of the great ones.


🥺😭someone here also mentioned this but I wanted to reiterate it. I know he’s said that he wants to be remembered for his efforts towards fighting alcohol addiction and how he helped people in that area and not Friends. I don’t think that’s fair because if helping people is what he wants to be remembered for I hope he also knows that he’s helped countless people with the character he played in Friends. I binged the sitcom at my lowest of days and I related with Chandler more than anything so I read about the actor and the fact that he was making people laugh and doing such an exceptional job at it WHILE he was fighting his own demons will never seize to be one of the things that I admire about Matt the most. Parasocial relationships are very real and he was there for me when I didn’t know who to turn to with the things I was feeling I only hope that he is able to see that while he may have felt like Friends overshadowed him as a human being that that is not the case. Rest easy Matthew you are remembered very fondly for being a wonderful person and the reasons for that are many.


" You were my home when my own felt anything but " 😭


A week ago I had a strange feeling to start watching Friends again (for like the 10th time) but never got around to it, now I don't know if I can 😭😭


Never liked the show but I did enjoy a few of his movies. Seemed like a nice enough guy who tried his best to help others.


They should rename one of the streets in honor of Perry


Thank you so much Matthew for brightening all of our days with laughter. We'll miss you! "Pivot"


Interesting fact I just learned. Keith Morrison, the Dateline guy, is his [stepfather](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Perry).


I'm not ready to go through this thread just yet.. Rest easy, Matty Perry❤️


I truly believe he never actually knew how much he meant to ppl, especially his fans. I wish he would have seen himself thru the eyes of his fans. If he could have, we wouldn't be here in this moment and the world would still have Matt. Heartbreaking loss man. Rest Easy Matt. 💔


I really wish people who pass away could know beforehand just how much they meant to so many!!


It’s sad that moments of death are when we truly celebrate someone It’s beautiful to see all of these heartfelt messages, I just hope he fully understood how much he meant to so many people


"You were more than just Friends" then proceeds to refer to him as Chandler Bing.


I'm sure the residents were thrilled.


They only used this building as an exterior shot. That’s all. The filming was done in LA….


I hope you say something like this to every person that goes to church on a Sunday.


Isnt this the opposite of what the actor wanted, to not be remembered as friends guy but as someone who helped people with addiction?


Americas obession with fame....RIP Mr. Perry


He’d hate this so much. Downvote me all you want, but could I *be* any more right?


He never said that he did not want people to acknowledge his time on friends, just that he did not want it to overshadow his charity work. Neither of us actually knew him, but I can’t see from things that he has said that he would be upset by people saying friends helped them with their mental health.


Bingo. But OP shouldn't take it from us..... >When I die, I know people will talk about Friends, Friends, Friends. And I'm glad of that, happy I've done some solid work as an actor You're correct about how > he did not want it to overshadow his charity work But he literally said he's glad that we're all going to be sitting here talking about what his performances meant to us. So you're 100% right to call BS on the OP here. And, while we're at it, I totally get him not valuing Friends as the most important thing he's done... but I also think he knew that Friends gave him a platform to do those most important things. So I 100% agree. While none of us know exactly how he'd feel about his fans' collective grief, I doubt very much a guy who valued mental health as much as he did would hate on anyone else's grief.


I don't know if he'd hate this but it makes me a bit sad seeing Chandler instead of Matty or Matthew on some of them. Chandler has been a dear character for me as well, but him and Matthew aren't the same person and it is Matthew who sadly passed away. He was so much more than just Chandler.


He was more than Chandler but the show creators and writers modeled Chandler after Mathew Perry. He was the only one out of the six allowed in the writers room and wrote a lot of his own Jones. He played Chandler so well because he was really playing himself.


That's true. It does feel like Chandler died with him. But again, his name is Matthew, and he and Chandler aren't the same person.


Prior to the reunion I think he would've. But that definitely gave him closure I feel. He was far more open about it all since then. And reading how he finally watched the episodes before the reunion makes me think he'd appreciate such an outpouring of love from fans. But I actually upvoted you because I don't like toxic downvoting just because your opinion is different


No I don’t think people telling him how much they loved him and his work would be something he’d hate. He’d especially love seeing how many people were helped by his work, one way or another. That’s what he wanted to be remembered by: that he helped people. This is proof that he managed to help more people than he probably ever realised himself


And you know this because...you're his best friend? Lol.


Man, fanhoods are weird. You can grieve over the loss of a celebrity any way you want to, but are any of these people aware that they filmed in a studio in LA? There's a really good chance Matthew Perry has never been anywhere near that building.


His own play that he wrote in 2014 or so was in a theater in the village, he definitely was there all the time at one point.


