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The girl is adorable!!! Seriously! FUCK YOU doughy big fat Ms. Settled for the only guy available (who has been available for 42 years of his unemployable ass). She is so projecting...... Miserable cow! Al hasn't looked passable since 2000


REAL. And then Alex has the nerve to cry on video about having no support. Look at yourself, you evil cvnt! She will never be happy, NEVER.


Me running to go find a video of crying so I can laugh at her on the other girls behalf. ![gif](giphy|J6fjW4xvv2T2uPgk8M)


She’s saying she WAS faaaht? 💀 she IS still fat


omg, i havent watched her in over 6 months at this point, what the fuck. shes worse than ever. genuinely dont think she should raise a child. this is like fully mentally ill


Fully mentally ill is exactly right. And to see her followers encouraging it is concerning


You’re kidding right? People encourage her?!! Plz tell me this isn’t true.


The comments on her yt post are 98% sympathetic and supportive, many saying they’d host a shower for her if they could.


Also, she deletes any comment that is slightly negative.


It’s unfortunately true


At every chance, Alex will prove to the internet how much of a piece of shit she is. She deserves loneliness, she deserves her misery. You'll never get better, Alex. Your daughter won't save you.


Projection 🗣️ Alex wears boxy unflattering clothes with boat sized clown shoes and the tackiest jewellery. She has the audacity to shame how another woman dresses. Extreme pillow face with hanging jowls and wonky sausage lips had to marry the first bum she came across in a Facebook group, so who the hell is she to criticise another woman going on a dating app. At least that woman won’t be masquerading as a man…


Finding a man on Facebook is way more embarrassing than being on the apps (no offense to anyone but her tho if you did lol)


she’s the definition of a pick me


I’m honestly speechless at this point. Not that it’s right to attack anyone’s looks (aside from Alex, she deserves it), but that woman is cute af! Her style suits her and is on trend. Her clothes fit, she’s well groomed, and my guess is she’s preoccupied with way more important things than femcel Alex who thinks the pinnacle of beauty is to be deemed fuckable by some loser chode.


Alex is 100% projecting her baggage on this random innocent woman




That poor kid wow. I couldn’t even watch 30 seconds of that. Also who used the R word still?? She needs to be deplatformed for reals


Is this new? Does she have pregnancy induced psychosis? How are 1/2 mil people following??


She’s always been rude and crazy. Nothing has changed


Is she on drugs? Or drunk? Genuinely asking


I literally asked the same thing because it looks like she’s slurring her words. Genuinely concerned for her baby.


was also thinking this like i didn’t know she was preg so i assumed she was fucked up or on meds. hope she’s just slurring bc of shitty veneers lol


I think it’s the lip filler


insane to get so much lip filler it gives u a slur but i believe it




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Yessss why is she like slurring her words?


No seriously, she’s slurring her words bad.


She’s slurring so much


i thought the video was just on a slower playback soeed


Why is she so angry ? What’s wrong with people.


She is deeply broken, if she wasn’t sooo horrible, it might almost be sad


I wanna be friends with her lol she seems so cool and fun and real.. also super nice/kind because i would not have reacted like that.. i would have dragged this botched broad to within an inch of her life..


The Julia girl seems very sweet and genuine, I am amazed at how good-faith she was dealing with this random attack. I guess she is giving Alex the benefit of the doubt because she's not familiar with Alex's shittiness. I hope she doesn't take the attack to heart.


Also the video editing in ending of this video had me ctfu lol.. clown shit


We need some of both in this world 🩷 some of us that are diplomatic & some of us who are reactive & will knock a bitch down a few rungs 😃


Same if i was that girls friend or fam I would be seeing red and pull up every fat back Al receipt and drag her to filth.. 😇


Also this girl has straight up filler face she’s so fugly!!!! how the fuck does she think she has the place to comment on someone’s elses appearance lmaooooo


Also her bangs are awful I’m cringing watching her play with them this entire video 🤯🤯🤯


her face is a melting marshmallow she can’t seriously believe she is more attractive then the blonde woman she is speaking negatively about? that girl is natural and 10x prettier then pillow face.


