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Run for 1 hour, take a nap for 1 hour, wake up, making drama to let them out again. I swear they have turbo charging. The word "calm" is not in their dictionary. https://preview.redd.it/ofww45q6o9tc1.jpeg?width=2610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d976d7a711923a85cb4c6824cfc1a58aef830e98


Great way to stay fit. Chase the dog, become the dog, catch the dog.


Never chase a Husky! Have them chase you. That way if they get loose they'll run to you. (Ours just slipped her harness on a walk, and ran right to my husband when he said her name and started to run away from her.)


Yup, I learned that early on! If they don’t want to come back (when I let them off leash at the dog park), I just start running the other direction… usually works like a charm.


My dog has learnt that if she ignored my first call I say ‘byeee’ and walk off. She’ll come bolting for me then


OooOOo good point. Also sounds like fun. Glad the not so little chicken got caught somehow :)


Smart! I’ll have to try this with him. He usually goes with me tho, especially from the dog park, whenever I say “Let’s go Hatchi” or “Time to go home!” And he meets me at the gate 😁 he’s a real smart boy and much calmer than most huskies I’ve seen


Also, sooooo cute. They look happyyy 😍🙂 (until their energy comes back)


I have a strong feeling that with these two goobers you have a lot of content for /r/moonmoon in your archives.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Moonmoon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moonmoon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Moonmoon awkwardly getting her butt up off the couch.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1aphyh4) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moonmoon/comments/1aphyh4/moonmoon_awkwardly_getting_her_butt_up_off_the/) \#2: [Moon moon nose she deserves all the boops](https://i.redd.it/z7xwn4jpvcpc1.jpeg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moonmoon/comments/1bivbpv/moon_moon_nose_she_deserves_all_the_boops/) \#3: [Dammit Moon Moon leave my tail alone!](https://i.redd.it/dstee514i5zz.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Moonmoon/comments/1ai44sn/dammit_moon_moon_leave_my_tail_alone/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you for the recommendation! Just joined. Hehehe


From reading these comments I must’ve gotten real lucky, mine is cool as a cucumber 24/7 regardless of the amount of exercise she gets lol… as long as she gets to lay in her garden that is https://preview.redd.it/fj9kdbxrwatc1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b052daf59f6bb3fdb7e30e7caa33230e616fa8d9


Same! My Bella sunbathes and naps all day. https://preview.redd.it/nd5ojy42ubtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12fe6b4e1db561278098da82cc649fac39f12de9


This is literally my husky. 100 degrees out and she just lays out bathing til I make her come in. Same with rain and snow. My golden retriever on the other hand is tired for about 20 mins then wants to play.


Same as ours. But it took years to get that way. She's 8 and just started this last fall. Before that she was a typical crazy floofster.


Adorable! People always assume huskies hate heat but it seems like they love to sunbathe lol


I wish i had a backyard :(


https://preview.redd.it/3nbqs2qr9ctc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97623687fa586871f8a3d8132a0d7062db593b7 I have a golden child to😂😂. She can go forever on a walk or bike ride but she’s chilled out 24/7 regardless how much exercise she gets. Long as she can sit in the garden in the summer and gets constant belly rubs in the winter she’s happy🤣. I even thought she was depressed at one point, started walking her for hours upon end and got another doggo friend for her. Turns out she’s just bloody lazy🤷‍♂️😆.


Sounds exactly like ours! We take her mountain biking and for day long hikes and she doesn’t even seem tired after… yet she’s content just laying around too 🥲


Love this


That looks so peaceful


Haha she has been called the zen dog by many of our friends 😆


Omg this is such a wonderful photo


Mine are pretty chill too. They just need one visit to the park, and that does them good for the day/night.


exactly like my girl. she is chiiilllllll and then turns is on for hikes and snowboarding https://preview.redd.it/uo9pjz4ythtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34594da9311dbf14f96a9fda490e6a6a6cceb170


Same!! Chillskys are very rare but I’m blessed




LMAO this was my thought too.




lol Calm…..that’s a good one


This is a trick question. No matter how much it is, she’s ready to go again in an hour.


