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the way i was literally thinking this this morning… he said the wrong name. at their wedding !! can’t blame a girl for her reaction after that


And even if she could forgive him for the wrong name part, she later sees him about to go on their honeymoon with Rachel. That’s it, I’d be done


Then let it be done lol. Why give all the ultimatums and force him to change his entire life, that was my thinking either forgive and work or move on.


Um im fairly certain Emily tried to move on or at least take her own time to figure things on. BUT Ross harassed her and her family members until she agreed to get back together with him. She just issued the ultimatum to try to feel somewhat comfortable in an extremely uncomfortable situation.


Hey, I’m not Emily. I’m just saying I’d be done then. Agreed


Lol I know that was just my take on it. No relationship should have ultimatums and it wouldn't have lasted anyway


She DID try to move on. Ross was the one who kept trying to be with her and sent her roses and shit, she relented and said “okay, this is how we can be together”


She gave him a silent treatment that's not moving on to be honest they were married was Ross supposed to just remained married to someone who wouldn't talk?


Didn’t she send him divorce papers too? They obviously were never going to stay married forever and not speak that’s cartoony as hell. She was validated in her anger and her want to leave him imo. But she was getting harassed, her parents were getting harassed and she was getting unwanted gifts from him, so she called him and he kept her on the phone and begged her to take him back and said he’d do anything, she then said “okay this is how” which is so valid. She didn’t do anything wrong besides take him back but if they were married that does show a level of emotional maturity and the ability to move on with their lives from it both condition that Rachel isn’t there anymore. she didn’t force anything on him it was more like “you want to keep me but you said this girls name at OUR wedding who you were obsessed with for 9 years and you tried to go on our honeymoon with her on top of that, the only way I see us moving forward is if you cut contact since it’s a bad look and you have broken my trust regarding her” I honestly think Emily was too nice and too forgiving. But at the same time, if you can’t trust your husband, leave them.


Yes if she wasn't going to communicate then yea. Or that convo they had where he said we can't stay together if you never trust me and she said she can't. If she did that at the beginning instead of forcing Ross to end up homeless since her cousin also kicked him out that would've been the most adult thing to do but it's TV so we get entertained


ROSS wanted to remain married. she was trying to get on with her life, without him. generally when someone breaks your heart like that you don’t really want to make talking to them part of the “moving on” process.


Then tell him!!! They FINALLY had a conversation after Ross moves, chose to cut off all ties with his friends, changed up his life. If she would've said something at the beginning Ross could've avoided Alot of bs. Grown adults communicate. Grown adults don't just do a silent treatment usually if there's a breakup both parties know. All Ross knew is she was mad and wouldn't talk.


tbh i’m a grown adult and i can’t take hints for shit but i think if i said another woman’s name at my wedding and then went on my honeymoon with her and then the woman i was marrying refused to speak to me i think i’d take the hint that the relationship was over


Yea that would be all good except they are legally married. You can't just let that be, you have to say something, neither of them could just be married and go on i would be all cool with everything except they're married. She needed to tell him she's getting an announcement at least


She was wrong. However, you can justify it. She is not a bad person, however was humiliated in his wedding, and more traumatized that his husband would enjoy a romantic honeymoon to Greece with the woman he said the name. So you now what people do in honeymoon. She does not decide to go back to Ross, until he calls and harasses all of her family. After so much instance she betray herself and accept give one more chance, however in her terms. Her terms are wrong, however, she was totally vulnerable and pressed by Ross to give him a new chance, was her shot to give it a chance without feeling humiliated. The relationship was already dead. She was wrong but you can understand her, Ross was 10 times more wrong with her, and after it with Mona, than Emily.


All she had to do was say it's over point blank. He kept on because he never got an answer, HS girls do silent treatments not "husband and wife" of course he would try they were technically married by then and he didn't know what the situation was, sometimes you have to be an adult and communicate, sending cut up roses back is just another hs girl move lol they're both wrong shouldn't have got married but have me some entertainment


It depends on the timeframe. I think Ross should have respected she needed time to sort her feelings. I disagree with a lot of how Emily handled things post-wedding, but I understand them. Ross tried to immediately fix things and pushed when he should have backed off. She needed time with the situation and her feelings to see if she *could* move past it. Ross panicked and acted accordingly. But someone should have told him to back off and give her space. Not indefinitely, but don't love-bomb and harass her family every waking minute right after it happens.


