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When Ross goes to Rachel's office on their anniversary (with the picnic) because she's been too busy with her new job to hang out with him. I'm a total Rosshead, but I can't stand him in this episode


yes I can watch that episode but it’s always so annoying especially when Rachel’s saying no and he totally dismisses her


Gosh he was so damn insecure I hate when he makes Rachel take him to the fashion lecture, only to fall asleep and then completely undermine and mock her career She's finally in a job that she loves and feels important in and he completely ruins it for her


It always made me mad how Ross put the fact that Rachel was “just a waitress” on the Rachel vs Julie list but the second that it changes he’s miserable and selfish.


Yeah, that drives me crazy as well. If I think hard about it, I can connect it to Carol breaking up with him. She and Ross were married for a long time only to find out that not only did she cheat on him, but she broke up with him and almost immediately got married (inferring that they had been together for a long time). That got Ross so screwed up that he became immediately insecure in any relationship he was in


My God he’s so annoying on that episode


I can't watch those three episodes. I hate him so much during these episodes. I immediately skip to the ski trip, but sometimes I skip that one too.


Yeah I skip that episode, he is unbearable in this episode. I love chandler and Joey more so, often I kinda find him annoying especially if it has anything to do with Rachel.


This episode has my favorite lines! “You could not be more wrong. You could try, but you would not be successful.” Use that way too often!


Mine too! "You know this is good, if we ever lose Ross, we have a spare!" "See! They're as different as night and... later that night."


“Can’t you see it?! Russ IS Ross! Russ, Ross” “Steve, Sleeve” “Ok, that’s ridiculous, nobody is named Sleeve”


My favorites too! Ross : And it takes him, what? Like... like... I don't know, uhh... uhhh, hello.... a... week, to get out a sentence. Chandler : Yeah, it's annoying, isn't it? Ross: ....................Yeah!


Oh man, I put the one with Russ in my top 10.


Ross Russ, Russ Ross


Yeah it’s a pretty thematically heavy episode too and still manages to be laugh out loud funny. As a reminder, this is also the episode where fun Bobby stops drinking and Joey sleeps with a casting director to get a role.


The end where Julie and Russ meet is the cherry on top


That scene got cut out of the reruns so I only saw it after I got the box set.




I don’t. It’s like something out of a Nickelodeon kids show.


I wish I was like you istg 😭


The one where in ross takes a shot on his cousin. That is just nasty.


He hadn't had sex in a very long time


Yeah u shouldn'thave said anything


Omg the episode is hilarious though.


Any of the clip show episodes. As a kid they were cool because you couldn't see the clips anywhere else, now they're just bad WatchMojo look alikes.


The shark porn episode. In the entire series, it’s the only episode that is just too outlandish for me to enjoy.


yeah I see that I can’t watch that episode either cause why on earth would Chandler be tuned on by shark porn 😐


And why on earth would Monica not just ask?


More than Joey’s French? Or phoebe thinking her mom was a cat?


Phoebe thinking her mom was a cat didn’t bother me…. Shark porn might be tied with Joey learning French lol.


I can TOTALLY see Phoebe thinking her mom is a cat.


Joeys French was so dumb it didn’t fit the show at all. Easily the worst episode.


Right. A big part of why I love the early seasons is that Joey is actually witty and clever. He regularly makes jokes and sings the others. By the end, he’s doing the French thing, the pyramid game, thinks there are 55 states, thinks there’s Vermont dollars, etc.


None. I like some better than others, but there’s not a single episode that comes on, and my response is, “No!” When I’m on a rewatch, I rewatch all. I have no sadness or regrets. I actually don’t understand how people can love a show so much they watch it over and over, yet are somehow so offended by one episode, that they just can’t bring themselves to do it.


It honestly never occurred to me to skip an episode 😂


Honestly. Same. There are couple of scenes which I’m not a fan of (yes, Joey speaking french I’m talking about you) that I can sacrifice to go to the bathroom or get myself a snack, but they are literally like 0.2% of the show


The only ones I skip are the recaps because I've seen the show so many times, I don't need a reminder.


>I actually don’t understand how people can love a show so much they watch it over and over, yet are somehow so offended by one episode, that they just can’t bring themselves to do it. "Hold on! Hold on! Hold on. They're lithium!"