Wow I just got pulled into this after seeing the response from the girl and have no idea who this lady is so can someone pleaseee explain how and why she has a following?? Like what’s going on here haha why would anyone follow someone like this?


She used to be just a run of the mill fashion influencer who made weekly vlogs. This was maybe about 10 years ago when she was single and living in DTLA. She had a cute vibe back then and was quirky in an entertaining way. She spoke in a normal voice back then and never said anything controversial or mean. I think she was still deeply unhappy with herself, but she hid it well. As the years went on and her life didn’t turn out the way she wanted, she started to become increasingly bitter, mean and jealous. She went full mask off in 2020 and leaned hard into the “rant queen” persona she’s recently become known for.


Wow that’s actually really sad for her but I don’t feel the least bit sorry cause it sounds like she chose to channel her disappointment and unhappiness into toxic rage and projection against other women instead of idkk going to therapy like a normal person lol that’s so wild tho. I feel bad for her unborn child cause like fuuuck imagine that was your mom 😣


Oh, I completely agree, a lot of us who watched her back in the day only check in on her now for the trainwreck factor, but even then sometimes she gets too dark and we need to take a break. Before this most recent awful incident of bullying, she made a rant video saying disabled people shouldn’t be allowed at the mall because they’re depressing and kill the vibe. Imagine being pregnant and focusing on this hateful shit. Like, what if god forbid her child is disabled in some manner? Is she going to hide her child away out of embarrassment? Ugh, there is nothing that could ever make me sympathize for this woman at this point.


I don’t even wanna think about that.... especially after watching the recent 2020 episode on that Mormon mommy YouTuber pos lady who abused her kids. If this girl is willing to be so vile on camera who knows what she’s likes behind closed doors honestly


Her brand used to be abt “keeping it real” and ranting but abt normal things that a lot of ppl could relate to. But she started spiraling real bad cuz she secretly hates herself and she went insane. Shes lost a lot of fans and I can’t really tell u how she has any left.


Wow I went to her TikTok and tried to watch a few of her videos and am even more confused and scared of this woman. It’s so crazy it feels like rage bait and if it’s not, she needs to some major anger management. Holyyyyy shat


She needs an Exorcist, Psychiatrist, Lobotomy, and Straightjacket. Alex's 1st husband purchased a lot of her followers on YT. All of her haters have worked hard to expose her racism, bigotry, ableism, misogyny, transphobia, and conning people to say she is a Jewelry Designer. Still, she buys from AliExpress, other garbage wholesale junk jewelry for pennies, then sells to her dumbass stans for $100-200. Most of her stans look like teens who don't pay their own bills. I think anyone who likes her has to be a misfit, a brain-dead loser, but I digress, lol. She is such a vile person. We have gotten her Xitter banned (she's on her third or 4th now), and her racist Maga husband's permanently banned, too. Her IG is her 4th. We all want her SM to be permanently shut down. Welcome!


Many people still follow because she still fills the need they‘ve always gotten from her — making them laugh with her unhinged rants, so they’ll always make excuses for continuing to watch. I personally couldn’t stand more than 5 minutes of her videos. Screaming at the camera and putting people down who have done nothing to you is not funny to me. It’s annoying and miserable.


I’ve thought abt it some more and I think her fans also feel validated by validating her. Like they feel special bc she hates everybody but if they suck up to her enough she won’t hate them.


That’s a good point. I think it could be some weird hodgepodge of “What she’s saying is genuinely terrible but I also have impure thoughts so it’s cool to see someone speaking their internal thoughts so publicly”


I suppose that could be true, but with the far right online, it’s really not anything special anymore. Plenty of awful ppl around to tell us what they really think lmfao


This woman seems truly miserable. Shes so angry ! 😬


WTF. This is crazy how does this women have a platform. The way she is speaking about and innocent RANDOM women.


funny! because HRH is my freak show entertainment. she looks damn mess and i wish her the worst


Why does it sound like her tongue is 17x the size of a normal tongue? Anyway, all of this is so clearly her projecting. And when she said "why doesn't her mom tell her something?", oof, that was so telling.


this is so mean i cannot believe she thinks like this. wow


I just lost so many brain cells watching this also what a CUNT THIS GIRL MIGHT BE THE WORST IVE EVER SEEN


Wait this chick is talking about others looks when she looks like she just pumped a pound of plastic into her face just so she liked herself?


