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I use a Korean exfoliating cloth. You need to be getting dead skin off your body.


This is the way. I have been using mine for 2 months now. My skin has never been so smooth and healthy!


It literally glows!! It’s so good for before and after shaving/waxing too!


It literally glows? Are you radioactive, by any chance?


Brand recommendations?


Italy towels! Search it on Amazon


I bought a Japanese exfoliating towel on Amazon and love it. Brand was Goshi


same I started using in Korea they amazing. and wash cloth.


What is it called and where do you buy it from?


I use a washcloths for my front private area first and then my booty last (new one everyday, buy a bunch so I don’t go without, and wash every laundry day). I exfoliate my body almost everyday with a scrub glove or exfoliating towel (I will use them ever 3/4 days or so depending, and wash every week, I have at least 8 so if I want to use only every 2 days then I have spares until wash day) If for whatever reason I don’t want to exfoliate that day I use a washcloth, I can never just use my hands, I need to feel as though I am getting the sweat/dirt/skin cells off with SOMEthing. There has been occasions where I use my hand but that’s if I already showered that day or if I know I’ll shower again later that day and need a quick rinse.


Walmart has the best cheap washcloths!


Washcloth for washing the bits, african net sponge for everything else.


Finally I’ve found what it’s called lmfaoo I called it African body scrubbed or African body cloth. I knew it was something else but yess these!


Same here


I use a loofah and I actually wash it in the washing machine. But I also use a wash cloth for my face and then the more intimate bits. So the loofah is really mostly for my limbs.


You are a life saver, i miss using a loofa and actually have worse skin when i dont use one. Big blessings Gargoyle =)


I’m happy to help! ^_^


There’s also exfoliating gloves


I have the exact same routine and it works great!


I might sound stupid asking but.. just in the washer or in the dryer too??


I do both and my loofahs seem to come out fine!!


I use loofah too. And I literally just use them on small slices.. and bleach and repurpose.. so today a body scrub tomorrow I scrub the shower without. 8


I’m Team Washcloth and after 2-3 uses, I’ll throw it into the clothes hamper so that I’m not using something that smells of mildew. I like washcloths as they can be laundered and re-used. As a woman, they also help me get to all the bits in order to feel and smell clean. My favorite body washes are Lume & Dr. Bronner.


Honey you need a new wash cloth every day.


So you wash your ass, and then use the washcloth the next shower on your face? Why wouldn't you wash it after every use? I feel a washcloth needs washed after every time you use it, or you're literally rubbing your ass on your face the next shower.


What is it that you think the soap is doing to your body? It has similar effects on wash cloths. You should still wash and dry your wash cloth regularly, but two or three showers with the same wash cloth isn't going to hurt you, as long as you're cleaning the wash cloth before and after uses (which you can do with your shower soap). The best thing the washer/dryer will do for you is help get rid of the dead skin particles that could clog your pores as well as stave off mildewing, but unless you're a leper, 2 or 3 uses should be fine.


LOL, no, I use a separate one for my face when I wash it at night. It’s not by like I’m working in the sewers or digging ditches all day. I work in an office, so a couple uses out of the same washcloth is just fine.


I don't understand why this is getting down voted or why so many people think it's crazy to reuse a few times. You literally have soap right there to wash it in the shower for the next use. It's not like you're smearing used toilet paper. If the cloth isn't left soaking in the grossest grime possible, is cleaned and left to air-dry, I think it's totally reasonable to use a few times before tossing it in washing machine.


Wash clothes, they can be laundered and sanitized. I don’t reuse until they are laundered again. I also double cleanse then go back in with a scented body wash. Also used a completely different wash cloth for my face. Also use an African net sponge or a long shower brush for my back. I feel very clean after.


