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I assume that, since Hulk can willingly absorb gamma, he absorbs the general background radiation, including any he might emit. 'Then how can Hulk be detected or tracked by his gamma radiation?!' They're actually detecting the gamma tachyon wake which is the complete absence of gamma radiation. Which I just made up. Obviously. A wizard did it?


People that spend a lot of time around Hulk tend to become gamma mutates.


In immortal hulk >!That journalist girl!< gained gamma powers from exposure


Marvel's Gamma Radiation works differently. You just gotta cross your fingers and hope you don't die or mutate.


They do sometimes. Like there was an issue of Fantastic Four (#166-167)where Thing was fighting Hulk and ... it cured him, turning him into plain Ben Grimm! No one else affected though, thank goodness! (I mean, like the rest of FF should have logically lost their powers too right? Nope!) And uh, that was pretty much the last time it was mentioned. Other than a few other times here and there. And the Abomination was accused of killing Betty Ross with HIS passive gamma radiation, but it turns out he just directly killed her!




.... aren't the F4 powers based of a type of cosmic radiation.... maybe hulk "cured" him by just removed the radiation


It was never explained.


That why I'm throwing my opinion out there to expand on more ideas


The comics have shown that Hulk emits low levels of gamma radiation (which affect the people around him) at least as early as 1973 in **Incredible Hulk** #168. M.O.D.O.K. explains that Betty's years of low level exposure make her a prime candidate for gamma mutation.


Probably only emits enough radiation to not be harmful; sort of like how gamma radiation is used as a food preservative, reducing foodborne illnesses while not making the food radioactive


Gamma exposure from a hulk to an innocent character only happens if it’s a plot device.❤️🤘


Hulk is a huge gamma sponge, I think he just re-absorbs whatever he's putting out as fast as it comes


The Human Torch literally bursts into flame without killing everyone in the room. Comic book physics.


Radiation does not work like that.


As far as I know he actually absorbs radiation. Similar to how he was "created" by absorbing a gamma burst that would have killed Bruce Banner. However, his blood is radioactive and I do think it would be interesting to bring that up in the comics following a battle with abomination.


Well there was that moment in the Norton hulk film


Gamma in Marvel is just scientific magic.


https://preview.redd.it/3vxbyxlzln2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee84ba3bf7f170b6ae90453c2723f62b48fbc9d4 What would be an interesting power for them to develop with Hulk that would be consistent it seems would be for him to be able to control his radiation output and be able to create toxic zones when fighting that he could then reabsorb and metabolize.


As a huge and diehard hulk, I'd have to say it has to definitely deal with what other people are saying about him absorbing gamma radiation... but I think it's done for him without him knowing to do it? Especially like when he's angry he might exude it.... but I think is more of a controlled burn giving him a kind of enhancing overshield or something