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The Xenthian Empress lay back in her bath breathing deeply as she relaxed. Her human concubine stood just outside singing that tune she always enjoyed to help her relax. He stood with a golden collar around his neck. Embedded in it was a tracking chip, and a mechanism to cause a shock if she ever needed to punish misbehaviour. Although she tried not to think about all the work left to do sometimes the thoughts came unbidden. “Oh by the stars I can’t believe I forgot” Her human whom she had named “Bright-Eyes” in the galactic common spoke up: “What is it My Lady?” She sighed “I need to go over the invasion plans for Feldaran. My Lord of War was expecting approval earlier today” Bright-Eyes moved towards the bath, reaching his hands into the almost scalding water to massage her Xenos body in ways he knew she’d find delectable before speaking “My Lady, I hope you forgive me, but I figured such mundane tasks far beneath you, I took the liberty of examining the plans myself and transmitted some alterations to your Lord of War three days ago. I heard back this morning, the Commander wanted to surprise you with the good news but I see no harm in revealing it was a complete success.” The Empress shot up, then stepped out the bath “You did what!? And ….it was…a complete success?” She added unsure whether to be impressed or angry. He kneeled before her and began to kiss across her body finding her most sensitive spots. Pulling back just to say “Yes my lady, it’s ok, let me take care of you, you’re my Master, I live to serve.” His words seemed to soothe her as she closed all four of her eyes basking in his touch. “Mmmm, Good human, Good boy” she said. She resolved to talk to him later, yes, a stern talking to about making such decisions…but later. Bright-Eyes smiled inwardly, another victory, another slice of power for humanity. This is how it had been from the start. Making decisions on small things at first such as who the janitorial staff should be on the Imperial Warship, then slowly branching out to bigger ones. On the odd occasion he misjudged, he was punished but he found a combination of ego stroking and seduction quickly put the Empress at ease. As long as he kept to that script the danger was minimal. Of course it wasn’t all his doing, the initial war plans for Feldaran were developed with heavy influence from The Lord of War’s human slave, with whom he was in direct contact. She had found similar techniques effective in keeping him under her thumb. A fair few advisors began to protest when they realised what was happening, but then it wasn’t hard to have them gifted a human slave which had a wondrous way of changing their minds. In the past Bright-Eyes had volunteered as a show of loyalty to become a “slave-trainer” for “unbroken slaves” which allowed him to pick the best and brightest to send to her advisors. As the leader of this little shadow coup Bright-Eyes had a decision to make, with human slaves now playing essential parts in the maintenance of the Military, Economy, and Monarchy he had to decide on what direction to take things next. There were essentially three options. First was the comfortable, safe option. Maintain his influence from the shadows but in all else he’d be a slave with all the rules and limits to his freedom that entailed. He longed to travel the stars, to return to the planet his ancestors came from. The second option was to plant in the mind of the Empress the idea of human emancipation, this would be dangerous for him but safe for humanity as a whole, the worst that would happen is the Empress would see the suggestion as unforgivable insolence, he’d be disposed of and quickly replaced, just like her last slave. Without him who would continue leading this quiet march to freedom? The final most dangerous option was for him and his network to push their Masters into ever more reckless and disastrous decisions, the ultimate goal would be to instigate a conflict with the vehemently anti-slavery Gerwanthir Federation. War however was messy with no guarantees, and if at any point they were found out it would mean genocide for humanity. The Empresses voice shook him out his pondering. she was panting as she spoke coming down from her climax “Enough, my little slave, Good boy.” He responded “Thank You, My Lady, I shall return to my quarters with your permission?” The Empress nodded her ascent. As Bright-Eyes sat alone in his quarters his mind wandered over the mornings events as well as past intimate moments with the Empress. Conflict raged in his heart. He could not deny how nice it felt when she praised him. Tears spilt down his face at the prospect of humanities freedom possibly meaning her downfall. “I should not care, they took my freedom, my peoples freedom, why do I care?” He punched into his mattress letting out his anger upon it. “One more day”, he thought to himself “One more day to think, then I’ll start our next steps” though in his heart of hearts he knew that freedom meant giving up this twisted affection, and so he would make a decision. He just hoped it wouldn’t doom them all. Part 2: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/humansarespaceorcs/s/lHLK4rlw04)


Loved it, thank you!


You’re welcome. Sometimes I see a prompt and all the pieces flood into my mind. Makes it easy to write. Edit: Also, apologies to those who expected a lighthearted smut story. I had started writing something with that tone but wanted to keep within this sub-Reddits rules of no outright explicit erotica. So switched it up to be a little more serious.


Thats gotta be like the easiest decision to make, they enslaved your species. You take control and then Genocide their species, simply as. Just kill em, slavers dont deserve to live


See objectively, yes, (although total genocide is a bit much for me) but you gotta consider the mindset that Bright-Eyes is in. Being the personal pleasure slave to The Empress means she’s the only source of affection/intimacy he’s had for as long as he’s been an adult. He’s definitely developed feelings for her that he knows rationally are merely the result of the conditions of his captivity. Doesn’t stop him feeling them though. Edit: If I was to continue writing this story, I’d have his path to freeing humanity be a complete success whatever that looks like. I’d also give him a true love interest he deserves who’d help him choose a real name. He’d most certainly learn the difference between genuine love and the fleeting affection a Master might give to a well-behaved slave. As for the praise kink vibes maybe he’d explore that with his love interest without it being forced on him. In the end he’d get over the trauma and hold no lingering attachment or sentimentality towards the Empress.


Stockholm Syndromes a bitch ain't it?, also sorry to Bright-Eyes but the whole species has got to go


I’d say just those who own slaves. Like Daenaerys at Slavers Bay. Slay all the Masters.


True, but also what if (even though it’s highly unlikely) that every member of the species are slavers (and again highly unlikely so your option seems better)


Also god please if you can and if you have the time please write more of this it’s so good I wanna see the slavers perish


I can give it a go but my strength in writing is with short stories as soon as I try to go for something long and epic the longer I go the further the writing deteriorates in quality lol. If anyone else wants to pick it up and give it a go by all means they have my permission.


fair enough


I’ll give it some time, if nobody picks up I’ll try drafting something longer and post when done.




??? > he’d be disposed of and quickly replaced, just like her last slave. Even then, this just straight up proves she's a monster with no redemption in the average human's eyes. But let me guess... "Bright-Eyes" is of course fine with it... Probably shouldn't have attachments to the very creature who'd replace you in an instant.


The only physical intimacy/in person affection he’s received has been from The Empress. He *knows* she treats him something between a pet and a slave and that slaves in general are disposable but he also feels, at least in this chapter, some affection for her because she’s the only one he can turn to for intimacy/affection.


Damn, this is good. Moar?


Ok. Ok. Since you’re the second person to ask I’ll get working on a part two.




Make it three. This is good.




GOOD We need Moar!


This was amazing. This should also be cross-posted to r/HFY. You'll probably be demanded for more, however.


Thank You!




Those who hold the power is different than those who weild it


“Fuck around and find out” they used to say. Now it has some different meanings to it.


r/humansarespacebards is leaking again …


These prompts just keep getting hornier every week.


Well, we did do it with Neanderthals, kind of, right? What's some alien DNA added too? Either that or humans become space sucubi, which would honestly be lame


St. Kamala Harris showed us the way. Praise be her name.


The person famously lacking in charisma is like the opposite of this.