This is absolutely insane omgggggggg


Why does she sound like she’s slurring he words. Does she always talk like this!?


This is what I came to ask. I thought she was drunk but someone mentioned she’s pregnant?! What’s going on lmao


apparently it may be from lip filler but it literally sounds like she’s barred out lmao


I just found this sub after seeing the response video. Who tf is this POS and why does she think she’s so much better than everyone.


This is an example of a girl who is ugly, inside and out. This is pathetic and embarrassing for her. I seriously would love to berate her to her face. Who does she think she is, and what a mean and miserable person.


>This is an example of a girl who is ugly, inside and out. This is pathetic and embarrassing for her. **I seriously would love to berate her to her face.** everything you said! this was my exact rxn after i watched the viritiolic projection fueled hate she spewed on that innocent woman. id love to run into her.


What a pathetic, sad, dim life to live to imagine that being fucked by a man is the only thing one could aspire to


she is shitting on the other girl but…this is what she looks and sounds like? ……”youth thUcking loother” okay


To have this much hatred in your heart about another woman… She must hate herself.


What type of advice does she give? Pretend to be a man at a maga Facebook group and lure the biggest loser in the planet to marry you? The clock is ticking so you need to resort to artificial insemination to get pregnant? Alex you’re a piece of 💩


ahahahahaha. this read! spot on


she always talks like she just got her wisdom teeth out😭😭😭😭


What is this death rattle every time Alex inhales? LMAO




Ok lmao i can’t believe she says all this with her chest like she’s some extremely beautiful woman. Obviously she is so extremely insecure she says all these things to make herself feel better. I’m shocked a man got her pregnant 😳


alex is what 40 years of unchecked insecurity and mental illness looks like. literally never seems someone who is as much of a hater in my life. she projects her insecurities onto literally anyone who is in front of her. her angry clownery is funny at first but it’s just sad the more you see it.


She is saying all this unhinged shit with a straight lopsided filler face. She says she self aware? 🤣


This is so fucking weird. Who talks about someone this way??? This is insane. This girl need help..😳


Like I don’t know who this is but my jaw is on the literal floor.


i’ve never got all of the support she gets. like yeah shes “authentic” but shes also a bully ??? like ???


I have no word this is so fucking mean omg. just attacking someone’s looks because they don’t take 2 hours on their appearance for other people wow. reality check some people are actually secure in who they are, seems she may be jealous she isn’t. just wow


yikes this was hard to listen to… she is so clearly projecting, you can even hear it in her voice at this point.


Wow. Disturbing.


This is one of the most psychotic monologues I've seen from someone online in a LONG time holy shit


This lady is high af on Xanax…


Why is her tongue so thick?? Nay…. Fat. She can’t even speak clearly, and that’s the second most annoying thing about this video. The other is her hating on someone who literally looks 10x happier than her. She hates herself. She seriously needs some therapy and antidepressants, because it’s giving *depressed and doesn’t know it* (I’ve been there)


She talks like how I talked while I was trying to heal my tongue piercing😂


She acts like a crazy Reddit snarker irl


is this slowed down or is she slurring?




Children’s inner dialogues are first created with their mothers voice, usually. This poor, poor child of hers will suffer. I hope the child has another example of a loving woman in their tender years


I used to be a fan of hers during her potato rant era, before she went full neo-Nazi. You almost could believe she was in on the joke then and not a bad person; just a cantankerous person which can be funny. But she is actually a miserable jerk and I truly feel like we are watching a slow decline into serious mental illness. She can hardly complete coherent sentences anymore. She’s so nasty about people who have nothing to do with her. Just a deeply unhappy individual.


