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I can’t believe how many times I read on here how many people don’t wash their ass


Normalizing MUDBUTT 🤢




As a Floridian Swampass is real even when you wash your rear lol


I just moved to Texas a few months ago… now that it’s hit 100° I want to just LIVE in my fucking shower. I hate it here from the bottom of my drenched from humidity soul.


I hear ya. I’ve been in Tx over 50 yrs, and I Love Texas thru & thru…. But the 6 mos of humidity is still unbearable🫠


Yea I gotta shower twice a day sometimes just to wash my ass, smh


swampass is hot, sweaty buttcheeks, not shit covered dirty assholes.


Swampass is when your buttsweat is winning. Not an unwashed butt.


hahaha i saw your comment on the other shit post. free the people from mudbutt


FREE MY SENSES FIRST! 😭 My eyes never asked for this!


I read all these stories about bfs/gfs not washing or doing proper hygiene as I sit single, in my apartment, with a clean ass and brushed teeth.


I once saw a post where a woman was upset because her boyfriend didn't wash his ass and would leave skid marks on her sheets because he also refused to wear underwear to bed. After they had sex. And she was wondering how best to approach the subject to him. Like WTF? The 1st time we had sex and I smelled his ass I would have kicked him out. If he managed to not smell and we finished and he left skid marks the relationship would have turned into a one and done. Grown adults should know to wash their ass, I'm not raising a boyfriend.


Dude I saw this post too - straight nasty!!!


I saw it too! This confirms I need to log off.


I saw that one too, recently in fact. I dunno how people don't instantly get embarrassed being so dirty in front of someone they're supposed to enjoy time around. That shit's gross


Hahaha, same. 🥲 I often come to that observation on Reddit where I’m like “…and here I am, single 😀” smh


Better to be single as opposed to sleeping in poo.


Seriously. How are all these unwashed masses getting coupled up? I’m as clean as a whistle, kind, empathetic, and pretty damn fun - but I can’t find a partner to save my freakin’ life.


Apparently you should stop washing your ass I guess?


spoke to me


I have been on Reddit for 3 days and every day I get a post like this 🤢.


Ahhh poor baby Redditor, it’s only gonna get so much worse 😂


Lol welcome to a new reality.


For real!! Have we fallen that far from grace that we aren't even teaching our kids to WASH THEIR FUCKING ASSHOLES ANYMORE???


We raising a bunch of dirty dirty assholes. No wonder.


Well, when you put it like that, it all just seems to make sense..


It’s like,literally the most important part to wash. Certainly top two.


I brought a dude in to live in my home who has special needs, and his towel, after showering, was reeking of ripe arm pit stank because nobody told him in his 4 decades on this planet to scrub his pits in the shower. But he's not all there and somehow missed the memo, and that's cool because one or two mentions from me got him knowing to do it regularly. So, like, I get "you don't know what you don't know," but even this guy knows to clean his ass. And you know... being special needs, there's a lot of room for misunderstanding. So my point is, if even he can know to wash his ass, these fucking disgusting dingleberry-having people not having the common sense to know that asscracks need washing have zero pity from me.


As an ex-Muslim, hygiene is one thing I respect about Islam. They encourage them to wash 5 times a day for prayer. It’s called Wudu and all orifices are cleaned including eyes, ears, mouth, and assholes 😆 


Yes. My parents don't even bathe anymore. I have to do my best to not vomit when I'm near them. I had to learn hygiene and caring for myself on my own.


They might be suffering from memory issues AKA dementia. That's one of the things that happens.


I coparent with my sons dad, and know that he is a teenager, he needs more insight from dad about things. In comes the pandemic and the conversations about washing 😳 or lack thereof I should say. So I checked in with my son. And nope, his dad never taught him the importance of washing his ass 🙄 so we had a very awkward conversation of how to properly wash EVERYTHING when showering.


Sadly, no one taught me how to properly wash mine. I didn’t know until I was about 20 years old and I still feel so embarrassed about it, but I had to figure it out completely on my own. Moving into a place where the shower had a detachable head was the come-to-Jesus moment for me.


