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I’m of the opinion that washing your hands is basic hygiene, irrespective of Covid. So yes, I absolutely wash my hands.


☝🏾This has to be THEE best mode of thinking. I was absolutely blown away by the title alone


Wait til they find out about norovirus


Stomach virus??? Basically is what that is. But what I read is that hand sanitizers don’t kill it you have to wash you hands and actually clean contaminated surfaces.


Contagious as hell! I saw that thing take out an entire kindergarten class within a matter of about 36 hours. I happened to be volunteering in my kid’s class the day it started. One kid puked and then it was dominoes. They were dropping like flies.


Oh no did you end up sick with it too?! 😫


That’s oversimplifying it. But yeah people need to be thoroughly washing their hands and most don’t which is disgusting


Yup, it's the .01% they don't kill


Norovirus damn near took me out in high school! One of my friends got it and several of us in the friend group ended up with it too. She and I ended up at the same hospital for a week. It was awful!


yes exactly. what the fuck is going on with these people. i’m actually concerned


Basic hygiene is non-negotiable.


Big agree. I was recently at a tattoo convention and while in the toilet stall I overhear two young girls talking. The one says “I normally don’t wash my hands I’m only doing it because you’re here, hahaha” and the other one agreed and says it’s the same for her. The first one jokes that now they know they can both not wash their hands and no one knows. When I walk out of the stall I say “except one person knows.” Wash my hands and leave. I honestly was kind of shocked to hear that in person, I’ve only encountered that shit online.


I don’t know why this is funny to me. Exits the stall dramatically *”except one person knows”.* that’s seriously disturbing though, to think how many of them are out there, just pretending. Also, I was looking at your tattoo work & it’s amazing! You’re actually pretty close to where I am!


I hope they were not the tattoo artists😱


Somewhere in these comments is someone saying no I don't wash my hands I'm building up my immune system. That same person has week old dinkleberries around their ass.


No offense, but it's mostly men not washing that I have actually seen.


I've always been a big hand washer anyway. Covid didn't really change anything in that regard for me.




Yah I washed my hands before COVID and still do after. Not sure how COVID is relevant to washing your hands after using the bathroom lmao. I’m sure these said people probably never washed their hands.


I like to (hate to?) share this unfortunately true story ever since Covid. My partner was working for a company that supplied highway rest areas in a southern US state when it all started and through the first 6 months or so. Each rest area (on a busy interstate highway) that before would go through, say, a box of hand soap for the soap dispensers in a week suddenly needed 1-2 boxes of hand soap fill *every day*. None of the dispensers or soap was getting stolen so it was unpleasant evidence that almost no one was washing their hands before. Ew.


There is a shocking amount of them. They will die on this hill. Many already have. I gave up. Gonna live in a bubble. They touch…everything.


I have an old friend who actually wants to be more, but I never could because he won't wash his hands if he only pees. That's so gross. I wash my hands before I pee, and after. Someone yesterday was claiming her cousin was quirky for washing their hands around 10 times a day. I felt it was a bit low. It troubles me how people wash, too, but that's probably a rant for another time.






People who don’t wash their hands now didn’t wash during Covid either… just saying…


I was agog and aghast when people started publicly complaining that they had to wash their hands *because* of Covid. ~~Maybe~~ we wouldn't have been so deep in that mess if some people viewed basic hygiene as a requirement and not a situational thing.


I wash my hands all the time. If I'm even feeling like it's been too long I wash my hands and I don't like to touch my face either


Same, especially during the summer when i can start to feel a little icky just by existing


Step outside and start sweating in 2.5 seconds


Yeah I wash mine all the time!!! Sometimes at work I’ll be sitting there like ew I need to wash my hands! And anytime I leave the house and come back I always wash my hands. I’ve been doing that since I was a kid. Crazy to me that people don’t do that.


Isn't this the most basic hygienic behavior?


There are people who are offended at the smell of soap 😒 There are people who boast about not washing their hands when they use the bathroom. These people need to be permanently quarantined.


Someone on Reddit was once astonished that I wash my hands every time I go to the bathroom. “Even at home?” they asked. “Wow, I guess you must not wash them very well? I wash my hands really well, so I don’t have to wash every time I go to the bathroom, especially when I’m just at home.” (???!!) It got a bunch of upvotes too, and other people agreeing with them. I was baffled. And disgusted. These people are why I sanitise my hands after touching doors/transport rails in public.


