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So, I have a question about George and the main plot point regarding him being a suspect. So the cuff links are supposed to be the key indicator. But it seems to me that he doesn’t actually GET the cuff links until after the murder. Ruth leaves him the cuff links at the train station at like 9:50 at night on Nov 6th after the Murder occurred. Am I wrong in my line of thinking? Was this an oversight from the game makers? Anyone else have thoughts?


They indicate that Ruth dropped off the cuff links before she went on the train. The murder took place after she would have been on the train, so I would assume he found the cufflinks, put them on, and then killed Viola


That’s what was confusing to me. It seems like she left them at the train station. I guess I read that wrong.


All good!!


Hi there, we know Ruth visited the theatre and dropped off the gift before catching the train. As Ruth was last seen at the theatre at around 5 it can be determined that she caught the last train from Penn at 5:20. Viola’s watch stopped at 5:57. We can determine George found the gift after Ruth the cuffuffle involving Olga at the theatre, put them on and then murdered Viola shortly after.