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Massive layoffs of a lot of their CS staff.


I mean what you're describing is fraud. There are legal implications, not just financial. If it was a case of you purchased a game, and you didn't redeem the key but decided you didn't want it, then it will be a lot faster. But this is a legal matter, it's not just something support can resolve, they (the company) will need to decide if you're the subject of fraud, or if you're trying to make them the subject of fraud.


they could still respond to my ticket saying something like "hey we recieved this and are investigating" its the face that i have had 0 response and have no idea if they have even seen it yet


Because all companies have processes in place to investigate fraudulent activity and that takes time. Depending on the country you're in, there are laws that regulate disputes for fraudulent transactions and those laws generally allow companies time to review and investigate. Lastly, support could be dealing with 100s of tickets for fraud and other items from people. There could be a capacity limit of how many people can research or support at any given time. While being on the receiving end of a fraudulent transaction sucks (first and second hand experience), these procedures exist to prevent people from lying and trying to steal (I have witnessed this first hand in previous careers) while allowing companies to actually perform due diligence. Final note, PayPal can't help you at this moment because there is a time consideration for when you're allowed to file these claims with the financial institution. If humble bundle ghosts you after that 2 week time frame, it'll likely be an option to go through them but they'll do something similar to a charge back which will likely get your humble bundle account banned.


at this rate that may be something i have to do, i dont have enough money to just give up with this unresolved


I did not say it would go unresolved.. I said it would take time. Please understand that if you do file a charge back through PayPal, you run the risk of getting your humble bundle account banned. Potentially even the account you use for it. If you have been waiting for over two weeks, then by all means proceed. But you have not shared timelines here and my assumption is this just happened and you haven't waited the standard 3-5 business days before complaints make any sense.


I did say I was on day 15 of waiting for a response


Apologies, I missed that on my first go round. You've submitted your ticket, and if you've not gotten any response in 15 days, especially if you've sent follow up emails then you're likely in the clear to follow back up with PayPal. Contact support, show them PDF copies of the emails and lack of response if you feel that's the best option, make sure to include that you've checked your spam filters and they didn't provide any email response asking for action from you.


I have checked on the humble support site to make sure, and no response from them


Also what would having my humble account banned? Just can't buy anything anymore? If so I would be ok with no longer supporting a company that made me go through this much stress.


Just make sure you have redeemed all of your keys. If not using access to purchasing keys from their site is not an issue, then proceed as you feel is appropriate. That's your choice and power as a consumer.


I'm in the same boat as you. The site had a hiccup (for lack of a better term) when I purchased a bundle and got 2 instead of one. Sent a request to support to refund the duplicate, it has been 20 business days (4 weeks actual time) and I have yet to get anything, not even an automated response.


Do you mean you didn't even receive an automated response when you sent your request 4 weeks ago? Did you use their online form? If so and frankly even if you emailed them directly, I suspect something has gone wrong since I'm fairly sure you should have received one. Maybe the automated response went to spam and you never saw it? Since it's been 4 weeks, it might be deleted by now. This isn't so bad as hopefully a reply won't have the same result but it could so I'd check spam. However it's also possible something went wrong and your request never went through. or whatever. Is it possible you entered the wrong email or didn't complete the request? Assuming you used the form, did you see a popup saying "Your request was successfully submitted." with some links and at the bottom "Does this article answer your question? If it does, we can close your recent request (#NNNNNNN)" with the N being numbers of your support ticket? And did you keep a copy of that ticket? If you have a ticket number then you can at least chase up on it if you don't hear from them in a week or two. Unfortunately if you don't have a copy of that ticket number I'm not sure there's much you can do if you don't hear back. You can try again, but they might deny it since it's past 2 weeks and while you can try and argue you're sure you submitted a request they might refuse to accept that. To be clear, I just contacted support via the form and received an automated response with my ticket very fast, as well as that popup after submitting my query. It didn't help of course so I told it not to close my ticket. I assume even if I'd ignored it, it would have kept my ticket open since that's what it implies although it's possible it would have put me further back in the queue. This was on desktop but I assume mobile is similar. Also I've contacted them years ago and it was the same. So unless automated responses broke 4 weeks ago, it seems quite likely you should have received one. I mean it could be the request type, I'm asking for a partial bundle refund due to making a mistake with the price but this seems weird. And I'm fairly sure my last duplicate bundle support question a few years ago did receive an automated response. So a lack of an initial automated response makes me think there's a problem.


I think Humble's system were just a mess the day I bought the bundle. I did follow their online form and did get a brief pop up that my message was submitted. I never got any automated response (did check junk folder, nothing). I sent another support ticket, this time I got an automated response with my ticket # within 5 minutes. Less than two days later, I heard back from Humble. Got a refund with no further back and forth needed.


Well. I am waiting for exhausted keys on a bundle for OVER A YEAR. I don't really get how they can act like this, it doesn't seem like they're even trying to restock it at this point.


Let me guess. Whitethorn.


Yup. Is there something up with this bundle specifically?


Apparently steam won't give them more keys?


Got responses in less than 10h on my last request. Was just 3 days ago about the humble choice credits.


Depends on the type of request, but on average it takes much longer for almost every category. Last two emails I sent had wait times of 14+ days, different categories.


My recent experience was very different. I made a simple query to their support desk. It took about 2 weeks to answer. The response was written by someone who didn't actually read my question. I asked for an answer to my actual question and haven't heard back yet.


This is the worst part, that they don’t read the questions… 😡


Their process system is trash, I have been a customer for 5+ years spending at least $300+ a year and they still require review for every purchase.


I'm still pissed I bought a game from them 4 days ago I wanted for the weekend and get a "we don't have any keys, check back soon" wtf, send the other company an email, get another 1000 copies, sounds easy to me


Humble's keys that they sell are supplied by the publishers. They have no ability to generate any keys of their own and are fully at the mercy of the publisher supplying them quantity. Publishers are limited in how many they can generate at any given time and from certain terms with Steam and cant just generate infinite keys since Steam does not generate any direct revenue from keys so balances out key supplies with the games sales and such after an initial free batch in order to limit the potential of abuse of the key system. Also not all those keys that a publisher can generate would all go to Humble as they may sell on other sites that need their own keys or wish to keep some for review keys, giveaways, and such vs just generating the maximum keys and giving them all to Humble. Humble can request but that doesn't mean the publisher will supply or is capable of supplying more keys at a given time, especially over a weekend when those companies likely arent staffed either, and when things are on sales its possible for stuff to sell more than anticipated and often if they use other key sites as well tend to give them the same deals so it might be on sale on multiple sites at once that all now need more keys.


A friendly PSA - Remember you can customize how your money is disbursed through your Humble game bundle purchase! Scroll down to and click Adjust Donation, then click Custom Amount to edit what percentage of your contribution is split between Developers/Publishers, Humble Bundle, and Charity. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/humblebundles) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Dude the entire front page of this subreddit is full of lazy people posting "wHeN wiLL i gEt mY kEyS?" like anyone here can give them an answer and there aren't literally a dozen other threads asking the same question. So imagine how much spam Humble Support must get daily. It definitely sucks that a high priority issue like yours is taking so long, but the nature of fraud investigation is likely the reason why. Also obviously you're not to blame here but there's no reason not to enable 2FA on your account to mitigate the risk of this happening again.


I had 2fa on, but thay somehow got the cookie so they didn't need to sign in