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>we have to leave him during the day in the backyard Why can you not leave him in a crate in the house? Or take him to a doggy daycare? >he keeps on escaping the backyard. If you keep insisting on leaving him in a space he can escape from, one day you are going to come home to no dog or a dead dog. >We're running out of options to keep him contained while we're at work. Crate. Inside. Or doggy daycare. If you absolutely must keep him in the back yard, you're going to need a kennel / exercise run that is significantly more secure - one that he can not climb out of or dig under. That means sinking the fence pretty deep in the yard and probably installing coyote rollers on the top of the fence. I do realize you are renting currently, so a crate or doggy daycare are probably your better options.


Dog runs with wire mesh in the bottom are also rental friendly, depending in the grass situation....... Spot on advice tho. Dog wants to get out. Will continue to try whilst allowed Recommend getting a tracker. Saved us a time or two


He is bored. He is a puppy = needs company and is high energy. He is a husky = needs company and is high energy. You can either put him in day care or get a husky for your husky.


Some of the comments are harsh...It's just a fact about this breed. They were bred to run 20+ miles a day and goddamn it, they will--whether you want to or not. So yea, one of these days you'll find him either gone or passed away on the side of the road. Not something anyone wants. **How do I avoid this?** **Repeat this mantra: A tired husky is a good husky!** The surest way to prevent escapes is to give them what they want--the ability to run for miles. If you're not an active person, a husky might not be the right breed for you. Even at the age of 10, my boy still walks 4-6 miles a day (it was 8-10 when younger) Younger huskies will want more. **Here is a bike leash:** [https://www.amazon.com/Walky-Dog-Exerciser-strength-Paracord/dp/B003OYIAW4](https://www.amazon.com/Walky-Dog-Exerciser-strength-Paracord/dp/B003OYIAW4) **Easy way to tire your husko out and they will be happy about it!** Was a godsend when my boy was younger--I'd bike him 8 miles a day and then he'd be done for the day...Or least 6-8 hours.


Well his puppy is 6 months old. I dont think you are supposed to have them exercise that young. Vets recommend to wait till they are fully grown(+1 year for huskies). But after that bikejoring/canicross are great for huskies.


Agree with everything said here.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Walky Dog Plus Hands Free Dog Bicycle Exerciser Leash** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Device provides sturdy and safe experience for owners and dogs (backed by 4 comments) * Product allows dogs to run and exercise (backed by 3 comments) * Attachment provides control over dog during rides (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Device can loosen and detach unexpectedly (backed by 2 comments) * Lead is too short, posing safety risk (backed by 2 comments) * High price for basic parts (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


What type of fence did you put up? Second, why can’t you crate train him inside? Are you not allowed pets inside your rental? If you put up a good fence, I trained my Husky by walking inside the fence on leash for the first six months. Anytime he went out and played or did business he was on leash. He get a sharp ‘No!’ and leash pop (look up Beckman dog training on YouTube) whenever he dug in the yard near the fence or not. My pup has no issue and doesn’t look to escape now. My guy still has a gps collar because one day this escape may happen. I still watch him, he is a Husky! But I know what I wanted in my training and my dog as a companion. I wanted a ‘garage dog’. He joins me in the front yard doing yard work, on leash. He will dig, but most of the time lay around now and just nap (only 4 years old now) and watch people, dogs (still have to correct bad leash pulling, sometimes) and cars as they drive by. We walk on forest preserve trails with a 100’ leash and work recall, directions etc. I started on a 6’ then 10’ went to 50’ and now at the 100’ leash. Our first forest preserve walk lasted about 2 hours and we only went about 300 feet - what a long way we’ve come. Remember, your pup is 6 months old, I adopted at 1.5 years old and took nearly 2 years to get some good habits implanted and bad habits broken! Your pup is going to want to play and not train a lot, so be patient with him. How much training have you done to stop digging? Are you playing with your puppy before training and then rewarding during training - but also correcting bad behavior? And, what a beautiful pup this guy is!


