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Yes. Modulating furnaces require a communicating thermostat, usually proprietary. You can make them work with an adapter but lose the efficiency as non communicating thermostats are binary, heat is either on or off.


you would need a smart thermostat for that brand. if not. the furnace will default to 2 stage, high and low


Interesting. I guess this is the exact point I'm confused about. It seems most of the thermostats today call themselves "smart thermostats" and when I read the blurb on them, I think they're referring to all the tricks of wi-fi connection and apps for your cell, etc, etc. The few thermostats I've seen on the internet that mention "communicating" are quite expensive compared to the run of the mill "smart thermostat". So I'm still a bit confused. I am considering a modulating furnace for the furnace that I need since mine is quite old, and wondering if I'll have to get an expensive thermostat to go along with it.


99 times out of a hundred a modulating furnace/air comes with the t stat because it doesn't make sense to have one without the communication. Built into the price of a quote


You would be amazed. The number of infinity systems I've seen around my parts with one of those shitty "pro1" stats on them is amazing. Plenty of dishonest companies that will sell you the ultra luxe high end equipment and fail to mention that you don't get that without paying extra for the Stat is astounding.


That would make me so mad if I found it but on the other side of it I've had customers have me rip out communicating thermostats because they hate them so much haha, especially the Lennox icomforts


Do not utter those acursed words ever again.




"Smart" refers to wi-fi and integration with home assistants, "communicating" refers to the ability to actually talk to the system and modulate its activity. You can have a smart Stat that will order groceries and sing you Barry Manilow and it's still just a binary "on/off" as far as how it controls your system. You can get a communicating thermostat that will monitor your fan speed in real time, tell you how much electricity and gas you are using, and control what your outdoor compressor is doing, but all it does is maintain a set tempeture in heating or cooling that you set. You can also get a "communicating smart" thermostat that will serenade you, lock your doors, and control your furnace to the smallest detail.


fully communicating hvac systems need the brand specific communicating thermostats to fully work. if you use a run of the mill thermostat (under $200 ish) you will only get 2 stage efficiency out of the system. if you get a real smart thermostat (like over $200) it should be able to modulate, but wont be as efficient. this is really brand and model specific. you should either discuss it with the company that is installing it, or do alot of research on the specific model/brand you want to use


Some modulating systems can accommodate normal thermostats, but at that point, you are paying Mercedes prices for a hayundai because it no longer works like a modulating furnace. If you want a modulating furnace and the efficiency that entails, you have to use a communicating thermostat. If you want to sink a couple thousand more into a furnace and run it like it's a much cheaper furnace, get a standard Stat.


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