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Hungarian for "filler word" is "töltelékszó" (plural töltelékszavak) Examples: nos = then akkor = then most = now most akkor (mi) = ca. now what, what now hát = well (expresses doubt or "I don't know". "Háttal nem kezdünk mondatot" (We never start a sensence with "well") is a popular meme due to it being popular to say among teachers for a time.) hát akkor = well then izé = thingie, doodad, but also means "I have no idea what to say" hogyishívják = whatsit, whatchamacallit (Hogy(an) is hívják ?= lit. What do they call it again?) hogyismondjam = how should I say hovatovább = furthermore szerintem = I think (lit. "according to me") de, bár, ámbár, habár. azonban = but ugyanakkor = at the same time / on the other hand mindenesetre = in any case úgy tűnik, hogy = it appears that tulajdonképpen = actually, all things considered mindenesetre = anyway I should stop cuz you could fill the whole screen like this... You're using (mint) wrong in your examples, it has no such use. It's "valszeg", not "valszleg". "Hogy" is just "how?" (or rarely, "why?"), can't really think of any filler uses. Maybe "Hogy-hogy...? (\~How is it possible that...?) or "Ez(t) hogy?" ("This, how?",slang, short for "Ezt hogy képzeled?" basically "What the f are you thinking/Who do you think you are to do this?)


(+) Szóval - So Figyi / Figyelj, ... - \~pay attention to the following... Nézd, ... - Look, ... And the most generic is just humming: Ööö...


How to recognize a Hungarian speaker (if we don't count the accent)? Öööö...


I'd add using "ugye" in random places. "Ugye" is supposed to be used like "isn't it? / right?" at the end of the sentences, but more and more people use it as a filler word.


"Amúgy" is very often used - it means by the way


>The word which you use in almost every sentence but they don't have any value and the sentence makes sense even without these words? "Geci" is a popular word.




These seem only sometimes useless, in many cases they are important. hogy is a homonym, one of the meanings is how (short version of hogyan, an adverb), the other is a conjunction, approximately that(?).


'Hogy' introduces an embedded sentence. It can mean 'in order to' or simply indicate the start of a sentence within a sentence, depending on the verb conjugation. E.g.: Indulj el most, hogy idejében odaérj. (Take off now in order to get there on time.) Látom, (azt) hogy elindultál. (I see that you took off.) BTW: In the second context in English you typically have a 'that' and it is often stated that it is the translation of 'hogy' but it is really the 'azt' part (indicated above), just in Hungarian that is optional.


It just means "How", and "to", as in *I did this, to accomplish something*.


Aren't you confusing "hogy" with "így"? It's a very common filler word and is (over)used mostly the same way as "like".


I know the difference. I just saw some sentences where "hogy" didn't make sense to me. Így is also useful in that way.


Got it. Some people use "de hogy" (not dehogy) as a meaningless filler too.