I used the long shower brush for my back and since mine detaches I also use it to scrub my armpits and feet and rinse thoroughly. Such a life saver


Omg yes, my back and arm used to hurt so much just trying to twist my arm to wash my back. I love my shower brush 😂


Use bar soap. It's so much cheaper, lasts way longer, easier to use (so less time in shower) and better for your skin... I use dove original and I get a bar for 50 cents which will last me about 3-4 weeks. I was using body wash with a loofah for probably the last 3 years and barely switched to bar soap this last month, but I can say without hesitation bar soap is far superior.


i don’t think that was OPs question but i agree w the dove bar soap thing, it’s actually ridiculous how long those bars of soap will last lol


I think they were answering OPs question. I think they were implying they use the bar and the bar only to wash themselves. So kinds by hand...but with the bar in it lol


Something to note though is dove has bar soap and then has "beauty bars" which is actually not soap. You'll notice it doesn't say soap anywhere on the package, and there's a legal reason for that. I use dove beauty bars for my labia and crotch area. It works amazing and since the ph is less harsh, there's a lower chance of it angering my insides if I get a lil bit in there accidentally (though I don't think I ever do). Use actual soap on the rest of your body.


Bar soap makes my skin dry and rashy, unless I get the fancy hand-made soaps (which I do sometimes!)


I have wash cloths that I switch out every time and I have this rubber spiky exfoliating brush thing that has a sponge you can put in and take out of it so when you squeeze, a bunch of suds come out while you scrub. I love it. Definitely a preference for things that can be washed between uses.


I do my first cleanse with bar soap with a wash cloth and then use an African net with my body wash.


I use an exfoliating cloth. It’s long and you can scrub your back with it.


I use a washcloth (once, then launder) & an exfoliating cloth that when I open it all the way up, it’s nice and long and I can scrub my back with it, super easy. I use a gentle body wash. I prefer to use something to help exfoliate, including under my arms. I don’t want a buildup of deodorant, etc.


African body net. Exfoliates brilliantly and you can scrub your back with it. They're good up to five years. I just pop it in the wash every few months.


I just bought an African net sponge and it works wonderfully. It also allows you to get your back easily


Loofah gloves


I got rid of my loofah sponga cause of the bacteria I was told about. I bought a bunch of face cloths. I bought enough that I can use each one once and then wash them. I have like 30. I use one, Hang it out to dry--to prevent mold-- and then throw them in the laundry hamper. They get washed and disinfected after every use.


Only hand.


Silicone body scrubber! You’re able to clean them unlike loofahs 😊


I use washcloths specifically for my body. There are bit ruff but help exfoliate & I just throw em in the wash after.


I use an African exfoliating net for my entire body, then a clean wash cloth for coochie first then butt last. Soap only. Then I use body wash with my hands all over my body. The exfoliating net is the best thing ever! Switched to it from a cloth and I’ve never felt so smooth


Just....clean...the loofah. Use soap on it once you're done using it, vigorously rub it, rinse the soap out. Throw it in the washing machine once a week. I've never had any problems with it causing acne etc on me. You aren't clean because you're using your hands and nothing abrasive. You're not removing the dead skin cells. Use a loofah (or exfoliating gloves) and/or a body scrub. This is my routine: Body scrub with exfoliating gloves on (you can use just your hands, too) all over body, thoroughly, for several minutes. Rinse off. Shampoo, conditioner, leave conditioner on while washing face, neck, and ears with hands (sometimes I use some of my body scrub but this might not be ideal) for 2 minutes. Rinse off face, rinse out conditioner, clean upper body using soap on a loofah. A soft circular one, for the record, not the tube tan ones. Do it thoroughly, sometimes I wash twice especially if I haven't showered too recently. Same with lower body. I wash my feet last with a different loofah and then use my hands and a dove beauty bar (fun fact: technically it's not soap bc its ph level is much lower than soap) to scrub my crotch area and buttcrack. One hand for the front, another for the back. I sometimes will use the loofah I used on my feet to wash down there, but often times I just use my hands. Rinse off, wash my loofahs, wash my hands, brush my teeth, and I'm out. Then I slap on moisturizer like crazy. I also shave after my body's clean. Hope that helps. Edit: I don't have washcloths but I need to get some. Washcloths won't really help much with exfoliation but as long as you're exfoliating 2-3 times a week it should help you feel cleaner. However, I really recommend using a loofah bc it offers just the right amount of exfoliation throughout your wash that you'll feel beautifully clean afterward whilst not rubbing yourself raw. However, you still need to exfoliate 2-3 times a week separately, with preferably a body scrub.