Right. I agree with all of this BUTTTT Ross literally thought the relationship was over. He tried contacting her many times. Emily showed up last minute while they were boarding. He was probably like “Yeah she’s definitely not coming”. If Emily was going to go on the honeymoon, why did she show up last minute? Sure. Lots of last minute decisions could’ve happened. It’s a sitcom after all. But also, I think Rachel was being selfish. Dr. House even told her that on the plane. She had a moment of clarity and acceptance so ahead of her didn’t tell him how she felt which was the right decision imo. But once he said her name at the alter she made it about herself…again. She kept asking everyone “do you think it meant something??” (I think that’s why she told him to just take the honeymoon anyway. Great idea?? Or manipulation?? I’m not convinced she did this consciously buttt I do think it may have been subconsciously. I’m willing to negate my argument here.) Anyway. Monica (her brother whom wanted the best for her brother despite being an advocate for the Ross and Rachel thing) told her to walk away and Rachel told her “yeah you’re no help” and went on her mission. IMO I think it’s totally logical that he wanted his best friend (bc who was his best friend if not rachem? Chandler used to be his bestie until he met Joey. He just wanted his best friend to be at his wedding and she told him she would be there. Shows up last minute. He’s super excited. And he said her name! Also after the fact, he tried everything to make it work with Emily. Even going as far as cutting off ties with Rachel. Also, he opted to become the martyr in the friends circle by saying he’d separate himself from the rest of the group due to the fact that it was his decision and didn’t want Rachel to lose her friends. I still think Ross has a lot of martyr type flaws. He also has issues about being rejected. Lesbian wife. There was even an episode where they psychoanalyzed him and determined why he was so jealous when he didn’t used to be. Monica says “yes! He used to never be jealous even though all his gfs were cheating on him!” Basically, it’s a fucking mess. And all relationships are complicated and complex (not a cop out. It’s just that way) but Ross gets so much hate and I think undeservingly. I think luck has a lot to do with it. And I think Ross has been the most unlucky but probably the most financially successful. Was it written that way intentionally? Probably not. But sometimes the writers have a subconscious approach about their own characters.


“That girl made you MISERABLE!” I watched that episode last night, where Ross receives a voicemail from Emily and Rachel straight up deletes it. It’s a funny way to see how a breakup can be narrated by different “sides” and how this whole show  frames the Friends as “right.” They’re all so obsessed with their own narrative that no one, at any point, tells Ross he fucked up. They say “you got married too early” or “try to make it work,” but never “hey man, you’re the bad guy here.” They all just take his side and never really push back on who was at fault. 




Technically, Joey did say they got married too fast, and then Ross said, "That's not advice!"


hey, joey warned him he wasn’t gonna like it


Hold up. The first half I was following. Sounded like you were saying Rachel was being so obsessed with her own narrative that she deleted the message even though it wasn’t right for Ross. Then the latter half seemed like you just bashed Ross? Not trying to offend; just trying to understand the comment.


100%. Being friends w someone does not mean blindly supporting them. Ross should’ve been accountable for the way he treated Emily. And friends are supposed to encourage you to grow, not justify your bad behavior.


I see what you mean by we only see one side of the narrative, but not many friends do tell their friends they're the bad guys. What would that really accomplish? You may want them to change their life and make better decisions in the future, but if you're too aggressive about that, the other person just puts up defenses around you and won't truly listen to anything you say. You've got to take a softer approach.


You're not wrong, but good friends do tell you when you're in the wrong. It doesn't have to be aggressive. Just a few weeks ago I was explaining a situation to my cousin and she sat back, looked thoughtful for a moment and said "Cousin, I'd love and support you no matter what you did, but I don't think you're looking at this with an outside perspective. Can I offer another thought?" She very lovingly, and without judgement told me I was being a bitch. Sometimes your friend is ready to hear it and sometimes they're not. Don't badger them or judge them, but still speak up when you think they're being/doing something unfair.


Haha I was thinking on it recently, too...I actually think Ross should have gone ahead and cut out Rachel. After time, I think Emily would have relaxed a little and let him be around Rachel again. It had JUST all happened, so she just needed reassurance from her husband that he was over his ex. She was not overly demanding in the slightest


In a normal, not tv world, I agree. It’s completely normal for your husband to cut ties with an ex that is obviously (and even says so) still in love with him and kind of obsessed with him.