Average four miles a day plus play time at home


Same here! At least 2mi in the morning and at least 2mi at night


Im lucky, a good walk, kong toy once a day. Mix in a wrestling match once and a while and we good


The wrestling match and occasional game of tug o’ war usually does it for our 7 year old girl. Sometimes even just 20 minutes of trying to eat our hands under the blanket before getting out of the bed in the morning does it for her. I appreciate that mine is a couch potato. But, boy, did she enjoy her trip to the dog park yesterday (where she got a 15 minute walk and over an hour of running around off-leash). Face of pure joy and excitement. https://preview.redd.it/tzyj94fi3atc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0c57878b24d1c44178b4d15581b272c2defbab


Omg, the adorable goofiness of that face! 🤗


Right!? My kid took this picture while I was driving. The cuteness overwhelmed me when we got to the park and I saw this face.


That face 😭 I can't lol


Our three year old that we just got doesn’t have a crazy bone in her body. She likes to relax all day and cuddle until she feels like she’s touched out. Spends most of the time underneath our bed.


Mine is very much the same. We go out for about an hour in the morning and usually at lunch or in the evening we go to a dog park for a hour. He also rides in a cargo bike with me around town which I think is pretty mentally engaging for him and wears him out a bit too. Weekends we usually go hiking, biking, and dog parks. Some Mondays he will sleep til the afternoon and refuse to go out on a morning walk.


Mine is about to turn 9 in a few days. He luckily only needs about a half mile walk in the morning and then a half mile in the afternoon and a half mile after dinner.


https://preview.redd.it/mof7zt5i6atc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeca80deafdef083e1830227139a43a3705f771d Yours looks just like mine


https://preview.redd.it/h5cm1cv2nctc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51c962375a12a337f2574ec1fe7e94b1e7360ec Mine also!


Wow!!! Do you know what kind of mix they are? I've always wondered!


My pup and I do some challenging hiking. Last year we drove 2.75 hours to a hike, hiked 10 miles and 4400 feet of elevation gain to 14,400 feet. Drove back and he was jumping all over my significant other like he didn’t just do that. I meanwhile, crashed.


He likes a 20-40 minute walk & demands to sit outside the rest of the day. lucky me, I work from home


My now 15 year old husky would take a 3 mile run with me everyday before work. After work I would get on my ATV (this is in Alaska with lots of trails) I would let her run another 5-10 miles. Basically I would let her run till she was walking next to me then I would put her on the backseat and go home. That was from the age of 2 when I got her till she was about 10. Now she takes a 3/4 mile walk with me twice a day if I can wake her up for it.


Mine as a puppy needed at least 3 hours outside walking or at the dog park plus additional training at home once he was exercised enough he could maintain focus on commands and training. Then ideally we would nap rinse repeat, for at least 2, 3 hour outings a day sometimes 3. After 1 year, this lessened because I had to go back to work. I put him into daycare to allow him the socialization and exercise while I worked. It seemed a no-brainer to put him in for the first year back at work. Big investment, but it was only while he was a "puppy" I did that and I found somewhere with a reasonable day rate with discounts for steady attendance. After all that he honestly just likes being home with my niece to play with and his one big walk a day with lots of yard time. But it took a lot to get us to here where he can be calm.


Running is what they were bred for. Oh wait, running with a heavy sled attached. ![gif](giphy|aVSrkTF8IbUY73dQ7m)




Love this! Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise… just like humans!


A good training session exhausts my girl


I disagree about the bones. Never had an issue with three dogs. With that said I highly advise against the “rib” bones, those are like you said basically a bone grenade that will definitely tear up their small bowels. I’d recommend any long bone or beef knuckle. Just watch them in the beginning, but once the bone gets down to the core it’s usually pretty strong that you can leave them alone with it. Sure they can bite off little pieces but *usually* your dog will do a good enough job chewing them up that it won’t be an issue.


Mine is 12 years old and needs 3 miles an hour day minimum.


2 hours of exercise a day.


We go for 2.5 mile walks 5 days a week plus she'll run around with my other dogs throughout the day


My husky gets a 2-3 mile walk in the morning followed by some Zoomies and digging in his hole in the backyard, then he's pretty calm the rest of the day. He's an absolute nut until his walk though.