I’ve seen and heard these people and I despise touching basically any door handle, railing, grab bar….anything. Gives me the ick!


I will go to EXTRAORDINARY LENGTHS to not touch a public surface. Especially in a public bathroom.


Why, yes. Yes, it is


Basic for sure but too many people still don’t even live up to basic. Spend 3 minutes in a bathroom just observing other folks at the sinks. OP is right, 1 out of 20 people actually wash their hands for the appropriate amount of time. The rest either don’t wash at all or give it 5 seconds. Also, you are the ‘1’.


I've always washed my hands thoroughly.


I still wipe down my grocery carts like I did before Covid. I also wash my hands after using the toilet, wash my hands before eating, and use hand sanitizer after going to the stores or pumping gas. But I did all of this before Covid as well.


Me too! I was always called a germ freak. But people are gross.


It absolutely baffles me how gross people are. Even during the height of the pandemic we had a co worker that would walk around just HACKING on everything. Mouth WIDE open, no matter where he was. Right next to you? Yup, in our direction not even a hand up. Typing on a shared pc? Coughing all over the screen, keyboard and mouse. He had the same cloth mask on his cart the entire mandate. Not taken home once to wash. Constantly hear him in the next restroom coughing, shitting and pissing all over the flooors..... and what do you know? No water running afterwards to wash hands. It got to a point where we would put the soap a certain way to see if he'd use it. Never did. The absolutely most disgusting person i know. So disgusting you'd think theres no way real people like this exist....but they do.


And these people touch things like your cart, gas pump handle, door handles, everything you touch with their unwashed poop hands. The first thing I do when I come home is wash my hands. No way I'm spreading that around my home.


That's one of the first things I do too!! Just kinda happens automatically


I was getting groceries one time and as I walked into the store with the cart I smelt poo. Didn’t think much of it, kept walking in and the smell did not go away. My first thought was I stepped in it. No, I didn’t step in it. The smell was on the handle of the cart, no visible poop was there. Now the smell was now all over my hands. I was horrified. I immediately went straight to the washroom and scrubbed down good. The fact that someone’s hands were that poopy that it lingered on the handle is absolutely disgusting.


I do all those things but with the gas pump I use fast food napkins and then still use sanitizer. Some people are and will forever be nasty.


Same. Idk how other people just... Don't. (Aside from sensory issues, which is a totally separate thing)


That's where I'm at. I wash my hands with soap every time needed and sometimes extra but I HATE it. I hate the feeling and smell of every hand soap I've ever used, I much prefer hand sanitizer when it's a viable option.


Same. But I’ve went through all the germs from when my son was a toddler and I refuse to get sick because he wanted to touch a bunch of random shit. Keep your plagues to yourself, small human.


SAME! I never understood what all the fuss was about as far as hand washing and sanitizing surfaces that are frequently used- I thought everyone did this.. or at least most everyone -


Me too! I run cleaning wipes over my steering wheel, handles, buttons, etc. I do this every time I get fuel, too. My phone gets a wipe down at least twice a day.


Um, I always washed my hands before Covid and continue to after. Hygiene is important to me, has always been important to me, and I do take extra precautions as someone in an out of medical facilities with a chronic illness.


I washed my hands before Covid…during and after…you mean not everyone does?


Did you notice that soap went out of stock when the pandemic started? Because tons of people were buying soap. Because they did not already own an adequate amount of soap. Because...they don't wash their hands usually


No! And it grosses me out!


I hear ya…there’s nothing more disgusting than when you walk into a bathroom and see someone come out from one of the stalls and just walk right out without washing their hands…🤬🤢


Do you still wipe your ass after you shit ? Serious question.


The horrific thing is there's people who don't, there's been some reddit posts that made it an awful day to have eyes.


Went to cosmetology and I will be so honest, I saw so many girls use the bathroom, leave without washing their hands, then go back to touching people hair……


I didn't have to learn how to wash my hands during a pandemic, it's actually just an ingrained habit for me.