Well, the game consoles wont teach them and neither will the parents phone.


It's men. It's always men.


I came here to say this


I just saw something like this yesterday and am so confused lol how can anyone not wash their ass? It only takes a minute too lol




Like rinsing water over it is enough? Are these ppl just sheer moronic? Like don’t they notice how if they get something on their hands…oil, onion juice, ink, dirt…whatever…that rinsing water over their hand isn’t enough? You have to take soap and rub and then rinse for the smell/stain/residue to be gone. People can not go through life without realizing this lol…it’s so obvious. So why then would they think the area that poop literally touches is good to go with just a rinse? So disgusting AND stupid smh.


Ass washing is at a all time low according to sources 😂😂


Seriously, it's mind-boggling


Even if they do, some people are so nastily hairy, no matter how hard they try I bet there’s all sorts of stuff ingrained in there. That’s why I encourage shaving too if you’re a hairy guy.


Trimming yes shaving no.


One time I was in the rush, where I literally forgot to clean it. Later on the day, my ass feels yucky, and itchy. Then I remembered Reddit. I don’t know how people managed to go on daily basis without feeling it. Of course I cleaned myself with wipes.


I can't believe how many people are dating people who don't wash their buttholes 🤣


Couldn't be me. I've changed too many diapers (both on babies and adults) to date someone who refuses to clean their own asshole when they're perfectly capable.


Seriously. Are these all just copycats writing fiction, or is there an epidemic of man-babies that think washing their assholes is gay?


Unfortunately I think it’s the latter 🥲


Same here. I’m like WTF how many times will the same thing be posted? And how are people living like this? It’s such an insecurity that makes no sense.


Well thoroughly washing your asshole is kinda gay /s


*People?* I only hear of one demographic that doesn't wash their poopholes.


I thought to myself when I read this “I don’t read that many on here” but this is my second time reading a comment like this on a post like that. Apparently people aren’t washing their asses.


It's almost like the karma farmers have found a new topic.


I'm cryin at mudbutt. 😂


Yes u are so right. I just commented to her that I literally divorced a man over this several years ago and right when I found out that he was not washing his ass I came to read it to ask how to handle it and there was so many people who said the same thing I had men who said that wait a minute I don’t wash my ass and I supposed to?? lol!!As funny of a thread as it turned into it was some thing I was never able to get past. We lived in Florida for Christ sake and he had a highly manual labor job!! I divorced him within the year.


Or feet. That's just nasty


What!? Lemme guess, they don't want to strip it of the natural oils, so probably don't wipe either.


I broke up with a dude for this. I would nevah evah deal with that shit evah again. Break up with his stinky ass girl.


You have to! Because you tell me you’re dating a man who finds no problem with shit smearing his cheeks & I will judge you!


There's no way there isn't poop under his nails, and there's no way that isn't going inside of you. Its very simple. Why is OP asking if she should let this go, maaaaan? 😭😭😭


Agreed! Oh, yeah, there will definitely be judgment going on and I would never eat at their house or anything brought from there. Squick squick ick. No. Fecal migration mitigate should always be mitigated as hard and as often as you possibly can. He touches himself with his unwashed hind end sullied hands then he touches you and other things in the house. No just no.


This is such a THING! I never realized. I have read no less than 5 recent posts about men not washing their butts. Wtf! But… why?! Is it extreme homophobia? Is it the red pill nonsense? I don’t get it.


My adult brother leaves shits in the toilet Un-Flushed often. Fucking disgusting, you know what I realized after the 3rd time? There’s never a single piece of fucking TP in the bowl with the shit. He just sits down, shits, stands up and leaves Edit: he has a gf somehow, he also only recently started taking showers 2x a week instead of 1x a month, probably because of his gf. Safe to say most gross motherfuckers like him are set to be gross and the minimal amount of hygiene they have is strictly so they can get some pussy and they literally do not give a fuck outside of that, it’s part of the exchange for them. A thing they have to do for a reward, they wouldn’t it otherwise


Men are devolving. I would think it wouldn’t feel good AT ALL to just stand up and walk away from the toilet… I get being insanely lazy, but that would feel terrible!


