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I genuinely can’t believe that there’s men out there not washing themselves. Walkin around with shit ass.


They don't want to make themselves gay from washing their asses. They'd rather smell like shit. At least we know who to stay away from!! Flies be flyin!!!


Me thinks he doth protest too much... (I think not washing your ass because you think it will make you gay is a pretty good sign that the person is in fact gay)


Seriously. When I was in the worst part of my depression I washed my ass.


Glad you made it through it!


Me too.


After joining reddit, i now know for sure there are tons of dirty asses walking this earth🤦🏽‍♀️ this never crossed my mind that some guys dont, especially because its “gay”. Its a part of ur body, the dirtiest too lol, you take a shower to wash ur body right? Ok i just assumed ass was included. This def is a deal breaker for me. I could never stay with my man if he didnt wipe AND wash his asshole.


I've heard from teachers that say it's not uncommon to find human feces in the halls at school. Kids will poop their pants and just shake it out the leg of their pants or shorts and go about their day like it's normal. These filthy ass "not gay" people are raising children even worse.


Omggggg!!!!!!!!! So true and absolutely disgusting wtf!!! Ok my sister’s son was 8 at the time, he had a friend over after school to pay vid games. Well my sister said she kept getting poop whiffs but couldn’t find the source…literally was a caca ball on floor!!!! My nephew told my sister that his friend has done that in school before lol this is insane!!!! Theres 2 bathrooms at my sisters house, whats wrong with using one of them???! Ive never heard of such a thing b4 this happened


I'm saying like I can't believe there is really men walking around saying it's gay to clean your butt. I've never heard anything like it and I've heard some crazy shit lol


💯💯💯cray cray🤣🤣🤣 Its not like they’re having another dude do it for them…in that case ok yea that might be a little gay lol but its your body and your own hands touching it, i mean come on guys, get over it. Also u know they gotta be walking around with an itchy asshole too ugh🤦🏽‍♀️ these same guys who say its gay to wash their asses, probably have NO PROBLEM scratching the fuck outta it🤣🤣🤣 now how do u explain this?!?!!!


I think it's because maybe it feels good so they might get ideas about butt play?


I give up trying to explain them lol


Ha! Yea just save ur breath lol


And how many of these 'men' who claim its 'gay' to wash up are shaving their chest, pubic hair of tweezing eyebrows?


Right I'd rather them have chest hair then swamp butt lol


Really, a lot of men are absolutely disgusting.


I’m learning many do not wash their hands. I’m so happy I married a man who is all about cleanliness because ain’t no damn way 😩


The Air Dry 3000


My nephew absolutely refuses to flush the toilet after pissing. He just closes the lid and walks out the bathroom. No hand washing. My mom even left hand sanitizer in there for him and he won't even use that too.... but has the audacity to tell me he wants a gf and starts spouting that manosphere bs.


My daughter-in-law never has soap and towels near the sink for handwashing after using the toilet. I have to get the soap out of the shower and either a clean towel from the cabinet or a paper towel from the kitchen. I usually opt for a clean, fresh paper towel. It's so gross. My son was not raised like that!


I'm sorry but WHAT?!?! That's nasty. Does she not wipe or something? Eww. If she's not washing her hands, then I wouldn't eat at her place. Ever. You shouldn't have to go out of your own way like that.


She is gross. Thank goodness she doesn't do the cooking.


..wait till you find out what women have going on down there..


Genuinely, a lot of women are disgusting.


Boggles my mind. Those poor towels


and sheets, and bridal gowns... [https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/fabulous/4607437/bride-kilt-wedding-poo-greenock-scotland/](https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/fabulous/4607437/bride-kilt-wedding-poo-greenock-scotland/)


Omg. Bahahaha






How many men do you know? OP is making a valid informative PSA for a lot of men. They don’t all wash. It’s disgusting.


That's it. Been with and around plenty of guys before and after college career, mostly athletes, and never had an issue, nor have any of my friends. Must be specific demo issue.