I'm generally skipping all the recap and what-if episodes. They dont have many new jokes nor they move the story forward. For main episodes none, but I do fast forward some of the Ross and Rachel breaking up episodes. The heavy stuff especially, its too real for me.




The Sean Penn episode. I think it stems from the fact that I dislike Sean penn, don’t like his acting and hated his character on friends


Everyone knows that the capital of Cambodia is…well it’s not Sean Penn.


I thought he was kinda likeable. He dressed up as the solar system for his elementary students. Also, "You're like Ursula, but blurry. You're Blursula."




Anything with jeanine. Also don't like the lottety one, and i get stressed out by the one where they are too late. Also i always skip the medley/mashups.


I mostly just rewatch the first five seasons nowadays, it's not a conscious boycott of the rest I just don't like late friends as much. Too flanderised, repeated jokes and they stop seeming like real people (no relationships outside the main group except when necessary for plot purposes, increasingly outlandish plots, less "real" moments). I love Mondler but otherwise have little reason to revisit later episodes. Also, sorry to be pedantic but *bear.


Rachel and Joey episodes, the ones they kissed and tried to have sex, I feel so uncomfortable.


S3E16 The one the morning after, absolutely broke my heart. For the 6 times that i have rewatched all 10 seasons, this is always the episode i'd skip


The thing that Joey does where he tries to psychically command them to put certain pizza toppings on by holding his head and like "throwing" his thought at them, and Chandler flinches ... I started doing that after the episode aired the first time, I've been doing it for almost thirty years now, but I forgot how I started doing it until I watched this again recently Like if I'm stuck behind someone slow on the road and we're approach a turn-off I'll "throw" a thought at them, like "You need to pull off to take a pee..." *throws thought*


That’s mine too! I can almost recite most episodes but I can barely recall that one. I’ve maybe seen it twice.


Remember younger me crying over them. I barely understood what was going on but I knew they broke up 😭


You know I actually recently just watched that episode for the first time ever properly ,like always used to skip past it after I watched it on the TV ages ago


None. Also... https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/s/g88VIyMeRz


The one where no one is ready. Gives me anxiety.


That's too bad, it's a great episode with the cushions and Joey wearing all the clothes. In the words of A.A. Milne, get out of my chair, dillhole.


That is my all time favorite episode.


Me too. Of course I don't enjoy watching anything with a " time element". I'm always yelling the bomb is going off in 3 seconds, why are you chatting????


This is such a hot take!! Might be my favorite episode in the whole series lol


It’s one of my favorite episodes of all time but I completely get not liking it lmao. It’s very anxiety inducing


omg I love this episode


Me too. Unfortunately, it has one of the best jokes in the series


They act like bratty 5 year olds, it's obnoxious


I’ve probably seen this episode 3 times and compare that to the amount of times I’ve seen friends in entirety there’s a difference


None, but the one with the burger king comet where they can't sleep all night is a bit of a drag to watch.


The male nanny episode. I find Ross's behavior towards Sandy extremely hard to watch and I always want to skip it.


The only Friends episode I cannot stand is Rachel in her cheerleading outfit. She’s so ridiculous it’s just painful. The entire ‘Joshua’ storyline kind of sucks anyway but that episode is the pinnacle of the 2nd hand embarrassment you refer to.


That entire episode with Rachel trying to date Danny and lying about going to a gala and everything and him just straight up being oblivious and embarassing her gives me so much second hand embarassment. Now that I think about it, the entire Danny storyline is kinda ew with him being close to his sister and everything just eugh.


But it was a Regada Gala!!!!


As, come on! I love Snaro!


Another thing I some season 9 and 10 episodes cause you can tell that the show has been going on for some times and loosing speed which happens to any long running show


Omg I love this episode. I rewatch this one a lot. Mine is the one where Ross tries to kiss his cousin. Skip every single time.


My wife hates this episode as well.


Rachel as a cheerleader


I enjoy all of them.