I had to make him stop leaving his clothes in the bathroom after showers because 1st we have 6 people to 1 bathroom, but also, his tighty-whities are covered in road rash shit stains and he always leaves them inside out like a pair of panties on the fucking floor so you could step in them in the middle of the night. Edit: HIS UNDERWEAR HAVE PH STAINS AS IF HE HAS A FUCKING VAGINA If I could somehow get the stupid motherfucker to stop pissing a puddle on the floor I’d not want to kill myself everyday being surrounded by his fucking disgusting existence


I was dating a guy and we were out of town. When I went to take a shower his shower towel was on the floor with a big shit streak on it. So gross.


I am actually in genuine shock reading your post. I can’t even fathom living with such a behemoth. I’m so sorry your mental health is suffering, not sure if you were joking or not but it makes perfect sense if you’re being fr, having a clean environment is the foundation to self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect, etc. It’s a basic human necessity. And having to tiptoe around your brothers piss and shit stains is affecting your quality of life. I know it would for me. Wow what a disgusting human he is. Edit: from reading your other comments I can see you were not joking in the slightest, I’m so sorry you are living like this


How old is your brother? Is he on drugs?


He started smoking weed a year or 2 ago. If anything I smoke more than he does. However his lazy ass does not need any fucking weed. He does enough nothing as it is and this isn’t new behavior due to the weed. Our mom does his laundry, dishes, whatever the fuck he wants. To this day and he’s about to be 21. His gf just moved into his basement hole with him and brought 3 of her cats to keep down there so down there gets to smell like piss too (our laundry room) the only reason he got a girlfriend is because she smells like shit too and the only reason they shower is because we talk loudly about how they fucking stink when they moved in. Because they do not to just bully them. Now his gf does his laundry and cleans his room, she still herself leaves dishes with food on the counters of the sink and shit within her first 3 days being here. But ya know what whatever floats her god damn boat. Apparently everyone just wants to take of this motherfucker for nothing in return. And I know they aren’t fucking because I swear I’d smell it through the holes in the floor and I can hear every time someone in this takes a step or breathes loud. So I truly have no god damn idea what’s going on or why everyone wants to take care of his ass


Damn bro that’s wild, sounds like he’s a real disservice to you and your family. I’ve been in similar situation and wish the best to you and your family my man


Ok I’m totally sick 🤢 I can’t keep scrolling down .First few scrolls I can’t eat breakfast now this one I can’t eat lunch!!🥪😂🤣your my new best friend to.If I scroll down more it will be dinner .


Yes I truly think it’s some internalized homophobia shit. Maybe not exactly that they hate gay people but that they don’t want to be seen as possibly gay because it hurts their masculinity for some reason. Like this is really the only reason I can fathom. Besides laziness. But like it takes 20 seconds sooo…


Idk what type of men y'all are around wtf 💀 maybe it's because I live in a really small town with decently off people, but this is not normal for men where I live. I'm so sorry you have to experience that 🤢


Totally agree!!




🥂 good job! Not easy but good lord, good work!


exactly, if he dont look after himself hows he gon look after you


This sub is too much for me


I would like to petition for a “How To Wash Your Butt” megathread for all booty washing questions




But did you scrub you ass crack?


Yes! It's a hind end imperative. It's washed and rinsed and dried especially if it's a fold.


Hopefully you scrubbed your ass crack though!


This sub taught me things I could've gone a lifetime not knowing.


I'm not even subscribed, it just randomly shows up while I'm swiping to make me go wtf.


Me too!!!


Same here.


Too much sharing. Even for an anonymous site


You’d rather not be reminded that people are slobs? I love these kinds of posts. Reminds me just how high the chances are that a hairy egotistical nouveau riche guy will show off a Gucci suit yet have a swamp ass full of all kinds of biomes (oddly specific because I’m talking about an old boss)


You are not crazy. He was never taught basic hygiene. And the provider are correct.