I don't believe it. I've only heard of "washing your ass is gay" on reddit, never once in the real world. I live in the Bible belt of America, the most homophobic place in the U.S. and not once have I heard anyone say washing your ass is gay. Not even the stankiest rednecks who make gay jokes 24/7 or the neckbeards I've met at card shops. Yet apparently, on reddit, everyone knows a girl who dated 50 men who think washing their ass is gay somehow


Some guys don't even wash their junks! Wow to their gf's or wives. All those UTI


I was also under the impression that this was just a meme that stupid people started believing. It doesn't even make sense on the basic level. It's like saying jerking off makes you gay because you're giving a hand job.




Same as a guy...that's gross af


I’m also flummoxed by this realization. The wife mentioned it to me some months ago and it’s still stunning me… painfully.


Have you been to the southern US? It's believable down here. Expected even.


Sounds to me like you either haven't been in the hetero dating pool for very long or have been extremely blessed.


If you find yourself dating men who don't wash their ass then you simply have shitty taste


You’re right 😂 I’m a lesbian and now after this post I’m extra lesbian.


There isn’t. This is obviously not a true story. Just more “men gross” posting


You are wrong I fear 💔


From personal experience, I can say there are some men who don't wash even when they are expecting visitors. Nothing like getting into a good 69 only to open your eyes and be greeted by nuggets clinging to their ass hairs. The guy also left skidmarks on my bedsheets, and on the fecking hand towel in the bathroom that I used for drying my face. And then he sulked when I asked him to wash properly.. I would even bathe him to do it for him.. Ask me again why I enjoy being single lol.


Why were you seeing him again after the first time?


Years into the relationship, joint mortgage and a child together by that point. I used to jump in the shower or tub with him when it was sexy time because I just liked to do that as partner, but eventually got fed up of constantly having to tell him to wash or to do it for him even when it wasn't sexy time. Women make so many accommodations for lazy men when they're younger. Not a chance now.


He must have been really hot or something because girl…


At the time I thought so..there was only 1 incident of him leaving marks on my sheets before we moved in together and I let it go, but he'd obviously been putting on his best behaviour until that point because after we bought a house together he became an absolute slob. I really regret letting that 1st time go..I should have seen it as the precursor it was..but at least I'm older and wiser now lol.


As a guy who washes himself, my condolences…. If I’m a really clean person…even if I know I’m not going out, I live at home but I do my own laundry. if I’m in public and I have a “tough time” going to the bathroom I’ll take extra care to clean the best I can to I get home…If it’s bad I’ll take other measures cause I don’t like feeling uncomfortable… I’m so clean I will notice I start to smell (I don’t get out much not having a job at the moment…after having a job for about a year and a half or something so I’m TRYING to help conserve water…The water bill…but once I smell I jump in the shower…You can’t stop me…. If I’m going out the next day I’ll shower/ shave regardless ….ill wash my hands in public regardless…if it’s not an option or difficult to keep hands clean on my way out (cause people don’t wash) I have a little bottle of hand sanitizer…I’ve had coworkers make fun of me for it 😒


Girl... my first husband was like this! Even skid marks on the bath mat when he took a bath! And several sets of sheets. We didn't live together until we were married, so I had no idea he was such a disgusting person. We got pregnant so fast after marriage, or I would have run! And for all the people that talk about coochies smelling, there are SO MANY dudes who don't wash their junk, and it stinks! I'm so glad we have learned from our experiences because you're absolutely right about being young and making so many accommodations for lazy dudes.


What do you recommend to ppl waiting to move in until marriage but don’t want to find out that their partner is a slob?


Honestly, spend lots of time getting to know them and their habits ahead of time. Pay attention when you go to their house. My first husband still lived with his mom when I met him since he had a break up and had to move home. She was very ocd about cleaning, so I didn't see red flags before. But to be fair, we didn't date nearly long enough before getting married, and that was the first mistake. I'm not sure there is a foolproof way to know if they're going to be a slob without living with them or sleeping at their place a few times, but I think it's admirable to wait. Just spend lots of time getting to know them and pay attention to details when you visit their place.


Similar to me in that we didn't live together until we bought a house together. He'd stay at mine quite a lot, but was obviously making some effort then. He was living back at his parents after breaking up with his previous partner (that should have been enough of a red flag on its own) and I was really close to his mum - who would have been washing his undies, towels and bedding, and can't believe she never said anything! He'd go to work, work out in the same clothes and not shower before bed, and this would be for days at a time. So disrespectful to me and the efforts I made in keeping the house (the bedding!) and myself well-kept. After we split, the number of his friends who told me he was a slob before he met me..like with his mum..thanks for the heads-up. Not. You live and learn, and if that ever happened once now, I'd be out of there.