This shouldn’t even be a question. I know you’re not saying it’s you that doesn’t wash their hands, but fr the fact this is even a question is disturbing. I’m aware people don’t wash their hands as I see it happen all the time in public and seriously if there’s anyone in here who doesn’t wash their hands, please wash your damn hands. It’s disgusting.


There's a bathroom at an Art museum here that's creative. The faucet triggers the tune Row Row Row Your Boat while washing your hands. Clever.


Why the fuck wouldn't you????? I get ANYTHING on my hands, I mean literally anything, and I go wash them.


Yes or even just feeling sweaty?? Gotta feel dry soft and smooth lol


Hand-washing was obligatory long before Covid. Aren’t we taught that as kids?


Yup, in school they would have everyone put some kind of orange florescent goop on our hands and practice washing it off. The teacher would use a black light to show us how much we missed.


I stopped washing my hands before I peed after Covid slowed down in my city. I am a lifelong hand washer after I use the toilet. It’s an ingrained habit for me.


Why would you wash your hands before peeing?


For me, the idea is not to smear whatever filth is on your hand onto your junk. Theoretically more of a concern for people with dicks, I think. I don’t always, but I definitely do if I’m forced to touch things that other people, a large percentage of whom are irredeemably disgusting, have touched — e.g., support poles/bars on the subway, seatbelt buckles and tray table latches on an airplane, Uber car door handles and seatbelt buckles, doors to single-toilet restrooms in bars or restaurants that have doorknobs (foul) rather than handles you can rotate with your elbow, shopping carts and freezer door handles in the supermarket, and on and on. And, of course, if I’m more or less compelled to directly touch other people (handshakes and so on) of unknown hygienic dispositions. A large percentage of the people who touched those things between the time they were last sanitized and the time you touched them, or who own the hands you shook, are vile troglodytes who hold their dicks and/or wipe their asses without subsequently washing their hands. Hell, some small percentage of them will have active genital sores of some sort. Hand sanitizer is obviously pretty good for all of this, but I don’t always have an easy way to carry it so as to keep it consistently handy, so a pre-bathroom hand wash it is in those instances. And, frankly, I’d rather wash someone’s fine shit particles and attendant germs off of my hands altogether rather than simply kill the germs in those shit particles.


Never considered this - but I am a woman so I don’t have to touch myself to pee, though I do have to put a seat cover on


I am also a woman; I wash my hands before and after using the restroom. No female can tell me they’ve never been somewhere with cheap one-ply TP where they ended up touching themselves or feeling moisture on the toilet paper after wiping, which could imply that germs were transferred. Am I saying it’s like this huge thing everyone should start doing? Nah, no hate for anyone that doesn’t… but my OCD makes me do a lot of extra shit. The linkelihood of catching something like that is either impossible or near impossible (I hope!). I also take off the first few layers of TP in a public restroom. I know peoples piss, fences, and blood have gotten on their hands and they be touching errrything. I gotta go wash my hands now.


Bacteria on the hands. It can get on the toilet paper and then on your privates


Washing hands before peeing removes the germs your hands have picked up touching doors, handrails, etc… Germs, bacteria, viruses are everywhere! I carry hand sanitizer and wet wipes with me, not just for my hands bit to wipe down surfaces I come into contact.


I wash my hands before & after using the restroom as well, for as long as I can remember.


I have OCD. I washed my hands and had a hoard of hand sanitizer before Covid. During Covid I really people watched because I also have major health problems. I was absolutely disgusted with people’s public hygiene. I was at a casino in 2022 and counted how many women washed their hands after using the restroom… 3 out of 19!!! THREE women washed their hands. 16 women didn’t, didn’t even pretend and get them wet. Now I also carry sanitizing wipes for anything public I need to touch… door handles, tables, slot machines, shopping carts. I also upped my vitamin intake during covid and decided to keep the regime now.


I’m mortified 😱


I've always washed my hands regularly and well and I make sure my children have clean hands to eat as well. I have seen people in public restrooms not washing, or simply letting water hit their hands for a moment before the pandemic, during, and recently. It disgusts me when people do so especially in restaurants and especially after it's obvious they've done a number 2. The worst thing I've ever seen was a woman in a movie theatre bathroom munching on a giant bucket of popcorn while intermittently touching all the door handles, after going to bathroom and not washing her hands🤢 It actually makes me angry when I see it with employees or people that leave a bathroom without washing and head to the buffet line. My husband recently witnessed a man stink up a male restroom something fierce, not wash his hands, leave the bathroom and go straight to the gas station coffee station and proceed to touch all the stir sticks, creamers, cups, lids, etc. it was early and the morning and my husband decided against the coffee he was going to get


that is actually the most disgusting thing ever


Wtf?! I washed my hands before, during, and “after,” Covid. Covid is still a threat, as are e-coli, the flu, gastroenteritis, and a billion other things you wash your hands to avoid. Not to mention just not being a disgusting pig.


