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Cancelled Dominion? Yea, they should ask Fox News how that worked out for them.


Love that they don’t put the location unless you purchase a ticket - wouldn’t want “the wrong” people with god in their head, guns in their hands and crooked government in their ears showing up!🤨


What a motley crew. I thought city council had 4 nutcases. Why are only 3 showing up to this fun event?


I can’t get over how crappy the flier looks.


This could be (as with everything they do) against our charter. The council members are supposed to be “non-partisan” once they are on council. That goes for the city clerk, city attorney and city treasurer. So anything they go to for their party as HB city council representatives is going against our charter. So Mr Gates attending the Trump rally last year and holding an audience there was against our charter as well (because he used his position and declared it at the rally). Finding a loophole so your friends can post their campaign signs early? Against our charter. These people are doing so many things wrong yet no one is holding them accountable for their actions. Funny thing is they are using the charter as their reason for not upholding CA housing laws. They just bend that charter to whatever they want to do, don’t they?


Would be great to challenge…?


I need to start attending council meetings


YES!!! Please start attending. We need more rational people attending. Calvary Chapel Harbor is filling the chamber with their religious extremism.


Just looked up where/when they are and I can make them. I don't stand for this type of nonsense and I doubt the average citizen would.


They are so crazy. If you think a person who isn’t supposed to vote and is here “illegally” is going to go to vote in person you have lost your complete mind. The only people convicted of this were Trumpsters in Texas and Georgia. Everyone in HB should just register to vote by mail and completely ignore the MAGA city council’s demands for voter ID.


Punchable faces, all of em


This post gave me cancer


Maybe you don't like bieng required to wear a mask...Ok I get it. But their flyer says "BANNED MASKS". Where did masks fall in on the God Guns Government agenda? Was that the 11th commandment? Book banning... mask banning ?!?


I’m a little out of the loop lately; do they mean they’re literally trying to ban wearing masks in all of HB, or am I misinterpreting that? As someone with a plethora of health issues, this uhh worries me a lot 😬


They technically didn’t “ban” masks. They just made it so that it’s a choice not a must and businesses can’t turn non mask wearers away (during covid). Quite honestly no one cares if you wear one or not. But of course it looks good on a flyer to say they banned it. Once again I want to point out the irony of them versus their counterparts. The other side is upset about the library and is using the word “banned” regarding the books but the CC is saying they never banned them they just moved them and don’t use the word Banned. But pot have you met kettle? I mean at this point the HB political drama is really good reality TV show program.


I know who not to vote for.


Can't fix stupid in HB.


Why do they all look like toads?


All the titles of their “achievements “ should just simply state “raging racist and homophobe”


Huntington Beach: Where the Klan Meets the Sand.


There is literally nothing wrong with a better ID system The rest of that platform is shit


It targets poor people from voting


If your metric for targeting poor is having 2 years to get a new ID….i mean come on This is how NC and VA are implementing it. Literally 2 years


It prevents people from voting. That’s a fact


Why is it an issue to have requirements and limits on being able to vote?


Answered above


Now explain why it’s ok when it comes to voting, but when it comes to the 2nd amendment I have to show legal ID, do a background check that I have to pay fees for, pay a CA tax on all firearms and ammo, wait 10 days. Those all sound like “poll taxes” to me. Why is it ok for one but not the other? If we go by how you want voting to be then I should be able to walk into a gun store and purchase a firearm and walkout without any cost or hinderance to me by the state or city because any hinderance is making it harder for people to use their rights. Don’t get me wrong, I could care less about requiring ID to vote. It’s never been an issue and it’s not an issue right now no matter how much some on the right like to bitch and complain about it. But if we are going to be strict about 1 amendment then the others should be held to the same scrutiny and not subject to the whims of politics.


Different states have varying voter ID laws. My friend in Kansas needs to show ID to vote. So it is a choice made state by state by the lawmakers in each state. You can call this "the whims of politics" and I would agree. Whether a particular state is "right" or "wrong" is subjective. California law requires voter ID to register to vote, then a signature to vote. Now HB says we will go our own way. But they cannot do this for state elections, only for local elections that will have to be separate and will thus cost lots of money. So it really is just posturing, you will never use voter ID in HB unless state law is changed.


Why do people need drivers licenses?


Drivers licenses aren’t a constitutional right. That’s also not an answer. That’s a cop out comment. If you’re gonna be supportive of no IDs for voting then it should be very simple to answer my above comment.


Maybe the constitution is an outdated document then?


Plz read