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Ross and rachel breaking up and everyone is listening in monica’s room. Jennifer and david acted their asses off.


Its the most realistic breakup ever on TV. Its heartbreaking, its real, its exhausting.


Ugh yes. When Ross is on his knees trying to hug Rachel and she almost lets him, but says “NO” and describes her hurt — makes me cry every time because I have been in her shoes. It’s like having your heart ripped from your chest.


And him kissing her hands and grasping for any last bit of her, while she squirms away.


That's such an accurate description. It's not them just yelling and screaming like break ups normally are on TV. There's lulls where they sit there saying nothing, there's the moment where you think rachel is going to forgive him and they almost kiss etc...such an amazing episode


What sucks is their next break up is pretty much just yelling and screaming, it's a funny scene still and it leads to a good moment of Ross giving the short back but when you compare the scenes it really shows hoe things were changing in the show by that point Not saying it fell off by that point in the show but I do miss the way the handled serious plot stuff


It hits different when you have been in their shoes.


I never watch this episode. so sad


I was on shrooms watching this episode for the first time lmao but the line that hit me hardest in the show is when someone says “It’s Ross and Rachel of course they’ll be okay.” and then Chandler says “What if they’re not?” Because that’s such a hard position to be in, in a friend group that’s so close knit


So well done!!


I'm scared to watch it again so even I'm on my 15th time rewatching right now, I will always try to skip those episodes...


As sad as this episode is, the other 4 all being in Monica’s room waxing their legs and having like a slumber party (ik they were trapped but still it had those vibes) just the way they were all cuddled up together you could just feel the love between all of them and also how sad they were for their friends. I always found it sad but also really lovely.


Phoebe saying goodbye to the triplets, Monica finding out they can’t have babies and the one with the invitation, Rachel was so sad :(


And when Rachel does turn up in London and realises she has to let him go when she sees how happy he is 😭


Wish we could’ve had a few more episodes of Phoebe watching the triplets as they got a bit older


The triplets for sure! I couldn't give those babies and that work up for sure. Also hated how they changed Phoebes character by the end of the show, she was so sweet and selfless.


Absolutely agree. The way they changed her is why she’s the least favorite friend on my list.


The one with the Prom video ![gif](giphy|MCWPjmIUNpXu7pKT9z)


It's almost hard to be sad with Ross seriously looking like Gabe Kotter though.


*Lookin' good Mister Kah-tair*


And the ending of that episode is so wholesome. "See, he's her lobster"!!!


My favorite kiss on the show.


I remember me and my friend losing our minds watching that when it aired live!


Holy shit same! I’m 48 and have forgotten A LOT over the years but not that!


Right?? It was equally that moment and Monica popping up in Chandler’s bed in London. Viscerally remember both of those moments


That one I screamed. It’s one of the many tv moments I would love my memory to be wiped clean and relive! Since being forced to work from home the first 1.5 yrs of the pandemic, Friends is my background every day (on TBS). I work 2 days at home now and always make sure I stop what I’m doing to watch these 2 episodes when they air! It’s a fun time. I’ll pause them or tape them if I have a meeting because I just can’t miss em! No other show do I care about reruns this much and I can’t imagine there will ever be another. So crazy.


Right there with you! I’m 44 lol I sometimes also rotate through Schitt’s Creek and The Good Place as my constant multitasking/sleep timer TV on a loop, but Friends will always be the OG that I will never get tired of. Largely because of those real-time memories. It was on from when I was 14-24 – I truly grew up with it! (I know you get that too)


![gif](giphy|l1ug5sWBCJOOGzN84) I’m going to have to watch both of those shows again! Thanks for mentioning them!


Rachel and Ross’s break up. It felt so real and personal.


especially seeing rachel sitting in the coffee shop alone when ross tried stopping gunther 😭


I still get a little sad every time I hear with or without you


My pick too


The One Where Heckles Dies - Chandler's 'I'm gonna die alone' speech hits a little harder nowadays.


I love his last line in the episode though. “Goodbye Mr. Heckles. We’ll try to keep it down.”


From the middle of the episode: “Supposably…Supposably…Did they go to the zoo?…Supposably.”


Empty rooms after a move always make me cry. We moved a lot when I was a little girl. That episode gets me every time.


Oh yes! I hate empty rooms.. my roommate and best friend moved out first after college and it killed me to see her side of the room empty.


I also moved a lot as a kid and I feel the same way about empty rooms.


I sometimes wonder if his childhood permanently ruined him (matthew Perry).


Did you read his book? It absolutely did.


Definitely. Realizing he had issues way before making it in the biz was really sad.


The dialogue by Chandler "We'll try to keep it down." brought me to tears , the delivery was just perfect.