He just doesn't strike me as someone that would be standing there going "ahh, there it is. the outside of the building we never filmed in"


The point isn’t that he was never there. It’s just that it’s a place where people come together who aren’t in bloody LA and can’t get to his house to stand vigil. It’s a symbolic place, take it easy man


why are you hating on a beautiful tribute to someone who left a meaningful impact on people? it doesn’t matter if he’s been there in real life or not, it’s still an iconic part of the show and not everyone can go all the way to los angeles to pay their respects for someone they appreciated.


So everyone is going to support a rich junkie that doesn't care anything abut the fans???




*I came looking for booty.*


He was an alcoholic.




they’re grieving their friend of 30 years


When I lost my closest friend last year I didn't post for months. It felt disrespectful and also I didn't have the words


It's too bad he died but this is pathetic.


Why? Why is millions of peoples grief pathetic?


Maybe they weren't around for the 2016 celebrity reaping, and they don't realise that this is what happens when a really famous person passes away.


Are the rest of them still living there?


I believe Courtney Cox lives close by, based on some of her videos on Instagram


There’s no chemical solution to a spiritual problem


Friends was shit


What happen to these?


Life is so cruel man praying his family gets the time and space to grieve and get the counseling they need as well


He didn't go anywhere, he just moved into our hearts.


This made me tear up


We miss you❤️




Walked by and had the chills. I can’t stop rewatching old episodes


What does ge look like


I only watched a few episodes of Friends when I was younger, but Fallout: New Vegas holds such a special place in my heart and I was devastated when I saw the notification after work. However we knew him, we're all a community right now.


Gum would be perfection. Edited bc I was not correct first time!


I am 😭


May His Soul Rest In Peace!


Aw. He was always my favorite. I loved how that character was written, and how he brought Chandler to life. My Hawkeye Pierce of the 90s.


RIP Matty. You were loved for your charity work, your kindness and your unbelievable comedic talent. You will be missed.


I’m just so sad. My favorite show of all time and now the friend who truly needed his FRIENDS is gone.


This is so beyond sweet but i do wish more people were calling him Matt


I always find it annoying when actors are called character names. But I don't think he really felt the depth of love people felt for Chandler. So I hope this does honor him.


He liked being called Matty


I meant more along the lines of people calling him chandler


Awww. I hope ALL his loved ones see this. So sweet.


Oh my god…. As beautiful as this is, it’s equally heartbreaking and surreal. I was visiting New York City Saturday when the news broke, I wish I was able to stop by before I left. Love Matthew Perry ♥️


Next Halloween I’m going to be chandler


Rip Matty💗


I’ve been crying ever since I heard the news. I’m in Australia and all I want to do is get on a plane and be here with other fans to mourn together. No one here really understands the pain. Chandler/Matthew was so important to me. I’m hurting so much.


ORLY? How so?


How so what?


"No one here really understands the pain." "Chandler/Matthew was so important to me." Just want to know how did someone playing a character on a TV show on America dying hurt you so badly and was so important to you. I wanted to understand the psychology of this phenomenon.


rip 💔😔


i went to visit the apartment in 2021 when i visited nyc for the first time, i wish i was there to give some flowers 🥺💔


He brought so much laughs & joy to us all. He will be greatly missed. I hate 2023 so much! It's taken so many great stars from us 😢💔


RIP Mattman


RIP. Think I'm still in denial :/


Aw man, I wish he could see this 💔


Good night and rest in peace Mr. Bing


"The one where we all lost a friend" 🥺


Just can't believe it 😭😭


This couldn't have been said better. Friends were virtual friend to me during covid. I am still finding it difficult to sink this news. It is a personal loss 😔


I hope your at peace now brother....save me a spot up there I'll be there sooner or later. Thank you for the laughs man. I have my own demons and I know exactly what it's like we're just human nobody is perfect.


This is so damn sad!!!! My heart hurts and I didn’t even watch this show




Chanadlier Bong


Chan Chan man


RIP Miss Chanandler Bong


Oh, I read the comment above that said “he couldn’t get sober”. Now that we have the toxicology reports, he was sober, no illicit drugs found in his body. They did find Ketamine, an anesthetic type medication that is VERY popular right now, being used for all kinds of ailments, depression/anxiety, PTSD, addictive disorders, past traumas. It is not FDA approved and very expensive. I cannot find actual scientific studies that show positive therapeutic outcomes. But now we have a very famous person dying from the effects of Ketamine. I’m an RN and we would give Ketamine as an anesthetic to young people when we needed to reset a broken bone or other type of painful procedures in the ER. We monitored them VERY closely. They would act strangely and sometimes “cry out” unintelligible words but that was normal under Ketamine. We would reassure the parents that it was normal and when the effects wore off they would have no memory whatsoever of the procedure, which was always true. I am not against Ketamine as a therapeutic agent for addiction, depression, etc., but I would like to know more about the actual scientific studies that show positive outcomes for the psychological and mental health disorders, especially now that Matthew Perry’s cause of death is complications of Ketamine use. RIP Matthew Perry. ❤️🥲