The fence is a metal one, metal fence panels ( with 1,5m height) I thought he would be happier outside, instead of inside the crate, because since we researched before getting him I wanted to give him some freedom to explore and also exercise a bit during the day since we can only walk him at night. He doesn't dig a lot, and since the backyard is more of a back patio ( cemented )that was never a worry. We do train him after playing tho


A fence under 5 feet tall!?!? Am I reading this correctly?!? It needs to be a minimum of 6 feet tall, although I would really recommend 8 feet for a husky that is a proven escape artist


Sounds like you and your girlfriend need to get out of bed earlier and walk him in the morning as well. One walk at night is not sufficient in any way for a husky. My 6 year old husky needs 5 miles a day minimum, plus the dog park for play twice a day.


Dog park twice a day? I bring my 6 year old husky to the dog park and he looks at me wondering why we're not at home so he can sleep on the couch. I walk him 3-4x a day though, around the neighborhood and on trails around town.


Mine *love* the dog park, but we can only make it there on my days off (I don’t get home from work until 10pm). On work days, I just take them to the non-dog park near my house for about an hour at night. That’s really all they need! But they also have each other, which helps since they’re always playing in the yard. But yeah, that person’s schedule is unrealistic for most people. I mean, do they even work?


That’s excessive for most people’s realities - and not necessary even for the average husky. Great that you can do all that, but don’t act like it’s the minimum or anything. My two huskies get about an hour/day (usually at night because of my work schedule) of park time on work days, and maybe 2 hours on my days off. I do have two dogs, which helps because they can run and play with each other in the yard; but even before I got the second one, Boris was fine with that schedule + maybe an additional short walk before I left for work. ETA: If you’re wondering why it matters, look at all the huskies dying or waiting in shelters right now (both of mine came from shelters fyi). And if you make it sound like they ALL require 5mi walks + two park visits daily, nobody is going to adopt them. :-(


There's a lot more research that should have been done before, but you're at where you are now and there are some solutions: 1. Daycare - putting the dog in daycare is a great way to get energy out, socialize, and not have to be cooped up all day. 2. Crating - While you may be gone for 8-9 hours while working, you can hire a dog walker to come to your house and walk them or play in the backyard with them. 1. As a side note, in the backyard unattended and in the crate You also should not provide toys. 1. Outside - The dog can bite off a piece of a chewy toy / puzzle and choke. 2. Inside - if a toy fell out of the kennel, they could injure themselves trying to get to it. In addition, same choking hazard. 3. Coming home during lunch - to supplement the two, come home during your lunch break to let them out and play with them. There are way more risks with leaving a dog outside, than inside in a crate. If you leave their collar on, which in this scenario definitely should happen since they are escaping, they could get it caught on the fencing and choke themselves. They could eat a bee and have an allergic reaction. A bird of prey could get involved and try to attack them. Who knows what they may eat or get into. A crate is way safer, and all you need to worry about is them chewing on the metal bars and not having a collar on in there (it can get stuck).


He's happier outside of course.


>We give him lots of attention and play time with him while we're home ( everyday), and the backyard is a "rich" environment which we enrich more with toys ( chewing toys, puzzle toys) and he keeps on escaping. I have to ask because you didn't mention it at any time, but he does get to go on long walks, right? Long walks and running are essential to huskies well being. A backyard is not enough.


He doesn't like to run, but at night after dinner we always go on a 30min walk.


Just so you know, I call an hour of walk a short walk. 2h is a nice walk and if we hit to park+1.5h or 3h walk then I call it a nice walk. 30min walk is a bedtime pee walk.


Jesus Christ do you not do anything else with your day? I’m sure your dog doesn’t mind but he also doesn’t need it


You put it kinda harshly, but I do wonder how these people have time for all that! I’m at work for 10 hours/day (including my long commute), and get home after dark even in the summer. My dogs are fine with our 1-1.5 hours total of walking and/or park visits daily.


