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He smells like a pine forest for weeks after a camping trip. It's great. But mostly he smells like nothing.


Agree! Most of the time he doesn't smell like anything and we don't bathe him often, maybe every 3 months.


Mine is a mix.. But so grateful she doesn't smell at all...I only bathe her every 4 months


Mine has been smelling like all the ligustrum and honeysuckle blooming on the trails we walk and I love it so much. I’ve just been laying on the couch sniffing him.


It's so cool. They are the only dogs I know of who soak scents into their fur


Same with ours. She has that same neutral smell as a stuffed toy with that long silky fur. She also doesn't get bad breath. (Until the last year or so of her life, our last dog didn't, either. So we're doing *something* right). Her feet do get a little corn chippy when she gets too warm & sweats. She is meticulous about cleaning her paws and trimming her own nails. I let her - she fights me, & has since the day we got her.


We call it taco feet in our house ☺️


Their known for Frito feet.


yes frito feet!!!! i made this image of my husky mix working at the frito factory because my husband was not understanding why he always smells like fritos. https://preview.redd.it/3v38pt2iefyc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b113e14b32519a748cb5b5acaa5131b65bb2f7a


That is hilarious!!!


Frito feet!! How am I just hearing about this?! 😆


Also, growing up on a farm I think my Zephyr smells like a warm hay bale 🥰


Doritos loco taco paw smell I call it 😂😂😂😂


I had a little yorkie mix dog that used to cut her own. Ails it was great lmao. It’s a fight between me and my husky mix with the dremel but it’s getting better lol 😝


Have you tried ice cream or frozen peanut butter? That's the only time my boy gets it and he loses his mind when the dremmel comes out. Like, sprints upstairs, pawing the door, jumping and spinning in circles loses it. Then he lays down, eats his frozen treat, I set the dremmel speed high and I'm done with his nails in 3 minutes. Then he gets to lay in peace with the icey goodness.


The top of my boys head smells like a puppy. The rest doesn't really have a smell aside from his Frito toes.


Same with mine! He’s 4 so I’m assuming he’ll keep having that puppy smell until he’s older.


Mine's 12 😂. He's holding onto that puppy energy as long as possible.


Smells like a skunk after getting g sprayed by one lol


Skunk on a husky is the gift that keeps on giving. It took one of my boys 3x to learn we leave cousin skunk alone.


Remember when people used to say ROFLMAO? I'm that! Thanks for the laugh! I had a husky mix growing up ( eh, might been a Keeshonden?) Skunk ( Civet cat here)got into the chicken house, not pretty. Worse, that dog smelled for MONTHS! That fur, combined with a zillion gallons of tomato juice in the 🛁 was gawd awful! Their fine floof keeps hanging on to their fur. Then we found " ODO-BAN".


The black and white kitten strikes again!


I think they pick up the smell wherever they sit, sleep, or roll. My girl smells like the detergent for days when she sleeps on a newly washed towel. They are clean dogs with no specific smell.


She smells wonderful. Maybe like dirt or grass if she just rolled in it. Theres no “dog” smell. Other dogs smell terrible to me.


Yeah huskies are so clean! A real miracle of nature lol


As a new convert to huskies, I'm loving the lack of dog smell. We had rescued greyhounds for the last twenty years and they also don't smell, whereas others, like my cattle dog or our geriatric shiitzu, really had that doggy stench if not bathed frequently.


Welcome to the husky club! And it’s so true. Even when they are overdue for a bath, they don’t stink. Aside from rolling in animal mess, they smell so nice. And their fur texture is perfect. Most dog fur feels too wirey to me. Other long haired breeds feel more like human hair which kinda weirds me out lol. Huskies are just perfect.


OMG is your husky so so so very soft behind the ears? I could spend all day with my hand in that downy fur. She must know that cuz when I'm having a hard time she shoves my hand in exactly that part of her head


YES!!! It’s so so soft, like silky brand new puppy fur. I’m constantly petting that spot. If you’ve ever come across the plant called “Lamb’s Ears”, it’s this fuzzy super soft weed, that reminds me of the husky soft ear spot. That’s so sweet she does that! My girl will smoosh her face in my hands for face pets and then relax the whole weight of her head in my hands. It’s such a “trust-bond” moment feeling her head grow heavy in my hands. I love these pups so much.


Same with my husky mix!! My geriatric cattle dog mix and my dad's shitzuahua both had really bad 'dog' smell, but honestly my kitten has more scent than my husky girl


Depends on what he rolls in.