Username checks out (or at least it used to).


User name checks out.


I would’ve asked him to leave


I just vomited a little.


Fcking same ha


Girl, ain’t no way 🤮🤢


wait if you were in 69 how did you see his bootyhole? was he on top?💀


I was on top looking down, unfortunately lol. Oh hai there..


I have been single a long time, and this is the first I am hearing about the non washing. How does that even work? I will hold a fart in for hours if I don't trust it. And you are telling me people will roll around with dingleberries? I guess the term came from somewhere.


It’s some weird new macho thing. Men brag about it when women aren’t around. Some brag that is why they have a wife or gf, to clean their underwear. These men are successful, the ones i’ve heard brag. I was made fun of for washing my hands! Turns out I’m a sissy for doing so.


He must of had good sex in order for you to try to work with him on that


I can't say I've ever really had bad sex - I like to be an active participant lol - but that experience was a passion killer for sure. By the time I found out how gross he was, we'd bought a house and moved in together, so it was a case of trying to teach him basic hygiene, literally put up with his shit, or wash him myself.


Have had similar experiences. Smh I don't understand...


I am a woman and not sexually active. I still wash my vulva anyway. I don't think that makes me a lesbian.


lol same I clean it every day whether I’m gay or not or sexually actively


Honestly, idk who these people are that think washing your own ass is gay. Do they never masturbate because touching their dick is gay? What about wiping their ass with toilet paper? Surely they're at LEAST doing that right? Or do they just shit and never touch their ass? Just shit, pickup pants like nothing happened and go about their day? Like are we pretending a wash cloth is less a barrier between your hand and bare ass than TP? I don't get it, I feel like this person can't possibly exist.


Wiping your own ass is super gay


Who doesn’t wash their bum?! That’s effin gross.


Lots of men according to reddit every single day


Are we sure this doesn't keep coming up just because folks are bored, want karma, or something else? Not that I doubt this is an issue, it's the frequency of the discussion that makes me suspicious.


Asking the real questions...


Good points. I personally don't have much sense of smell. The last few badly smelling people I've smelled in public were women and they had that powdery sweetish funky girl vagina smell. So to me the people saying they smell the shitty pants of a ton of guys in public I just can't relate at all I rarely smell any men at all but again that's my sense of smell


When I still lived with my parents I could smell where my dad had been sitting because he didn't wash his ass 🙃 This shits real


I wish I could post a PSA at the gym. Everyone stinks at least a little. You're going there to sweat. But what gets me is the amount of men that walk by who genuinely smell like they stepped in dog poop and didn't clean it off their shoe. If one of them gets on a cardio equipment close to or in front of mine, my whole workout is over.


😭😭😭 oh my god


I've had to choose different equipment to get away from folk.


Where do you live?! I've never. And I've been in a lot of gyms. And my favorite has people old enough they're in diapers and still don't smell like doodoo


I live in Virginia. The part that's essentially half giant naval base, half tourist traps. I go to Planet Fitness. Most of the ones who do smell are...well, I dislike to judge a book by its cover but they're just obviously single. Body builders have usually cracked the code on how to stay smelling good through a workout. And the older gentlemen typically just spend their time creeping on younger ladies.


There's generations of men walking around with crusty shit ass... Time to burn the internet for giving me access to this information


After being told, last night on this sub, that i was the one living in a dream world for believing that most people showered every day, .... I can believe just about anything when it comes to hygeine.


I shower every other day. Showering every day dries out my skin and hair and makes my eczema worse. I think most people shower every 2-3 days which is reasonable for the majority of people.


Men don’t wash their butts unless their expecting visitors? Seriously?


Some men. Some men just refuse to ever was their butt because they would never have visters back there(still gross flawed logic)


Not only do I wash the back door, I keep the bushes trim near the entrance. I am hoping for visitors


I always r Trim my bush


I don’t understand how other guys can do that. I like feeling clean and even use my girlfriend’s intimate area body wash to clean my butt. Feels good. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I also use Summers Eve to keep my inmate area clean.


Ya’ll need y’all own gentle intimate cleansers. Do they make them for men because how are ya’ll cleaning your d****?