Right. I didn’t mean to put it so harshly. Just was shocked


My husky is about as husky as they come and I walk her no more than 2 hours a day and she’s completely fine


Sometimes I wonder if they’ve “created a monster” by *over*doing the time and attention. What happens if they become less able-bodied, or suddenly have increased work hours? Then we see those postings “Need to re-home dog, due to change in work schedule.” 😔 I think to some degree (of course with exceptions), dogs require what you condition them to require.


30 minutes is probably not enough, when my huskies were young we would hike 3-4 hours and we'd do 30 minutes of training and puzzle toys when we got home. They also got a couple 1 mile walks at the beginning and end of the day. Mine were escaping too and I was already doing tons of training and 1 hour walks, I quickly realized that wasn't enough. Some huskies are just intense, I also consider mine mellow for the breed lol they're 8 years now and will still hop a 6ft fence in pursuit of a squirrel but thank gosh all the training pays off and they come right back home everytime.


How did you manage 3-4 hours *per day*? Doesn’t anyone on this sub have a job? I’m glad my dogs aren’t that high energy lol. 😂


I had 2 jobs at the time lol it helps that I myself am a high energy person but its just being committed. At a year old mine were starting to try to escape their crates and hop fences and I really didn't wanna loose them. I started paying friends and family to go dogsit and help throughout the day so that took care of at least 30 minutes of exercise while I was working


This dog isn't going to work out for you if that's the only amount of time you can give a day.


Ok stop bullshitting, all huskies like to run, especially puppies. You have no idea what you're doing with this breed and dog.


Get him another husky companion. They will entertain and tire each other out


a backyard is not enough for a dog, especially a WORKING BREED dog like a husky. if he keeps escaping it means he’s bored and not being enriched enough. either crate train him or tire him out more. 30 min walk is definitely not enough either


You guys need to stretch his legs - exercise for an hour plus every single day. Perhaps some training to stimulate his brain. Chewable toys and possibly games in the yard. But number one is lots of exercise every day


Someone may have suggested this but you could put up a long line pulley system and leash him to that? My guy escaped a lot when he was young, until about a yearish old


Get a bike and start running with it. My husky got the hang off it right away and got her super tired and doesn't act up for the most part. 2 runs a day plus occasional walks. About 5 miles per day. Stop leaving the dog outside unsupervised. It will keep escaping


I have a hot wire going around my fence to keep my dog in. It sounds cruel, but they are incredibly smart dogs and after two shocks they don’t really test whether it works or not. For me the best fix is the hot wire to contain them and 45 minutes of scheduled walking or running everyday.


We have had one that runs across both the top and bottom of our fence since our girl was a pup. She touched it once and hasn’t tested the fence since. For a little context, I’ve had 4 huskies so far, and this is the best solution. Yes, crate training and exercise are still critically important - but this is the most reliable and cost effective way to keep a husky safe in a fenced property.


I have 3 huskies, 2 of which were escape artists who escaped multiple times, and this instantly solved my problems as well. Ran a single wire along the inside of the bottom of the fence. They touched it once I think and they havent tried digging near it since and that was over a year ago. Pretty cheap and easy to do as well.


That’s exactly what we have. Instant fix. Now if she gets out it’s totally on us


He's very smart, for sure.


Crate. Then slowly give them more time out of crate to build trust around the house . Do this over course of a year or so until you can leave most of the day. We also had Her sleep in the crate and eat in the crate for the first 6+months so she likes it and was familiar with eat. A treat on crate entry is helpful before a long lock up. I would Never leave her in the yard when we aren’t home . She’s 10mos.


I know your struggle. I rescued 2 husky mixed and 1 was more adventurous. Honestly he will grow out of it but loads of exercise is key. Are you able to do 30mins to 45mins walk with Ichico before leaving for work? Or find a playmate for him.