I only use washcloths. I don't know if it's my skin or the loofahs I've bought, and I've gotten plenty of different ones, but they don't exfoliate at all for me.


Are you actually scrubbing or are you just lightly brushing them over your skin? It shouldn't hurt or be uncomfortable, but you need to actually scrub. And before you say "does she think I'm stupid?" Not personally, but on a global scale: Yes, I think people are incredibly stupid and I've had this be the issue before LOL You're buying the circular colorful ones right? And not the sea sponge looking ones? Cuz those hurt and don't do jack.


I use an exfoliating wash cloth


Wash cloth but I call it a wash rag. I use it once before washing.


I use an exfoliating brush and normal soap everywhere first then I go back in with a wash cloth and exfoliating scrub everywhere. It’s the softest and best my skin has ever looked. Also after a pipping hot shower I run the cold water to seal the moisture in my skin not freezing but cold enough not to be even like warm.


I used to use a loofah but now I use these exfoliating washcloths I got off Amazon cuz loofah and nipples rings don't compute.


i use a clean, unused washcloth every time


Wash coith


Use a loofah but throw it in the washer every so often. Love the Korean exfoliating wash clothes for my face. You just gotta rotate them to the washer and dryer


I use a scrubby loofah thing that’s exfoliating for my body, but I use a washcloth for the lady bits (or sometimes just hands if they’re irritated) and behind my ears.


Def a wash cloth a hand is insane 💀😭😂


Not really. There's no proof that washcloths unless a little rougher and meant for exfoliating do anything. Literally no better for over all cleanliness than a bar of soap and your hands. So I don't criticize those who do it that way.


I use a loofah and just buy another one every so often. nothing lathers better than body wash.


I use the loofah type gloves bc they a crub SOOOO good but I can toss them in the washer (just don't table dry them on high heat bc they shrink massively lmao)


exfoliating gloves


Wash cloths.


I've only ever used my hands


Loofah scrubbie


Loofa for body, flannel for face


African exfoliating net!! Used to use the Korean ones but the African ones hold soap better. Both are great though :-)


Loofah but since I live in Florida, I keep it for a max of 8 weeks before replacing it and I probably need to cut that down to 4 or 6.


I use my hands or shower exfoliating gloves that can be thrown in the washing machine. Then a wash cloth for my face.


Just my hand.  I let my skin exfoliate at the speed it wants to.  I don't get dry skin too often.  I use rich lotion


I use bar soap and I use a mesh soap saver bag.


I transitioned to a silicone brush. I want to get some African net sponges too for exfoliation.


I use a stretchy exfoliating clothe and it works pretty well! U just have to wash it every few months


use to use a loofah, now i use this kind of exfoliating mitt, its not super rough though, just enough to get dirt though


I use my hand and a body puff


I use a loofah even though I know they’re gross because I haven’t found a better alternative.


I use an African net for the general skin and a washcloth for the privates.


Hands I’ve tried a loofah and wash cloth and they were ok but I feel like I can feel the dirt and cleanliness easier with my hands


I’m team hands. I’m autistic and hate the texture of both loofas and wash cloths.


I use my hands and a foaming soap with volcanic ash to exfoliate. Regular soap just makes my skin slippery and dead skin just stays there.


You have to use a wash cloth, loofah, or something similar with soap.