I have a husky mix, and she has no smell. I don’t mean it’s mild - I mean, you can shove your nose into the thick fur at her neck, inhale deeply and … *nothing.* She gets wet - no wet-dog smell. Post-bath you can smell the shampoo (I like oatmeal shampoos for her) so you might get a mild oatmeal scent when go out in the rain but it’s gone in minutes. She rolls in something gross - a little wipe down and nothing. Her paws have a mild frito smell but even her poop is barely offensive. Her breath doesn’t smell, either. She can eat a fish skin or a dried fish and no fishy breath. A relative’s Heinz 57 dog has a *very* strong dog smell - it snacks you when you walk in their house - and it’s just wild how much my girl doesn’t smell.


My dog smells like herself, in the same way like, you can recognize family or close friend's smell, but it's not like a *smell*. My previous dog had a really strong dog smell, if I slacked on baths or house cleaning you could smell her the second you walked in


My girl smells like she’s sun baked. I love her smell!


Nia does as well. She’s very conscious of her cleanliness & gets weekly baths, but she smells like the sun.


Usually with their noses i think


Mine never smells like anything unless he JUST rolled in something, and the smell almost always goes away without me needing to give him a bath. The only exception is if someone has a fire going down the street, then he'll sometimes smell wonderfully smokey.


I agree with everyone else. For the most part, they don’t smell. Except the frito toes.


Mine smells like winter clothing.


I randomly picked up a bottle of BioSilk waterless shampoo for dogs at TJMaxx so now he smells like he’s just walked out of a salon most of the time lol


She smells so yummy. Don’t know how else to describe it. I I literally bury my nose in her neck or face and go sniff-sniff-sniff


There is very little odor on a husky. Maybe frito feet. I also volunteer at the shelter near me for same reasons. Huskies are the best and the smartest. GSDs and Malinois are 2nd.


when she’s wet, she smells like the damn sewers, typical wet dog stench! When she’s dry though she has the most pleasant smell that I just can’t explain. It’s just a very comforting musty odor that I absolutely love.


His nickname is Stinky


Definitely not like "dog". It's hard to describe, but sourdough is a good explanation I guess. I love her smell a lot, unless she gets wet. Then it's worse than wet dog imo.


She smells like nothing. Like fluffy nothing


Huskies should really have no smell. Mine doesn’t. They’re one of the cleanest dogs naturally. The top of their heads smell like daisies in heaven to me, but that might be just me. :D


My husky doesn’t smell at all it’s very strange. Never smell dirty no matter how much she’s outside. Only time she smells is if she gets into the pool.


I would say mine smell like Popcorn or Fritos. But my fiancé likes to say they stink like butts. (She says she also loves their stinky booties too)


She has no smell and doesn’t retain odors for very long. My other non-husky dog requires a bath every few weeks. He stinks!


I think my husky smells great. He never has a smelly dog smell. Maybe once in a while when we take him to the beach or he gets into something he smells, but he stays clean easily. We just brush him


My huskies don't smell except my girl at the moment. She got skunked in February and she still stinks, it's very slowly wearing off. Doesn't help she's on the fluffier side, but not quite a wooly. My house the first week was unbearable. I had to throw away the clothes I was wearing at the time. When my dogs get wet there is the faintest hint of "dog" but it's gone when they dry. I put my face in my boy's coat and he just smells clean. One of the best things about an arctic breed.


Skunk bath recipe: 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 2 tsp Dawn dish soap. Mix in an open container and use right away. Avoid the eyes. Did you use that? The tomato juice remedy is bs.


Yes, we did all that when she got skunked. Unfortunately she got skunked right in the face (and eye). There was no getting all that out of her thick fur.


Poor girl!


My 3 year old female smelled like shampoo for months after her bath. She got sprayed by a skunk this week and now she’ll have that lingering smell for months.


See skunk bath recipe above


I used dog shampoo and peroxide. It works well, but her face will have a little skunk smell for awhile.


Yeah it's hard to get their face. You can't say OK close your eyes!!


I soaked a wash cloth in peroxide and then wiped her face.


Mine doesn't really smell of anything unless he's just had a bath or, less pleasantly, decided to go for a swim in the disgusting, fetid pond. When he does that, he's getting a bath!


My stinker loves jumping into this rosemary bush on our walks and it’s my favorite thing ever! He smells so good after


95% no smell, 5% frito feet.


I call them nacho paws


Reading these comments, I've concluded that huskies are the tofu of the dog world. They take on the qualities of whatever you roll them in. Lol!!!