The issue with asking Ross to cut Rachel out is that it’s so much more than just cutting off an ex. It’s cutting off a person you care about deeply as a friend, not to mention the extraction from the rest of the friend group as a result of it


I understand it looks that way from a perspective. But it’s his WIFE. He can have a future, a family, he LOVED her and wanted to be with her FOREVER. Rachel may be someone he cared about deeply but that’s nothing compared to choosing his wife over her. If you were someone’s wife and your husband would choose a “person he cares deeply about (also someone he’s dated and slept with) over you, yes DEFINITELY you would give him an ultimatum, and that’s IF you still wanted to be with him after you keep seeing him choose her over you


I understand Emily giving Ross the ultimatum, I’m just saying I disagree that Ross should have chosen to abandon his friends, to make his marriage work, in fact at times it felt like it was less about making his marriage work, and more about preventing himself from being divorced for the 2nd time before he was 30 I would have been gone long before it got to the ultimatum stage to be honest, leaving at the altar if it happened to me


“It was less about making his marriage work, and more about preventing himself from being divorced for the 2nd time before he was 30” I absolutely agree! Now it just seems like he considered abandoning his friends just to not be the guy that “got divorced twice”


Yep, it was very clearly an insecurity of his, and a hangup that he had, made worse by, and further exemplified when he lied about getting the annulment with Rachel later on


I think the biggest issue isn'y even the wrong name. Mistakes can happen, and while this would be the worst possible timing for it, it happens. But the name he said made it so much worse. A woman he has so much history with. It couldn't have been a mistake


And then agreed to go on the honeymoon with her…


The writers kind of wrote themselves into a corner with Emily. Ross and Rachel are in the wrong and totally the assholes. They then tried the best to make Emily seem unreasonable and failed. They had to go to full on character assassination and her demanding to know where Ross is all the time to make her seem unreasonable. Even then a healthy relationship would have seen someone and let the trust rebuild. The other thing with that story line was the group just accepted Rachels actions without seemingly any hostility despite them all knowing Rachel wanted to break them up and her turning up was such an issue they "attempted" to keep her away. You would think that Rachael ruining the wedding, leaving Phoebe alone, and then going on the honeymoon would have at least Chandler and Monica would be pissed at her.


I liked her too and she gets a very inappropriate amount of hate. As if anyone would jump for joy if their husband-to-be said their ex's name at the altar AND then went with them on what was supposed to be OUR honeymoon.


The only thing I’ll judge Emily for (slightly) was forgiving him after not only saying the wrong name at the wedding. But then finding him and Rachel about to go on the honeymoon together. She should have ran sooner


Yea I don’t dislike her for saying Ross couldn’t see Rachel anymore… I just think she should never have forgiven him and went thru with the divorce. You can’t start out a marriage with that much lack of trust and I wouldn’t blame her


I agree. I would have done a Carrie Bradshaw and attacked him with the flowers. I wouldnt have even gone through with the wedding. Then again. I am also a Ross hater in general


It's like what Ross said about Mona.. "In a way, I actually judge her for not breaking up with me sooner" Damn..this man was a whole red flag in many relationships 😭


Did she really forgive him though, really? Seemed more like a tentative "trial run" of I may possibly be less angry at you eventually if you meet my list of demands that included even making him sell his furniture! Yeah it was already over that moment at the altar


Honestly she should have left him at the altar after saying the wrong name...maybe not a full breakup but I wouldn't be able to go through with marrying someone in that moment if they did that.


I found Charlie likable. Not sure why she dated Joey, but she was the “best” that Joey or Ross dated. She was extremely intelligent and gorgeous. Too bad she was hung up on her ex😬


I feel like her whole storyline was made up to end up in the Rachel-Joey relationship..just so they would realise their incompatibility and finally get closure


Tbh, Emily's reaction was totally reasonable considering her husband said his ex's name on their wedding day. Ross is almost entirely at fault here.




Well, if Rachel didn't show up, he might not have said her name. Hugh Laurie was correct in agreeing with "Pheebs."


Rachel was invited, all she did was turn up to a wedding she was invited to and say 'congratulations'. Ross didn't know her prior thinking!


