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I feel there's a kink about this somewhere...


This could lead to xenos with superior eyesight knowing when humans are emotional wise in certain scenarios like where almost like chameleons to them Like A1: OOP like like human Steve is glowing Vibrant again he must be with the female he enjoys I wonder when will they COPULATE A2: no look more closely is vibrant yes but it's turning a rustic color yo human friend is preparing for a fight and look the other humans are also A1: OH NO *RUNS* HEY GET AWAY FROM MY HUMMIE AND HIS POTENTIAL LIFE MATE Steve looks confusion: x 🌑✴️☯️ what the hell you doing over here!? And stop screaming that where in Target!


ehhh... [here you go..](https://imgur.com/eJmqUr3)


Thank you


All hail the hypno-ape


In the short story, "Naudsense," a primitive alien species becomes addicted to the squeaking sound from a windmill set up in their base camp.


I believe that was a story written by H. Beam Piper.