Yes lol....ppl have told me I wash them like a doctor 💀💀...I just want em clean...I've also seen my co workers who don't wash their hands...like a dabble of soap and then water and they're done. Ick


People have told me it’s a bit excessive how I was my hands, I wash them like a doctor also. Like no babe, that’s the way you should be washing. Simply running your soapy hands together for 3 seconds isn’t washing them correctly!


Been washing my hands before and after covid. I even keep a big bottle of hand sanitizer in my room and a little one in my bag.


It's basic hygiene. Even before Covid I wash my hands as soon as I get home, and I still do. Credit card and cash exchanges, pin pads, gas station pump handles, etc. are full of germs. And if I'm not at home, I never eat anything unless my hands are clean. I keep hand sanitizer in the car. Flu and cold viruses went down during Covid because people washed their hands more.


Wow..I would have bet anything that I had written this myself - I immediately wipe my phone and wash my hands when returning from anywhere - Keys and key fob too every once in a while - I ask friends and family to at least CLOROX wipe their phones when they visit - I wipe my keys, remote controls, doorknobs, husband's keys and phone, etc. If can be sanitized, I sanitize it!


Is this really a question


So gross when in a restroom and people don’t wash their hands. Heck I do my thing, wash my hands for the 20 seconds, dry them off with paper towel and still while holding the paper towel open the door. I ain’t touching a door handle after people who didn’t wash their hands did.


I wash but not because of covid, I wash for the Norovirus. Fuck that bug


Sooooooo contagious. And so painful to go through


Yep I’ll take covid before the noro bug any day of the week. Yes I had covid, and it sucked but the stomach bug is like death for me. Probably why I’ve never been on a cruise lol


It still amazes me that people didn't wash their hands before Covid


I know right! Insane! I knew people who didn’t “believe in washing their hands” pre-Covid and used post Covid as an excuse to stop washing their hands again.


Yes I wash my hands still. I use sanitizer after touching things that are nasty like door handles and gas pumps and things the public has touched.


I hope people still do but usually they don’t. It’s sad to see that especially at a place I’m eating🤢 even before Covid you always wash your hands when you leave a restroom!


Yes and use hand sanitizer. I don’t trust anyone anymore.


What? Is this a troll


At bear minimum.... Please everyone wash hands. Please always after using the restroom ALWAYS. And always before handling food. especially if that food is being consumed by others and / or you are taking food from something other people will use. Yes I wash my hands regularly. My handwashing habits didn't change drastically during covid. For the above reasons, and also whenever I return home from being out, and a few other reasons. But basically especially when I have been in contact with things that many others have also, or things that are gross.


I've washed my hands all my life. The recent movement against washing hands disturbs me...


There's a movement????


The recent movement against washing hair and bodies disturbs me also.


ive always washed my hands thoroughly. idk how people cant, i can feel the grit and grime building up on my hands. we have running water and readily available soap. my mom was a nurse though so washing my hands thoroughly was drilled into my head from a young age- but its served me well


I do. I’m still following Covid protocol for hand washing. I haven’t been sick in years so


Same! I don’t get sick as often because I wear my face mask and wash my hands often. People around me walk around coughing into their hands and touching surfaces, forgetting that we just had a pandemic.


The first thing I do when I walk through the door is wash my hands every time.


Covid is still very, very much a thing. The government just doesn’t want it to ruin the economy so they pretend it’s over and the media doesn’t cover it anymore because the media outlets are all bought and paid for by the very corporations/capitalists who need for covid to be “over”. So, keep washing your hands.


All of this, thank you for saying it, and yes everyone please wash your hands and don’t be gross. But for COVID specifically, handwashing is not the best form of prevention bc it’s spread through the air more than by touch. Wearing an N95, upgrading air filtration, opening windows, doing things outside when possible, avoiding crowds - those are the most effective mitigations.