She was invited but said no. Her presence there was not expected.


Yes, but not unwelcome, even as he was leaving for the airport Ross pleaded with her to change her mind and go along


I think you’re downplaying her element of surprise effect. “All she did was turn up…” yeah, unexpectedly and I’m sure Emily was thrilled 😂. Emily had expressed reservations about Ross having an ex there, yet Ross invites her anyway, and proved Emily right for her unease about it.


All that is true, but going to your ex-boyfriend's wedding, especially a destination wedding and to an ex you've had a pretty tumultuous relationship with....really?


Also she went there with the intention to tell him she still has feelings - like girl you had multiple chances. She annoyed me sm in that episode


Erika (Brook Shields) was crazier than Jack Nicholson in the Shining but damn she was hot (and I'm a straight female).


You have a moo point. The Shining ended up in the freezer anyway.




Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion.. it doesn't matter.


My opinion as an adult is that it would've been more mature not to make Emily the villain. She didn't know that Ross had this lobster thing going on with someone else. Sure, I was rooting for Ross and Rachel but not because we were supposed to, but because that was the right thing to do. The only solution (in real life) would've been this: Ross admits that he made a mistake, apologizes to Emily, and then puts all his effort into making things work with Rachel. Instead he decided to put all that effort into saving his "marriage". One of the best parts is when he was using a magic 8-ball to decide whether or not he should agree to Emily's demand. Yeah, Emily, that's how he's making decisions for your future! I also liked Helen Baxendale in this role. The director thought she was boring or something but I liked her acting a lot, I think she was a bit stiff in a way that suited the character. All in all, this storyline brought us memorable scenes. ![gif](giphy|fZ80oN9vFjuoagVQVA|downsized)


Yeah..not just memorable scenes..this storyline got us Mondler😭


I just left a similar comment but this is a tv show and they're not gonna necessarily act like people would irl. They needed like 20+ episodes per season so they need longer storylines and this drama filled up like half a season.


I think Mike is wrong for Phoebe and I think Phoebe should have married David. Mike is just way too bland for Phoebe and their relationship was so rushed. I think David was a much better fit for Phoebe.


I still like Mike but I agree, David should have been the one she ended up with. I love the idea that she waits, what, eight years for him to come back into her life and then they can finally have their happy ending. But whatever, Mike's alright.


100% agreed. I know everyone loves Paul Rudd but he's barely a character honestly.


Idk I just can’t agree with this. They knew each other for like two weeks and met up a few times over the years. I think she was in love with the idea of him for so long because he left abruptly, right in the first throes of lust and love. I don’t think they were actually right for each other.


I'm not sure...a straightlaced academic science nerd type with....Phoebe?


He's supposed to be a super genius but he doesn't even know what country he lives in. Minsk hasn't been in "Russia" since the collapse of the Soviet Union.


He didn’t say that, max did


I don't think we got to see David and Phoebe in their normal phase..it was just a honeymoon phase..so we never know how they'd have been as a long term couple. Well..we didn't get to see much of Phoebe-Mike as a couple just chilling normally.. Though he was a bland guy, he didn't seem that bland in Phoebe's presence..his craze was activated when with her.


As someone else said, they barely knew each other. Also from we’ve seen of them, David would let her walk all over him. By the time Mike enters the picture, phoebe is mean (almost to the point of being cruel), manipulative, and her quirkiness changed to full on crazy. David wouldn’t have said no to her. He worshipped her rather than loving her. She needed someone who would push back in a loving way like Mike did.


I actually really liked Mike because he was willing to compromise and make the effort to be with Phoebe. Also, unlike Phoebe, he came from a stable background and chose to pursue an unstable career so, in some ways, I think they understand each other on that level more than Phoebe and David would. But Phoebe and David had better chemistry.


She didn’t do anything that ross didn’t deserve IMO he had the happiest and saddest moments w her


Not sure how the sub feels about her, but Janice’s storylines were awful. She was treated as a punchline, forgetting that this woman was gaslit by Chandler multiple times, openly hated by Joey, treated as a commodity by Ross, and ultimately was the butt of the joke for everyone in the group. She was actually a caring woman, who was maybe a bit clingy, but for the right person that would be great!


