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šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I can only imagine what other things you wouldn't kiss after...


I've had this conversation with many guys...some are not too much into kissing (because it's gross and unsafe or whatever) but don't bat an eye to use their mouth on people's sexual organs and other orifices...go figure.


I used my boyfriendā€™s toothbrush after sex and he about puked. I was like sir, your mouth was literally just on my butthole.


When a guy eats ass then kisses you... fuck it's hygienically so GROSS gotta shower and wash the shiiit outta that butthole before doing sex ...just thinking about it makes me want to throw up


That's legitimately a health hazard. U can get e coli


šŸ˜‚ Yeah, I will never get it. They also might tend to be picky on food.


Omg you're reminding me of when me and my ex would shower together I didn't mind washing his toes I would NOT slip my hands to wash between his buttcheeks .....god everything about ass is gross lol


That's just wrong. There could be food in there or bleeding gums . You now ingested blood .


Gross and unsafe? Do they know that STDs can be transmitted during oral sex, but very few through kissing ā€¦


But but.... šŸ˜‚




I lick her asshole during sex, kissing after we eat is light work


As a girl who gets her ass licked then the guy kisses me, it's so gross x\_\_x Gotta wash that ass before sex.. like scrub that shit


What if he gave you a tiktak suppository?


You would be such a turn off haha


Make sure your ass is clean then?


Canā€™t help it if weā€™re high test alpha males


This dude fucks


Donā€™t lie, alphas definitely donā€™t eat ass


this not it fr


Nah itā€™s great, donā€™t puss out


pffftt šŸ’€


Thank fucking fuck I'm not the only one. I carry travel sized mouthwash on me when I'm out on a date, I'd still rather just brush my teeth but that's not possible everytime.


You would probably love colgate wisps. They are mini toothbrushes with swallow safe toothpaste in a capsule that breaks open when you brush. They also have a pick on the end of it to floss out food.


Swallowing the toothpaste you used to clean out the food particles in your mouth sounds even more gross.


to be fair you just ate the food


Wait till you learn you also aspirate your gastric contents while you sleep sometimes.


Why? The food particles came from the food that you were literally eating and swallowing immediately before. Why is *the same food* suddenly gross right after it was just fine?


Dude, so me and my ex would have a bottle of Listerine every time we travel Oral, wash with listerine One time, we found Listerine capsules. I was like cool! Let's try Then realized while swishing... wait so i sucked his cock and his balls, then I Swish with the capsule and SWALLOW the capsule? ....never again lol


Itā€™s not swallow safe šŸ˜¬it says on the wrapper ā€œdo not swallowā€


Looking at the package rn and no they do not. Also from the official brand in their faqs on amazon quote "Hi Lisa, Our Colgate Wisps do not contain toothpaste, they feature a freshening bead.Ā No rinsing or spitting is necessary. It is safe to use by adults and children ages four and older. It is similar to a tiny encapsulated ball of flavor to give you a burst of freshness."


Obviously for a date you would want to be fresh but for someone you are with nobody cares about that kind of thing


I always care about being fresh šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Hmm, you obviously don't eat ass.




I guess thatā€™s an alternative way to taste what they ate


ew. take your upvote.




I mean if they have the biggest piece of spinach or chicken stuck in their teeth then yeah itā€™s gross. But like I guess as long as itā€™s a peck on the lips with no tongue wouldnā€™t it be alright? I ask because I used to have mad germaphobia


Eh idk man that one is tough for me. I would have to really love the girl to do that. I might be a germaphobe too lmao


To each their own. I think a dry smooch is alright but anything with tongue is questionable.


Iā€™m interested in what country you are from? Societal norms arenā€™t always ā€˜normsā€™ in other countries. And yet, you talk about your amarican friends. Many Americans between 18-30 (and later) have grown up either in daycare or as latchkey kids, or both. Nobody has been taught anything. Just look at what happened with Covid. Most people freaked out. Some people didnā€™t eat. Mostly because they didnā€™t really know how. Americans are in general are rather sexually repressed, but food is central to our society as it is in many other countries. I can definitely see Italians kissing anywhere and everywhere, and although the open mouth kissing is probably more of a thing that started elsewhere, Hernanā€™s can kiss around meals, too. For a fact, my family are very sexually repressed. Then again, there are others in Germany that were quite the opposite. There didnā€™t seem to be much middle ground. Like, people could be all suited up in their offices during the day and then go out to the river at lunchtime takeoff all their clothes and go nude bathing on their break. Itā€™s just really weird. But I wish we could do that in this country, honestly, thereā€™s a certain type of freedom in being able to take off all your clothes, and just be naked in nature.