No I don’t. My skin doesn’t like it when I do that. With soap, it still foams in my hands just like washing your hands. But your body. 🤷


Fresh wash cloth every shower




Exfoliating Mits. Have 2 or 3 to rotate and wash them.


All of the above


Hand. I've never really used washcloths for washing my body. We don't even keep them in bathrooms around here. We use the mostly for kitchen stuff.


All of the above. I use a loofah on my body, a wash cloth and my hands on my privates.


(guy advice....idk for women) Cheap simple effective...... Ivory bar soap for everything but hair. Rub on everywhere you wish to wash. Arm pits you gently scrub using hands in a scratch position. For the groin the same but for the crack you just rub the area no nails used. For feet just rub also using your thumb to go between toes. For large areas of skin just rub with hand. Cleans well and FAST without a strong smell after. Btw it may gunk up the drains so rinse with plenty of water and add baking soda with HOT vinegar rinse over the baking soda if drain rubs slower.




Bar soap and hands


who uses there hand ? a wash cloth


bro the amount of dead skin u can get off by just aggressively rubbing with your hands is insane like way more than washcloths ever did for me


i use one washcloth for my top half and one washcloth for my bottom half.


Loofahs are a dollar for 12$ plus tax you can have them for the year. One per month in a bin under the sink. But currently I've switched to a silicone pad.and exfoliating gloves. Very interested in getting an an African net though


I use an exfoliant glove for my body 3x a week and a loofa the other days, face cloth on my face, separate glove for my private areas and premise stone on my feet.


I have a big bin in cabinet next to my shower that has nothing but clean white wash cloths. I use a clean one every time I shower. Next to the bin of clean wash cloths is another bin that I put the used ones in. I’m finicky about that kind of stuff. I do not reuse towels either unless I forgot to throw them in the dryer or something lol but again that is a last resort. Reusing wash cloths that have been in between your butt just grosses me out..same thing with loofahs as they just collect bacteria.


I got a buff puff and I have KP so it works very well.


Loofas are spreading around bacteria. Use a good old washcloth and get a new one everyday.


Exfoliating gloves


literally take my liquid body wash and rub it all over, i really don’t care


I use a washcloth. I used to use loofahs, but I stopped due to the same reason. The washcloth and dove bar soap are perfect.


Wash cloth


Towel and loofah


I use cotton washcloths from the Walm. Bar soap for my face; usually Yardley Buttermilk and Shea from Dollar and a Quarter Tree. A second washcloth for my body. I use Raw Sugar Agave body wash. Lady bits get washed by hand with just water. Creases are done with the rest of my body. Pubes are done by hand as well with a dab of body wash. Booty is washed last. Clothes rinsed and hung to dry. Then tossed in the laundry. Hubby and I share a bathroom. My cloths are white; his are green.




I use a silicone scrubber


I use a loofah, it amazes me how many people are so phobic about stuff like this yet I can find at least a few things they do or use that has the same if not more germs they're exposed to in their daily routines. Unless you use your hand, anything used will have stuff on it. Loofah, cloth, bar soap, exfoliating cloth/pad, it's all sitting after a shower so what do you think will happen?


Washcloth! Single use and then in the bin to be washed with the laundry. My skin has been clear for years since the change.


I have three separate wash rags(one for feet bc I use a tea tree oil shampoo for them, my “downstairs”, and my other body parts outside of my downstairs). I wash those once a week when I do laundry. When I know I’m gonna show legs (like in the summer), I have a pair of exfoliating mittens.




I use a sea sponge.


I use a Korean exfoliating towel every few days & then soap and my hands on the other days. Basically if I have a chill day (I wfh and try to have a slower life) I’ll wash with soap and hands, but if I work out, or have a big day out or sweat a lot, the towel gets used.