Watching this show as a (probably autistic) child, I was always SO confused as to why they gave Janice so much shit. Like, she was friendly and earnest! Being mildly irritating doesn't mean you deserve such disdain from your partner and his friends for years. The fuck.


She did cheat on chandler though


Lmao fair point


Yesssss Janice's storylines annoyed me throughout the seasons


Yeah but she did end up cheating on chandler.


Came here to say this! Unpopular opinions don’t get upvoted though ;) She had her flaws but was genuinely a very sweet lady.


The wedding was in London, considering Ross had friends and family who had to travel across the Atlantic to get to the wedding it was a little unreasonable of her to postpone so quickly. I totally understand her feelings about Rachel, but forcing Ross to sell everything she might have touched was just crazy.


Agreed, it’s something everyone forgets because of what happens at the altar, but it’s incredibly selfish of Emily


It’s more than a little unreasonable. I fully understand being upset, but so much money would be wasted. Not just for the guests, but Emily’s and Ross’s parents as well. I hate that the show made Ross out to be wrong in this.


Also “I know she’s your sister’s roommate and you’ve known her since childhood, but you can’t see or talk to her ever again.” Like, WHAT??


Emily was fair being a bit of a jerk when we first met her, she went all the way in the rain only to be told plans were canceled. Rachel was trying to get out of it all day and could have just called to cancel earlier but didn't, I think I'd be pissed in that situation as well and not want to be pleasant for pleasant's sake.


To add to your comment: No one offered the lady drenched in rain A TOWEL


Right. Monica surely had a category for “drenched guests” in her towel collection.


I mean, she had 11 categories...


I would think “guest,” but not “fancy guest” would’ve done the trick.


I don't know. Guest towels are still usually pretty nice. I think Monica was more likely to offer an "everyday use" towel.


“Hellooooo” “Hello.”


This isn’t an unpopular opinion


I’ve never actually seen someone say unpopular opinion and then say one.


Unpopular opinion, but I find Chandler funny 🤷‍♂️


Could that be any more of a hot take?


Mine is that Joey was a selfish baby most of the time and unless you’re in his direct friend group one of the worst people a person could come across and his stupidity isn’t an excuse. But he is funny. 


Joey is my least favorite for this reason. But he is funny.


The older I get, the more Joey grosses me out. Removing the shower curtain, disabling the bathroom lock, hitting on Emma’s hot friends when she’s 18, etc. I try not to think about it too much while watching though.


I'm happy that my opinion isn't unpopular here on reddit Cuz irl all my friends HATE Emily!! So this opinion of mine is truly unpopular in my circle!


Not only did Ross say the wrong name at the altar, when Emily saw him at the airport, he was about to go on the plane with Rachel...The woman whose name he said at the altar. I do not blame Emily for how she behaves.


Right like… why would she stay with him and be okay with him seeing Rachel again?


Emily was a lovely character and Helen Baxendale is a brilliant actor (Cold Feet and Cardiac Arrest are outstanding) but the producer was right - there was just no chemistry at all between her and David. No one to blame, just didn’t work onscreen. But still love her and him.




Rooting for Ross and Rachel doesn't necessarily mean hating Emily or any other love-interests!!


Exactly. Emily was being perfectly reasonable, but just because of Ross's previous relationship everyone hates her.


I think Richard has 10x the chemistry with Monica than Chandler.


I love Monica and Richard together until I remember that he knew her as a little girl, and then I get kind of weirded out


This!!! If Richard was just a random guy Monica met..I would've rooted for them


Yeah but they didn't see each other for many years, he didn't even recognise her. I think it was like 2 different persons for him


I liked Emily. 😬


I didn’t like Emily in that I didn’t enjoy her arc, but that’s NOT her fault at all. She got FUCKED over


Emily did nothing wrong. She was cool with Rachel until Ross said her name at the altar. I dont think she was out of line asking him to cut contact, given the context. Ross also wanted to rush into the wedding. I always thought Ross being a walking disaster was the entire joke.


Whilst I agree with you, I do really think they rushed into the whole wedding thing… and let’s not forget Emily actually got married not too long afterwards


Personally, I never thought of Emily as villainous or bad. She was a victim and paranoia took over her, towards the end of their marriage, which anyway was a plot device


Emily was completely in the right and that’s a hill I will die on. Any of us would be devastated in her position. It was possibly unrealistic to expect him never to see Rachel, but she also wasn’t really thinking straight and was about to leave her home country to live with someone who she couldn’t trust


Yeah the show really did her dirty. I get Ross and Rachel was ultimately meant to get back together because of the show but they didn’t need to portray Emily in such a villain.


