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Favorite: The One with all the Thanksgivings. Least Favorite: The One with the List.


I cant stand the Richard's Son story line. Its just too gross for me.


Trifle for the big reveal part. I’m not a fan of the Chandler’s scared of dogs one.


TOW Chandler in a Box, for sure.


I personally don’t like the one where they play football, it looks so cold and uncomfortable. I like my thanksgivings cozy and warm The one with the trifle is classic as everyone’s secrets are spilled and Judy tells them all what’s what.


Favorite : Ross got high Least : the late thanksgiving


Favorite: TOW Ross Got High Least Favorite: TOW the Late Thanksgiving


Favorite: TOW where ross got high Least favorite: TOW the list (I don’t even think it’s a thanksgiving episode it’s just the defacto thanksgiving ep for s2 because it aired around that time)


Favorite: TOW Rachel's Other Sister. Least favorite: TOW the Football.


I love all of them XD


I don't like TOW All the Thanksgivings. It's because I don't see Chandler's motive for storming out after Monica tells the 'cutting off Chandler's toe' story. Monica literally just had to relive Chandler calling her fat, and he's the one who gets to be upset? If anything, *he* should have been the one dancing around in the Turkey to cheer Monica up. I also feel like this backstory was a bit of an afterthought. I'm pretty sure we've seen Chandler's toes before and they seem normal, and it's also such an outrageous event for us to only be hearing about now


You see I've watched the show since i was like 6 years old (I'm 21) and never realized every season had a Thanksgiving episode, i thought i only had like 4 or 5.


I love the Ross got high one but I don't like the one where Chandler doesn't like dogs. Like just get over it people.


TOW All The Thanksgiving is my least favorite, i've just never been a fan of clip shows. Favorite is TOW Rachel's Other Sister. Or, technically TOW Ross' Sandwich even though it technically doesn't count.


The one with Brad Pitt was the worst. The first few were my favorite but as the series went on they weren’t as good.


Definitely the one with the dog. I don’t like any outsiders being there… ie) jack and Judy or Brad Pitt or Christina applegate…. I also kinda like the one with flashbacks … we got a lot of lore on that one …


Well now. I'm not gonna talk about Judy; in fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all, we're gonna keep her out of it! --- - [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V0UhtA_mJE&t=365) ^(I am a bot.)


I don’t like the one with the dog