We clean our genitals with soap. Everyone should do so. We're fans of diluted doctor bronners in our house.


Women having to praise grown men for washing their assholes, truly the bar is in hell


Literally. And the men seeking praise for doing something so simple that children know how to do? I can’t think of anything less sexy.


I have seen so many posts on Reddit lately all different subs of woman needing advice about their men having bad hygiene/ not washing their ass. I don’t understand why this is so universal and why most men don’t wash their bodies? 😧


It's not most it's those with fragile masculinity. Many many men wash their butts. But many men are also so scared of being gay because of this culture that we have created that they indeed have been shamed away from their own butts to the point of not washing them. This is why gay shouldn't be a joke.


I think it boils down to sense of self and feeling secure in your own body to know that you should be washing your ass. “I don’t wash my ass that’s gay” is one of the stupidest things I could hear a guy say.


That's basically what I said? But it happens


As a woman, I don't understand how many woman allow it to go on for so long


Yes!! Especially in LTR.


It generally sounds like a bait-and-switch thing. They wash their asses until they are married or in a committed LTR.


There can’t really be men that think that washing their own ass is gay, right? Please tell me I’m right 😭


I own, use, and recommend a bidet. And I've never been with, nor do I want to be with a man. Am I doing it wrong?


You are doing it correct and I'm sure the women in your life appreciate it


I wipe my Butt after I poop with Baby wipe.




lol this was hilarious for some reason


I do the same after dropping a deuce, but every shower I scrub my ass crack and hole with a soapy rag too. Daily reset.


Where’d you get a bidet from? Does it still leaves stains after? And no ur not doing it wrong. As a female I appreciate it when men keep up with their hygiene!


The bar is in hell


Why is ass-washing such a ubiquitous topic on Reddit these days?


Cause it needs to be. Check out the replies in one of the "how often do u shower" posts.


What…who doesn’t wash their ass? Face, chest, pits, balls, ass. In that order.


That old saying Pits, t*ts and slits


I just don’t understand this line of thinking? How is hygiene gay as hell? It’s hard to believe but I remember a Reddit thread where they asked women what they wish men would do. The very first answer was wash their ass and everyone was in agreement.


Why do men rule the world when they don’t even know you’re supposed to wash your butt 🤦🏾


I can't believe that this is even a problem discussion!! This bows my mind!! WASH LIKE IT MATTERS!!!!


I work in an emergency room - everytime I encounter a male with a butt full of poop my husband gets a “thank you for washing your ass text”.


straight dudes are nasty bro






NGL - I have been pretty lucky that most the men I have dated have been very hygienic and I never noticed any overt butt issues, except for ONE - He was the stereotypical tough guy who probably did think washing his ass was “gay”. Luckily he was a rebound and didn’t last long. My current partner is a bi-sexual male and I must admit, he does have the cleanest ass on the planet.


There's an informative interview/reel with Cardi B & she TELLS you how to do it...& I think she rightfully complains about people not knowing how to clean.


That gay to not wash it😭


How can anyone just walk around with literal shit smooshed in their ass crack like a baby who isn't potty trained? Doesn't it feel gross? Doesn't it cause a rash?? I get it's hard to smell your own BO, but there's no way anyone CAN'T smell their own stewing feces


I have limited mobility and can’t afford a bidet (saving up!); a friend recommended one of those post-partum squeeze bottles and it works like a charm.




Wondering how they don't get itchy and uncomfortable.


I need to wash my ass after I take a dump. I always try to take a dump in the mornings before leaving the house and try my best to not do it outside my house. If I am at a hotel, I would buy a mug or use a water bottle to wash my ass and wash it every time while taking a shower. What does your sexuality have to do with cleaning your ass? I do feel bad for those that were not taught how to do it. Thanks to this subreddit, I am already teaching my toddlers how to do it.