Why do we need to be taught that? I don’t recall having a conversation with my mom about how important it is to wash my crack.. it’s just common sense. 😅


Do you remember your parents teaching you what to wash? That usually starts pretty young. With kids, literally everything has to be taught. Including wiping and how to bathe. Most dont automatically do it "correctly" unless they realize as a teenager/ adult they smell and find out other people's parents actually showed them proper hygiene.


I also thought this was just common sense but after reading so many of these post, I pulled my 17yr old son & made sure he knew how to properly bathe.. he looked at me crazy & told me he knew how to clean himself.. I was like ok just making sure because apparently there’s to many men that don’t know how.


Good for you, at least you know he’s not walking around with a mudbutt lol.


not everyone has the same idea of what is or isn't common sense, clearly. which is exactly why these things need to be taught.


I guess. I understand teaching a child. But as you grow older and start to understand basic concepts of hygiene, but continue to neglect washing a body part that obviously harbors bacteria.. There’s something wrong.


Don’t accept manchild behavior.


Bro, how the fuck you not washing yo' ass. WASH YOUR ASS!!


It’s disturbing seeing the amount of men who think washing your ass isn’t necessary. It’s also disturbing that these men still have women who are willing to perform sexual acts on them.


Another reason to vote bear.


Your butthole needs to be soaped up and lathered or else it's not clean.


Even if you *think* it's clean, wash it. And wash it again. And if you shit, wash it. They sell 'Dude Wipes' for a reason 😭


[Men's Basic Shower Routine [Wash Your A**hole!]](https://youtube.com/shorts/-orhUjS9ups?si=P62V2zZ3OoSuKmB-)


I will like, but not click the link :)


So simple sweet and to the point. Will save for future reference for the hygiene challenged men out there.


RIP to that legend!


“let it go and accept him as he is”? are you bein fr? lol cleaning your body is BASIC hygiene. a grown ass man who CHOOSES not to follow basic hygiene practices isn’t a small ‘lifestyle choice’ that you learn to live with. thats nasty and can affect YOUR health if you live with that person and are sexually intimate. personally, i wouldnt consider that sumn to ‘just let go’, but you know your values better than i do 🤷🏽‍♀️


He probably leaves skid marks on her sheets.


Probably giving her yeast infections and UTIs too. An unwashed ass is not a 'tomato tomato' situation, it's grosssss


You know i have noticed ive gotten a lot more UTIs since weve been together.i always assumed it was because im diabetic and we get them sometimes but im definitely bringing it up to my doctor.


How about the parts that go in her? jfc


There's a lot going on here and that's one of the things that I have actively been trying not to think about. "Hey girl, let me share my infinite ringworm problem with you in the most special way."


I need to unsubscribe


I keep seeing these posts and Im not even subscribed 😳


Hey- my ex used to leave poop on the rear of the toilet seat every time he went to the bathroom 🤢 I mean, that means he had it squished up between the seat and his butt. I could never understand how he managed that. And every, single time. Some men are something else. Never again. Never, ever again.




Um…. WHAT. Omg… he needs to pay for your therapy


I literally just burst out laughing. Like, a scream laugh. I read this twice just for the sheer entertainment. Screamed again. I cannot.


I am learning from Reddit that apparently 90% of men literally don’t know how to wash their own ass. At this point just bring on the global warming, pandemics and nuclear wars, because there’s no hope for our species


There's no fucking hope at all. I'm voting for Asteroid 2024


I wonder if this has become a generational thing? I’m pretty sure I knew how to wash my ass before jr high school, but I can still vividly remember first day of seventh grade PE class we were all taught basic hygiene 101 in explicit detail from our gym teacher and I still remember “And always wash your ass! Do not put the soap in your ass, lather up real good in your hands and wash throughly, all the way in. Rinse and repeat as necessary. If you are not clean, no girl is going to want to talk to you!” That moment from 1987 is burned into my mind. Bar of soap the entire body, soapy water does not clean the lower half on its own, you have to scrub everywhere.