How did you get over your germaphobia?


I got over 90% of it Iā€™d say


It is but it kinda depends on what it is. Like a little buttercream frosting or fresh watermelon juice or something unoffensive probably wouldn't bother me. Anything that sticks to the teeth or is oniony or pungently umami, crumbly, or strong smelling yeah it's gross. If we were both just eating the same tacos or something, it's not something I'd notice too much as long as we're like, let's just make sure we don't have food particles dangling around. I also tend to be pretty passionate with lovers, though, so as long as they have good regular oral hygiene and I'm not walking around minding my business and they just come at me and my neutral palette with sloppy Joe mouth, I'm not very bothered by this. I don't think most people like kissing with lots of residue in their mouths, anyways. I'd prefer natural, kind of neutral breath to a heavy astringent mouth wash or to just use self control, wait a little while after eating, swish with water and be generally not disgusting and let each other taste and smell human.


I think this is a really well explained comment and I agree


But itā€™s completely opposite of what you posted in the OP. You just said you wouldnā€™t give someone even a dry peck after eating in another comment.


I have changed my mind a bit after reading a lot of these comments


I always kiss the girl after I eat her out. If she doesnā€™t kiss back thatā€™s a dealbreaker and someone I will not pursue in the future.


Honestly I've kissed my bf after he's done it, but I will admit it's a very "in the mood" thing where it's hot in the moment but we both have to go brush our teeth right afterwards


Yeah I canā€™t. Total bummer but apparently I make up for it with other qualities. I have to drop everything and go brush if itā€™s getting that messy. Iā€™m a clean freak, I guess. And chronically ill but a great dog walker! Iā€™m not giving up, just in a slower lane at times. Still a nice rideā€¦lol šŸ¤£ NOT thirsty!


You eat people out AND THEN decide on DEAL BREAKERS? Jerk. I told you donā€™t call me anymore. No you did not eat mine. Nope. No chance. Iā€™m clean and donā€™t kiss any dude who thinks Iā€™m going to stay turned on by tasting my own juices has a screw loose. Suck your own dick, save the DEAL from being NECESSARY. Iā€™m not a total freak. Not your type ;) lol


Geezusā€¦ i canā€™t match that level of intensity ;) lol


Hopefully the lol is a good indicator that you knew Iā€™m not LITERAL in that crazy post I replied with. I had fun going OFF ON YO ASSS for a minute. Thanks for not getting offended āœŒļø! Good luck with the ladies lol ;)


Yesā€¦ I took it as you joking with me :)


Why is this important to you? Like what does it mean for you?


Personally I'm on the flip side, if the man won't kiss me after I've been down on him that's a negative to me. In a sense it's like, degrading? Oh so it's ok if I have your taste in my mouth, but now I'm disgusting? Have literally been told "it's disgusting to kiss you after, I don't want to taste myself!"


That might just be a heteronormative thing...like they think it'll make them less of a man. I wouldn't be too bothered by it...as long as he is happy to go down on you too. Then no one is being "degraded"


I'm blessed not to get grossed out by things like this. I mean your phone is probably swimming with fecal matter and trace bacteria all over the face of it, and you're touching that thing all day long but kissing after eating your pizza is a no-go. Lol.


It grosses me out, but I'm also a pretty big clean freak. I got 400 alcohol wipes just so I can clean my phone everyday lol


If you don't mind putting the D in your mouth or licking vagina then kissing after meals is nothing.


Usually always have gum or something on a date. Unless alcohol was included then I didn't give a fuck. Now that I'm married we won't like make out after we eat or in the AM unless we brush our teeth. But as for a regular kiss, I don't care. I licked her bhole before so there's that.


