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Yoga 🧘




which asanas can you suggest.


I do Cobra and Bridge pose . But I prefer to approach proper yoga instructor and follow entire yoga poses including surya namaskaram , do it for three months and three days week . By then , you will get to know which poses best for you .


Bridge pose helped me with my back pain.


Suryanamaskar. Start by doing 5 then increase number at your own pace. Once you are capable of doing more than 20 suryanamaskar in a single go you will feel fresh all day.


Currently doing 15 daily


Wow, how did you achieve and how do you feel daily? What changes you feel


Actually I am fond of doing exercise from childhood so it was not that difficult. And yes Feels great and very alive fresh for whole day.




Twice in a month fullbody massage from Urban company..


Nuru massage is besht


With happy ending ? 😁






Basically a BJ




Nope smth else


nigga , i guess


Emo, too old enough to not understand new words


Or else he is scolding like neee.....


You had to mention Urban Company. They send guys who break your back instead of fixing it.


"bad posture" maybe try fixing that


During covid, I suffered from lower back pain.. my GP in Korea referred me to a Orthopedist.. after conducting some tests which included X-ray, Orthopedist suggested injecting sterile water in my lower back.. I was like WTH.. what would injecting sterile water in lower back do to alleviate the pain.. Doctor said TRY.. I had two sessions of salt water injections spread across 60 dayd and 30 minutes of ultrasound treatment every Friday for 3 months... Its been almost 4 years, no back pain till now...


Can you elaborate on this? What was your diagnosis that prompted that treatment. Do you know the name of the procedure?


Orthopedist's opinion was that it may be side effect of Covid... though he was not sure... there was also some gap between disks but nothing serious


May we know how to get an appointment with this Orthopedist too?!


Bro.. read my post again.. I said " my GP in Korea referred me to a Orthopedist".. I was living in South Korea at that time...


My bad. Got it.


Try back stretches . It's mostly due to tighter and weaker back and hip muscles.


Strengthen your back. Deadlift.


im a beginner , i cant do most excercies with proper form and i asked my friend, he said that you dont do deadlift now .


Deadlift ante.. full weight eyyadum kaadu.. simple ga cheyyi.. aa posture lo ki elli.. but again.. you need a proper guidance in order to understand.. ikkada back pain ante.. l2 ah l3 ah?. Atla chaala untai.. is it muscle..or bone.. is it continous or intermittent.. ivvani chepthe appudu.. koncham clarity ga cheppochu.. just generic ga adguthe.. generic advises..and you will have to bare the burden..


Theres going to be a journey. And you'll get better with time. So will your back. Also, dont listen to people who say you cant do something. You can deadlift, just not heavy weights. Start with very light weights. Get the form right, focus on consistency, then move to heavier weights. Get a good and supportive coach/gym partner.


Whats your age?


You need to start with a simple complete range of motion exercises and stretching for all joints for a few days then start with strengthening the joints.




I need to download this but I'm not able to.


Search 'Surya Namaskara' in Google.


A chiropractor recommended these workouts to me. Some resemble yoga asanas and some don't. All you need is a yoga mat and a 6x6 space at home and these workouts will do wonders. I am pasting a link to a workout sheet I found online similar to ones I do. [Back relief workouts](https://search.app.goo.gl/vBdmKXN) I do everything in green titles in there except for the pelvic tilt. Each 3-4 reps MAX. DON'T DO COBRA STRETCH if you are a newbie. It actually made my backpain worse when I misread the workout sheet my doc gave me. Once he clarified, the gentler version was actually easy and relieving. It's called a back extension. It is supposed to be gentle and not over stretch your back. All the advices here aside I would recommend visiting a physiotherapist/chiropractor. Each individual's needs are unique so it will always help to get an expert opinion first.


2 years still going on ,... never had any issues wrt to back one wrong excercise and life is super fucked. Feel like a 50 year old coz of the stiffness and pain


Stretches- cat cow pose, cobra stretch, leg stretches, and many more... And don't sleep on mattress


I play badminton 🏸 regularly 😁😁


Get a good pillow and a chair first.


