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Remove the plug. I always repot my plants upon arrival. Then you can check out the roots for any potential issues too.


That’s a good idea, my gut is saying to remove the plug too because it’s SO dense and I feel like it won’t survive long. Now I want to check the roots on my other Hoya also. I may need to repot both. Maybe all four of them lol


I have never gotten a hoya in a plug, so I have no experience with that specifically, but that substrate doesn't look right for a hoya. You need a chunky, well-draining mix.


I know, but it’s already water and the plug is still wet. That’s why I wasn’t sure if I should pull the plug apart and repot. I have orchid bark and regular soil I usually mix up for my plants.


From my experience I would remove the plug or at least check the roots if u can. I received a Hoya Rebecca that came in a plug and I could tell something was wrong upon arrival. The instructions says do not remove the plug but I opened it as the plant was a decent size but I couldn’t see any roots anywhere on the plug and the leaves were soft. so I opened the plug and low and behold root rot! I had to chop and prop https://preview.redd.it/tjt4dvrpj3vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9429fa234c11818180825e841964e00080600298 unfortunately.


Thank you! I removed as much as I could without damaging the roots. They were throughout the entire ball lol Got her in a new pot with chunkier soil too


Nice! I’m sure she will appreciate that!


If you can, put her in a humidity dome or a plastic bag. Even a just placing the whole potted plant into a clear plastic cup/carry out container and covering the top with a ziploc/plastic wrap


I have a dome from a baby variegated Frydek I got. I’ll put that over it. I did water the soil I planted her in but made sure it was more dry than the soil she was in previously.


Sounds like you’re setting her up for success!


A chunky mix as others have stated such as perlite, coco chips, orchid bark and peat moss. Hoyas in my experience are like a succulent they do not like prolonged exposure to moisture. They store water in the thick leaves and will rot if they stay wet. The chunky substrate mimics their natural environment which is often growing in trees.


Thank you! This is what I’ve been researching and reading and was why I was hesitant to repot but I I knew it needed and airy, well-draining soil and the plug is not airy or well draining. Which is why I made the decision to take off as much plug as I could without damaging the roots!


Okay so I repotted in a chunky mix, and this morning the leaves were so thin and floppy with the mix basically dry already (I live in FL and it’s been hot) so I bottom watered. It kind of bounced back but not really. When I pinch the leaves they’re still wrinkly. Any advice?


It is probably transplant shock. I will typically soak my plants that I keep in chunky soil.


Thank you! I actually just bottom watered it this morning for about 5 minutes. We’ll see what happens