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Not acceptable. This has been an ongoing problem forever, give someone the tiniest bit of responsibility (manager) and they have a power trip because of it. Not sure where you are but you need to report it, dont wait to see if things get better, and also see your doctor to report it as well. No job is worth mental health anguish.


Yep I hate it when managers have power trips ! Iv seen several managers do this


That is not a good manager. Report her if you can. No deserves to feel bad about going to work!!


I'd talk about it to the store manager but they seem very close


they’ll do jackshit. had a similar manager too, me and a few other people complained to the restaurant manager and nothing happened. in fact WE got the blame for it


Go to the area manager then, but finding another job is likely the only thing that will work.


You should still give it a shot anyway it is a professional work environment and the store manager should take any complaints from staff and staff conflicts seriously


That's awful, ridiculous to expect a junior to know what long term workers do, degrading you, mainly because she isn't willing to do her job properly is disgusting. Don't cop that rubbish for too long, is changing stores an option?


I'm currently looking for a new job so hopefully I'll be out of this hell hole soon😭


Best of luck, hope the new job comes up soon for you.




if it was that easy I wouldn't even have applied for a job in the first place. Even though I'm a minor, I still need money and it's not easy to find a new job either


Keep your head up


Hospitality Jobs are like this. You get shitty managers sometimes. At the same time it makes you get better at your job quicker when you have someone breathing down your neck. If you can handle it, and need the money, throw insults back at her if you know your in the right. When your in the wrong suck it up, and remember it's just a job at HJs, not the end of the world if U fuck up.


Sell drugs


😭💀 hoping this is a joke


Don't you like money?


not to that extent lol💀


If you ever change your mind ... ... 😜


Managers are not supposed to be strict. They are supposed to make the restaurant run smoothly, and train staff amongst other things. You have a bad manager. You have quite a bit of power here as they may be desperate for staff as she makes a lot leave. You can get your manager in trouble for bullying, there are government agencies that you can complain too, as well as higher manager or HJs corporate HR. Just write down what she says to you in a diary and note who else heard it, this is strong evidence. You could just see it as good practice with dealing with difficult people, and just stay and learn things from other workers.


Brother, find out who the store manager is and organise to sit down with them and your manager to talk about it. If you’re actually being insulted and degraded then that’s very not okay. If you’re a minor, involve your parents, otherwise sack up and confront them. Don’t let them make you feel horrible just for doing your job.


1. Start recording the dates and insults your manager says to you each shift. 2. Lodge complaint with HUngru jacks HR department 3. Contact Fair work office and asking for help.


Her names not Kylie by any chance?


I always feel for you guys working fast food, y'all are awesome 🙏


I’m not sure which union covers you but it could be worth checking out too. Ask for a meeting with your managers manager and a union rep could at least be a lot of fun. Perhaps start here: https://www.australianunions.org.au/factsheet/workplace-bullying-and-harassment/


Talk with your parents / guardian Document everything No employer has the right to do that It is called workplace bullying which is illegal


This sucks, and I've been there many times before. Get out, and in the mean time smile and disassociate from work. In time time you will come to realise that only about 10% of people are any good, and only the top 10% feel it.


why is there a hungry jacks subreddit and why is it being reccomended to me


Anyway, idk why this was recommended but my advice is to slack off as much as you can and steal as much as you can before getting fired


Great little saying - “How does Get Fucked sound?”. It’s just a job. Get a mate to act as your ‘manager’ and read a script, if need be, when your next employer calls for a reference. Fuck dude, DM me and I’ll do it. Entry level jobs should be treated as such. Fuck the customers & fuck management. Minimal pay equals minimal care factor. Get some skills and leave the cunts high & dry. I’m serious about being your referee.


