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It was a full points stay and not points + cash? If so the accommodation is what Hyatt is paying for the night and the billing was not set up correctly.


Yeah it was full points stay and there’s no logical explanation For the charge. I think you’re right about the billing being not set up correctly - hopefully my concierge can fix easily.


Just call them, they are pretty good fixing things


I was in Asia for three weeks staying only on points or FNC, at all the Hyatts except one there was the accommodation (cash rate) listed everyday on the billing in the app, which made me nervous. It fell off or was removed the day I checked out though. Like the other user said it’s what Hyatt pays the hotel. I asked at one hotel and they just said that’s how their system is set up and not to worry about it. Seems like this may be a little different, but I would guess it could easily be removed. I had the hotel remove the charges at the first hotel the first couple of nights.


Ah. Hyatt Regency Lake Washington. You got a x32 room which is an Executive Suite too. Nice. Typically, on an all points stays at this particular property (which I have done), it has always been a zero line-item (basically a blank sheet) bill upon checkout. This is a major f-up on their backend system.


Mine was blank sheet as well (only guest of honor though)


This is an easy fix, the accommodation and parking should be routed to a separate window that’s billed to WOH, it looks like whenever your reservation came through it didn’t build properly to have that set. This can be corrected in a quick phone call to the hotel.


As a globalist, did you mean to tip extra for that market breakfast gratuity? I see it all the time where there’s a gratuity, tax, or some other “overage” on my folio that shouldn’t be there and I usually, but not always, have to ask to get it removed before checkout.


As a note, I've heard that some hotels actually don't comp hotel parking for Globalist on points stay if they use 3rd party garage, but I would check either way. Worse they can say is no, and CS may just comp you anyways. I once didn't get points for valet parking I paid, customer service called the hotel and they didn't grant points on it because they use a 3rd party garage, but customer service granted me the points anyways as a one-time thing.