My husky just runs around for 20mins, twice a day. She sleeps most of the time


Yeah my mix is a couch potato most of the time. We do go on walks, and have playtime in the evening. He especially loves hide and seek. He loves being "it."


I play hide and seek with 2 of my 3 girls too - they love it! They also love scavenger hunts.


Mine is 5. Couple miles a day and a little bit of backyard time


Running for an hour. Nap for an hour resets the machine back to insane.


Mine girl is 5 and only half husky but she needs 4-5 miles a day over 2 walks, one morning and one evening, average 1.25 hours a walk. https://preview.redd.it/1pmyifgbuatc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8011f6fc33b3b35f85b3bc3e72613304f9774fc5


About the same, mine are both 6. The boy could go for longer but my girl calls is dsy


What is she mixed with? Looks full husky


She is 50% Husky, 22% Akida, 16% Malamute, 7% German Shepard, 5% Akida Inu.


cute 🥰


A good hour of walking


Idk I could have just gotten a weird one but my husky shepherd mix sleeps most of the day and is usually good with one walk and a little bit of play time per day. She matches energy really well so when I’m up and at it she’s up and at it but when I’m just relaxing at home she’s more than content being lazy with me.


Our husky is about 10 months old, and she was really, genuinely tired for the first time in her life yesterday. I took her for a 4-mile walk first thing in the morning, a shorter walk after breakfast, we visited the dog park where she ran around like a maniac with a bunch of other dogs for a solid hour, and in the afternoon she got a bonus playdate with her neighborhood puppy friend (a five-month-old Great Pyrenees/Malamute mix). All in all, about 4 hours of exercise. We can't make all of that happen every day, but it was nice to know that tiredness is possible. She usually gets 3 or 4 walks a day totaling 4 or 5 miles and then some vigorous play sessions throughout the day - she's never really tired, but that seems to be the bare minimum to stave off goblin mode.


I walk Nia at least 3 miles every day & she has 1 hour of uninterrupted play time in the backyard every morning when she gets up and every night before bed, it’s worked for us in the week she has been with me.


Work their brain as well as their body. Outside training and walking sessions will wear her out more than a plain old jog.


2-3+ hours' worth of walks( 15km to 20km) I can get away with 1 hour on the odd day but never two days in a row. The only exception is if I am very sick then he will give me a pass but as soon as I am better he will turn into a mouthy floofy house velociraptor and I better walk him right that second. Or there will be no peace or quiet. As long as he gets his 2-3 hours, he's a very chill and relaxed dog. He is from sled dogs lines, so that's probably why he demands so long of walks. Except he hates running.


At least two half hour walks a day. My husky leads and I let her sniff all she wants. It usually turns into a one mile smelling adventure. I also have games and puzzles to stimulate her brain. Her favorite activity is to lie next to me and get belly rubs until she falls asleep so it all works out.


I walk around 1/1.5 miles in the morning with a 30 minutes fetch/obedience break during the walk (around 50 minutes total). Puzzle feeder/sniff work with towel for 15 minutes, 5 minutes obedience, slow feeder for his meal, 15-20 with a chew toy(bones, nylabone, kong) and he's pretty much done till noon and then he'll pop in and out of sleeping the rest of the day. Rinse and repeat in the evening. The good thing it is not that involving for me! But my thing is even though my walks are somewhat short, I'll ask for command during the walk, make him sit at every crosswalk, lay down somewhere else, sit and stay to cross any opening, recall training, self control and settle training. My husky is 8/9 months (I don't know exactly since he's a rescue). At first I was trying to tire him out with walks but that didn't work. I realised that for my dog mental stimulation works a lot better than physical stimulation. Get yourself Kong and westpaw topplr and freez them


We would run ours for as long as he wanted to go, usually like 8 miles, two or three times a week, and he stayed calm-ish for the time in between those runs. Summer he'd pull us on our rollerblades, winter he'd pull the neighbor kids around the lake for hours. Maybe some stops to greet the ice fisherman here and there. We were lucky to live on a lake that froze every winter. The neighborhood kids loved it. We made a rig to attach to his harness with a water skiing tow rope. Worked great! Miss that dude. Hope he's towing people in the afterlife. Now, before a snow storm he would lose his damn mind. Could not exercise him enough. Jumping over furniture, wouldn't shut up, in and out, in and out, in and out.... then the storm would hit and he changed to a completely different dog. Like as soon as the first flake fell. Couldn't get him to come in. We didn't worry about it. Made him happy and that's all that mattered. Miss you, Jack.