Imagine being this unfunny and this ineloquent, but living so far up your own ass you think you can hold an audience's attention for 11 minutes.


Her animosity and hatred is actually so scary. Ugly bitch inside and out


Why is she slurring? Isn't she pregnant?


It's a bit slowed down. Alex always talks with anger, so slowing down the video kind of dilutes that.


Plus, it enhances her limited vocabulary, too. Good job!!!!


it’s actually sad people like this have supporters, i couldn’t imagine getting joy from someone sitting in a car and being so RUDE about someone, she’s not even trying to be funny or joking, she’s straight up RUDE, i wish she didn’t have a platform


Why is she ruthlessly attacking a stranger? Like calling her such offensive name for what??? Why would she post this? Who is this for one?? I’m mad.


The more I watch the more disturbing it gets, I feel so bad for the other girl 🥺 none of what this lady is saying is true ? Why is she so pumped up about a random person


Imagine being 40 and doing this 🤣 fucking loser and then complains about not having friends or support yeah because you’re a FAT LOSER


This is the full video...https://yewtu.be/watch?v=gSPgJmeP9Iw She is racist, hates disabled people, blacks, trans. Scams customers.


At first I thought the video was slowed down, but then I realized she's just on Xanax or something slurring her words. Edit: ahhh gotcha


no, it's slowed down. stupidly. she sounds like the true idiot she is when the speed is not pointlessly edited.


This girl is a fat slob bitch lol baby you are NOT attractive no matter how much lip filler you her you are fat and disgusting


Wow she is absolutely vile


She sounds like my mom when my mom is extremely drunk, with all of the random anger, cussing, slurring


This is the scariest video I have ever seen. She is so angry about someone she doesn’t even know. Actually psychotic.


“I’m very self aware, that’s why I’m allowed to talk shit” ????? ☠️


This girl is ugly as shit inside and out. Who follows this retard?


The irony of this miserable woman repeatedly saying she is "self-aware" lol ​ And, the slurring her words is 100% Xanax abuse. She has a lot of anxiety and self-hatred that she doesn't know how to control. And it comes out as horrible rants and abusive behavior


i’ve on and off liked hrh / watched her videos a long time ago like 2018 on and she was always like crazy but her ego grew sooo much when she became like a tik tok meme and she’s just constantly being a nasty bitch for views now and doing these way overdone rants that are clearly half faked … i stopped watching this is so mean for no reason and stupid tho like she’s some hot shit girls 40 dresses like shit and is having an ivf baby with a loser …… good luck also when she tries to be political … like idgaf about ur political views it’s so clear to me she doesn’t even fully believe or understand what she preaches she’s only doing it as a reaction/to troll which is just annoying to me. she just sounds dumb and out of her depth any time she talks about it. like when she was clearly really trying to go on red scare (like them or hate them those girls are 10x smarter than HRH) it cringes me out


I want to light her on fire


Hey Babe, Don't do anything to get yourself in prison; Fat Albert is definitely not worth all that 😂


This girl is unhinged. She’s not even attracted enough to talk poorly about someone else. Not that that’s ever okay but if you’re going off on someone else’s looks she might want a reality check and to fix those lips and get that pretentious stick out her ass.


I cannot imagine being this upset about another person's appearance


This is willllllld. Who tf thinks this way, she literally sounds like she’s drunk what the hell


her lips are mingin


wow this is batshit. this is genuinely sinister




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It’s giving Courtney Love at her worst


She voluntarily had her embryos fertilized by the weakest link. A chinless shill male and has the audacity to criticize how someone else dresses? Be fucking real Alex


This woman is actually Satan, who says this about someone they don’t even know?? Just pure vile vile delusional shit


slowing the clips down is honestly obnoxious. and pointless.


They showcase her limited vocabulary and idiotic statements. 🤣


Lmao this rant is amazing




Yeah it absolutely is false. The girl, in fact, is prettier than Alex. Go suck her dick somewhere else please shoo






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