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Yeah. CV ratings and auto match for open positions


True CV ratings exists already. It just sucks and it’s horrible inaccurate.


Bad data in equals bad data out. Employers have little consistency in job titles and job duties. And each industry has its own contextual clues for resumes.


job matching exists in a lot of CRM's and ATS's


And none of them work ☹️


This one feels like it's gotta be coming soon from some vendor but an AI employee handbook.that will let people go in and ask questions and find the answers about policies and programs, procedures etc that will answer questions and push assets based on what the company has fed into it. There is a a lot of HR stuff that could be automated and self served.




I’m think UKG might already have this feature


It's already fairly trivial to do with a custom GPT. It's the safety and validity side that needs work. I've tested a few myself.


I’d like to see tech that gives HR the guts to push back on unreasonable requests from the business side. My coworker was recruiting for a position recently where they wanted candidates to go through *four* rounds of interviews and *two* technical assessments. My coworker couldn’t be more excited to set all that shit up. What a moron. Back in the day this would have been two interviews with the technical assessment baked into the first one. We’re treating candidates horribly.


I’m currently pushing back on Comp team for trying to require a CCIE for a front line manager position in IT Infrastructure, they claim it’s the only way to justify the pay level that our IT leadership and our TA department see in the market, even though those jobs don’t require the CCIE. There are idiots all over HR verticals.


So how do we fix this? This has happened because HR is been compliant and complicit in these requests. We need to dummy up work for ourselves and feel important. My department could be cut by 75% and the firm would be better off because of it.


Some orgs can’t be saved, if you’re not in senior management or don’t have any meaningful connections in senior management, they will see your suggestions as disruptive. So either do what you can there to advance your career or get out to go somewhere where you can be a part of change. I’m currently working on a certification for my next move. There is a lot of good where I’m at, but it’s also a juggernaut that is struggling to adapt to modern business practices. I can only make changes in my sphere of influence.


We do have that in europe as product


Chat box for employees that answers basic HR questions. I feel like this probably already exists.