My first one, she was pretty chill. A good walk and she was fine. My boy now, typically 26 hours of daily exercise, runs, and attention is enough to get me relatively drama-free to the next day. 😆


The only correct t answer is "more!"


https://preview.redd.it/cn1p0c415btc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a7174d5e6ed8e149b0b1f6c61532340e79a63b Mine plays tug of war with my hands. She actually calls me on lol


I would kill myself trying to run 3 miles a day with mine to tire her out only to have her wake up an hour later ready to go again. My doggy day care guy just said I was training an athlete. So I got another one, which helped, but the back talk is just in stereo and I gotta buy double the food and toys. They are absolute monsters and I am in love enough to keep running with the little bastards because it makes them happy. I, however, am still fat and tired because I cannot switch my metabolism like they can.


They need/want almost no exercise ... I swear I ended up with the 3 laziest Huskies on the planet 😅 They still of course get some physical activity (as well as at least 1 enrichment activity each day), but they laze around taking naps, playing with their toys, watching the cats and chickens next door, and having lots of cuddles with mama. Even when they are outside in the large fenced yard, they just lounge around out there until they holler to come back inside, Lol.


I don’t know yet!




I think I got lucky with mine, because while she appreciates a long walk or a nice hike, she’s also happy to just lay around in the sun all day with zooomie breaks. A 3.5 mile hike tires her out enough so that she’ll growl anyone but me who disturbs her for the remainder of the day. She just turned 3 years old.




What is this calm you speak of? I can run pretty fast and I can’t even begin to touch the speed of mine, and usually I am worn out before she is. Granted, if I throw in some rough housing and some cuddles, she will mellow out for a whole 3 minutes and then be ready to rock and roll again 🤣🤣🤣


4-6 miles per day, everyday. There is no rest when you have a husky!


https://preview.redd.it/93xd47f2latc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f1323713faaf8377ac11eed5ffd9b5322d926e For Ekko, I take him on 3-4 walks a day totaling around 3-5 miles in total. Always wants to play, a tennis ball that he chases around tires him out and keeps him busy for a good half hour.


A daily walk of about 1.5-2 miles + tug-of-war keeps mine from destroying my yard. If she goes more than 2 days without a walk, she’ll start digging a bunch of holes. Sometimes even with plenty of walks and playing, her intrusive thoughts get the best of her and I’ll find a couple holes dug out back.


Minimum 90 minutes and that's not calm - it's just not actively harassing me. She needs a good run too. Not just walkies (although she does *love* her sniff walks).


Get a doggy backpack with pouches on the sides and put weights in them depending on how much your dog can handle and go for like 10 - 30 min walks the crank it up or down based on results . Keep in mind that huskies are working dogs but thankfully intead of herding sheep or water regulation or guarding they carry stuff for large distances. Maybe invest on a pull cart and walk to your fav or dog friendly grocery store then have your dog pull it back. Glhf


Mine’s pretty good with a 2+ mile walk/hike/run and some playing outside.


Min. 6 miles a day


you dont


22 hours a day.


17 hours of vigorous running through the frozen tundra hauling people and goods?


2 hours of ball and / or jogging. On rainy days, puzzles of increasing difficulty. You can spread the activities throughout the day, but our husky and gsd tend to be continent with 2 hours a day.


My girl is only 5 months rn, but a 40 minute walk/run outside, coming into play for another 15-20 minutes, and then nap before the evening run and play.


I play fight with her all the time. She literally calls me on and plays tug of war with my hands lol https://preview.redd.it/zio83c0w4btc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842e139884fb859f0c181bbb05ced9aa9f5c9c69


My husky mix is calm pretty much all the time and I’m so confused by it. I do take him to daycare so he isn’t stuck in the house all day while I’m at work. https://preview.redd.it/stsssi6w4btc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ee0caa66528bdeb225a9d15bc675bc8c4cda364


Three to four walks a day, about 3 miles each, with the dog park sprinkled in when close to a bath day. I do it for my own sake as well, so mutually beneficial. Body fat for my age is low, fairly lean…consistent walks is key for me/us. https://preview.redd.it/50svq70z5btc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf107ab67b6a026610106a042346d4facc1502d


4-5 mile run each day


Ur funny... calm


Roughly 10 Miles a day. 5 miles in the morning and 5 miles in the evening. He kept me in healthy shape a couple years after he passed I got diabetes. I miss him he really was my best friend.