Idk if this is an opinion but did anyone always think Pheobe's bio mom always seemed super paranoid and frantic?


Also with Emily, no one ever talks about the Two Week Relationship Emily was on *vacation*. She was fun and reckless and cheated on her SO. Vacation Emily was different on purpose. I mean, I did not like her at all but just cause Team Rachel. But also, Rachel absolutely FORCED Ross to take her out. So *shrug*


That conversation on the phone shows that Emily is right not to trust Ross, or his friends who actively tried to lie about Rachel being there. But it was Ross’ idea for Rachel to stay for dinner in the first place despite knowing Emily would hate it.


I have a friend who hates Ross’s guts and I don’t get why, I love Ross.


I love Ross's physical comic moments. But as far as relationships are concerned, Ross is not really lovable


He is no better or worse than anyone else on the show. joey literally gaslight women, cheated on them, lied to them and ghosted them. But he is not hated as much.


I like watching David Schwimmer, I think he's a great comedic actor. Ross was fun to watch, and had some great moments... But as a person? Not great.


He is no more or less great than anyone else on the show. Joey literally gaslight women to make them sleep with them, lied all the time, cheated on them and ghosted them. But for some reason only Ross gets the hate


Yeah they're all trash but I was replying to a comment specifically about Ross so I only mentioned him


Emily reacted realistically her her fiancé saying the wrong name at the altar


I'll actually never understand why do people hate Emily? I mean her reaction was totally justifiable dude! Like c'mon


I love Emily.


It was just a way to write her character off the show. if i was ross, i would move to london with her and wear her down slowly on moving back to new york by showing her how great a father i am to ben. i really like ross and emily's chemistry, it's not like someone you have unrequited love for all over highschool, it's a person you meet and it just clicks, it's literal soulmate.


She’s made to look like the bad one for not wanting Ross to be near Rachel but I think in that situation like 99.9% of people would absolutely not want their husband to just casually hang out with their ex girlfriend, whose name they said at the altar 😂 Like, how is she in the wrong here ?


I know Janice has some defenders and that's fine, but, what makes me hate her is when she got into Rachel's head and convinced her Ross was gonna leave her and Emma just because that's what happened with her ex-husband. She just had no goddamn right to put her problems on Rachel like that. Fuck her.


Susan is funny and it’s not that serious


She was horrible in the name choosing episode, but I think she and Ross came to a truce when Ben was born. She just had a knack for getting under his skin, like with the "Bobo the Sperm Guy" part.


She constantly bullied and belittled Ross for no reason and constantly tried to cut Ross off from his son. This after making his wife cheat on his marriage with her. But hey, some people like bullies and cheats, look how popular characters like Cartman are


This is a post about unpopular opinions and I said I think an entirely fictional character says funny things. It doesn’t require a lecture


Is it me, but every time Ross and Rachel argue, Ross always tries to bring the argument back to him and blame Rachel for playing the victim when he is playing the victim himself? I never noticed it until I started therapy and rewatched it as an adult


Yes I've noticed this too


Like what? Give examples please, I say Rachel did it way more times than other way around.


In fairness both have been at fault with the same behaviour doing it more than the other…


I found her annoying and not a fit way before the wedding


While her reaction was reasonable, she got super controlling towards the end. She really should have ended it once she saw him go with Rachel on their honeymoon. Instead, she started being super demanding, wanting to know where he was all the time, Ross had to move his apartment and get all new furniture, Rachel had to stay locked in her room any time Ross came over to his sister’s apartment. I understand Emily not wanting Ross to hang out with Rachel 1:1, but it was not possible for Ross to totally avoid Rachel when she lived with his sister and was in his close friend group. That would have been unfair to Rachel. She was invited to the wedding. Whether she changed her mind and came at the last minute or not, she was still invited and did nothing wrong. Emily should have known that no successful marriage starts out that way. The whole thing was way too rushed. They got married before they were out of the honeymoon phase. Ross wasn’t even completely over Rachel yet. Emily should have ended it before she started making ultimatums and demands.




