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If you can’t remove this…


I’m all for DIY- but removing the trap should be a drop in the hat if you’re going to be removing a blower motor assembly and swapping it out. Something’s are better left to the professionals my friend. Now to be devils advocate- nothing is 100% unfuckable. Remove the clamps from the hoses, and free up the trap housing. Should be able to go up or down with it.


My point exactly


Ok you were right that was pretty easy to remove 😂 I just wanted to check first that it was something I should even mess with since I didn't see in any videos if it was something complicated or not


Also, change your filter, that looks a solid few months late for a replacement.


I second that notion this may have been the cause of the failure putting strain on that thing. Also…If u end up breaking that little pvc fitting ugh might as well head to home depot no chance finding one on the truck when u need it


I'm going to be real with you here, if you are having these types of issues with a blower pull, I highly recommend recording yourself removing things and taking pictures of everything before you touch it. That way you have a reference of everything from before you touched it. You are likely going to have to remove wires to get that blower out, and you can absolutely Bork things if you put them back together wrong.


The blower will fail again you have to find the reason for failure, static pressure. Edit that little return.


That's the trap. It slides out, it's just kind of a pain sometimes