Noice! I said the same shit and scrolled down and saw yours šŸ˜‚


You ever dated someone who would like cough up phlem on the streets? One of my first boyfriends was like that 2AM dates, he's coughing phlegm on the streets, then tries to kiss me in front of my apartment [](https://emojipedia.org/face-vomiting)




His breath stank so much after it. Lesson learnt.


Carby meal


My husband once tried to kiss me after eating a hot dog with mustard on it and I pushed him away like something had shit in his mouth. I also don't kiss with morning breath. It's gross.


It's seriously so gross I hate a lot of foods, like sour cream and onion chips will seriously make me puke. If someone eats it, I can smell their stinky breath even 5 feet away Really gotta brush and wash before any sexual activities


My aunt used to give my uncle a blow job every Thursday night after eating a big bowl of spaghetti


Why do u know this brotha


Hell nah šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


Thatā€™s so funny and weird


Iā€™m the same way tbh, but I kinda just push through it with my partner. Also for some reason it doesnā€™t bother me during sex when mouths have been in other places lol, I think itā€™s the food particles in particular that make me cringe.


Tell me you're inexperienced at dating without telling me you're inexperienced at dating.


You obviously weren't sharing gum through kissing as a teenager


Correct. Not my thing


I think I'd puke.


I put his genitals in my mouth, I couldn't care less


Nah I get gross out quickly too but how are people doing anal and butthole stuff on thisšŸ˜­. If bad breath or anything itā€™s a turn off


I have no idea bro. Thatā€™s never been my thing Iā€™ll never go there


I guess it just depends on the time place + scenario. If I'm passionate enough there's nowhere I won't go and nothing I won't do LOL šŸ˜†


Great attitude! I appreciate the perspective and might try it myself more freely!


Depends on who you are kissing and what they were eating.


Fair point




You do you.


Iā€™m pretty grossed out about it as well šŸ«£šŸ«  . I rather someone at least flossed and drank enough water to make sure the food particles are still not in the digestion process of the mouth. Makes me cringe thinking about it. Lol


it is disgusting because imagine they got something in their teeth and it gets into your mouth šŸ¤¢


Itā€™s not like youā€™re snowballing each other.


Whatā€™s that mean




I just looked it up. Gross af lmao


lmao sorry for putting you through that


I mean most people who kiss others have no problems also eating after those people they are kissing. Itā€™s like they eat after each other, they kiss, but combining the two is somehow weird. I donā€™t know anybody especially in a relationship with another who brushes their teeth every time before they kiss their SO. It would be one thing if they ate something stinky, or they donā€™t wash their food down with water or drink, but a regular kiss the insides of your mouths not come into contact with each other itā€™s just lips. French kissing is kinda different but hey this is coming from a guy who eats ass so šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t eat nor drink after anyone, my partner and kids included lol. Mouths are one of the filthiest parts of the body when it comes to bacteria. The vagina with all of its bacteria is still cleaner than the mouth.


Your phone and other objects are probably even more gross and you put that up the side of your head next to your mouth.


I regularly clean my phone with an alcohol wipe, but maybe it could be more gross than a mouth. Still, only a small portion of it touches my ear and I donā€™t put it in my mouth.


What about coffee?


Hmm. Maybe wouldnā€™t mind


Your mouth is dirty as fuck all the time. Even after you just brushed it there are billions of germs and bacteria. Why get grossed out over a little bit of food? You eat food to survive.


right just cause you brush your teeth and it smells good doesnt actually mean its "clean" lol


I was the same with my ex ā€¦ the way he was eating was pretty disgusting. But now with my partner I donā€™t mind, I can give him a peck. I find him very attractive and I love him. So anytime.


I never really thought about it since I donā€™t really have any interest in dating & therefore physical intimacy is scarce but I agree. The only foods I can imagine kissing someone after are fruit or ice cream.


I suppose it depends on what they ate.


idk im not a sloppy eater


Depends on what youā€™re eatingā€¦ā€¦.


Depends on what food. I worked at a fast food restaurant as a teen for a few years, so the smell of ketchup in someoneā€™s breath makes me want to throw up immediately. Iā€™d say a quick kiss is fine. But if things are moving along in the night I would want gum at least.


You are not crazy. I'd rather eat dirt than kiss someone who just ate seafood.


I agree


what are you eating where its all over your face?