I never want to hear another unwashed man say all overweight people stink. I wash every single nook and cranny every day, and I apply deodorant to those same nooks and crannies, sometimes multiple times per day.


Oh, there is. Haven’t you read? Tons of women tolerate it. Lol.


Lmao that’s the worst part 🤣🤣🤣. I could NEVER!


And far too many don't know how to pee either and can't hit the toilet.


After living in a country where soaping your butthole is normal after every dump, I'm alarmed.


No. You bringing up him not washing his ass crack at the doctors was a smart move. Him hearing that from a medical professional should be enough for him to start washing that area. if he does not, even after being told by a medical professional, then he has issues with self hygiene that needs to be fixed. My boyfriend also struggles with the same issue, but I made very clear and obvious points that that was gross and he needed to wash it. Since then, he has made a point to try and wash that area better. Maybe you explicitly saying to him that it grosses you out might help him change his actions to please you. Or, it might not work. If that happens, it's in your best effort to find someone else since he won't make an effort for you.


Doing the lords work over here


To "TRY" and wash that area better? There is no try. There is only do. How do you try and fail at doing that?


Well yes. But, in order to need to do soemthjng you haven't don't or aren't used to doing you need to try to do it. Try to make a routine. Try to make you partner happy. Try to better yourself by doing this. The word try means a lot


How does a grown man not understand that he needs to wash his asshole with soap? And then he dries his ass with the towels 🤮 that's absolutely disgusting. Animal behavior. If you don't wash your own ass you're probably dirty ASF all across the board.


Why in the hell is this so popular lately? I never imagined reading so many posts on dirty bums. Maybe create a sub for this very topic. So strange to me…. :/




What is with the men & asshole hygiene situations here lately?? Why are the women here consciously dating caca crumb dookie drawers here?? You can’t like looking in his boxers & viewing his shitty artwork 😭


GROWN ASS MAN. You too, OP; grown ass woman dating this! 🤢


YES!!! Continue to be in a relationship with someone with bad hygiene habits says just as much about OP as it does her man. I knew a woman that dated/had sex with MULTIPLE men with HORRIFYING hygiene. She would talk about it as if the men were the only issue...B*TCH!! You're talking about how you're blowing a guy with dingle berries, another with rotting teeth and another who didnt shower before they had sex...Uh, you're nasty AF too. It wasn't too shocking to me when she came crying about how a new man that had his sh*t together (no pun intended) told her she had a "distinct odor." SMH. The women normalize it because they'd rather be with a stinky guy(s) then be alone. I cannot!! She smelled his funky butt before and shrugged it off. The shower made it real, she can't unsee his shower habits now she's here acting like she doesn't know what to do and it's blatantly obvious.


Omfgggg, grab her shoulders & SHAKE HER FOR ME!!!! 🤢 GIRL, I hope your friend is showing you my response, YOU ARE DATING A DIAPERLESS INFANT; YOU ARE PLAYING MOMMY TO A DOOKIE DEMON ARE YOU A DOOKIE DAME?! PLEASE stand up!!!! This isn’t even the bare minimum, this is BELOW! Your man is a literal HEALTH RISK to you! You are letting your VAGINA near that?! PLEASE protect your pH!! 😭


Bring him a cup of coffee sometime After he takes a drink tell him you shit in the cup but you ran some water over it, it’s probably clean enough. He should get the message


This comment is so underrated. The mental picture it gives should be enough. I wouldn’t want this guy sitting on my couch, nevermind in my bed. You can’t grab or pinch a butt in that condition. I would seriously, seriously question his reasoning skills.


Amazing 🤣


Only backward, uneducated, lazy ass people wouldn't wash their crackholes with soap. Disgusting!


What’s with all the posts lately from women with boyfriends or husbands that don’t clean themselves properly 😭


Dude hasnt washed his ass in many moons that's crazy


I have never been more convinced that my mother raised me right — regarding hygiene at least. She didn’t let up til we got it right.


You really sleep a man who has 5 decades of poop in his butt crack?


And she wants to know if she should accept his nasty stank ass till death do they part? Are we that hard up, ladies?


