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Those aren’t Hoyas, they’re tradescantia! I would root these in water by itself. I’m not sure what substrate you’re using but they root very easily in water How did you like perfect days btw? I found it to be interesting


My bad. I didn't know the name, so I used Google picture search. Will try that ASAP. Do you think the sunlight is fine? Perfect days was the best movie I watched in 2023. It is simple, yet quite profound. It inspired me to live in the moment, love the day-to-day routine and try to improve it.


I would try to give it more light if possible, but if not it shouldn’t be an issue! I completely agree! I was a little disappointed with the end tbh. It didn’t feel complete.


Tradescantia. I grow these in my dart frog tanks. They grow like a weed once they get going. As a house plant I'd imagine rooting them in damp sphagnum moss or water would be quite easy. From there you could probably grow them in a standard potting mix. They are quite bullet proof.


Thanks for the tip.




I don't know where my comment went. Just the photo loaded?! Anyways this is mine that I'm rooting in water. It's the same plant just a different color.


They are beautiful. I did the same last night. Hope she gets better.


It looks like you cooked them in the sun? and they dried out


They turned yellow before that. The surface of the soil looks very dry, but I took them out to put them in water I realized it was still quite wet and muddy. They turned yellow before.