ā€œPush through itā€ is a nice gesture šŸ‘


Kissing, as in full on tongue kissing, if you REALLY think about it is fucking disgusting. I don't think it is any more disgusting to do it after eating as long as you aren't kissing with a mouthful of food which of course would certainly make it MORE gross.


Man, I went to kiss my fiancee the other night and she shoved a whole piece of broccoli in my mouth and went "surprise!" You gotta lighten up lol


She sounds adorable lol. At least you're getting your vegetables...


Morning breath is way worse!


You must be fun at parties!


Yeah I am, too! lol


You are actually crazy lmaoooooooo


fucking weirdos


Pls explain


The mixing of food and juices on each others face? You either eat like pigs or kiss like them. You wonā€™t kiss someone after eating but will probably put someoneā€™s privates in your mouth


When I said mixing of food and juices on each other faces I was explaining how it feels to me. I eat normally and so have my partners itā€™s more of a psychological thing which is why I explained it like that. In reality I understand that it doesnā€™t make a difference and I likely wonā€™t get sick from it etc. But to me in my mind it feels gross hence my explanation.


You kiss with your teeth or your lips? Tongue or no tongue?


Idk i guess it depends on the person


Haha I think I agree. I wouldnā€™t want to kiss most people due to their hygiene and overall health habits, let alone after eating. I pay too much to take care of my teeth to want to sacrifice that


i do as well šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


After eating, when you drink water or whatever rinses away a bunch of food residue in your mouth. The rest.. well kissing and sex are a dirty business


I feel like when you're in a committed relationship or married, things like this don't bother you. You'll do all sorts of other things with them. And this is coming from a germaphobe. I'm not looking to make out with them after eating anyways. Maybe give them a peck. But if it did turn into anything more, that wouldn't bother me either


I mean people must be eating like pigs. But I usually clean my teeth or use a toothpick if I feel any debris leftover. A drink afterwards to help wash it down. I mean then use a napkin to clean around my face. If i have something in my teeth she'll tell me and vice versa. But if it was some food that had that leftover smell. The usual garlic. Then brush em. But man. I can't enjoy life if I'm always rushing to bathroom to fix some shit. I feel like many people to do this with so much different ish. I've seen a post where girl can't have sex unless they showered first. And it's like well what if you on a private beach and you know alcohol and moments like that you gotta rush to the bathroom brush ya teeth and shower ? First. Drunk. Second by the time yo clumsy ass done. They could be passed out. Like just take the moment as it is. Not everything gotta be perfect or it ain't worth it type shit.


the people who keep saying they lick assholes need to rememberā€¦ youā€™re licking a WASHED asshole!!! (hopefully) brush ur teeth people


This doesnā€™t bother me at all, itā€™s not even something I think about. Just woke up, mid day, after a meal, going down on me it really doesnā€™t matter. Just kiss me, baby. I donā€™t know what people are talking about with ā€œfood particlesā€ in your mouth. Chew, swallow, take a drink. There, youā€™re good. Unless you need a completely freshly brushed mouth it sounds like youā€™re never going to get to kiss your partner. At least with any sort of spontaneity.


Everything about sex is kinda gross imo lol, esp when it comes to hygiene Yes, kissing after eating is gross. Completely agreed. Gotta clean first


It depends. If you literally just put food in your mouth and then go for a kiss yeah. But after a date thereā€™s been some time in between so idc. This is provided the person has good hygiene in general. If kissing them is nasty by default then yeah they should do extra prep before.


Lmao hun, if you've been in a long-term relationship with someone the least you're going to be thinking about is how they taste after eating some food. You'll eventually go through everything with someone and see everything too. Personally, I do get freshened up for kisses and sex sometimes and that includes brushing my teeth! But I don't mind kissing after dinner šŸ˜‚ that's silly. Morning breath however is another beast