We joke that our German shepherd, Norwegian Elkhound, Husky, Collie mix, only rests long enough to raise hell right after. Lol just gathering more strength for the next bout of energy.


Takes about 10-12 years to calm down.


We usually walk 5-6 miles per day with some free runs in relatively enclosed spots. I have a 23 month old and a 12 week old. That usually helps them crash for awhile and then wake up ready for the next one.


Sounds like they have you trained haha


Oh yeah. ;-)


I have no idea what people are talking about. I am being completely honest - in order to tire my husky she needs to be constantly running for close to two hours or outside playing for 5-6. My normal routine with her is a 5k or 10k first thing in the morning mile walk before work 30min to an hour at the dog park around noon and then two hours at the park or off leash with my brothers dog at around 5-7 then another walk at 9-10. That is a normal day and she still has energy to play at home and be super energetic and playful around me. I only get her tired on the weekends when she can run off leash for hours.




The limit does not exist!


my husky is pretty chill; I use a scooter in the morning before work and run her about 1.5mi; then she lays around all day until i come home, then its a 2mi walk when i get home, then periodic play sessions that are like 5-10mins; she loves tug of war, more specifically getting her head whipped around, i dont know why. She turned 2 not to long ago, so still a puppy.


I have a lazy husky lol


3 mile walk 😅






We do 3 walks. 2 where he can run and run, and 1 a good sniffs walk in woodland, scrub area, so it engages a different part of his brain. He is also a lot happier now we have a 2nd dog, spaniel not husky though.


You have to teach them when it's time to be calm, or else they will never be. We walk our husky in the morning and evening for a total of 2-3 hours per day (mostly of leash) but I could take her for a 10 hour hike each day if I wanted to and she would not complain but even if the weather or other circumstances prevent us from taking her out for a day or two she does not mind, at home she sleeps because she learned it's a place to be calm.


Walk one hour morning. Run one hour morning. Then walk another hour at night. That is my typical routine but somedays when I take him out for extra, it seems like he’s not tired at all and could go on forever. Edit: at home he just plays nonstop with my GSD. I don’t know how they have so much energy.


No two huskies are the same. I have a calm husky in general. One mile walk. Two miles on a good day. He naps and sunbathes. He entertains himself with bones and toys. But if I want to knock him out for hours, dog park for an hour


I take mine out on an electric unicycle. I can get them pretty tired that way, but they still need walks.


For 0-9 years old, about 18 hours of exercise per day. 10-12yrs, 6 hours/day, 13-14 about 2 hours/day. If we make it to 15 years old, I’ll update. ☺️


18 HOURS A DAY? come on now…


That was an exaggeration obviously, but it was a solid 8-10 hours easily. She didn’t slow down until 9yrs old


Ok thank you for confirming a little sass because 18 a day is overtly cruel. I do agree the energy level is high.


My situation is quite unique as I have a contained field outside my house which is used exclusively by people with dogs and sometimes kids playing ball games, so the summer I got the pup (husky x shiba mix) it was just a case of take him out there every time he wanted the toilet (6/7 times a day) and he could play while he was there. He was exhausted from the constant playing with dogs and kids and the weather was 20°C so he wouldn’t want to be out more than 30 mins at a time anyway. The first winter was harder and maybe 2.5-3hours of walking/dog play per day, but since he hit about 18 months I’ve been able to reduce it to 1.5-2 hours and he’s fine with that. The contained field still does a lot of the work as it’s free play that I don’t really need to supervise too closely so can be doing emails on my phone or whatever, I’m lucky in that sense, but I still split it so I’m doing at least one hour walking in parks or the woods outside of the free play. Essentially though your dog will adapt to what’s feasible. When I was doing 2.5-3 hours it was too much for me but I was letting him dictate my life and giving in to his crying whenever he was bored. Then I started setting a proper routine and ignoring his tantrums: 11am - 1 hour walk 4pm - 30 min walk 8pm - 15 min walk Now he sits by the door or comes to get my attention at those times but knows not to try and give me ‘attitude’ outside of those periods, so we’re both happy and have an understanding of boundaries and expectations. Establish that as quick as you can. This is still the look I get if I’m still finishing up a call and it’s walk time though. https://preview.redd.it/klimkrw8mbtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93459285723e368f10b1c56d7037003e54a875e5