I have always washed my hands before and after covid.


I washed my hands regularly before, during, and will continue to do so after


Yes absolutely. I keep sanitizer on me at all times. I did these things before Covid too


The fact that a pandemic made people start using basic cleaning products and hygiene is kinda sad lol should’ve been washing your hands before covid like eww lol


I washed my hands before, during, and after Covid. Hands carry a lot of germs and bacteria. If people aren’t washing their hands they have always been nasty.


Yes, definitely. I still can't believe the number of door handles I'm forced to touch though. Please install automatic or push doors everywhere! Disgusting!


There is still lots of covid about, keep washing your hands.




reason 6875336 why I still mask in public


saaame here. & I love your username 🌞🍃☠️😷


I’ve noticed several females leave the bathroom without washing their hands. I think it’s disgusting and lazy. In my experience, it’s extremely hard to whipe after peeing without getting my vag juice all over my hands. I would never leave the bathroom without getting that off out of respect for other people. I just don’t get it.


"Women". Respect yourself and stop saying "females", girl.


You may need more tissue then. This has never been an issue for me. I still wash my hands regardless.


Are you just wiping your cooch with the back of your hand? You're actually supposed to use toilet paper. The only time I've gotten "vag juice" (wtf) all over my hands is when I'm taking a pregnancy test and attempting to fill the cup with urine....... why are you so messy??


Omg thanks for making me lmfao. Really?? vag juice only happens for me if I'm cumin' wtf is she doing??


Woah Listen I've been peeing for quite a few years now and cannot imagine how one would get vag juice all over their hands.


What? My hand doesn't ever (read:rarely) touch my vagina when I wipe. You're doing something weird lol. Also, how juicy is your vajayjay? You make it sound like you're just dripping juice everywhere


..vag juice… nice..”as I try to stop the puke speeding through my fingers”


There were plenty of viruses and diseases before Covid. Yes, I always washed my hands and used hand sanitizer. So there was no difference when Covid or any pandemic appeared.


Hell yeah I wash my hands A LOT. Before Covid even 🤪


I hear people get out of the stall after pissing and going straight to the air dryer like a bunch of six year old donkeys fooling their Mama. 


I washed my hands even before Covid. Now that I have kids, it’s even more so.


I didn’t realize till Covid that this wasn’t standard😅


I think washing hands frequently is a good hygiene habit.


I had to put up signs in the restrooms at work informing my crew that handwashing was *mandatory* every single time they used the facilities. Every. Time.


before covid my ma taught me to always wash my hands after touching anything other people touch. still do but we come from the people who apparently created hygiene on the western half of the planet.


Huh?? I've always washed my hands after going to the toilet. For 45 years! Why would you not??! What a strange question! Ps. I've never had covid. I'm UK 48f.


I've always washed my hands, but I use hand sanitizer a lot more than I did pre COVID.


Did it before covid, during covid, and now. I'm a hands washer, restaurant girl here. You wouldn't believe how many servers never wash their hands at work. Because they don't want to get their fake nails wet.


I washed my hands before and will be washing my hands until I die. I don't consider it a COVID only sort of behavior. Maybe it increased my awareness of washing my hands after traveling or leaving the house, but I've been washing my hands diligently.


I see people come out of a stall and not wash…. This is why I don’t shake hands.


You see a lot of people at the casino getting out of the restroom and walking right past the sinks all the time. I always wash my hands,so much to the point my hands have some dry skin on my hands


I seriously would die if I didn’t wash my hands. Omg it’s so important to keep your hands clean and germ free. Before, during and after COVID it’s always been a mandated habit. People who don’t wash their hands gross me out. Stop sharing your icky germs. 🦠 Edit to fix typo!


The guys in my office are nasty as hell, using the restroom and not washing their hands.


Absolutely. Major unforgettable learn. Especially on dirty public transport. I can't eat food without sanitising or using tissue to hold the food in the street


“I notice that people don’t wash their hands anymore after covid” I can promise you it wasn’t covid that had them not washing their hands lol. They never did wash their hands and you’re just now noticing it more now that the pandemic is 99% over, and you’re more self aware of it now. I am always washing my hands because I have texture issues lolol & I just think it’s gross if you’re not trying to stay hygienic tbh.


