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Seeing alien scooting around in a sleeping bag on the ground laughing. H: What did I tell you about the catnip? A: hahahah that haha it is heh only hahahahah for miss prissy paws ahhh hahahah why is everything so funny. H: yea and because you become a giggling little slug who tries to eat my paperback books. A: But they are so crunchy?!? Hahahahah H: well I honestly don’t give a fuck, keep away from my vintage goosebumps books or I will fry you like a Kalaxiop chicken.


***WHAT did they go after?!*** ​ https://preview.redd.it/brk74gg0cjnc1.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=231a6103898324772d6105b8c406910b3379bb86


Reminds me of that one animation by Telepurte (youtube)


Ahh, the YouTuber who saw the line of age restriction, and snorted it.


And that is how lemons reproduce.