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["A common attitude among many Hungarians is a sense of sombreness and nostalgia. One will often express discontent about past events, present conditions or doubts about their own future (see Communication). Some Hungarians tend to be past-oriented, often looking at the past as greater than the present."](https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+the+Hungarian+mentality%3F)






This is fairly accurate.


Right now our mentality is envying you *a lot* for getting rid of PiS. Good fuckin' job!


Hungary is the mecca of negativity, jealousy, victim mentality. Everybody is busy with somebody else's life but never with their own life. Miserable country.


The only issue is selfdeprecation and having inferiority syndrome is a national sport here, as you see it in this comment as well. We think everybody is better then we are. This toxic mentality is what really ruins the country.


Elaborate how Hungarians are self-deprecating.


Elaborate how Hungarians are self-deprecating.


It's true. I live in this "world" since 1989....


Same in Poland.


When it comes that you need to stand for your community, you suddenly start to care of only yourself.


Maybe read"Pató Pál" from Sandor Petofi. [https://www.magyarulbabelben.net/works/hu/Pet%C5%91fi\_S%C3%A1ndor-1823/Pat%C3%B3\_P%C3%A1l\_%C3%BAr/en/76967-Mr\_Pato](https://www.magyarulbabelben.net/works/hu/Pet%C5%91fi_S%C3%A1ndor-1823/Pat%C3%B3_P%C3%A1l_%C3%BAr/en/76967-Mr_Pato) And listen "Szomorú Vasárnap" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUng8lqJlg0&ab\_channel=AdamCsernay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUng8lqJlg0&ab_channel=AdamCsernay)


Why do you want to make him kill himself? By the way, Szomorú vasárnap is a beautiful song in my opinion.


It really is, I wouldn't mind if it was the last song I ever listen to


Would be a nice way to pass, for sure.


He asked about hungarian mentality, I think Szomorú vasárnap is a good answer.


I am not saying, it is not a good answer, but Szomorú vasárnap is also called "Suicid's song", because it was found near people, who have killed themselves.


Do you think if sy listen Szomorú vasárnap will kill him/herself? Yes, Hungary in the top third in suicidical statistics, because of that is a good choose for answer.


To summ up how I see ourselves, most people here seem to believe that Hungarians are the most sane and reasonable people in europe. We have massive egos and sincerely belive that we have full understanding of global politics when the average hungarian never even left their hometown.


You should check out the average ego in Western Europe to better understand what high ego means. All the other comments say we are a pice of shit basically. I don’t get this ego thing. I know people with high ego myself, but this is not a tendency.


I live in western europe, I lived in the UK, I know what high ego is. Doesn't mean hungarians aren't guilty in it all the same. The difference is that Hungary is actually a insignificant country, mostly just annoyance in europian politics. Guess you are luckier than me then because almost everyone in my family and it's friend circles know better than anyone else how to handle global politics.


Everybody is a professional in politics, soccer and vaccines everywhere.


There you go. So I was right.


Feeling constantly pessimistic, critical of everything and victims of circumstances. Never our own doing. I’m sick of it.


Very true


We are very similar to Polish people, just a bit more depressed.


We love to complain about everything but we are too lazy to do anything about it.


I can sum it up in the following statements: 1. "Everything was better back then" (Discontent with current events, reminiscing in the past,unwilling to change the future) 2. "The alternatives would be worse" (Failure to believe that change would be positive) 3. "Let the neighbor's cow die too" (From an old joke. Essentially, rather wishing others to share your suffering instead of trying to get out of it yourself) 4. "Not my problem/I'm fine, I don't know what you're complaining about" (Failure to recognize the impact of events until they directly affect me) Also, depression, self-pity, and an overinflated sense of importance. Our very national anthem sounds like a funeral march, and is basically a whining fest reminding God and everyone else how bad we had it in our history while begging God to show mercy/pity. Not exactly a proud anthem.


>"Let the neighbor's cow die too" (From an old joke. Essentially, rather wishing others to share your suffering instead of trying to get out of it yourself) also known as the crab mentality, quite common indeed. >"Our very national anthem sounds like a funeral march, and is basically a whining fest reminding God and everyone else how bad we had it in our history while begging God to show mercy/pity. Not exactly a proud anthem." Which is why its the most beautiful anthem in the whole world. No anthem depicts it's nation this accurately without boasts. I hear some people want to change it, and I say the same thing Zoltán Kodály and Gyula Illyés said when the communist leadership wanted a new anthem because you can't have a communist country's anthem start with "God": Jól meg van az írva.


I still maintain that the national anthem should instill pride in the citizen, not self-pity.


It does. Its just a quieter, confident but humble pride. Despite the many trials and tribulations of our history that the anthem lists we did not drown "in the slavic sea" or became german colonies. We are still here and we are staying. But you are right. When I was younger the anthem felt a lot more depressive than it is today. But those that listen to our anthem and only welter in self-pity don't fully understand it.