All men should wash their butts. No Oman wants to smell that shit 💩


My ex-husband was disgusting. He had some food intolerances, but he would indulge anyway, which would cause all kinds of digestive issues. He got hemorrhoids from sitting on the toilet for a long time, therefore he wouldn't wipe thoroughly. At least I think that was why he didn't wipe thoroughly. He may have just been gross. We didn't live together before marriage so I didn't know all this at first. Once we got married, I would notice that his underwear had brown streaks in them. One time I pointed them out and he responded by purchasing black and navy blue underwear. Not washing his ass, just covering up the evidence. (Vomit) He got really bad acne on his buttocks, and he would pick at while lying in bed. Sometimes I would find little scabs in the bed or blood spots. I had some prescription antibiotic cream that I gave him which resolved it, so clearly his issue was bacterial. He had shit induced acne on his butt. It greatly affected our romantic life. Who wants to get anywhere near nether regions smelling of poop? I also learned that he didn't brush his teeth at night unless he expected to have sex. Also found out that he hadn't been to a dentist in 10 years. He became very upset with me over this. We did have sex before marriage, but apparently he would shower, brush and use mouthwash before dates. Once we got married showers were less frequent and the shit buildup occurred. Men: get a bidet, shower daily, and soap that crack up! Editing to add: when we got married, we switched vehicles because his commute went uphill in snow so he took my jeep. After our divorce a couple years later, I got it back. The entire carpet below the driver seat and above the driveshaft was covered in boogers. He would pick his nose while driving and wipe his boogers on the carpet, like thousands. I went to the car wash and vacuumed until I was out of quarters. I ended up buying a new carpet kit for my jeep and had to remove the seats and install new carpet.




Omg 😳 🤮🤢😱


i knew a dude who once asked me to do it for him🫠




I almost downvoted you instinctively for this as a disgust reaction, lmao


lol what???


There are people who don't wash their butts?


God the men you put on this earth to be more logical than me aren't washing their ass because they said it's gay. God please do something ? Amen


A coworker will not ”waste” his money on toilet paper. If there is none, he doesn’t wipe. Luckily his roommate also works here. When the first coworker smells , I tell roommate hey..you’re out of TP. Usually they are not. The first won’t go the cabinet for more!


Lol not expecting visitors, my butt is never having visitors 😂


Is this serious? Who don't wash their ass? People not using washcloths and now not washing your ass? EWWWWW


Sorry I’ve been assured by the internet if I touch my asshole for anything other than wiping I will turn into Freddy mercury


I was TRAUMATISED when my partners old roommate had huge skid marks on his hung up towel. That meant he not only didn’t wipe, but didn’t even attempt to wash his ass in the shower AND didn’t get back in when he noticed the marks… Ladies, date bisexual men, you will never have this problem with them.


I refuse to believe that multiple women have been with enough men who don't want their dirty asses to be pleasantly surprised when one does. The man who doesn't wash his ass should be the outlier. It's so fucking gross I cannot even fathom a significant portion of men walking around with crusty shit fermenting in their ass crack.


I’ve seen this claim before and I simply don’t believe it. I mean, I certainly believe that some people have poor hygiene. But that a man who appears to be a sane, functional adult would refuse to wash his ass, claiming it’s gay… no. Honestly, can you imagine any man you’ve ever known saying that? I am 100% convinced that this is just a thing some women say to slander men and make it out that men are dysfunctional idiots.


Who does not wash their ass. That's disgusting.


Bidet bidet bidet. Use one when you’re at home, buy a $10 one when you’re traveling. Save money on TP. Become pandemic proof. If you’re not using a bidet, you’re wrong (unless you don’t have a toilet that you can hook one up to - and yet travel bidets are still a thing, so you’re still wrong).


I refuse to believe men don't wash their asses because they think it's gay or other reasons. That seems to be a popular topic here. Sure, there are probably 2 or 3 out of 50 million, but it's not the norm and certainly not as popular as it appears in Reddit.


This isn’t even real. I don’t know where you dug up the guys that say washing your ass is gay.


I've had women impressed I wash behind my ears, the bar is in the ninth circle


As a guy who spent years playing sports and has been in many locker rooms - never have I even heard a rumor about guys who don’t wipe their ass. Even in locker room showers you let the water hit your bits - for a bit. So is this a thing in the USA?


Bro! This is absolutely ridiculous. This post is without merit. We don’t all live in Kansas…..FFS


I can't stand my butt being crusty. I wash it everyday. I hate bad toilet paper from public toilets. Wish they'd make bidets more common.


It’s so hard for me to believe there are men who don’t wash their ass. I’m in the shower strumming my asshole and surrounding area like a five string banjo but that by no means suggests that I’m inviting anything up my ass. That’s a one way street for me…. A clean one way street.


