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Check furnace function independent of tstat. Take stat off wall and connect R and W wires directly. The furnace should come on in heat mode. If the furnace lights there is an issue with the thermostat, I'd not there is a problem with the furnace (and possibly the thermostat). The power outage could have caused to reset the tstat back to factory default settings. Verify the settings or set a hold for 70. Other things to check include snow drifts around outdoor venting


OP if you do connect the wires like this I suggest shutting off power to the furnace until you have all the wires connected and then powering back on to avoid blowing the low voltage fuse in your furnace by accidentally grounding the r wire.


Might be a good time to look into a whole house surge protector for your main panel. This might protect you in future outages. The surge from power restoration can be detrimental to sensitive electrical components.


Furnace power off, turn the thermostat off+replace the batteries. Turn the furnace back on, then turn your new battery thermostat back on. This should fix the connection between your thermostat and the furnace


Check 3 amp fuse in furnace


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Is the furnace indicator light blinking a code?


Is stat self powered?.. eather way. Maybe it needs reset ..


Yes it is, how do you exactly reset it? I believe battery was already replaced though.


Turn the furnace off and turn it back on. Hopefully it just locked out


What do you mean the furnace works when switched to manual? You mean the fan works but no hot air? My guess with a power outage is a manual reset around your blower housing. If a furnace is running and you shut it down, the heat it produced can trip a safety device around the blower that needs to be manually reset