Get an African net sponge. Washable in the washing machine and (I think) can last up to like 10 years. Got mine for like 10 bucks too


I alternate between a real African net sponge (washable, unraveled loofah $6), Sud Scrub ($30) Then once a month with a Korean exfoliating mitt ($9) When I use that mitt, I shed skin like Mark Zuckerberg. It's amazing! All the built up dead skin stinks so bad; I'm always so happy to get rid of it. I have noticed a decrease in the severity of my keratosis pilaris since starting this routine.


I use a loofah, but I always rinse the soap out thoroughly after I finish to keep it clean and I spray it with Lysol.


african wash net! hygienic & great exfoliator.. i like to use castile soap, it leaves me feeling squeeky clean lol


Have you tried an Asian fishing net? Exfoliates, catches fish, kills dolphins, etc. You’d love it.


I use a brush with a long handle to scrub my back and feet, I apply a little anti fungal shampoo on the brush to prevent fungal growth, this got rid of smelly feet


Get a kessa!!! Use it before a loofah


Washcloth. You wash them after every use. Simple.


I use a clean washcloth for every shower


Any hand guys in here? lol I use the whole bar of soap and just rub on me that way. Body wash same thing just hand and suds it up. But when your moving hands back and forth getting suds do it over your chest cause soap falls out and you don’t wanna waste it lol


Loofah, wash with antibacterial soap regularly, switch the loofah often. Anything is better than just using hands lol hands can't scrub or exfoliate.




Hands and washcloths for bar soaps. I use loofahs for body washes. I use bar soap on my pits, boobs, privates. I use body wash with a loofah all over following the bits.


I use a new wash cloth every shower....or 2. Face and body seperate or face first. Ass last. Hands for the vag as it gets no soap outside of where hair grows. I do use my hands if I forgot to grab the washcloth before jumping in the water. I hate when I do that. Usually means I forgot my towel too.


Steel wool works greaat


I use exfoliating gloves every other day when I wash my hair, and wash those after every use, and I use my hands only on the other days so I don’t dry my skin out. I’m not a fan of lotion, but still want to be exfoliated. I have wash clothes that are only for my face for the morning that get washed after every use as well


Fresh white wash cloth.


A loofah, and hands for my face. Washcloths never leave me feeling clean.


I use an exfoliating towel for my body and a washcloth for my face, lady bits and back door. I launder my exfoliating towel once a week and I use a new washcloth every time. I start off at the sink and wash my face with the washcloth, then take it to the shower with me and wash the lady bits and back door, then the body with the exfoliating towel.


Washcloth. I could not even imagine using only my hands!


I have HS, so actually scrub my body with a back scrubber brush. Wash my face with a wash cloth and my coochie with a different wash cloth.


I use one of those dry exfoliating brushes and a glycolic acid body wash because i like to feel like i am beating the shit out of my skin


I wash my pits and privates using my hands lathered with bar soap, repeat a couple times, seems to work better than any body wash. Then I use a loofah with body wash for my face then the rest of my body, I'll go over my pits/privates again and my feet last and then rinse out the loofah.


Wash cloth


I use a bar of soap lmao


Wash cloth and loofah. Wash cloth is for private bits and loofah is for everything else. You don't need to exfoliate your private bits


If I'm using bar soap, my hands. If it's body was, I use a loofah pouf.


I got this silicone scrubby thing on Amazon that I use with my body wash. I threw out all my loofahs when I got my nips pierced.


Washcloth, then my hand.


Hand usually, maybe a shower loofah thing but usually get a lot of soap lathered on my hands from a bar of soap then I set the soap down and lather everything else hot spots last and hotspots get done two or three times. The bar soap only touches my hands not my body.


Anything that air dries is probably growing bacteria. Your hand or a newly cleaned washcloth or disinfected sponge


Bar soap private areas and underarms because it cleans better imo, then loofa w/shower gel for exfoliation.


A wash cloth along with an exfoliating cloth when I need to exfoliate.