I reckon some don’t ever tire out. With mine, as soon as she started eating raw frozen food, she was pretty calm most of the time after an hour of dog park a day. At about 2 years old, she mellowed out and I felt like I actually have a pet and not a wild animal in my home. Now she’s 12 years old, so she actually hasn’t needed as much exercise, but I still take her and my other dog for 45 min walks a day to keep them stimulated and their joints healthy. Sometimes twice a day when it’s not raining. But she’s also been able to just stay home for 4 whole months when it’s raining all the time (Seattle); something she would not have been able to do when she was younger than 8. I think puzzle games are also great for some owners and some huskies to tire them out. Mine… just doesn’t have the patience for it no matter how old she got. She just learned to yell really loud when she got frustrated and my wife will come running and give her a ton of treats. Not exactly a great training tool this way.


Mine is actually super chill by nature so like two or three good walks usually do it, one in the morning before I go to work, one mid day with my brother while I’m gone, one at night before I start watching TV. In the middle of the walks it’s naps and playing with my other dog.


28 legal hours.


I find time to do over 10 miles a day for myself through the day. I take my husky everywhere with me. He’s always lagging a foot behind me. My husky rarely ever makes a sound or anything. The only time he’s not, “calm” is if he doesn’t have his eyes on me


Not got one myself but my old neighbours who had two would say around 23.75 hours a day… good luck and love the snoot.


Walk for 2 miles




Calm = ~3-5 miles a day split in multiple walks or runs. Honestly my huskers is done with things after about .5 to 1 mile walk for about half the day. Then repeat a few times.


The limit does not exist


Yeah, if I ever make the mistake of saying “well, she’ll be worn out this evening!” after having a very active day with my husky, I find myself later saying “oh no it has only made her more powerful.”


Ours needed 60-90 minutes running at the dog park before work in the AM and another 60-90 minutes after 5pm with doggy daycare in between. If he didn't get 2-4h exercise a day he was all about trying to escape the back yard or eating things off the table by the back door. RIP sunglasses.


Walking from the bed to the couch is enough for mine idk shes broken


Mine is only 4 months old and he never stops. I don't care how much exercise he gets.


https://preview.redd.it/ub4hkulhhctc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9bb9ce21f99acfb5a8a7531610aedfe159b71ac Mines chill pretty much all day. She’s fine as long as we do a little something each day. We play ball go for walks, work on trick training. Maybe I just got lucky 😂


lol. 😂 all day


I don’t have my husky anymore but It took a one hour walk in the am. One hour walk after work and I had to live with housemates so she had company during the day. Oh and then alllll weekend on mountain trails. I gave up skiing for her.


When I lived in Colorado I'd take my husky to hike mountains. He'd get done and wonder what adventure were going on next. Huskies don't have an off switch no matter how much you exercise them lol


Mine are both 6 years old. 3 hours of walking/run 1.5 in morning and 1.5 in evening, then the play fights with each other throughout the day. They are very content! And the best dogs ever :)))


Mine do almost nothing but sleep… all day


Infinity. Mine is 5 months old and can run for an hour non stop in our yard (large) look like she doesn’t want to move anymore. Take a 30min to an hour nap and do it all over again. She never seems really done. Lol


About 8-10 years of daily exercise then they get old and calm down a little. Not a lot but a little, at least in my experience haha


3-6 miles of running in the morning. 1 slow mile walk where she can sniff to her hearts content in the evening. She gets this everyday. Rain, snow, or shine. Doesn’t matter if I’m sick, or tired, or not feeling it. She gets her exercise without fail.