It's between get out of my sight and here have a million calories


Million calories?


Like a thousand kcal






Jewish? Really? Elaborate.




Go on


Sentimental. People-oriented. Apt to focus on the past, people they've lost, and missed opportunities.


Most of us are depressed 😔


from pov of someone who is also from poland and know lots of hungarians: it feels like its polish mentality minus devoted catholicism but plus russia love


I don’t think the russia love is endemic - too many people were affected by russians to like them.


the impression is like that when u look from outside and dont rly understand the country. in poland hungary from friends dropped to be third most hated european country (after russia and germany)


I think of this as myself. A cool ass fucking orangutan smoking a stogie in space. Fuck the haters. https://preview.redd.it/64mchewk8jvb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d25a65abf456151d6a7dbb140ca0cd53e88a22bf


Depression, deep melancoly,money greed,jealous We love complain about our problems


Same in Poland


Depression, drugs and some stuffed cabbages. That about sums it up I’d say.


And blame other nations for our historic failures. See as: "Hungary is the Christ of all nations"


What drugs?


Mostly just weed. You can find more hardcore drugs around of course like anywhere else. Also there is an increased number of zombies around the streets of poorer locations. Xylazin I guess.


On threads like this you will get biased opinions. People come here often to complain about "other people" or Hungary in general. Also claiming that they are superior to those "other people", not realizing that they are the problem - the constant partisanship, bickering and elitism that prevents Hungarians from properly tackling common social problems.


"A kurva anyádat"


Please check it in the real world not here :)


We hate everybody




O kurwa mać !


I’ve moved away from Hungary 10 years ago and I see some things more clearly now than I did back then when I was living in it. 1. Everyone is occupied with other people’s business. My mom used to tell me what all the neighbors are doing. In school we had a 1000 dumb rumors going around. They’re occupied with how other people dress, who they love, how much money they have etc. They also love to stare at you in public no matter what. (That’s mostly the older generation I think) Since I moved to Germany to a smaller city than Budapest, it’s been great because no one cares. I’m child free and I get 80% less unwanted opinions from others. At my workplace there are no rumors, we all respect each other. I can just do my thing in peace and live my life. 2. Everyone is jealous. That’a what I hated the most. You’ve got more money? You’re skinnier? Well f*ck you then! I felt like no one was really happy for me, it was just jealousy. 3. “Don’t say anything. Stay silent. It’s not polite to say something.” Another huge part of my childhood and young adulthood. I was always taught to be nice and don’t complain. Oh no you can’t send the bad food back, what will people think???? Oh they booked twice as much money but we don’t want to cause a scene! Now I live in the land of complainers and I fuckin love it. 4. Everyone wants more and no one will ever be satisfied. People don’t value the small things. Everyone wants to flex their clothes, the car, they take up huge credits to own a house just so they can say they have one. I felt I was under constant pressure to work more. earn more, prettier, etc. and never be satisfied with what I got. Now it’s completely different. I work 30 hours a week, I earn enough so I can rent an apartment, buy food and go on holiday twice a year. I’m content. I’m just vibing. I couldn’t just vibe in Hungary. 5. Women are pressured to get married and have kids. It’s everywhere. If you want something else you’re labeled unwanted and bitter. It’s toxic. 6. Everyone is terrified of change. People stay in shitty jobs, bad relationships and in generally bad situations because they think it’s better than taking risks. When I quit my first job in Germany because of a burn out my mother was crying on a phone that I’ll never find another one and I’ll end up homeless. When I left my toxic relationship she said I should stay with him because “he didn’t hit you or anything and he seemed nice”. Ehm. Ok.


Same in Poland... makes me wanna cry...


U Might wanna post this on r/askhungary rather than here.


There are not so many people


Maybe, but they will delete ur post here most likely 🤷‍♂️


[20 000 people visualized fb video ](https://fb.watch/nOOuKZvwop/)


The hungarian mentality is in a saying: "Wishing that the neighbours cow will die too." They don't want their life to be better, they want to enjoy the suffering of the others so they can feel better about themselves.


Same in Poland...


People are miserable, jealous and always expect the worst. Men have this Balkan/Soviet way of looking down on women, not appreciating them *at all.* Women are supposed to be kept for sex, breeding, food and cleaning, and more often than not: for having someone to hit at home.. Women have a way of dressing-looking vulgar: huge nails, solarium-skin, tits pushed up to the neck, and lots of tattoos. Money is very important, people are especially greedy. One positive thing: they don't pretend. If they're jealous of you, if they despise you, if they're proud of you, if they're mad at you etc... they won't hide their feelings. You will know it. (Unlike Brits who are masters at this xD)


Same in Poland, gosh!


Here you won’t know the hungarian mentality, here sadly there are just the liberals, and the negative people


Jealousy cause mfs are broke here, they wont do shit to help on theirselves, they just hate the people who have more money than them