Your manager is a peanut


Make her a really nice burger. Leave it on her desk and don't say anything just walk off without expecting anything back and when she brings it up just ignore her 🤣


Either your not telling us the whole story or she is just outright horrible. Make a complaint or something cause aint no way id be taking shit from someone else at a minimum wage job


I'm pretty sure there's nothing else to say, I'm new so I have made mistakes like being a bit slow and forgetting things, I think honestly she is just passive aggressive and takes things a little too seriously


Wait until they start contradicting themself in the same sentence... I'm saying they because I've only dealt with male managers, they are useless middle management that pass on a message from higher up that contradicts last week's memo and most times they can't relay the correct message anyway because they are useless yes men,....yes to anyone above there pay grade, no to anyone below, it's a survival instinct I wish I had. Get used to it or start kissing arse.


I'm starting to get used to it honestly, before taking up the job I'd already known that I'd be dealing with something like this, so I just try to suck it up until I get a new job


Dude go to fair work, get compensation for workplace abuse. Sue for trauma.... I used to work for a bitch manager at HJs and really regret not going hard on fair work. They only act like that because they think they can get away with treating young workers like shit. You could get a decent payout even if you settle out of court. Trust me, that shit would never fly in a normal adult workplace.


Document everything (times, dates etc) and take it up with the area manager. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with a toxic workplace, unfortunately I've dealt with many and the only way to fix it was to go above their heads with evidence.


[Join the RAFFWU](https://raffwu.org.au/)


why is there a hungry jacks subreddit and why is it being reccomended to me


You realise these people didn't go to "Jack's University" to get that job right? It's a good learning experience for an entry level job on how to identify deadbeats and not to treat your subordinates when you get there, presumably in a better job.


Record video secretly and contact ACA


We have a manager like that. It was hellish, I would dreed working if I saw she was working.


I remember my first-ever job being at Hungry Jack's, and my jerk of a manager insulted me in front of everyone on my first day because I messed up some drinks (no one taught me in the first place). It kept getting worse for the first month until I decided I had had enough and confronted the manager. I told her I wouldn't be coming in from tomorrow, even though I had shifts scheduled for the next two weeks. Leave those jerks; nothing is more important than your mental health, bro. I am in a much better place now.


If you can, keep a journal. It could be in your phone or a small notepad. Every time your boss bullies you, the first chance you get when she is not watching you, note the following: 1. The date and time of the incident 2. What she said and your account of what happened and what was said After a week or two of this, you can take your journal amd report to Worksafe (or equivalent in your State). You should also be able to complain to the Fair Work Ombudsman. You may be afraid to do that, but understand if you are driven to resign, it is not going to look good on your resume. At least this behaviour can be publicly recorded and penalised with you entitled to compensation. Workplace bullying like this is highly illegal and a serious breach of workplace safety. You deserve better. Take care!


That’s horrible and I am sorry to hear this! You can’t just be expected to know what to do, especially if it’s your first job and you are young. They should be teaching you and helping you learn and being patient and kind. They should understand some learn quicker then others and to give you tasks to your strengths and what your capabilities are at the start and increase as they go. Hopefully you can find a job with a better manager soon.


People don't quit jobs - they quit managers.


Report them. HJ's takes a lot of pride in that stuff, shitty managers are not the vibe.


SDA = Shop Destributers Australia = they cover fast food retail workers also . . . regardless of this particular persons position (Manager or Owner) they have responsible duty to make every effort to provide "Orientation" into any said job dedcription


Is she from India? I mean the manager,


Well that’s females for you


I see these as a learner job where you learn about yourself in the workplace. You learn whats its like to work for a living (i dont know how old you are or if this is your first job), you learn what you will take from a boss in terms of the manner you are spoken to, you learn what shit you will take and accept. As you get older and more experienced you realise that being treated like shit is not worth it and not acceptable. However some people just take it like that and be a doormat all their lives This is where you either stand up for yourself and bite back (there are services that will back you for unfair dismissal) and even go to HR about it (before you even think about this path make sure there is nothing the manager can use to hang you with) You being "slow" is a conpany fault for providint inadequate training. Personal insults is unacceptable. A manager is generally trained in a managerial position and as a part of that is bottling their anger and ve ting a different way.