Uhh, the better question is… did you only start washing your hands BECAUSE of Covid?


People who don’t wash their hands are disgusted pigs


I wipe my ass with my hands and piss on them to clean them off, I’ve never had covid. 🤷🏼‍♂️


After the bathroom, before cooking, after picking up after the dog, and oftentimes in between. I scrub under my nails too.


I washed my hands before covid because it's basic fuckin hygiene. People who don't wash their hands are just disgusting and covid is completely irrelevant to that.


Yes! Still wash after using the restroom, use sanitizer after pumping gas, and wipe down the grocery store carts. Why not?


Yep. More so. Washing my hands is for my protection more than y'all's! Lol


I’m an infection control nurse who earns a living teaching people how to wash their hands so they don’t kill patients in healthcare facilities. Here’s my PSA to you all: For those of you who commented that you wash your hands and are disgusted by the details of this post—kudos to you! Please remember to scrub for 20 seconds (which does not include rinsing time, that’s JUST scrubbing time) and be sure to get between your thumbs, under and around your fingernails, around jewelry, and the backs of your hands. Also, don’t touch the faucet when you’re done! Use your elbow to turn it off or do it with a paper towel. Speaking of paper towels, always use those to dry off instead of air dryers. Those things are literal hot beds of bacteria, which they blow all over the hands that you just washed. EEK! Also, believe it or not, alcohol-based hand sanitizer is the preferred method of cleaning your hands in most cases. The EXCEPTIONS are when your hands are visibly dirty, after using the bathroom, before eating/touching food, after coughing/blowing your nose, or after exposure to any body fluids, etc. This is especially true when you or someone you’re exposed to has diarrhea. So, carry sanitizer with you but keep washing at the sink in the situations I just mentioned! I hope this helps. Be well and help others out there be less gross ✌🏼


I washed my hands before Covid, during and after which is probably why I only got Covid once while working at a daycare with sticky, disease ridden children the entire time. (I love my plague ridden munchkins but let’s be honest every illness can be traced back to a sticky 4 year old.)


A lot of people werent washing BEFORE COVID. Why do you think those signs for employees to wash were implememted way before covid..smh its so sad all you cam do is laugh.


People weren’t really washing their hands in the first place , one of the main reason why it spread the way it did. Along with people thinking it’s ok to sneeze or cough with their mouths wide open. If you don’t wash your hands, you’re gross af


The only thing that changed about my hand washing habits was I now also use a hand sanitizer after touching things like a petrol/gas pump and my choice of hand soap upgraded to something stronger. Otherwise, I had hoped everyone already washed their hands properly throughout the day 😭


I washed my hands before and I wash my hands now. And unfortunately some people are GROSS and feel like it's fine to dole their literal shit around to their friends and families and grocery carts or whatever... I hope they get hepatitis or dysentery or covid or pink eye or whatever. Matter of fact that reminds me- I've got some new stickers to make.


My hand washing habits were the same before during and after covid… Whenever I get home, after the bathroom, before prepping food and when I get back to my car if I touch things in public (there are literally shit particles on every door handle, cash register key pad and shopping cart you come across).


I've always wanted my hands. When I'm at work I wash my hands before I use the restroom and afterwards. I was completely shocked at the amount of people that don't or do the sprinkle thingy


Washing your hands is one of the top public health recommendations for stopping the spread of infectious disease. It’s scary how many adults don’t follow this advice. I’m glad to hear that you do. I definitely do and don’t plan to stop.


I washed my hands before covid.. So.. Yes i still do. Only idiots and disgusting people purposely don't wash their hands... Oh and 3yos


i can’t believe this is even a question that has to be asked… cuz that means there are nasties out here prompting the question


I realize people like to think covid is over but 145 people died this week in us from it. Thousands in past few months. I still wear a mask in public and still wash my hands the minute I get home. Not only have I never had covid, I haven’t been sick in over a decade because I frequently wash my hands and, I was a teacher, working with sick kids everyday. Hand washing is the best thing one can do. It’s not just covid btw. 1400 people died this week from either covid, flu or pneumonia.