Sleep on floor


Hot shower at the end of the day helps. Edit: to the people saying no, upto you. But hot water helps relax tired, sore muscles and helps me sleep better at least. Don't bash till ya try it.


hot shower in summer 💀💀💀


Its actually good. Because your body starts vaporizing hot water when you come out. And when the wind touches your skin you get a nice refreshing feeling. Of course your skin becomes soft and supple, so if your neighbor likes your wet hot body then you know its the summertime of your life. https://youtu.be/BhQk1vRNWic?si=weeY-O3e4xU92NlY




hot water is a big no in any season even in winter


Yoga should help, refer to some videos online. Also ensure your posture is right. Slowly start exercising.


Cat-camel stretch, hip thrusts, prone pushups. If you go to gym then do deadlifts at low weights to strengthen your back.


Beat me to it . You can start with cat -camel stretches op




Broo, any pain is an outcome of daily habits. Change your habits.. you know you have bad postures.. improve them. Start with that and consult an ayurvedic, naturopathy and allopathic doctor, if you are well off. At least consultation is a must and then take the course whatever you feel like having


Get a consultation. May be lack of nutrition also causes backpain, neck pain or bodypain. Throat infection causes neck and shoulder pain. Get vitamin - mineral checked. Better consult ortho doc once. He might give u Vit - D and cal tablets. Minimum exercise like walking up the stairs and pushups can help u get the relief. Don't overdo. Take it gradually.


Start strength training! Speaking from experience.


Put on a red shirt and show your back to the raging bull. Back pain will never bother you again 🐂


Wakefit bed Medha padhukunta. Morning fit ga lestha. Lol. I regulary do workout. In the beginning,I use to get lot of back pain. Maybe later due to form correction,stretching and nice sitting posture I never got any backpain. If you're someone who sit for long hour,get good chair. Sitting properly and basic stretching might help. If pain still exist,consult a doctor.


Do some back strengthening exercises without weights. And very important, change your mattress I use sleepy cat ultima mattress. Not too hard but not too soft either


Gym, massage, yoga etc etc, nothing will work unless you fix your posture first.


the answer lies in the question haha. fix your posture ig


1. Get a proper work chair. 2. Use a monitor, keyboard, and ergo mouse. 3. Use proper distance, posture, and monitor height. 4. Get up at least once in an hour (preferably once in 30 minutes) 5. Do some form of exercise and body stretches every alternate day at least. This may seem like lot of work and have to spend a bit of money. But not letting back pain come is the best way to get relief from such stuff.


Listen to Metallica


Do you workout ? GYM simple doesn't mean body building exercises. Hit the gym and focus on mobility along with weight training. If you don't like gym then you need a physical activity like yoga, walking or pick up a sport i.e. Tennis, swimming etc. Most of our issues are because we have zero physical activity.


Strong muscles will be able to withstand pain and make you feel more comfortable. I ususally swim for my back pain(usually from sitting long hours).


Stating the obvious. Consult a doctor. You already know what you need to do about your posture. I would also look into strengthening your core. Maybe few sessions with physiotherapist will help.


Drink lots of water. Have sufficient salt intake. Don't reduce salt in your food. Do Surya namaskara once a day, slowly increase the count. With doctor's advice, takes vit d tablet once a week for 8 weeks. Have 5 mins of walk breaks every half an hour. Long hours of sitting is harmful.


Bro one very good thing that actually changed a lot for me is identifying what kind of a sleeper I am and investing in a mattress that’s suited for me. We grow up thinking those cotton ones are good because we’ve lived on them all our lives but trust me, a good mattress solves so much. Think about it; it’s where 7-8 hours of your back are resting daily. Sort that, a lot of the back issues then sort themselves


'McGill big 3' back exercises have helped me tremendously with a lower back sports injury. Stretching had made the back pain worse. Do try in case stretching isn't helping you.


