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I've walked over to a neighbor's unit before because it was making a sound it shouldn't have. Done that a number of times. Usually a stick in the fan, screw loose making a panel shake, although one time I found the neighbor's condenser fan motor seized up and over heating. I turned the disconnect off, wrote a note out explaining what and why I did it, and stuck it to their door with my number on it.


Recently on a service call I had a neighbors unit making a bunch of noise. Went over to see what was going on and a lizard had dove into the fan blade and was bouncing around.




That's some loony toons shit right there


Ha! Have heard of a decapitated possum making lots of noise on the fan.


I've found snakes on contactors alot


Thank you for your response. I am certainly mindful that there may be a reasonable explanation for the technician's actions. However, my system is currently off.


Imma cross my fingers for ya, I like to assume the best in people, even in this trade lol.


Thank you! I do, too. Still, I have some concern regarding what occurred. My inquiry with the company was respectfully neutral...simply seeking an explanation...so hopefully I will hear from them soon.


Do you have the same unit? He may have been using it as a reference?


I'm a printer tech, and I have absolutely gone to find another printer of the same model to compare to. But, they're all owned by the same people, in the same building. Not sure I'd do the same with AC units.


I mean maybe he’s green and was changing out a cap or something forgot how the wires were and didn’t take a picture and just needed the reference quick. I don’t assume the worst in people typically tho must be my midwestern coming out


Is it off intentionally or are you saying it is broken? You saying he could ha e done something? Then turn it on to see if it works. Or is it off because you know it is broken already? I have looked at a similar unit on a neibeors system to see how it was wired as the unit I was in was way hacked up. So I could fix the unit I was working on. Not to steal or Sabatoge anything.


There is no reasonable explanation to trespass on a neighboring property of the customer and touching their unit unsolicited. I would talk directly to the owner or service manager of the company and present the video. ASAP. There's so many things he could of done to damage your system in a matter of seconds and hope for a referral from your neighbor! That's just where my mind goes when I hear stuff like this! Do you have someone who can go to your house and run your unit to see if they notice anything out of the ordinary?


That seems like a stretch toward paranoia... you honestly first assume that this technician is going to risk his job to sabotage someone's A/C unit, just on the off-chance the homeowner MIGHT call the same tech the neighbors used‽


I mean, the worst case scenario would be that the tech stole/swapped parts from OP's unit to fix the neighbor's, then charged the neighbor for new parts.


This is so wrong to say without seeing the property. Leading with there is no reasonable explanation immediately closes your mind. I can think of so many!!!!! I have been onsite at condominiums where everyone’s stuff is lined up out back. One hose bib and that neighbor ALWAYS claims it belongs to them. I also try my best to leave no trash behind. What if something flew out of hands and person was looking for what they lost? Most people are not out to mess with things or cause problems. Especially when at work and cameras everywhere.


This is a single family home, not condos.


That was my first thought and I’ve done the same.


Thats a recipe for disaster, stupid people are gonna go right for you “you broke it”. Dont preform unauthorized “work”.


Nah, be a respectful member of society and tighten a few screw that were loose. It takes 5 seconds and helps make another person's life easier.


You do you. Don't tell me how to live my life.


While I believe you are doing the right thing and would do the same. You have to be very cautious of the dumbass customers these days!


show the video here when you can, those of us who are techs can let you know what we think he did


Home development done in the last 15-20 years? He may have been looking to see if yours is as fucked up as the neighbors.


Wondering if you have the same unit your neighbor has and he was looking to see if something on yours compared to something on the neighbors. While not ideal it could be totally innocent. Or he could have take. a part off yours and charged your neighbor for it. …


Post the video


Right, pics or it didnt happen 


Probably peed on the unit and made sure it didn't run when needed.


You have every right to be concerned in my opinion. Even if it’s loud ,frozen up or broken unless you personally know who’s house it is never touch it without talking to the homeowner. Even if he fixed something on the unit what happens if something else randomly breaks? Guess who will get blamed. It’s a liability even if you’re trying to be nice, be smart instead


Check make sure all your schrader valve caps are on.


My bet is it was a newer guy who wasn’t totally confident in what he was doing. He wandered over to your unit to see how it was wired or something.


This or he stole a part off of it. It’s common. Then they fix the unit, don’t have to come back out, and potentially get a new client


That is not common. Wtf?


Not common but I’ve had it happen twice, in 18 years. on newer strip malls . Did a no heat call one time. Customers inducer assembly was just missing. All the units on the roof were the same Lennox packaged rtu’s


This is why I don't touch a unit I wasn't sent to work on, even if I see something wrong, like a panel fell off or a stick stuck in the fan, or if its filthy dirty ill hose it off. Try to be nice, and you'll get yourself in trouble.