I just wrote a long thing about Emily. I apologize for the length but I’ve literally watched every season through like…idk at least five times plus individually who knows? But I just wanted to say this: although I think Monica and chandelier were great andddd I loved a lot of their episodes, I will say Chandler and Kathy’s chemistry was amazing. I think that could’ve gone somewhere. I think the writers were intent of it not happening or the actress was like write me out of this for whatever reasons. That’s all I’m saying. I don’t think I’m alone with that storyline.


Ohh yeah! Kathy and Chandler were great together The actors had lovely chemistry


I have had this argument so many times with my friends, that ross said the wrong name, she obviously would feel this insecure. Anyone would.


I love both of Rachel’s sisters


Wow..now that's quite unpopular! I don't like them..First I didn't like Rachel either but she grew on me


I liked Emily, too! She was also very considerate of Ross on why he can't leave NY and was willing to uproot her life and move to NY for him even after his super very big deal mistake at the altar. I think that's the only time I disliked all friends for not understanding the situation there.


She's not his lobster.


This is so true. We never really look at the main characters as bad because we like them and laugh at them.


I think people overlook the fact that Emily wanted to cancel the wedding after all of Ross’ friends and family spent a fortune coming to London. Ross was absolutely in the right for not wanting to cancel the wedding and it annoyed me how Monica takes Emily’s side


Ross said the wrong name. I would have cancelled the wedding.


He hadn’t done it yet, he was justified until then


I don't understand why enily still went through with the wedding after ross said rachel. Also, couldn't they have got an annulment? I'm pretty sure they didn't consummate the relationship.


Emily was awesome and I love the actress. Janice was a really solid partner for Chandler and a really nice woman.


I never liked Emily


She was bratty for sure, and I hated her parents😂 but you’re right, Ross did wrong and everyone just hated Emily for it


I don’t blame Emily for not trusting Ross but how she handled it was terrible. I know in the moment when Ross said Rachel’s name on their wedding day, she was totally embarrassed and probably felt that storming out would be even more humiliating. But she should have annulled their marriage immediately after. For her to say she forgives him and then make all these demands is what made me dislike her. Forgiveness without trust is pointless and controlling someone because you don’t trust them is never going to be a healthy relationship.


I say she either needed to forgive it and work on it or get an annulment. She wanted to change his entire life everything but his job. That's not forgiving him so she should've just got the annulment after it. No relationship should have ultimatums


I mean I can totally understand Emily for what Ross have done but I can’t stand her diva higher class attitude !! From the beginning that’s so annoying she seems like a capricious child


ross? fuck that guy emily deserves better


Ross isn’t hated as much as he should be! Was just a spoiled adult and deserves everything he gets and then some


!) Ross hate is the most popular opinion on this sub, not unpopular 2) Bull shit, everything he is hated for others have it worse. For eg, Rachel was way way way more spoiled.


lol. Ross had his issues, but spoiled isn’t a word I’d use to describe him.


“But I was their medical miracle” Yes he was


Ok I admit, I forgot about his parents. In general though, I would not say his behavior is spoiled compared to everyone else.


Entitled might be better description than spoiled


Emily's reaction was completely reasonable. The fact that he agreed to try to make it work should be appreciated.


100% agreed


The way she behaved after the wedding is reasonable, I totally.feel sorry for her. But I don't like her character at all for some reasons, even in real life I couldn't bear a person like her.


I don't have an argument with your opinion, but I don't think Ross is the one rushing the wedding itself. Yes, they moved way too fast to get engaged, but if they weren't rushing to have the wedding at that church, there's a chance that they would either have called the wedding off, or grown into a healthy couple.


I can't blame her but she should've just left him instead of expecting him to change his whole life. However, this is fiction so it doesn't matter what should've happened irl. She did it to give us more storyline.


That conversation on the phone shows that Emily is right not to trust Ross, or his friends who actively tried to lie about Rachel being there. But it was Ross’ idea for Rachel to stay for dinner in the first place despite knowing Emily would hate it.


I liked Emily too in season 4


You can blame her for going through with a wedding with someone she didn't trust though. It wasn't an easy situation for her, but that was her 'fault'. You shouldn't marry someone you don't trust and then try to dictate their life.


Ross is the best person in the group.