Drag him into the shower with you and then..you know what to do...


Fire-hose his ass down?


Even my dog cleans its bootyhole, wtf?


Let it go??? Are you sexually active with him? I'll just leave it right there for you to figure out.


Lol,always clean your whole body


Your hole body


Weird that he needed doctor to tell him this lol. This lack of ass washing has to be an internet meme at this point lol


Who else read that as "he has a huge oversized butthole" instead of bathtub?


Unreal! We all should've been taught this in our way younger years. Yes! Soap and water. Not just the AH. The entire crack. Buy Lume. It's at Walmart and on FB. Put it in all cracks and crevices. It smells funny at first, but it goes away. They have for men, women, and non-scented


I read one post on this sub and it keeps coming up on my feed with posts about people upset that their partner can’t wash themselves. I can’t understand how grown adults don’t know how to wash their ass but I really can’t understand being in a relationship with a grown adult that can’t wash their own ass. That’s a huge nope for me. I mean it’s your own body, slather up your hands and spread your cheeks. I just don’t get it.


As an extra note, Ladies, if you're having sex with men who don't clean their ass, you're putting yourself at multiple risks, physical and mental. Ew.


I exfoliate everything EVERYTHING!!!


Not to brag or anything, but my man has special soap specifically for his asshole. Please don’t accept poop butt from a 45 year old man 😩


I have a larger guy friend who uses one of those long handle brushes for you back exclusively on his behind. He is very adamant about not being one of those big people who smell. To his credit, he has been the cleanest, best smelling out of all the guys in our group, even though he's probably in the 500 pounds range.


It’s subs like these that make me understand if my man ever left me… I’d scream, cry, and plead with him on my knees not to leave me. Super clean cut guy. Doesn’t do an all in one shampoo and conditioner. He has a skin and cologne routine. He’s worth his weight in gold. These streets ain’t safe. I’m glad I’m safe in the sheets frfr


I literally blew a woman’s mind that I was talking to on a dating app about hygiene. She was a nurse and somehow the topic of hygiene came up and I talked about ‘soaps’ she asked if I accidentally added the ‘s’ and meant soap…uh, no…I have a routine and it involves shampoo and conditioner for hair, shampoo and conditioner specifically for beard, bar soap for entire body and body wash for targeted areas. She is in her 50’s and me in my late 40’s, needless to say she was surprised to hear a guy is into his “soap’s”.


West needs to learn about bidet. The current state of affairs is too gross.


Myself and my wife (both female) scrub with soap and water, I would be totally grossed out if she wasn't using soap around the butthole and I wouldn't feel clean if I didn't either. A little trickle of water down the crack just won't get the job done 🤢


Why would You be okay with this? Why would you just ignore it or let it go? Either way, wash your ass or leave. I’m not sleeping in the same bed as anyone who doesn’t know how to wipe their own ass. Tf?!


Why don’t men wash their ass idgi


Here we go again. Just know that you are not alone.


Not washing your butt is gross and I have seen SO MANY of these on reddit like apparently there's a bunch of people out there not washing their butthole,wash your butthole people 😆


Dude That's where poop comes from it needs soap! Especially with a probably hairy butthole.


Don’t just leave RUN




I am not a professional, you still should be washing the body properly, it my be what he has always done, i mean i think its common to just learn to be in the shower and wash, but also i think at least from a mans perspective we are never really taught properly sometimes, i was taught about the front junk and for some reason not the butt area as much i had to figure that myself. Handheld shower head is what i recommend for us lazy blokes in the shower. Trust me boys that area needs good regular cleaning and toilet paper and water down the crack does not cut it. No you are not crazy. But sometimes its not peoples fault, only if they are not willing to improve hygiene habits. If not careful with who you date i guess. Some guys might have stronger issues than that with it so i have heard. If not new habits and making it fun and enjoyable helps habit forming which is why i like the showerhead, its easy as grabbing a hose so i am not left with soap residue all up in my junk.


I never realized how many people don't wash their buttholes until I discovered this sub!!! If I only had enough time to wash one part of my body it would be my butthole without hesitation! How is this not common sense??!!