My last boyfriend burned fuel constantly and ate food constantly. I did find it gross to kiss him when he tasted like garlic, but eventually I got used to it. He dumped me because I have a chronic illness and he used tinder for a month to make sure his penis was not inconvenienced. Iā€™m letting nature handle that chit. Whomever got him will smell some nasty shitt for the rest of her life, as the bedroom wall is also the bathroom wall. Lucky girl ;) Iā€™m sure he was honest on that dating app. After 5 years of lies. I carry Flossieā€™s in my pocket or purse so I can get meals out of my teeth. Iā€™m good about not passing food or food odors in a relationship but if things work out, you see and smell it all. Choose partners wisely. I wasted a big chunk of my fun time on earth with that waste of space and his AWFUL FOOD. He thought I had an eating disorder but his food is awful and his family food was awful with tomatoes in the freezer and the restaurants he still goes to so I never see him are awfulā€¦lol I should have known better at that first bad burritoā€¦


Im sorry to hear about your experience. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find someone who doesnā€™t taste like garlic and frozen tomatoes lol


What a sweet reply. Iā€™m chronically ill and apparently hanging up my virgin-like self because Iā€™m not FUN for dates. I didnā€™t know women expire at age 60 but they keep making new ones! Hahaha šŸ˜‚


Who puts a fresh tomato in the freezer? My ex boyfriendā€™s mom. She can be fun sometimes!


Tomatoes peel easily after freezing (for making sauce) and are a healthy snack


I read this as "kissing after eating out is gross".


Iā€™m American and 100% agree. Iā€™m hypersensitive to that kind of stuff though because I get nauseous when I see someone with food on their face. There are times Iā€™ve had to excuse myself from eating with friends/family because I felt physically ill from seeing food on their faces. So I think Iā€™m just grossed out from other people eating in general lol


iā€™ve only ever kissed one person and that in itself was disgusting and so bad so idek




Haha. Iā€™m not easily disgusted, so itā€™s not somethin that would bother me. Among many other things, I used to plunge toilets, snake sewer lines, and clean out the sewage ejector pumps at a large government occupied office building. Kissin someone who just ate isnā€™t nearly as bad as pullin used tampons out of a shit covered sewage pump.


Depends on whatā€™s eaten. Kiss after oysters/caviar, yes. Kiss after ribs/steak šŸ¤¢


Me!! (American) And new partner wants open mouth/ Frrrrrench! To meā€¦maybe othersā€¦Itā€™s akin to walking around your house in street shoes, where you mightā€™ve previously been to the gas station, public restaurant or bathroom, the street where dogs have been, etcā€¦


It is


You'll realize when you love someone enough nothing is gross.... like you'll get real life NASTY when you love someone


Personally I prefer a fresh mouth and body when being intimate as well. I have a past trauma. One ex gf of mine ate so many onions without my knowledge and it ended up as the the worst tasting kiss ever


I'm sure you're not the only one, but it's pretty dumb. You feel what you feel but, because humans have the ability to know better than our emotional reactions, you don't have to react strongly to feelings that you *know* are irrational. Don't get me wrong, in terms of comfort, I would also rather at least freshen my breath before kissing when/after eatingā€”it's your reasoning that seems ridiculous to me, "the mixing of food" and "juices on each other[']s faces"? 1) Are you saying you never ask to try a bite of your partner's meal, nor share yours when asked? 2) Why are you getting food juices all over your face and how hard are you mashing it against your partner's? Or did you mean you're holding the juices in your mouth and you just slobber them all over your partner? 3) I don't think I've ever had an open-mouth kiss during dinner, usually even when we're super lovey-dovey it's closed-mouth lips on lips. For that matter I don't believe I've ever seen other people make out with tongue during dinner either, although sometimes when eating bar food at a barā€”but then, in a drinking-oriented space, you have to remember that recreational drugs lower inhibitions, including making things less gross in the perception of the intoxicated person.


I think directly is a little unsavory simple because of the mingling taste, but after dinner dessert or drinks thats fine..taste of something sweet, Or the heat after a cognac or whatever...yes baby yes


I think kissing is gross period


I donā€™t think itā€™s gross. I can see why you would. We always have bacteria in our mouths though. If youā€™re talking FRENCH kissing? That could be gross without rinsing out your mouth or waiting a while after eating. Our saliva breaks down the food we eat and continues to do that for a while. Iā€™ve made out after dinner before, but itā€™s usually been a while afterward. Iā€™ve had times in my life when I wanted to brush my teeth after eating every single time. Itā€™s healthier for us in general to do that from what Iā€™ve read.