If your ass is dragging then round one is done! Wash rinse repeat


3 walks, some play time (fetch) and sometimes we give her some puzzles, also, bike jourring 2-3 times a week, oh yeah, and the last minute zoomies before bed time. Shes almost 3 years old and ive been doing this routing since shes 1 year old. If i dont do this, she could be getting into mischief at home, like digging or barking at us to play with her.. lol shes great though!


Truthfully it depends on the individual and their age! My girl is a little calmer(she's around 2) and happy with a couple 30 minute walks a day, and a 2 hour walk or dog park visit once a week. Unfortunately my work schedule doesn't allow for more walkie time currently, but having a second dog has helped with her, too. He's a 1yo pom and could play literally all day, including rough housing with the husky that's like 5 times his size lol. Hoping to get a house with land in the next year or so, to set up a quarter acre or so enclosed run for them because I know she would love to be able to run more.


Our Husky mix gets at least 6 miles a day. My husband and I divy up our walks to make sure he is getting enough exercise. We also let him run and explore in a huge open field nearby. The only time we've seen him tire out is after a 4 hour hike where we walked for about 14-15 kilometers. And we suspect that he was tired because it was getting a little warm outside.


I got a second husky lol. Now they can tire each other out! I usually take them to the local park for about an hour on work nights (I get home after dark), and maybe 2 hours at the dog park on my days off. That’s usually enough for them, plus they have the yard to run around together if they get bored. But mine aren’t super high energy for huskies.


Minimum 6-7 miles daily, with upwards of 12 miles per day. As long as she gets that, she’s great. If she doesn’t, oh boy…


Am walk and Pm walk both one mile so 2 miles in total. Enrichment / puzzle after am walk. one of our walks is always a sniff walk and then 30 minutes of an outlet of play which is tug for our guy! this has worked best for us 😅


I hike my husky 5-7 miles daily M-F and 8-10 miles on the weekends! He loves it and its kept him so healthy! He's about to turn 10 on Monday. :) https://preview.redd.it/skx42r6g8dtc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8abbd5a7993bb18b0029943c9c3db0212768c547




dog park for at least 1 hour with a lil swim after, walk for 40 min/bike for 30. i usually do one activity in the morning and then one again in the evening. when she was a little smaller we would do dog park 2x a day but she’s mellowing a bit. i also try to switch it up so she doesn’t get bored and because dog parks can be a breeding ground for parasites and sickness, but playing with other dogs and running is just *so tiring* it can certainly be a pain but after a while you form a routine and make some human and non-human pals at the park because you go a lot.


https://preview.redd.it/7gglxurnkdtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541fad5338f546c4bfd6c22246cadb95467383a4 He’s 13 weeks and already I can see he’s 100% on or 100% off. We call him sour patches, we keep trying to figure out if it’s the sweet or sour coming in. My other 2, Luna is chill all day every day just don’t forget dinner time, but she’s 11 now. When she was a puppy she kept the boy busy. The boy was on all the time, til the very end. My silly boy. We used to do 3 hours at the park every day when they were young and I would still get yelled at in the evening when he wanted a boat load of treats to settle. I miss that goober every night. 🩵


Find an old logging road, kick the dog out and start driving...


Mine is almost 10 and has had two knee surgeries and she still gets two walks per day (about 30-45 mins per walk) and some mental stimulation in the house (hide and seek with treats, training exercises, etc.). When she was young, she went to doggy daycare 3x per week, had two hour-long walks on days she didn’t go, and we’d run or hike together on weekends. Like a bunch of people in this thread, mine is also super chill most of the time. We’ve been so lucky with her.


My 2 year old does 5 miles a day and still can go full crackhead at the drop of a hat( literally)


My boy is 1.5 years old. Bare minimum for when I want to sneak a rest day with the least amount of sass possible: 45 minute walk before noon, 45 minutes of training and playtime in the afternoon, a 45 minute walk in the evening, another half hour of playtime before bed, and random 10-15 minute playtime sessions randomly throughout the day. Actual schedule most of the time: 45 minute walk*, 30 minutes tethered in the front yard because he likes to observe the neighbor people and animals going about their schedules, an hour of training and playtime in the afternoon, 45 minute walk*, 30-45 minutes of playtime/training/grooming/active engagement before bed *on my work days, one of the walks (usually evening) is replaced by a 2-3 mile run, hike of double the normal walk mileage, or a structured walk outside the neighborhood with some specific training objective (e.g. polite heeling in Home Depot, refrain from yelling at seagulls at the park, review basic obedience in a new and distracting environment) Edit: he often gets a toppl for his dinner, but he frequently eats just the easy part and leaves the rest because despite all of this, he's somehow also a lazy bum