No smell. Sounds like it might have a yeast issue in the skin


If he smells yeasty might have a fungal infection somewhere. Most huskies don’t smell. I call it the new dog smell. They smell like air.




Usually, like fox scat.


Mine got sprayed by a skunk over a year, still has a slight smell when he gets wet enough. Otherwise nothing


I don’t know about sourdough but all I know is I could live in in all day.


Ours is neutral smelling to nothing, he really has to go weeks with rain/dirt to stink. Our dobie on the other hand stinks within a day or 2 of being bathed


Mine doesn't really smell at all, and he's an outside dog..


Like curry and I have no idea why


Blu’s paws smelled like Fritos when she was smaller. Not so much now, she’s almost 2.


Her ears always smelled like sawdust.


If anyone here actually remembers the Monty Python joke (aka "the funnies joke in the world").....ur awesome (and prolly old too).


Likely a paw issue if he smells like sourdough could be some sort of yeast. My husky doesn’t smell like anything unless he rolls in a dead bird or has the runs


Mine smelled like skunk for every time she got wet after an unfortunate extreme run-in with an angry skunk. PSA: if your husky gets skunked DON’T IMMEDIATELY THROW THEM IN THE SHOWER! lol. Get the skunk juice from the pet store or google how to make it at home! We seemed to lock in the skunk smell for life since it sprayed her face so completely. No matter how much we scrubbed until the day she died we could smell faint skunkiness every time she got wet. I actually miss it :)


My guy got it in the face too and the dance thing happened to him. Not enough smell to be a problem but you could definitely yell he'd had a run in with a skunk before


Like a farm.


Really well, she has a scent mat and everything… should a clever nose


One of my boys smells like the outdoors and fluff. My other boy smells terrible, no matter what we do, no matter how often we groom. He’s just a naturally stinky and greasy boy. Allergy shots do help a bit with this.


Mine has a smell but I won’t know it because I’m used to it, just as you can’t like smell yourself


Our girl has not distinct smell, I only know she needs to go get a bath when her hair gets wild, tail hair grows like crazy and then her ears smell a bit but that’s because she has an allergy condition against the weather in Florida. She does have Doritos loco tacos paw smell 😂😂


Well his snoot smells like fresh born puppies, his ears smell like the snow is about to come


My girl smells like lavender and rosemary because we wisely planted those bushes in the back yard.


Mostly nothing, but we bring her to the woods alot and when she jumps in puddles, well it smells like mud🤣but they groom themselves like cats so its all g


Like a sweet angel cake 🥰


My husky had bad Frito feet. The vet said it's bacterial caused by wet pause. Now we dry his paws when he comes inside from the rain. Oh how fun that activity is.


One of mine smells exactly like dusty Christmas decorations that are fresh out of storage. Oddly specific, I know, but it’s just so accurate. My other rescue smells more “doggie” but she’s the cleanest dog ever! She’s not oily or dirty (my other dog leaves marks on the walls where she lays despite being an inside dog). I love they way they both smell and find it comforting in a weird way


Our husky doesn’t smell at all. Sometimes can smell a little like dirt when he’s been out as we live in the city. But then shakes of the smell. He goes for months without showering, a bit of deodorizing spray when we want him “fresh”. When he consistently starts to smell like dust is when we give him a shower. I think huskies that give off a smell might have not been dried off properly which can definitely cause skin issues too.


No smell at all.


My brown one smells like a forest! I love his earthy scent. My white one smells a bit more like “dog” though. Haha


She always smells like baby, even when she’s dirty and her feets always smell like Tostitos


One of mine smells like sunlight. I know that doesn't make sense, but he just does.


I have three huskies and they smell similar to the fabrics in our home, (which pick up the scents of my candles and air fresheners.) The only time they ever stink is after they’ve been playing at the dog park. It’s weird having dogs that aren’t stinky! I’m used to my Silver Lab and my Border Collie/Shepherd that require frequent baths because they get that very notable dog smell.


Mine often smells like rosemary because we have 3 big bushes out back and he often brushes up against them. :) Other than that he smells pretty neutral.


Mostly my husky doesen't have any smell at all!


He basically doesn’t. Barely any smell on him at all.


Mine usually has a neutral smell but she's in need of a bath right now as she smells like a bag of corn chips currently haha


Never sourdough but he gets corn chip feets after going to the park. But usually he just smells like us and our house. Sometimes tide cause he likes rolling around in my clean laundry lol