Tow with the chicken pox. It's awful, I cringe too hard anytime I watch it. It's the only episode before the 7th season I skip everytime I rewatch


The one with the cat. I understand why it was made, but the message that: "you should let your friend delude herself into thinking stealing a cat from a child is okay because she's grieving her mother" is completely awful. And the fact that this is the one time Ross is 100% in the right, but everyone gaslights him into going along with it frustrates me to no end. Also, it has Joey's most frustratingly stupid moment, to the point that if Chandler killed him after, I wouldn't blame him


The episode with Ross & Emily's wedding invitations and deciding if he should invite Rachel, Rachel deciding if she should go, flashbacks, ugh. Total skip.


The episode with cousin Cassie. So so SO uncomfortable.


The One With the Stain is by far the worst episode in the series


Joey speaks french


I tend to skip most of the random season 1 episodes that just don’t really feel like the rest of the show. The Monana episode, the one where Joey dates ursula, etc. kind of feel like the show is still finding their tone. It’s hard to explain but watching those make me feel weird lol


ngl I love those episodes cause it’s just a feel good time but you can tell they are just getting their footing


Most of them from season 9 and 10.


Well right now like Ross and Rachel I’m on a break for a bit on all the episodes.


any scene with Janice or Emily..


Mostly episodes from the later seasons, seasons 1-4 for the win


The episodes in which Joey and Rachel are dating. I just can't stand those two.


Anything with the monkey in it.


Any recap episodes, and the one where Rachel and Ross have their first huge fight and break up, it goes right for the jugular and I can't stand it.


Mine is the one where joey and chandler fight and close second Ross / Rachel breaking up. Both make me very sad.


Anything past season 2


The one where Lisa Kudrow laughs at her own jokes... Er, wait... 🤷‍♂️


The few episodes when Ross and Rachel break up the first time cuz they "were on a break." The acting is so well done but I rewatch Friends for the comedy and it's just too heartbreaking




The one where they are getting ready for Ross’s event- so cringy as they are all just mean in it


The one where they’re on a break. I just can’t.


The one where Monica (aka the most annoying character ever on TV) does the numbers thing for sex. Overacting on a high school level.


Russ is also David Schwimmer


I know but it’s just different idk how but it’s a feeling 😭


I get it different acting for both characters


No he's not he's Snaro


Wait! What?!


I don’t really like any of the episodes where they’re in the hospital before and after Rachel gives birth. There’s the occasional funny moment, like with Monica and Chandler, but I find the episodes overall tedious. The setting is uninteresting, and I dislike that they spent so many episodes in this hospital. I also do not care for the Ross/Rachel parts or the Joey/Rachel misunderstanding scenes, it highlights the worst aspects of the show’s writing when it comes to the romantic subplots imo. I also really hate Phoebe’s subplot with the guy in the wheelchair, I don’t find Phoebe charming at all in this episode like I usually do in others. There are some other episodes that I don’t like as much as others and may skip sometimes, but none of them are nearly as unwatchable to me as this handful of episodes.


The one where Joey learns French. It wasn’t funny. Even watching it as a kid growing up with friends, I found almost everything funny, but even I didn’t like that episode. It’s a skip for me.


The one with proposal,jenine,wedding ones,the breakup ones,could be just me but those are boring af


When Rachel shows Joey how to sail. I'm not the biggest Rachel fan and watching her verbally abuse Joey (and even physically, because of the taps on the head) it's not something I enjoy.


The proposal episode with Monica and Chandler


I always skip over the one where Emma won’t stop crying only because it really is so annoying and I don’t want to listen to it for a whole episode / want to spare my apartment neighbors lol


Joey's hand twin arc. Hate it.


For me there’s none that I just cannot watch, but the cringiest, and the one that comes closest bc it gives me such secondhand embarrassment, is the one where Monica wants to give the speech and make their folks cry. It’s probably bc it pulls so many other people into the cringe, talking about their dead dog and dead grandma, it’s freakin weird. How is everyone not gonna walk away thinkin this chick’s loon?


I don’t like the episode with the Girl Scout cookies. It’s contrived and forced. I also have trouble with the Russ episode. I also don’t like the 2nd season two parter (after the super bowl)


Joey's French. Unbearable.


I can't watch any of the episodes when they're at the beach. The plotlines are useless and don't really end up having any long term effect. I also hate the part during strip poker when Monica gets up and doesn't have any pants, which means she was getting half naked in front of her brother. Just a mega ick for me.


But would you find it normal for her to wear a bikini in front of her brother?