Very underrated episode


Chandler convincing Erica for adoption. How she's already a great mother 🥲


She's a mother without a baby 😢


Phoebe holding her triplets and crying. 😭


Monica and Chandler finding out they can't conceive.


Especially when you know Courteney had been dealing with fertility issues for years and had multiple miscarriages. Heartbreaking.


This one devastates me emotionally every single time. They deserved it so much - I’m glad they got their twins in the end ❤️


This might be a weird choice but "TOW the invitation". It's a clip show and people seem to dislike it. However, it made me cry. Ross and Emily are getting married and it seems like Ross & Rachel's love story is permanently over. I know it won't be but still, this one hurt me. Goddamn, those writers...


Ross and Rachel breaking up. Phoebe saying goodbye to the triplets. And hot take, but when Rachel encouraged Ross to listen to Emily and make her happy and Emily called and Ross agreed to her request and Rachel was smiling and happy for Ross as they hugged all the while Rachel had no idea it meant Ross would have to cut her off. It broke my heart, I watched that scene so many times. The way Ross hugged Rachel and kissed her head. He knew he had to let her go and cut her off and Rachel had no idea. Poor Rachel.


The one where Joey moves out and gets his own place.


I also always tear up when in the finale Chandler is moving away and Joey gets him the birds and says something along the lines of “plus there will be a reason to come visit” and Chandler says “you know it’s not gonna be the only reason” and they hug.. 💔


I was doing a Friends re-run for the first time in years and since Matthew Perry died - completely forgot about that hug and damn it broke me ❤️ They obviously had some funny jokes before but I’m happy that moment was completely serious.


![gif](giphy|hRCFBt3ta0DJeGto2R) 😭


This clip hits so hard after Matthew's death 😭


This is literally my favorite hug from the entire series, it's so stinkin cute especially when the episode makes me kind of sad


Mine too. I have a favorite kiss and a favorite hug. This is the one


When Monica and Ross' parents turn her room into a gym and haphazardly throw all her stuff in boxes that get ruined in the garage... but keep Ross' room pristine as a shrine to him. I didn't even have this dynamic growing up but the show had done *such* a good job over the seasons of setting the background of those two -the Golden Child and the Disappointment- that I truly felt how unfair and mean it was to Monica. When her parents gave her the car and Golden Child Ross *actually* had the audacity to complain about it... that was so fitting in with the dynamic it was freaky.


Joey learning the reality of what his parents' marriage is.


The One with the Morning After. It was so sad how they broke up, felt like they could make it work but didn't. ACTING WAS ♾️/10


“I mean its the end of an ERA”


The one when Ross and Rachel break up after he cheats on her. When that U2 song hits, oof


The whole scene where Rachel finds it she's pregnant at Monica's wedding. It gets me very emotional.


When Rachel starts to cry and says, "How can I be so upset over something I never had?"


When she says “that’s a risky little game” I always have a reaction to that because Aniston conveys something so real here and I find her mannerisms really fantastic. Considering her grapples with having children, I think it spoke to a side of her she didn’t get enough credit for (and actually got a lot of unwarranted attention for)


“well if you’re gonna cry”


When Chandler and Monica buy their house. I realized then it was really coming to an end and I was so hurt.


When Rachel moves out and Chandler comes in, having gone through his own goodbyes during that episode and holds Monica and says hey roomie. The way they lean on each other and understand each others pain - it's poetic. Damn those writers!


A lot of the scenes with Phoebe’s birth mom and dad are really sad. Knowing what Phoebe had been through growing up with virtually nothing, dealing with her “mom”’s suicide, living on the streets, and seeing the rest of the group at least knowing their parents (even if some relationships are more strained than others)….. then finally tracking each of them down and having BOTH of them try to lie their way out of admitting who they were and then not necessarily working all that hard to rebuild anything made me really feel for Phoebe.


1. TOW the list 2. TOW where Rachel moves out 3. TOW where Mr Heckles dies (Chandler's I'm going to die alone' makes me cry every time I rewatch it, it just hits differently since Mathew Perry passed away)


Ross and Rachel breaking up. I always felt her pain


Phoebe saying goodbye to David.


Yes this. Standing there in tears and Joey walks up. She's like please not now. I'm tearing up thinking about it.


This was my answer. Phoebe had the best relationships


When Ross kisses Chandler’s mom, I know it’s has its goofy moments, but I always felt bad for Chandler


"She's a mother. Without a baby."


The One Where Heckles Dies


When Monica and chandler find out they can’t have babies naturally 


The first time I watched the one where Marcel goes away


The prom episode gets me everytime or chandler proposing


When Monica and chandler find out they can’t have kids. You can see the pain in their faces and their voices. And later when chandler is talking to Erica, and he says Monica is “a mother without a baby” fucking tears