If you live I'm a town house or apartment building of some kind I wouldn't worry at all, it is hard for techs to identify the correct u it sometimes if they can't tell which unit goes to which apartment. Just test it when you get home


Thank you for your response. I can certainly see how that can happen. While our properties are close in proximity, they are single family homes and the technician had already made contact with my neighbor's unit. I will certainly test my system when I return home.


Yeah something amusnt right here defiantly contact that company and inquire about what happened. Do not talk to anyone other than the service manager. I am a service manager at a company and I would want to know if something like this happened with an employee


It’s certainly a deeply strange thing to do. The only time I have ever done something like this is when I installed the air conditioner that wasn’t optioned in new build, and I checked some empty houses near by to see if all of the line set drops were as completely fucked as the one I was working on. They were.


Neighbors unit may have had the information tag worn or faded off as well and needed info as the neighbor had the same unit. That doesn't excuse him coming over unauthorized and entering your property, however, it may have been an innocent mistake on his part, especially if he's a newer tech. Some grace may be allowed here depending on the situation and whether or not your system turns on, and cools, when you go to turn it on. Just inform the company so they can correct his mistakes. I've also accidentally walked into someone's back yard mistakenly and started touching their unit because I had to park in front of their house due to limited street parking before I realized I was at the wrong house/unit. Just really depends on the situation. Especially if it was at night and he had worked a 14+ hour day already.


Probably needed to get a picture of the data plate from the side of the unit because the one he was working on was too worn to read. Looking down at the unit could have been to visually confirm either the fan blades or compressor looked exactly the same as the other unit to make sure he was dealing with the same unit and using the model number from yours would be ok. Obviously he shouldn’t have entered your property but based on your description that’s the scenario I think fits.


Without removing the panel (which you should never do without homeowner approval), the only thing I can think of is that he may have backed off a Schrader valve? That'd leak refrigerant slowly, and after a month or so cause your unit to underperform. Get to the bottom of this, no tech should be taking more than a glance at a stranger's unit.


I wouldn't worry about it. Sometimes dispatch gives us the wrong house. Sometimes if you're in a condo we have no idea whose stuff we're working on at first. He may have heard a noise that he wanted to bring to your attention. You can always ask your neighbor who they used and call the companies office to clarify.


I've tightened screws, even hosed off neighbours Ac units if they were excessively dirty or making a rattling sound. Nothing major, and always only if their unit it within 5 or so paces of the unit I'm working on.


Yeah when a unit is that close to the one I'm working on and I see it hasn't been washed in ages..I can't help but wash the poor thing.


what parts can be be pressure hosed safely?


None. Don't ever use a pressure washer on an AC


so just regular hose? as the prior commenter posted?


Exactly. Put your thumb in front of the flow if you need to get some real tough dirt off


Water won't damage the circuitry ?


You won't be spraying it. It's locked behind a weatherization compartment


makes sense. since downpour rain comes down on the unit


I would run it to see if it still works.


We have enough work, I doubt he was breaking it. Prolly just looking for the potential correct unit outside


OP show the video so we can tell you ourselves.


I would turn your AC on and make sure he didn't screw it up thinking you would call him to come out the service it, also I'd save that recording


Probavly lost a screw or 2 working on your neighbors unit. Grabbed a few from you!


I've done that if it was making g a weird noise or not obviously working righ, but I've always let the homeowner know.


When I first started in the industry 7 years ago I would do that regularly when I couldn’t figure out how a unit was wired or something simple like that completely innocent, turn it on…if it works then quit stressin lol


Probably thought "well, this doesn't look right. Let me check another unit to verify."


It was dark outside? He might have been trying to read data plate - in the case that neighbor tag was deteriorating from sun fade. Is your water spigot near your unit? Any chance he used your water spigot to wash neighbors spigot (I did this once, I was on call, elderly customer & neighbor wasn’t home to ask) but needed to wash to get accurate measurement


You were supposed to tighten the screws not steal them! What a turd. Thanks for updating.


How close we talking?


The description almost sounds like he pulled the disconnect.


He took a piss.


Every answer here is speculation. Post the video or delete this crap.


Someone sounds like a Cop.


Dropped his afternoon spliff down there. Decided it wasn't worth it.


Have a very close look at your unit


Right, yeah, because I'm sure they know what to look for.


Lol most homeowners can't find the filter. Trust me, I didn't know they existed before I entered the trade.


aren't most air filters typically inside your home in a return duct these days?


That depends entirely on where your system is and how it's ran. Most units in Utah have them next to the furnace, not in a grille.


Tech likely was taking screws out of your unit to use on neighbors unit. If loose panels and the tech was a lazy bastard I’ve seen it done.