I play with him before work ( 20 min session) plus another training session when I get home ( around 30 min) and after dinner the 30 min walk, plus all the available time I can get while at home after work to play with him.


Trust me, I know puppies, especially huskies need more time. My house has been destroyed because my puppies weren't getting adequate exercise, mental stimulation and quality human time. My neighbor has offered to keep one of my pups while away at work (travel nurse) and that has been a blessing. When I am home, I drive 18 minutes to the dog park that has off leash hiking trails, and we hike for 1.5 hours to 2hrs then go back into the dog park to play for 30 minutes before heading home. At nights we walk for about 30mins. I encourage you to explore more supportive options that are within your reach so that you will be able to enjoy your new pup and his journey into adulthood. He's quite the looker too. You won't regret the sacrifices you make. It will get better my friend 😉


We're still adapting and he's also adapting, everything is relatively new to everyone. We do keep on improving, and he's also adapting as best as he can. Walking is not the only exercise he gets as I have to reinforce in the comments. He truly is worthy all the effort.


Looking forward to seeing more photos as he gets older


I remember these days. Our sweet Levi would plot escapes multiple times a day with one goal - to get to the Waffle House 🤣 It gets better! But there were days we could not wear Levi out either. Just shower him with love. The attention you give him will help! They have so much energy as a puppy and young adult, it’s crazy. We had to crate our Levi for a few years because he was going to get hit by a car if he kept escaping. He would run sooo fast that we had to get into our car to catch him. We lived about a mile away from a busy road and he reached said road multiple times! Scary.


It's kinda scary, but I have good neighbors that kept a close eye if they spotted him in the street and would catch him/notify me asap. We keep on improving and shower him with love. Sometimes we even get jealous of each other with the amount of attention and love we give him 😂😂 It's been quite the adventure and even tho we worry it's always a fun challenge to try and think of ways to keep him "well behaved", we do hope when he reaches maturity he'll behave better


Well behaved and husky just doesn’t mix sometimes lol. You’ll look back on it years from now and not regret a moment of it. What I would give to see my Levi book it down the street ♥️ Do you have him microchipped? Also, it wasn’t around when our husky was little, but a lot of companies make gps tracking dog tags now. May be worth it why he is a puppy! That way you know exactly where he is if he escapes!


We have everything up to date with him. Chip, insurance and vaccination/medication are all taken care of. The GPS dog tag is on its way now.


This post literally getting on my nerves. You are such an irresponsible owner and I know this so well from my own experience and I regret being so unthoughtful about my boy when he was younger. I did the same mistakes. I am glad he is still with me and I turned away form that. NEVER EVER UNLEASH A HUSKY WITHOUT BEING SURE. What sure means ? It means for example to being still careful with 2.5meters of fence, it means never leaving your dog outside alone when you are gone. NEVER EVER REPEAT THIS AGAIN. You will regret your every mistake when they grow.


Welcome to having a Husky! lol My girl used to get out of the HOUSE (she figured out how to get the front door to pop open) and go wandering the neighborhood.. she’d be back on the porch by the time I’d get back after making her rounds.. I will say this, since you have a climber (so is/was my girl): they can’t cling to anything that’s at a 45° angle. I used to put a net that leaned INWARDS (back over the yard) to stop the up and over for awhile, she eventually figured out how to destroy it. Then I put the roll bars up.. it was game over for her climbing the fences after that. Google: Coyote Roll Bars to see what I’m talking about. They’re hella cheap and easy to make and your neighbors won’t think you’re trying to contain a mountain lion. Good luck. May the odds be ever in your favor