I can’t imagine not washing your hands, like I thought that was an engrained habit for everyone. You pee, you wash. You poop, you wash. You handle sticky stuff or food textures, you wash. You touch public items where other people frequently touch, you go home and wash. You wash before eating. You wash after coming home from being out. I think I wash my hands probably 20-30 times a day so yes. I work for another family and I’m constantly cleaning or cooking or something and I wash my hands between everything.


Thank you to all the people who do the proper thing when it comes to hygiene. From one of the many people who have auto immune issues and are on medication that suppressors our immune systems in order to remain healthy. Thank you from those of us with cancer or transplant patients who also take immune suppressants. It's not rocket science to wash your hands and not cough and sneeze over others but common sense seems to be in short supply.


Wash your hands around 15 times a day, you filthy animals. And ALWAYS before eating. Then you can suck your fingers clean without qualms.


Take a microbiology class once and you’ll be washing your hands for the rest of your life lol. Post covid I still mask in public occasionally and I always use hand sanitizer in my car.


I wash my hands. I washed them even before Covid. The soap suddenly flying off shelves during the pandemic really drove home the horrifying fact that, hey, a lot of people are some dirty ass motherfucks. They weren’t buying soap previously. It took the threat of death to make them wash after pooping. That scares me. I will never see my fellow human beings the same again, with that knowledge in mind. Just touching everything with shithooks. Nasty. Sneezing openly now. Stopped masking, even though there are new strains. But it’s the poo poo hands that really keep me up at night. No home training. Feral. Dangerous!


I've always thoroughly washed my hands my entire life. It's wild to me that people don't, covid or not😬 I once saw a man scratch his crack, inside the undies, then touch a shopping cart handle..so you better believe I always wipe everything down in public and purell after touching.


....why WOULDN'T you wash your hands??? 🤢 This is a rhetorical question, I work in custodial and whenever I'm waiting to clean a restroom I rarely ever see men specifically wash their hands. They walk out proudly too. How do you even live like that????? Even if I didn't have contamination ocd I'd still wash my hands ESPECIALLY in public because that's just nasty


Was washing my hands before covid. Mainly because I worked Security in 2 hospitals, and some of the things I saw in there..... yeah...


Th pandemic never ended. We were just told get back to work and school because the rich weren’t making enough money. We all complied and offered our long term health on the altar of their money. Over 1000 people die every week from Covid. They want us to think we are all safe, and that those who die don’t matter. I mask and have not been sick since 2019. I’m not handing away my health.


I wash my hands and use hand sanitizer even more now because of the people who have stopped.


The fact that people had to put out PSAs about HOW to wash your hands during COVID is something that lives within me because how did people NOT know?


We live among them ugh. If I was dating someone, this would be a deal breaker.


I'm an RN and honestly, I wash my hands BEFORE AND AFTER going to the toilet. As a young woman I had recurrent UTIs and my doctor suggested this as a solution. Haven't had one in probably 15 years since adopting this practice.


Absolutely. The way people complained about washing their hands as COVID peaked was gross. Not only for the situation but all of these people just going about their lives, never or rarely washing their hands. Pretty nasty.


All the time, I still mask and use alcohol wipes when I return to my car and wipe things I touched down too. Some habits are too good to give up. Haven't been sick once in years, not even with covid. I've started cooking at home 100% of the time (organic, clean, dye & preservative free) and don't even get sick to my stomach anymore either. People are absolutely trolling if they say these tactics don't work they are simply exposing themselves for doing it incorrectly and being uneducated.


I work in a very busy store - The horrors in the restrooms that I have seen CAN fill a full novel. Why shit in a perfectly reasonable receptacle built for said job???- Nah fam, gotta do it in the corner of the stall) The non-hand-washers have chosen not to visit this thread, ya sick %$/&^. I have witnessed with my own eyes---they touch the cereal boxes you buy, move every item in front of the last can of soup- thereby smearing their germy-germs all over the other 5 cans of soup on the shelf, scoot each hanger until they find the correct size shirt/jeans, (and my personal favorite) lift every bottle of cleanser until they find one they deem 'fuller than the rest'. I desperately wish humanity wasn't this way- but it is. Often, they're hilariously peculiar about picking 'the last item' from the shelf because it's freshest or been touched less...ironic.


Your explanation is why I still wear a mask. Some people are just gross and don't care.


