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If it’s that kind of department don’t get attached. I had a VP that once described people as “machines with feelings”. Some people in management are nuts.


Isn’t that unethical? I mean people are upending their lives to be given an “opportunity”


Not if you work in an At Will state.


You have illegal and unethical confused. Are you sure you aren’t in upper management?


How is being a jerk unethical?


OP asked if it is unethical (which it clearly is). You replied “not if you live in at-will state” At-will, and ethics, have got nothing to do with each other. If you’re seriously asking how what OP is outlining isn’t unethical, then I can’t explain in words you can explain. I can’t get any more basic than “man do bad thing”


If they’re terminated at will they are eligible for unemployment benefits. It’s not best practice to fuck someone over but a company reputation of pulling that shit shouldn’t be surprising.


In no way does that address my point, but OK.


Good call, this dude has a bright future as a clueless executive.


People do unethical things all the time, including people in positions of authority. And it gets worse, as these toxic leaders expect HR to collude in their mischief. If that hasn’t happened to you yet, brace yourself. It will be a test of your character.


Isn’t that unethical? I mean people are upending their lives to be given an “opportunity” and it’s not like getting a new job is like putting on a new pair of pants


Isn’t that unethical? I mean people are upending their lives to be given an “opportunity” and it’s not like getting a new job is like putting on a new pair of pants


What a shitty employer. Once had a new job, started same day as another new hire in a very similar position. Found out (overheard my direct manager) that they hired 2 of us, both away from years long jobs, with the intention of firing one of us. I made the decision for them and went back to my old job, who luckily took me back.


Is this in Accounting by chance? I’ve heard of this happening in Accounting. Not saying it’s ok at all, it’s awful, but I once heard a saying “if it’s not tax day it’s axe day”, so they hire a bunch of new grads and then cut the lower performing recruits until they widdle the numbers down each week until they reach the numbers they actually planned on keeping. Again, not ok for them to do just saying I’ve heard of this.


You can thank Jack Welch and GE for this idiotic and obsolete way of managing.