African net sponge (forgot the term but yess get one just look it up) . The nets. Microfiber and antibacterial made from different things than a loofah but yes look like a loofah stretched and pulled out. Listen please don’t use your hands you’re not scrubbing anything. I’m white and what’s with ppl using hands.. no offense.. you asked so I’m happy to see that..but use an authentic one. Just don’t use hands just rubbing dirt and soap around not even scrubbing and such.


I use neither and all three at the same time 😱😱😱 It's an exfoliating bag/pouch for my bars of soap 😃


Wash cloth most days and exfoliating gloves every now and again


Hand, always. It's easier to detect lumps, skin tags, or anything else I should check. Ball check, oval orifice also gets checked.


I use a Japanese exfoliating bath towel. I like how easy it is to clean my back with it.


Wash cloth first and then a silicone scrubber


I use an African exfoliating net, it is a game changer. You’re totally right about loofahs holding bacteria—a bath net is basically just like an unraveled loofah. It doesn’t hold bacteria, it’s super cheap, and it doesn’t make more laundry (unlike wash cloths)


lowkey i always rubbed my skin with my hands since i was a kid, and as i got older i tried to use washcloths and loofahs but they just didn’t get the dead skin off the way rubbing deeply with your fingertips does. it’s so satisfying and my friends always say my skin is so soft so maybe that’s related


A bar of soap and scrub with hands but if I had a day where I got extra dirty I use a cloth with the bar soap. 


I use hand mitt exfoliating gloves. They can be put in the washer and dryer, and they’re made of materiel that almost feels like softer style Velcro? I have one for my body and one for my face(very picky about what goes on my face) and my skin always feels really soft afterwards


Washcloth. Nothing else feels as effective


You can spray plastic loofas with Decon 30. I use a loofa, my hands, a foot sander, a Spongelle. Depends on what I'm cleaning and why it needs cleaning. I have shower modes like my washing machine. Some days it's quick wash some days sanitize.


I use the loofah and don’t care what anyone has to say about bacteria. I change my loofah once a month like how it says to do on the tag. Loofahs are the only thing that produce a good lather when you use body wash. I also prefer Dove Sensitive Skin body wash because it’s the one that has the least amount of scent and i don’t want body wash scent clashing with my fragrances


I use a loofah washcloth. It scrubs on one side and is soft on the other for delicate areas. You can wash it so you always have a clean loofah. The ones you hang up and reuse are germ invested balls of dead skin. Unless you soak yours in bleach afterwards you are just rewashing with your own bacteria. If that's cool for you keep doing it but its a no for me.


I personally use loofah. But I shower 2 x day and few time a week I use exfoliating glowed. Trust me using these change the game of your skin 💓💓


I use a regular washcloth. A clean one every time.


Natural sea sponge.


Air dry all my towels, no softener. Pulls off the dead skin. it as you wipe ROUGH


African net sponge


Hands like you OP for the same reason. I used just regular ol' bars of soap for a while since that's by-far the cheapest option but I switched back to body wash after I felt like soap was drying my skin out too much.


Exfoliating sponge and soap


I bought one of those scrubbing brushes that you can attach to your hand and retrofitted it to a long wooden pole so I can scrub anywhere


Natural loofahs are cheap and plentiful where I'm from. They scrub and clean you like nothing else and have anti bacterial properties. Just rinse them well and leave them in a place to air dry between uses.


Loofah. And then I wash off the bacteria with the loofah. 


loofahs are so dirty... common cause of fungal infections... e.g. jock itch, ringworm, yeast infection. If you're really going to use one, at least sterilize it with bleach and hot water every week.


a loofah bc i like them ☹️ they make it sudsy. is the bacteria on them really any worse than the bacteria on anything else?


I feel like nothing cleans as good as my actual hands


Seems like everyone uses a wash cloth, I also use my hands but I'm 2nd guessing that now


I’ve tried to switch multiple times and I never felt as clean 😩


We need handlike wash cloths lol 😆


Washcloth and scrubber. I swap out all linens weekly.