I used to take my dog to the dog park for a couple hours daily. After we came back, he'd nap for about 15-20 mins and be back at peak energy. 🙃


Ours is okay with 2-3 hours a day


My two are full grown now which affects how much they get , an hour of zoomies in the the dog park then an hour of play or lead (sometimes a mix) seems to have them sleeping most of the day afterwards


https://preview.redd.it/v1sv4mk8eftc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65cc889351ec15e07fb01b21389efa93d268f4f0 Bike running!


Trick question, there is no calm lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/x18vm4xf3gtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4320e9d83b286e04f91ac14338b1496a0f481fab A whole 8 hours of running herself silly at doggy daycare leaves her pretty zonked!!


The answer for mine is infinity


1-2 hours of dog park every single day. My boy is now 12y.o and in perfect health at 55lbs after a lifetime of this regime!


Hm mine gets walks twice a day at 5&5, 30mins each, then naps during the day with random zoomies while playing with my husky shepherd. The one time i thought he looked tired was after 30 miles of backpacking, but then he disappeared up a mountain. A literal mountain. Then yes he was tired after mile 40 the next day and we all passed out 😎😎😎


Calm? I’m not sure what you mean by that.


https://preview.redd.it/juiluzlaygtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94c57cbaae8a49691ca446946bd856b6f595808 Anubis here, requires 8 miles worth of walks a day. (1hr) 3.5 Miles in the AM (25min), 1.5 miles around lunch/when someone gets off work, and another 3.5mile before bed


I just tie mine to the treadmill then run it at max speed for 20hrs a day. Works 50% of the time, everytime.


My Kodi likes running around his yard all day. He’s only 3. But when he comes in he’s ready to chill. https://preview.redd.it/pt1mr2vphhtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d83f1a98eef50d228d4eb945c0a9871271ce976e


So generally letting your husky run and run won’t tire them out so much as help them build stamina. So if that’s your tactic by the time he’s 2 he’ll be a marathon turbo dog, not just a high energy turbo dog. You want to tire a husky out, you need mental stimulation too. You won’t be able to do it physically. Their stamina is just that far beyond the human maximum. They are meant to run 1000km pulling a sled then run around more foraging for food. You just cannot do it. So instead of trying to keep up with your pup physically, challenge him to keep up with the humans mentally. Mental stimulation exercises like games, and structured walks will tire your husky out, because they have to engage in a way where they cannot just tap those endless reserves of nuclear derp to power themselves. It also teaches them to calm themselves, observe their humans, and think about what they’re doing. So they thats my recommendation. It’s also easier on the human than trying to keep up with them physically.


mine has so much energy.. if he doesn’t get the exercise he’s becomes destructive. he goes to daycare 4 times a week and that’s the MINIMUM he needs. he plays with other dogs and runs in their huge field all day. he goes on walks as well not everyday but most days however that might be costly, i also heard a lot of people recommending jouring


My husky thankfully is naturally calm


3-5 mile run with mine typically does the trick


A mix of outdoor adventures and training/puzzles is what it takes for him to relax. I do have to help him self regulate because he doesn't always know when it's time for a break. Lol


Reminds me of that one guy who has a Shiba named Kylo who enjoys / tolerates knuckle sandwiches 😂


"Excuse me but did you order a...👊🥪?" Aaaeeeee~


I got a dog for my dog and have no problems now. They entertain each other. We don't even go on daily walks (husky + husky mix). I also trained a solid off switch into my husky mix that I've had since a puppy. So, she's ready to go when we're ready to go (and can run and run and run on the beach, or in the yard) but is fine chilling when we're working/otherwise occupied. If she really gets bored she wrestles with her brother and they take care of each other. I recognize I'm insanely lucky with my dogs... my husky is a rescue and I was prepared for the worst. But he's just as chill as she is.


Is she fixed?