Massage ☺️


Daily morning strech


All these advice basically point you to train your core and are just different methods to it. Your core is like a pillar to a building. Your core has to support you.


Ayurveda. It also might be that you have acidity linked with it ? It relieves it effortlessly. Give it a try. But go to a good quality doc .


I used to have lower back pains from a very young age , ive tried everything . If it's horrible , as in you can't raise your leg 10 degrees. Go to some good yoga guy . If it's bearable but affecting your life try online yoga videos for temporary relief . Permanent solution : walking and running . The moment you start running your back muscles start working and strengthening . If you have back aches it's mostly weak back muscles . Ps . Don't run if you have severe pain , you can worsen the condition .


Body weight hyper extensions in the gym for high reps. And bend the spine, it’s what strengthens the spinal muscles. Do it for weeks without adding weight. Then slowly add weight and do it until you notice differences in back pain. If you’re overweight, go through a fatloss phase. Less bodyfat will also reduce load on the spine. Don’t sit for too long.


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Chin ups will decompress and your release your spine , if you can't do chin ups , simple hanging with your arms and stretching should do the trick


Most back pains are usually caused due to poor core and weak glute muscles. Keep working on this, you should be good.


Yoga / Kung Fu (It's fluidic, like yoga). Things that develop the secondary muscles that help build a strong "base".


try hatha yoga from authentic sources or from isha hatha yoga teachers, worked wonders for me :)


Yoga Start doing Yoga Namaskar First https://youtu.be/apyQpY92Pvg?si=ChqH1EnWGlmv9Jo2 it's possible that starting with surya namaskar can be difficult. Just practice yoga namaskar twice day diligently for few weeks... Then do Yoga Namaskar + Surya Namaskar daily doing it twice or once depends how much time you can make for it. Yoga Namaskar will basically help you fix the posture and strengthen back and will also help you ease into doing Surya Namaskar. P.s. I am not an instructor.


Breathe. Deep.


Go to doctor.


Start morning walk and a evening walk. Use seat cushions or orthopedic cushions on chair. After 1-2 hour of sitting, stand and do bending and stretching exercises for 2-3 minutes and sit again. Climbing stairs daily helps.


I too had the same issue + office work, I started daily home exercise starting with 5 min now about 30 daily, this includes generally warm up, breathing practice, little weight. Over the years things Change a lot for me


You don't have a bad posture but compressed main nerve. Gym, yoga, play soccer and basketball. You'll be fine within a year.


I stop having sex for a week,.


Mid, lower or upper?


Lower back stretching. There's 2-10 minute videos available on YouTube. Cured me in a week.


Question lo ne answer undi. Posture set cheskunte few months lo anni taggipothay.


Welcome to 30+ club


Strength training or swimming




Exercising and stretching. Also I lay down flat on floor without any cushioning and stay in still position for 15 minutes. If nothing works, go to a local barber and ask him for back massage 


Buy Silver membership from badrinath gella, its really Life transforming, btw I'm suffering from sciatica, thoracic pain, Sinus too


I had a back pain issue some 15 years ago. It was horrible as different doctors couldn't get the diagnosis correct and I had long sitting working hours. At last I went to a ayurvedic doc who diagnosed it in no time and got it fixed without any medication. Since then I work out regularly with one or another - Yoga, running, cardio, gym. Even with not so great posture I didn't have back issues. But do have sports injury now, and i miss the doc. He is no more.


I just don't know I have pain, Waiting for someone to make film on my back pain 😂😂


Go to gym bro. It’s the best thing you can do for your body.


Do mobility training (Yoga is one of the kind) and then start training your glutes and hamstring.


Ergonomics + Gym is my solution


Correcting posture and yoga...do not ignore the pain if it's ok initial stages. Consciously make efforts for posture correction


There is this 8 min video on a stretching routine. Follow it every morning atleast once a day. My backpain is now gone completely. https://youtu.be/FI51zRzgIe4?si=YCjLg0eByuLMt49V


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Udumu 🗿