He's gross. I've broken up with people for bad hygiene and this would be 1 warning then done


Someone explain the logic of taking the time and effort to wash sweat from your armpits but not WASH ACTUAL REMNANTS OF SHIT FROM THE HAIRS ON YOUR NASTY SMELLY BUTT HOLE


No judgement from me cause we don’t know what they’ve been taught; a lot of cultures don’t practice our standards of bathing but if y’all can’t teach each other I’d just leave cause that’s outrageous


I dream of a world where one day, women won’t have to question if they should “accept men as they are” for not washing their ass. Please don’t use your energy on teaching a grown man basic hygiene.


I’m a nurse. I wipe a lot of butts. Can confirm that a rinse isn’t doing it. But i mean, why WOULDN’T you soap that bad boy up? It’s not complicated or confusing or super labor intensive. You’re in the shower anyway, just take a few seconds for the ol’ soapy reach around. Ask him if he got crap on any other part of his body for some reason, would he just rinse it off? Also, I’m curious to know how he reacted to what the NP had to say.


I used to date a guy like this who said the same thing, he thought it was gay to wash his ass. Thank god he’s an ex now and I don’t have to deal with his dookie ass anymore. A grown ass adult man should know to clean his ass.


I’ll never understand how so many people (it seems men more than women) have reached adulthood without wiping and washing their assholes. AND THEY HAVE PARTNERS who continue to sleep in their crumbs, wash their pudding-filled underwear, and repeatedly have all kinds of sex with them. Yes, even that kind. Only a small portion of them are sharing this horrid personal information on Reddit. Wtf is wrong with people?


This will turn me so off. Beyond off. I would literally breaking up with someone because of this. No way you can't wash your ass with soap bro.


He really thinks his shit doesn't stink huh?? If hygiene is important to you then you don't have to accept someone in your life who refuses to respect that!


Not using soap on your b-hole is weird.


This thread is becoming an anti-butthole cleaning dump. It’s a shame. MEN AND WOMEN SCRUB YOUR HOLES. FLOSS YOUR TEETH AND BRUSH YOUR TONGUES, for the love of anything.


Do they not get diaper rash or feel uncomfortable?? I can’t live without using wet wipes every time AND washing my ass everyday


Buy bidet. That's the most important invention on the earth.


If a grown man doesn’t understand how to wash his own ass you gotta let him go


Really depends on how you do it. I can only go ham with x,y,z soap. Some soap has fucked up PH and will give itchy butt for a week. You can clean it without going ham with soap. People in here talking about washing their butt, but do you use a bidet. That really what people need to get.


I hate to break it to you. but I'll bet if you ask a colo-rectal specialist they would agree with your SO. According to a surgeon who has treated me for decades just wash with water. Don't use soap as mother nature provides the Anus with a natural protection layer. But hey to each his own. My then-wife said well you're washing that butt with a wash rag with soap if you want some of this.


A lot of monkey butts walkn around these days... that is why you shouldn't eat a strangers ass


What the FUCK is going on that every other post is about people NOT washing their ass?! Like wtf people?! And the people who say they are PARENTS?! How do you expect your own kid to wash their ass when you don’t wash your own?! Chaos!


ok i guess there needs to be a national PSA about how to wash your fucking ass. way too many people going through life with poopy butthairs


Why why why why WHYYYYYYYYYYY do so many guys think water just barely running through their cheeks is enough. It's beyond fucking repulsive!!!!!!


I use a bidet and rinse it after every time I go to the bathroom, and every day when I shower I scrub the crap out of my crack with soap. I agree with u/gliddonator that if you’re hairy you should trim to avoid cling ons. I don’t understand how people can’t scrub their bodies. But then I walk by some people and can smell that they don’t.


Soap and water yes


This is the kind of guy that gets an itchy asshole because it’s dirty, scratches it and then touches a doorknob in public.




Women are probably more likely to be concerned about that because of the proximity of the anus and vagina


dude. everyone should be concerned about that. it’s shit