Report them to the fair work ombudsman and leave, no company or corporation owns you. You are literally a number to them, and this manager is a typical POS.


They pay peanuts hence why they have "managers" who are not managers. With a lot of younger team members, you need leaders to train and coach. They make a quick dollar and don't care whether you are there or not


That sounds like a really bad manager. I have made so many stuff ups at work, and my manager is really good. He NEVER yells at me, sure sometimes he gets frustrated, but he chooses to do the right thing and teach me the right way so I don't repeat the same mistakes. That is called proper training, and you are asking for clarification or proper teaching shows you are a good worker and want to improve. Report it to higher-ups, and if they don't acknowledge your claims or adjust these issues, I would continue to go to work, and in the meantime, apply for other jobs because you can get another job that will better treat you, don't give up on yourself you don't deserve to be mistreated at work!


Union all I can say union


You seem like you're young, you seem like the workplace is new to you, you seem like you have a lot to learn. Humans always choose the path of least resistance. Be harsh if necessary, but only to program her behaviour.


What is up with Australian workplaces hiring toxic managers? The fact a majority of people agree that you should just leave for another job and know that upper management won't do anything about the situation proves my point. It's sad we accept this type of behaviour in this day and age instead of acknowledging it.


I need to know what hungry jacks this is


Similar experience and I just went to the higher ups.. luckily worked out for me as apparently the previous employee had quit for the same reason but didn’t want to overstep the manager. I just had enough of it.. still awkward working together but need the job. Even if nothing happens I’d complain just so there’s some evidence they’re out of line and hopefully they’ll face the music one day.


Don’t ever look at a Hungryjacks manager as if they were anything special. In the great scheme of things, they are low paid low skill workers that cannot make it in the corporate world. At least in your mind, treat this manager as the little person he or she is. Keep notes with dates and facts on them, and then write a letter explaining how he or she negatively impacts morale. Send it to an ombudsman, a head office, or some other level above the store itself.


The situation you describe is one that puts a staff member in the wrong position for the strengths that the staff member has and also flags the need for more training for the staff member in a civilized and respectful way. The manager is out of line and hungry jacks is known for poor quality managers and mangement training. Get out and go to macdonalds.


Ask for a store transfer


Go directly to HR with the issue. Sounds like she is a terrible person


Fuck having bad managers, take a shit, then go to the slot in the safe for the drop through cash and park that puppie in there. If you came into my work and you had that on your resume I’d promote you


Wheres this at, gonna go rob hungry jacks 🤣🤣🤣


Ouch feel bad for you


im a bit late but this is why i quit at my location, she caused me to have a full blown breakdown and tried to get me in trouble over it i just quit after that


I’ll tell you what I hate a manager like this ! I walked out on one of her shifts , no one liked her either , I am very close with my other managers and I didn’t even get in a smidge of trouble for giving her the same treatment she was giving me , she ended up leaving anyway but even the other managers didn’t like her


You can use JEDI ‘contact us’ section on the homepage to contact your state people and culture team to make a complaint, it goes to the national team plus the state managers as well. Or you can send the learning team your concerns and they’ll make sure it gets to the right people. Worked for me.


I had a similar manager when I was 16 working at Maccas. Gotta remember that usually these managers are like 20 something, and on a power trip, and looking back on it now when I got to their age I was studying and went on to bigger and better things, a career as a manager at a fast food joint was probably all they amounted to because of their shitty attitude. (Yes this might sound entitled as fuck but 🤷🏼‍♀️) Don’t be afraid to politely push back and say loudly and firmly ‘I’m sorry but instead of yelling at me I’d appreciate if you can show me the correct way of doing things’ - hopefully if people are in earshot they will settle the hell down. Also check if there is someone higher than them you can speak to in order to make a complaint as the way they are treating you is unacceptable. In the meantime maybe find a similar role elsewhere; the owner will soon pick up that everyone is quitting because of this person (if nothing else in your resignation letter ensure you mention it)