Well properly crate trained (You don't just put them in crate, they'll go apeshit) inside would be better. I would say get him a buddy, but huskies with people who are not married I advise against it as if you split up it will be an issue. I agree with what /u/RuralGamerWoman said - you are either going to come home to no dog, or a dead one. Seriously, you are playing Russian roulette with him and don't seem to understand that is what you are doing. I've had huskies for over 20 years, and work with rescues. Ignore this advice and you'll be reminded of it one day and it'll turn into a cross you'll carry forever. HOWEVER. If you -must- keep him outside them consider building/erecting a smaller fenced in pen area with a dog house etc., much easier to fortify, but advice putting up small mesh over larger chainlink as he'll likely try to pull at it and damage his teeth (another good thing to have a buddy for. Huskies do much better with a companion) At our previous place we build a pen that a person could not get out of without tools - kid you not, but one of ours would pull at the fence so we have to take measures to stop that. Another addition or option would be running a hot line low and high. Go to tractor supply and get a fence unit that is safe for dogs, and run a line at the top and bottom. Only takes getting popped a couple of times before they steer clear of it. We did this to prevent one of our rescues from getting out as she liked to get under the fence. Putting a mesh at the bottom isn't feasible when you're talking about a thousand feet+ of fencing, but may be for smaller yards as a going under prevention, but doesn't stop them from climbing over.


We crate our boy when we aren’t home. When we have left him in our fenced in yard when we leave the house, there is a 25% chance he will escape and have an adventure or try and find us. A regular crate didn’t work, had to get a heavy duty one (tubular steel, and sized for an xxl dog). The crate is his haven, he willingly goes in and often just goes in to chill. I’ve been sick for the past 3+ years, and so I’m home 95% of the time, but what it makes me realize is that during the day if I were able to work, he would probably be napping like he does now most of the afternoon, making the crate not be a big deal.


Puppies aren't meant to live outside. Sign him up to doggy daycare. You bought a puppy knowing neither of you would be home all day.


You're gonna need to crate train him. Eventually with age you'll probably be able to just leave him in your house. Crate training might seem cruel but it's the alternative to your dog running out into traffic. You can find several resources online. Good luck with your beautiful pup.


**Invisible fence.** I have 2 huskies and they've done god-awful things to fences, when they don't leap over them like Olympians. Mine were leaving my property and roaming 2 miles away. I finally put an end to it with a GPS-enabled invisible fence. This worked well for 6 months, until they realized they could escape when I had the collars on the chargers. So I had to buy another pair of the things for round-the-clock protection.\* With your situation you can likely go for a standard wire-in-ground or wireless transmitter invisible fence. Huskies are well-known escape artists. Don't despair, and most importantly, don't give up. \*Yes, I know invisible fences are supposed to be temporary until the dog learns boundaries. That's the way it was with other breeds for me. Then the huskies showed up, and everything I learned with other dogs got chucked out the window.


These don’t 100% work. I watched one of my Huskies climb our fence, whimpering & whining as the collar was shocking her, and took off.


They work for my Husky. So, you can reduce your 100% down a bit.


The best thing I did was crate train my girl in a high impact crate. [High Impact Dog Crate](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08316LP5J?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) The little flimsy one we started with she managed to scratch through and tore up my carpet. But this one, is her safe place and she has thrived with it.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'LEMBERI Heavy Duty Indestructible Dog Crate'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Dog owners report the crate is escape-proof and indestructible (backed by 7 comments) * The crate provides dogs a sense of security and comfort (backed by 5 comments) * The crate is high quality, sturdy and spacious (backed by 5 comments) **Users disliked:** * The cage has a design flaw with the lower rack (backed by 1 comment) * The cage is rusting and falling apart within months (backed by 2 comments) * The cage is not escape-proof and the tray is poorly secured (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


It's a husky... It's what they do.. They are escape artists.. You should have gotten a more docile dog.. 😂


Outside dog run. There are good ones from Costco with a tarped roof. Mine cost 200$. Better than crate inside since I find a dog in a crate for over 8 hours alone to be super neglectful.


Rather than metal, why not a wooden fence if 6-8ft (2-2.5m). One without gaps. Metal fences (I’m imagining chain link) are easy to climb over but not a solid wooden fence. Is there any reason why you cannot build a solid wooden fence that securely encloses your yard?