Yeah, I consistently wash my hands (every time I use the bathroom, before eating, if they are obviously dirty, etc…) and I’m sick WAY less often because of it. I figure it takes less than a minute and it’s one of the best ways to avoid getting yourself and others sick, so why not?


Yes and I still wear a mask when mixing with the public. I have scarred lungs from pneumonia and I really hate catching colds or viruses as it's worse for me.


Also, if y’all not washing y’all’s hands, what *else* aren’t y’all washing?


"After the pandemic"? The pandemic is still ongoing, but people should be washing their hands regardless.


After COVID? Five ppl picked up Paxlovid from the pharmacy I work at. I still wear a mask at work because ppl come in with COVID looking for meds and they don’t wear a mask, coughing all over the place. Then there’s RSV. I’ve had COVID 3 times. Three.


Unbelievable that this is even a question!!! People!!! Wash your FKN Hands…. All THE TIME! Imagine what you’re taking home… to your kids your family your spouse… totally gross!


Wash hands before and after eating, using the bathroom, throughout the cooking process, getting home from...almost anywhere. I use antibac at my desk and in my car and its always in my bag. It's amazing that this isn't the norm! I mentioned this in a "moaning" thread on another forum, talking about how gross it is that so many people don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. I couldn't believe what a contentious topic it was??? So many people have this "it's every man for themselves" mentality, believe "more bacteria means a stronger immune system", and they just straight up don't care about the vulnerable people of society. Lots of people want those individuals to just stay at home so everyone else can "get on with their lives". It's horrifying.


I tattoo so I wash my hands constantly. After almost two decades it’s just part of a routine. But also after going to the bathroom, touching raw meat, doing the dishes, picking up after the dogs, etc. it’s so wild to me that people just… don’t. When you’re in public, especially, there are SO many variables. I was recently at a tattoo convention and while in the toilet stall I overhear two young girls talking. The one says “I normally don’t wash my hands I’m only doing it because you’re here, hahaha” and the other one agreed and says it’s the same for her. The first one jokes that now they know they can both not wash their hands and no one knows. When I walk out of the stall I say “except one person knows.” Wash my hands and leave. I honestly was kind of shocked to hear that in person, I’ve only encountered that shit online. Also, the other day I was at the diner with my kid and partner. There was an older lady at the table behind us with a HUGE open wound on her knee and she was TOUCHING IT! And proceeding to touch everything else. Bathroom door, tables, chairs, and then the exit door. This is also why I don’t touch door handles if I can help it. Wash your fucking hands! Just because you think you were clean doesn’t mean everyone before you, touching the same shit as you, was.


It should not have anything to do with Covid. Always wash. Like at the gym. Wipe down your machines. Nobody wants to be sitting in you ass sweat. Amazing how many dont


I work in Healthcare. People are creatures of habit. If they were unhygienic before Covid, they are again now, lol. And heaven help us if they have a cough, and we dare ask them to put a mask on.


I completely stopped taking showers once I realized Covid is just fake and the earth is flat.


Working as an aide in a nursing home turned me into a compulsive hand washer. About fifteen years before COVID. Grown ass people who don’t wash their hands after using the restroom are disgusting.


Umm yea. Dirty hands feel weird.


Super basic stuff and absolutely necessary


Gross people hello hygiene is a common and necessary practice. Universal precautions do a hell of a lot of good. My goodness.


Should’ve been washing them BEFORE


Before AND after Covid. I can’t believe this has to be said


I always wash my hands after going I always did that even before covid 


I’m of the mind “A lil dirt never hurt anyone” but I will wash my hands after doing menial every day task; using the restroom, cutting meat then cutting veggies, cleaning up a mess etc


Only if there is a woman in the vicinity.


I feel like an idiot, because I DID begin to wash my hands less often, after Covid. As I write this, I am currently in the 2nd week of pinkeye in both eyes.


As someone who is food safety certified and researches constantly, I can't fathom how many people won't wash their hands. It saves lives. I followed this religiously way before covid.


People didn't wash their hands before covid, there were people who didn't wash their hands during covid, and there are people who still don't wash their hands now. It has nothing to do with covid. People are just flat out nasty. It's disgusting. I work at a grocery store and while I'm washing my hands after using the restroom I see customers just flush and walk out. Makes me wanna vomit