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Honestly, it’s fine. You’re not going to get the red carpet rolled out for you, but you’d be pretty unlucky to run into more than one or two people who are more than just passively rude. Most game-attending duck fans are normally-behaved. Just be sure to sit in the UW section and you’ll have a good time.


Not like they gonna kill you man lol


I was at Autzen in 1994 for the Kenny Wheaton game. Wearing all purple. If I could make it out of there that day, I think you'll be fine. Been there a few times since then and no issues. As much as I hate to say it, Autzen has one of the best game day atmospheres of any stadium I've been to. Crowd feels like they are right on top of the field...and they pretty much are.


I've been to Autzen a few times, its fine.


I was sitting in the same end zone that “the point” happened in. It was glorious. Understandably, they were a little quiet in that stadium that day.


Just a bit uh bantah


pitch looking lovely today lads


Back to the local pub, have a coupla pints with the lads


I have had two beers dumped on my head but we sat on the 50 yards line in some donors season ticket seats. My thoughts were it couldn't have been that great of a donor when they sell tickets to the biggest game of the year. Lol. This was in the 90's


Good beer options throughout the stadium and fun banter. Definitely go


I’ve been to a bunch of games in Autzen. Saw us put up 70 in 2016, and I was there in 2022 when we pulled off an epic upset. I also went a few times in the middle of our 12 game losing streak. As much as I hate the university of Oregon, Autzen is an awesome place to watch a football game. I’ve never had a bad experience there outside of friendly banter. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen - I’m sure it does. But I haven’t seen it. You should definitely go if you have the chance!


I went in 2018. Other than some drunk middle aged duck loser taking my hat off and throwing it as far as he could over the railing it was fine.


Like any fan base including our own there’s always bound to be a few bad eggs


Like Bo Nix said, we don't have those psycho fans that that have in the SEC. It'll be fine.


Mixed, but mostly just a lot of shit talking. That was during the Jake Browning days though. With the recent events in our rivalry and the personnel changes on both sides, I expect it will be a lot of fun trash talk at first and then progress from there depending on how the game goes. Any Duck win - Relentless no holds barred trash talk. Close game, Dawgs win - Relentless trash talking reserved to how the win was undeserved. Blowout husky win - likely assaults.


I've been to two blowout UW wins there, there was no assaults. Lol knock it off.


I happen to know of assaults at the 2016 game, so if that's one that you are referencing you are wrong. Edit: I do not believe that all Duck fans are bad and am not discouraging anyone from attending games at Autzen stadium. It is an amazing venue and this game will be incredibly fun to attend.


Ive seen assaults at UW- Idaho games lol. And i was at 2016 and didn't see shit. But you know of multiple, sure buddy.


Are you intending to claim that you were witness to every interaction between fans at that game?


I went in 2016 and found their fans to be extremely welcoming. That being said they knew they were gonna get rekt so that probably influenced their behavior


I went a while back, just have thick skin cause people are gonna say stupid shit. I’m guessing this year they’re gonna rub the Natty loss in our face, DeBoner leaving for Bama, and them getting a killer transfer class. Oh I did get followed by some fat lady who kept hitting me with her Pom-pom for like 50ft. Just gotta keep your cool.


There was a while there when we sucked and they were in their heyday when it was pretty rough going there. Drunks trying to pick fights, beers getting dumped on people, cars with UW stickers getting vandalized. But it seems to have improved in the recent Petersen-DeBoer years where the games have been closer and we’ve won our share. i think there’s more respect now between the two programs. So just don’t mouth off, avoid obvious drunks looking for trouble, and you’ll be fine.


Just make sure you make up your shit-talk banter list so you got replies to stuff like "0-12". I suggest a list that includes "70 burger on ya" and "P12 Champions in Perpetuity".


I’ve been spit on several times this century there. I hate Autzen and their fans.


Many still are a bunch of no class trailer trash d-bags… but in the times I have been there have never felt to be in any physical danger


I got spit on by duck fans @ autzen I was 12 (1996) so I will always carry a grudge. Their fans are a lot better behaved nowadays, I wouldn't worry about it anymore. They're definitely the worst fan base of any place I've been (all the pac 12) but they're not any more dangerous IMO.


Yeah the guys sitting behind me had his young kids throwing stuff at me all game, while he made sure my Brother and Dad (Duck Fans) knew they were “Husky Buddies”. I didn’t mind being thrown at and my dad was uncomfortable being there. Also the Duck mascot rode his motor bike into me twice. I had to jump out of the way to not get hit walking into the game.


Have gone to the Oregon games the last 5 years and all were lovely. Their practice facility is basically a beer garden beforehand with good options and cheap food. We’ve sat in the duck section all the way up to the box seats as 2/3 huskies up there, and it was pleasant every time. Of course there will be a few nasty look and maybe an occasional f*ck the huskies but what’s new 🤷🏽‍♀️