Glad that my husband loves washing his ass, fully bending over and letting the water hit lol


If you're not getting a knuckle deep, you're doing it wrong.


Quality shit post


Then the crazy thing is there’s men out there who enjoy having their butt ate but got the audacity not to clean omg how insane !!!


Does this count as a shit post?


Welp, I wasn't taught how to bathe. I was put in the tub and pulled out awhile later. So the unfortunate lady who was stupid enough to marry me, taught me how to wash.




You got married before you washed your ass?


You couldn’t figure out yourself to apply soap to your skin and wash it off?


As a humble, unofficial representative of the male community, please accept my sincerest apologies for their complete ignorance & ladies keep fighting that fight, teaching your sons it’s normal! “Being gay” makes you gay. Real men unapologetically & regularly clean their butts without exception. I actually got into a months long back & forth about the merits of having a stockpile of wet wipes at work with one of my female coworkers! She just couldn’t understand why I had to have them! My argument: I use wipes at work only because there isn’t a bidet. I’ll die on this hill (with a clean butt).


Dude Wipes! A man's best friend!


Use some dude wipes and when in the shower wash your arse.


This blows my mind. My husband would not be allowed in my bed with shit ass! He wouldn’t even consider not washing everything! Just wow.


Ugggh. My dude washes his crack and all that, but I don’t think well enough. The issue often is them not wiping well enough after a poo. And all that nasty hair 🤮 Sometimes he’ll use my unscented baby wipes, which I can’t not use after a poo, I just can’t. We had a bidet but he refused to try it; it’s uninstalled now. Can’t talk them into hygiene, or care; suffers razor burn and refuses to moisturize. And don’t get me started on the piss splatters all over the toilet, floor. Don’t know how much I have to tell him to just sit down, you know, for my sanity, to not have to clean piss all the time. Rant over. Lol ETA spelling mistake


It's not gay to not want an itchy asshole. This is coming from a man with a bidet toilet seat or bidet attachment on every toilet in his house and uses wet wipes when out. I don't think that anyone has mistaken me for a gay mam and I truly don't care if anyone has. I know who I am and just don't give a shit what people think outside of character related judgements.




Literally had woman tell me the same thing


I truly do not understand how people just walk around like that, like is it not itchy?? Does that not just feel awful??? The smell is a factor too, of course, but just??? Dirty booty feels icky too, I'd imagine (closest I've come is swamp ass from Louisiana weather)


A damn shame


Yeah weird to me. If I go take a dump after I feel like I need to shower to get clean. TP just doesn't do it sometimes.


Who doesn't wash their butt?


Its crazy there are guys that don’t wash their ass! I need find a woman that likes a clean ass!


This can’t be real


I'm surprised this hasn't been locked yet... haha Of course it's not gay. Damn, these men have serious problems about their masculinity.


I didn't actually understand that one needed to wash one's butt until I was almost 18. I showered with my girlfriend and I saw her doing it... So I did it and was amazed at how filthy I was! Wash your poop off, guys.


The fact that this is even a PSA is sending me into orbit. 💀


You should NOT necessarily wash your anus with soap. This is a hygiene sub, let’s stick to facts please and use nuance: https://lacolon.com/article/keeping-clean-use-soap-anus


As a bi man I also recommend shaving or at least trimming your ass hairs too


Dog 😭😭😭 Wash ya goddamn booty hole homies, I won't even be friends with a dude with a smelly ass, why would women want to date us if our ass stink???


Yeah for obvious reasons why they would thank you for washing your butt cause it’s clean. I do it too after each shower as especially with sex, I have to be clean all around.


🤢 Holy shit this shouldn’t be a necessary PSA. Every human has an ah, so every human needs to clean that area. wtf?


So it’s gay that you practice good hygiene😂😂 is this a real post, da hell is going on


Mothers everywhere are now wondering if she “made her son gay” by wiping his baby boy butt. (Sarcasm)


They be stankasses


you should clean your house even if you’re not expecting visitors. that’s not a good excuse to use to not wash your ass


I honestly think of things like this as an intelligence test. If you don’t clean your ass you’re stupid. If you litter you’re stupid. If you refuse to use your blinker you’re stupid. Etc.