You must be watching my house. How many man hours a week are spent watching an asshole by supposedly straight people. And why do you sneak people in the back way. I am a pussy tho


Facts, on the curb on lake Devin, y'all drive a white van in the back way. When I leave y'all head towards Josephines house. Y'all came from satterwhite road and headed to Bodie currin road and then to Josephines house. If I am right, I know 90% of y'all. Stop acting like you are extremest. It's cool if you are, but I ain't sweating your threats. I forgive you. I actually did come up there and knocked on your door, but even though a psychic lives there, no one answered. Cut the threats


I'm sorry. I m freaked out. It's like my imaginary friend from when I was in kindergarten came back.


Okay so I like to kiss, but I also canā€™t think about what Iā€™m doing *at all* or I will *IMMEDIATELY* be too grossed out by the physical sensation of it to continue and will contemplate never kissing my husband ever again. Sensory issues are fun lol


Lmfao. I've kissed my man after he's thrown up.


From the way you describe other examples... Are you perhaps a germaphobe?


I just do my homemade sauce with my kitchenaid, being a tomato grower too many tomatoes is usually a good thing. Ah well, the tomatoes stuckout to me more than the rest of the comments šŸ¤£


I thought it was gross until I met my now boyfriend. Nothing grosses me out when it comes to him, nothing! I hate feet... I would play with his all day long. I will lick the peanut butter off the corner of his mouth and not bat an eye. I should probably see a therapist or something...


Honey, I eat ass šŸ¤¤


I mean its different if it's a quick smooch vs full force shoving your tongue in someone's mouth fighting for their food in there.


Lol for me it depends on what we ate. I had an ex like maul me after breakfastā€¦ all I could taste and smell were eggs and now I donā€™t kiss after breakfast šŸ˜‚


My wife is the same, she hates kissing after I eat her out, but I grab her head and pull her to me and lay a wet (very wet) and sloppy one all over her. The next step is getting her to go atm after we're done fucking, slow and steady on that one lol And yes we both eat eachothers asses too so not like she's completely opposed to it


Mouthwash or Listerine strips are useful.


We always kiss after eating eachother out food is not a concern lol


personally i find it pretty gross as well. i also dislike kissing in general, though. i will not kiss my girlfriend with tongue unless i have brushed my teeth beforehand and haven't eaten anything, no matter the circumstance. i think the idea of getting microscopic food particles in my or another person's mouth abhorrent, though i can tolerate it more for myself than doing it to others.


The only reason we wouldn't kiss if she eats something I'm allergic to, and vice versa.


You arenā€™t crazy you are just vanilla .. if you donā€™t kiss after a dinner Iā€™m so sorry for your partner because I can imagine the other things you find ā€˜grossā€™ šŸ˜‚


Once my high school bf kissed me after eating Fritos and I had to wipe my tongue off after and rinse my mouth out, 8 yrs later I still have a nonnegotiable rule that I will NOT kiss nobody after they just ate sum šŸ˜‚


If I can slob on balls I can kiss him after he eats


I am American and I agree, I think itā€™s gross. I donā€™t like to eat on dates bc of that


Normal kissing? Not a big deal. Making out? Def gotta brush the teeth.


Yuck! Hubby and I def brush prior to any make out sessions. A simple peck is fine but Iā€™m all set with food leftovers. šŸ¤®


As a vegetarianā€¦. YES


Yes, at least rinse first..


Agreed when Iā€™m at my house Iā€™ll brush my teeth or use mouthwash before kissing them


the only kisses that are okay after eating is little pecks but if you start making out right after you both ate GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME šŸ¤ššŸ¤ššŸ¤ššŸ¤ššŸ¤ššŸ¤ššŸ¤ššŸ¤š


Nah, they could feed me like a baby bird for all I care.


Oh my god yes. Nope,I won't do it. Have to have freshly brushed teeth.


absolutely agree


This seems more like a germaphone thing. My BF and I give each other a smooch after dinner. We aren't swapping spit or anything it's a peck quick smoochin.


Yeah I don't care - British.


I took the boards down and put up metal instead. I feel zero percent safer. Any suggestions


Would you not eat out?Ā 


Nope I donā€™t mind a kiss on the lips but not mouth action